The History of Ireland from Its Union with Great Britain, in January 1801, to October 1810, Volume 2

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J. Boyce, 1811

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Page 82 - they renounce, reje'ct, and abjure the opinion, that Princes, excommunicated by the Pope and Council, or by any authority whatsoever, may be deposed or murdered by their subjects, or by any person whatsoever ; that they do not believe, that the Pope of Rome, or any other foreign Prince, Prelate,
Page 83 - abjured any intention to subvert the present Church establishment for the purpose of substituting a Catholic .establishment .in its stead ;" and that they have also solemnly sworn " that they will not exercise any .privilege, to which they are or may become entitled, to disturb or weaken the Protestant religion,, or Protestant Government
Page 82 - obedience to any Ecclesiastical Power whatsoever : and it is not an Article of the Catholic Faith, neither are they thereby required to believe or profess, that the Pope is infallible, or that they are bound to obey a,ny order, in its own nature immoral, though the Pope or
Page 507 - was unconstitutional and contrary to the first duties of the confidential servants of the crown to restrain themselves by any pledge express or implied from offering to the King any advice, which circumstances might render necessary for the welfare and security of the Empire, and this brought home the matter to an-
Page 83 - that they have also solemnly sworn " that they will not exercise any .privilege, to which they are or may become entitled, to disturb or weaken the Protestant religion,, or Protestant Government in Ireland."
Page 82 - be sinful in them to pay any respect or obedience thereto ; that they do not believe, that any sin whatsoever, committed by them, can be forgiven at the mere will of any Pope, or of any Priest, or of any person or persons whatsoever; but that any person,, who receives absolution without a sincere sorrow
Page 109 - that the continuance and preservation of the united Church as the established Church of England and Ireland shall be deemed and taken to be an essential and fundamental part of the Union; and
Page 81 - whom all classes of Christians adore; To be faithful and bear true • allegiance to their most gracious Sovereign Lord King GEORGE the Third, and him to defend to the utmost of their power against all conspiracies and attempts •whatsoever, that shall be made against his person, crown, or dignity ; to do their utmost endeavours
Page 82 - realm ; that they firmly believe, that no act, in itself unjust, immoral, or wicked, can ever be justified or excused by, or under pretence or colour, that it was done for the good of the Church, or
Page 81 - disclose and make known to his Majesty and his heirs all treasons and traitorous conspiracies, which may be formed, against, him or them, and to discharge that duty, which the Union had im-

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