FOR PUBLICATION OF TRANSLATIONS OF THE WORKS OF JOHN CALVIN. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, ONE POUND, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ON 1ST JANUARY. FOUR VOLUMES: CIRCULATED IN TWO HALF-YEARLY ISSUES. TO BE COMPLETED IN DECEMBER 1855. Acting and Editorial Secretary, Robert Pitcairn, F.S.A. Scot. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL LATIN, AND COMPARED WITH THE BY THE REV. CHARLES WILLIAM BINGHAM, M.A. RECTOR OF MELCOMBE-HORSEY, DORSET, AND FORMERLY FELLOW OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. VOLUME THIRD. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE CALVIN TRANSLATION SOCIETY. M.DCCC.LIV. "ST. AUGUSTINE, FOR SHARP INSIGHT AND CONCLUSIVE JUDGMENT IN EXPOSITION OF PLACES OF SCRIPTURE, WHICH HE ALWAYS MAKES SO LIQUID AND PERVIOUS, HATH SCARCE BEEN EQUALLED THEREIN BY ANY OF ALL THE WRITERS IN THE CHURCH OF GOD, EXCEPT CALVIN MAY HAVE THAT HONOUR; FOR WHOM (WHEN IT CONCERNS NOT POINTS IN CONTROVERSIE) I SEE THE JESUITS THEMSELVES, THOUGH THEY DARE NOT NAME HIM, HAVE A HIGH DEGREE OF REVERENCE."-Dr. Donne. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] "WITH CALVIN, THE THEOLOGICAL EXPOSITION OF THE PENTATEUCH REACHED ITS HIGHEST POINT, THAT IS, RELATIVELY. HE STANDS STILL HIGHER ABOVE THOSE IT IS CURIOUS ENOUGH HOW WHO FOLLOWED HIM THAN ABOVE HIS PREDECESSORS. SUCH A LEADER SHOULD HAVE SUCH FOLLOWERS. IT CAN BE EXPLAINED ONLY ON THE SUPPOSITION THAT THEY HAVE NEVER READ HIS WORKS, OF WHICH, INDEED, EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY T. CONSTABLE, PRINTER TO HER MAJESTY. THE FOUR LAST BOOKS OF MOSES ARRANGED IN THE FORM OF A HARMONY, WITH COMMENTARIES. THE SECOND TABLE OF THE LAW: THE FIRST COMMANDMENT OF WHICH IS THE FIFTH OF THE LAW. The Fifth Commandment. EXODUS, CHAPTER XX. 12. Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. ITS REPETITION FROM 16. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 12. Honora patrem tuum et matrem tuam, ut prorogentur dies tui super terram quam Jehova Deus tuus dat tibi. DEUTERONOMY V. 16. Honora patrem tuum et matrem tuam, quemadmodum præcepit tibi Jehova, Deus tuus: ut prorogentur dies tui et ut bene sit tibi super terram quam Jehova Deus tuus dat tibi. I AM not ignorant that the Tables of the Law are usually divided in a different manner; for those, who make only one of the first two Commandments, are obliged finally to mangle See Becon's Catechism, part iii., (Parker Society's edition,) p. 60, et seq. See also Bullinger's Decades, (Parker Society,) vol. i. p. 212; and Hooper's Early Writings, (Parker Society,) pages 349-351; and Calvin's Institutes, lib. ii. cap. 8, § 12. It appears that this error may be traced to Augustine, (Quæst. in Exod. 71, and Ep. ad. Jan. 119,) who, without omitting the Second Commandment, divided the precepts of the First Table into three, on the supposition that their number was allusive to the Trinity. He, however, contradicts himself elsewhere, (Quæst. Vet. et Novi Test., lib. i. 7;) but Peter Lomb. adopts his erroneous division, and separates the Tenth Commandment into two parts. (Lib. iii., Distinct. 37 and 40.) |