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the note of solemn joy on some high festival,) why, in order to remove all difficulties, we would have him an ecclesiastical person also.

All this, we shall be reminded, is more easily said than done; an obvious answer, which we meet by observing that to say things, and especially under a system so powerful and active as that of the Church, is not seldom the preliminary to something more effectual. With a zealous clergy, a generous laity, and a vigilant administration, what may not be done that it is right and good to do? What may not be done that conduces to the glory of God and the edification of souls, where there is a common Faith, a far-stretching tradition, a thrilling sympathy, controlling centre, the Church Catholic, and the Communion of Saints?


It will be said, however, that such conditions as we have sketched, imply a very different state of things from that which we actually sce around us; for instance, that they imply something like bodies of clergy living together under their bishop in this or the other large manufacturing town, with power to do a great many things well, that are at present either apt to be done imperfectly, or even to be left undone for want of means; such, for example, as holding missions, giving retreats, and in other ways getting at the hearts of Englishmen as Englishmen alone can do; and among the rest, and certainly not as one of the least important objects, carrying out the solemnities of divine worship in such a form as fairly to represent the Church in her relations with Almighty God as well as with His people. We answer, that it is no part of our calling to point out means of carrying out improvements in the Church, though a part of that calling it assuredly is, and one from which we will not swerve, to supply an index of public feeling upon moral and religious subjects.

Even supposing that the complete reformation of church music which is beginning to be called for, should involve or entail some such accompaniments as we have just imagined, what then? But in truth it does not seem, as far as we can judge, to depend upon any remote or arduous contingencies. We have heard of great things which have been already done in the neighbourhood of London and elsewhere, by clergy really bent upon the work, and competent from musical taste, if not science, to undertake the office of direction and control. Every church and chapel

has, or is probably in the way to have, its dependent school; every school contains boys with such musical capacities, at all events, as a shrewd observer may detect, and a moderately skilled musician can easily bring out. It is not unlikely, that these pupils as they grow older, would retain enough of their interest in an occupation in which all well-disposed boys take interest, to unite in little associations or confraternities, for assisting in the choral duties, or in such other lower ministries as the priest might assign them. In this way many a pious youth, such as are found in every Catholic congregation with which we are acquainted, might even come in time under the bishop's eye, and give tokens of a vocation to the service of the altar. But our object we cannot repeat too often, is rather to sketch principles than to point out means, which will never be wanting where there is the will to seek them.

Meanwhile it is pleasant to reflect, that some congregation, present or possible, will benefit by the supervision of a priest so thoughtful, learned, and devoted as Mr. Formby; and that he will have the opportunity of inculcating upon the members of his choir, great as well as small, such lessons of religious wisdom as his interesting little work contains-for we are led to infer from the prefix to his name on his title-page, that he has already taken the first decisive step in the Catholic ministry. Happy boys indeed will they be, do they but know their happiness, who shall be educated in the special work of the angels, upon principles such as are commended to us in the following beautiful enumeration of the "ways in which a CHRISTIAN may feed and increase his love and zeal for the exercise of divine psalmody in the Church."

"I. By being determined resolutely to believe in what the Scripture says of the blessedness of the exercise.

"II. By a devout and thankful daily practice of it, as opportunity shall permit, for to him that hath shall be given.'


III. By meditating upon all that the Christian Saints and theologians have said respecting Psalmody, as their words may occur to him, as, for instance, what is said of the power of Christian music by a very recent author: Yet, is it possible, that that inexhaustible evolution and disposition of notes-so rich, yet so simple-so intricate, yet so regulated-so various, yet so majestic-should be a mere sound which is gone and perishes? Can it be, that those mysterious stirrings of heart, and keen emotions, and strange yearn

ings after we know not what, and awful impressions from we know not whence, should be wrought in us by what is unsubstantial, and comes and goes, and begins and ends in itself? It is not so; it cannot be. No, they have escaped from some higher sphere; they are the outpourings of eternal harmony in the medium of created sound; they are echoes from our home, they are the voice of angels, or the Magnificat of Saints, or the living laws of Divine governance, or the Divine attributes; something they are besides themselves, which we cannot compass, which we cannot utter-though mortal man, and he, perhaps, not otherwise distinguished above his fellows, has the gift of eliciting them.'*

"IV. By meditating upon the example of the blessed Mother of God, who has given a song to the Church.

"V. By considering that Psalmody is the gift of the angels who have not sinned, given back to man who has sinned, and is now under reconciliation, purchased by the death of Christ.

"VI. By bearing in mind what is revealed of music, as the present employment of angels above, and the future employment of those that shall be saved.


Also, duly to meditate upon some parts of the Book of Revelations, which reveal this to us, (Rev. chap. xv. 28, xix. 5, &c.) would, with the grace of God, lead to a devout sense, how great a blessing has been restored to the earth in the giving back of Divine Psalmody, which was lost at the Fall, and the great need of a holy and religious life, abounding in prayer and good works, that the pleasure which we now taste in the courts of the Lord's house on earth, in part, and with many imperfections arising from our sins, we may, by the mercy of God, and for JESUS CHRIST's sake, be counted worthy to taste in fulness in heaven among the multitude of the redeemed."Formby, pp. 80-82.

ART. VIII.-Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis, in Company with the late Rev. E. T. Daniell. By Lieutenant T. A. B. SPRATT, R. N., F. G. S., of the Mediterranean Hydrographical Survey; and Professor EDWARD FORBES, F. R. S., of King's College, London. 2 vols. 8vo. London: 1847.

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F the recent report that the Roman Jesuit, Father Secchi, has found a satisfactory key for the great literary puzzle of Egyptian hieroglyphics, should prove well

*This magnificent passage is from Mr. Newman's University Sermon on "Developements."

founded, the learned who delight in such investigations seem likely to find a tolerable substitute in the mysterious sepulchral inscriptions which the researches in Lycia have brought to light. The antiquities of this interesting province were hitherto supposed to stand in the same relation to Grecian (or Greco-Asiatic) civilization, in which the Etruscan remains stand to that of Rome. They were regarded as the work of a polished and powerful primeval people, who had been dislodged from their possession of the land by those tribes whom we find in occupation at the commencement of the historic period, but who had impressed upon it, during the time of their occupancy, evidences of their power, their resources, and their refinement, which neither the violence of conquest nor the jealous policy of the conquerors had succeeded in effacing. The origin of this aboriginal race, the precise date of their dislodgment, their subsequent history, and the country and extraction of their conquerors, have all supplied matter for curious speculation and conjecture; and men have been looking anxiously for the result of the researches made during the last few years, as likely to furnish some clue to the solution of one of the most curious and unsatisfactory problems in classic history. The volumes now before us are the fruit of the most recent examination of these remarkable remains. The authors have ventured to dissent from the commonly received opinion regarding their origin and the time of their construction; and as the subject is one of considerable interest, we shall endeavour to lay before our readers a condensed account of their investigations, and of the conclusions to which they have led.

It is but a few years since the attention of antiquarians was seriously turned towards this interesting country. It is true that Colonel Leake in the year 1800, and Captain Beaufort in 1812, visited and explored several of the ancient cities upon the Lycian coast. But their researches, and those of Mr. Cockerell, who afterwards accompanied Captain Beaufort, were confined exclusively to the coast-line; nor was it till 1838, and subsequently 1840, that the interior of the country was explored by Mr. (now Sir Charles) Fellows, whose name has since been inseparably associated with the subject by his successful exertions in securing the Xanthian Marbles for the British Museum.

The result of his representations was the expedition of H. M. surveying ship, Beacon, in January, 1842, for the

purpose of transporting these valuable remains to England. The authors of the present work were at that time attached to the Beacon, Lieutenant Spratt as surveyor, and Professor Forbes as naturalist; and their lamented friend, the Rev. Mr. Daniell, whose name is associated with theirs in the authorship of the volume, joined the expedition at Smyrna as a volunteer. On the departure of the ship in March of the same year, Messrs. Spratt and Forbes obtained leave to remain in Lycia for the purpose of exploring the country in company with Mr. Daniell, the labour being divided according to their respective tastes;-Mr. Daniell devoting himself to the antiquities, Mr. Spratt to the geography, and Mr. Forbes to the natural history of the country. Their actual success, in many respects, far exceeded their anticipations; but its literary value has been sadly marred by the early and lamented death of their fellow-labourer, Mr. Daniell, just as he had all but completed his allotted labour. His friends have associated his name with their own in the title of the work; and, with graceful and affectionate modesty, they avow in their preface, that, in the selection and arrangement of the materials, the absence of his guiding mind, peculiarly fitted by previous pursuits for such an office, has occasioned many a blank and many an imperfection, of which no one is more sensible than themselves.

The results of their joint researches cannot but be regarded as of great value. "No fewer than eighteen ancient cities, the sites of which had been unknown to geographers, were explored and determined, besides many minor sites. The names of no less than fifteen were identified by inscriptions found among their ruins. Of these not more than three or four had ever been described by any previous visitor, but the names of these had been mistaken, and the correction of the error of names is justly regarded as no less important than the first discovery. Among the number, too, are some of the most important, historically considered, in the entire province. Cibyra, the metropolis of the Cibyratic convention, whose commercial importance every schoolboy will remember;* Selge, a town of large population and great influence: and Termessus Major, which was powerful enough to check

-Cave ne portus occupet alter,

Ne Cibyratica, ne Bithyna negotia perdas.

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