THE WORK S OF Samuel Johnson, LL.D. IN ELEVEN VOLUMES. VOL. V. LONDON: Printed for J. Buckland, J. Rivington and Sons, T. Payne and Sons, L. Davis, and R. Jameson. MDCCLXXXVII. 1 Difficulty of the first addrefs. Practice of the epick poets. Convenience of periodical performances 2 The neceffity and danger of looking into futurity. Wri 7 Retirement natural to a great mind. Its religious ufe 11 The folly of anger. The mifery of a peevish old age 16 The dangers and miseries of literary eminence 17 The frequent contemplation of death neceffary to mo- 23 The contrariety of criticism. The vanity of objection. An author obliged to depend upon his own judgment 150 24 The neceffity of attending to the duties of common life. The natural character not to be forfaken 37 The true principles of paftoral poetry 38 The advantages of mediocrity. An Eaftern fable 39 The unhappiness of women, whether fingle or married NUMB. 44 Religion and fuperftition, a vifion 47 The proper means of regulating forrow Page 282 289 295 301 307 313 319 51 The employments of a housewife in the country 325 for grief 52 The contemplation of the calamities of others, a remedy 53 The folly and mifery of a spendthrift 332 338 54 A death-bed the true fchool of wisdom. The effects of death upon the furvivors 344 55 The gay widow's impatience of the growth of her daughter. The history of mifs May-pole 351 56 The neceffity of complaifance. The Rambler's grief for offending his correfpondents 357 57 Sententious rules of frugality 364 58 The defire of wealth moderated by philofophy 370 59 An account of Sufpirius the human fcreech-owl 376 60 The dignity and usefulness of biography 381 61 A Londoner's vifit to the country 387 62 A young lady's impatience to fee London 394 400 406 65 Obidah and the hermit, an Eastern story 66 Paffion not to be eradicated. 68 Every man chiefly happy or miferable at home. The opinion of fervants not to be despised 429 69 The miferies and prejudice of old age 435 70 Different men virtuous in different degrees. The vicious not always abandoned 441 |