Thou disease of a friend, and not himself! Unto this hour, has my lord's meat in him: O, may diseases only work upon't! And, when he's fick to death, let not that part " of na ture Which my lord paid for, be of any power X To expel fickness, but prolong his hour! [Exit. Luc. Who, the lord Timon? he is my very good friend, and an honourable gentleman. I Stran. We know him for no lefs, though we are but strangers to him. But I can tell you one thing, my lord, and which I hear from common rumours, now lord Timon's happy hours are done and past, and his estate fhrinks from him. Luc. Fye, no, do not believe it; he cannot want for money. It turns]-grows acid, taints, corrupts. this hour,]-his honour, ironically; who piques himself so much upon it. u of nature]-of his frame, conftitution. bis bour !-the pangs of his departure. Yknow him ftrangers to him.]-by fame-though ftrangers to his person, Ee 4 2 Stran. 1 2 Stran. But believe you this, my lord, that, not long ago, one of his men was with the lord Lucullus, to borrow fo many talents; nay, urg'd extremely for't, and fhew'd what neceffity belong'd to't, and yet was deny'd. Luc. How? 2 Stran. I tell you, deny'd, my lord. Luc. What a strange cafe was that! now, before the gods, I am afham'd on't. Deny'd that honourable man? there was very little honour fhew'd in't. For my own part, I must needs confefs, I have receiv'd fome fmall kindneffes from him, as money, plate, jewels, and fuch like trifles, nothing comparing to his; yet, had he miftook him, and fent to me, I fhould ne'er have deny'd his occafion fo many talents. Enter Servilius. Ser. See, by good hap, yonder's my lord; I have sweat to see his honour.-My honour'd lord,— [To Lucius. Luc. Servilius! you are kindly met, fir. Fare thee well:-Commend me to thy honourable-virtuous lord, my very exquifite friend. Ser. May it please your honour, my lord hath fentLuc. Ha! what hath he fent? I am fo much endear'd to that lord; he's ever fending: How fhall I thank him, think'ft thou? And what has he fent now? Ser. He has only fent his present occafion now, my lord; requesting your lordship to fupply his inftant use with fo many talents. Luc. I know, his lordship is but merry with me; had he mistook kim,]-had he overlooked the circumftance of fuperior obligation, and, though with lefs pretence, applied to me-miftaken himself in that point. Ser Ser. But in the mean time he wants lefs, my lord. If his occafion were not a virtuous, I should not urge it half fob faithfully. Luc. Doft thou speak seriously, Servilius? Luc. What a wicked beaft was I, to disfurnish myself against fuch a good time, when I might have fhewn myself honourable? How unluckily it happen'd, that I fhould purchase the day before for a little part, and undo a great deal of honour?-Servilius, now before the gods, I am not able to do't; the more beast, I say :-I was fending to use lord Timon myself, these gentlemen can witnefs; but I would not, for the wealth of Athens, I had done it now. Commend me bountifully to his good lordship; and, I hope, his honour will conceive the fairest of me, because I have no power to be kind :-And tell him this from me, I count it one of my greatest afflictions, fay, that I cannot pleasure fuch an honourable gentleman. Good Servilius, will you befriend me fo far, as to use my own words to him? Ser. Yes, fir, I fhall. Luc. I'll look you out a good turn, Servilius.— [Exit Servilius. True, as you said, Timon is fhrunk, indeed; 1 Stran. Do you observe this, Hoftilius? 2 Stran. Ay, too well. 1 Stran. Why, this is the world's foul; [Exit. 1 virtuous.]-preffing-If the fum was not wanted for a good pur pose. b faithfully.]-ftrenuously. for a little part,]-what brought me but little; a little park ;—for little port-out of mere vanity. foul; &c.]—spirit, ftrain; and every parafite plays the fame game. And And just of the fame piece is every flatterer's fport. That dips in the fame dish? for, in my knowing, And kept his credit with his purse ; Supported his eftate; nay, Timon's money 1 Stran. For mine own part, I never tasted Timon in my life, Had his neceffity made ufe of me, I would have put my wealth into donation, [Exeunt. in refpect of bis,]-in refpect of Timon's claim, or his great largeffes; or, confidering his own vaft affluence. I would have put my wealth into donation,]—I would have confidered my fortune as a prefent from Timon. SCENE 2 SCENE III. Sempronius's Houfe. Enter Sempronius, with a Servant of Timon's. Sem. Muft he needs trouble me in't? Hum! 'Bove all others? He might have try'd lord Lucius, or Lucullus; And now Ventidius is wealthy too, Whom he redeem'd from prifon: All these Owe their eftates unto him. Serv. My lord, They have all been & touch'd, and found base metal; for They have all deny'd him. Sem. How! have they deny'd him? Has Ventidius and Lucullus deny'd him? Must I be his last refuge? His friends, like physicians, For, in my confcience, I was the first man That e'er receiv'd gift from him: And does he think fo backwardly of me now, That I'll requite it laft? No: So it may prove an argument of laughter touch'd,]-tried. Thrive, give him over ;]-Thrive by his fees, and leave him, when his purfe is exhaufted. Thrice give him over-His three principal friends have fucceffively given up his cafe as desperate. To |