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168 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On the inhabitants of the

Aug. 14 49

islands in the Pacific Ocean

169 To the Rev. J. Newton. Captain Cook's last voyage,

170 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Publication of the Task,

176 To the same. On his poem, Tirocinium...... Oct. 20
177 To the Rev. J. Newton. Sandwich islanders, Oct. 30
178 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Reasons why an author
may wish to keep his work secret........

179 To the Rev. W. Bull.....

180 To Joseph Hill, Esq. On the death of his mother, Nov.

181 To the Rev. J. Newton.

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188 To the Rev. W. Unwin.

On two small poems, the

Poplar Field and the Rose ........

189 To the same. Reflections on the impatience of au-

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192 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Account of a violent thun-

[blocks in formation]

202 To Lady Hesketh. Correcting his poems ....Jan. 10 127

203 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On his visiting Lady Hesketh;

on Homer

212 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On the translation of Homer,

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248 To Lady Hesketh. On the family at Weston Hall,

249 To the same.

250 To the same.

259 To S. Rose, Esq. On his Homer; talents given by


266 To Lady Hesketh.

On his own melancholy;

nah More, and Hastings's trial.........

267 To the same.

On Burke's invective..

On the book entitled, "The Manners

of the Great".

270 To General Cowper. On his poem upon the slave
trade. The Morning Dream, a ballad.......

271 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On "The Manners of the

Great," and his Homer....

272 To S. Rose, Esq. Depression of spirits; Dr. Clarke,

273 To Lady Hesketh. On his poem upon the slave


278 To Lady Hesketh. Same subject; Mrs. Montague,

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