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165 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Vincent Bourne. Hume's
Essay on Suicide.....
.......July 12 44
166 To the Rev. J. Newton. Madness sometimes hu-
morous, and sometimes whimsical ...........July 19 46
Pleasant situation of Lymington; Mr.
167 To the same.
....July 28 47
168 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On the inhabitants of the
Aug. 14 49
islands in the Pacific Ocean
169 To the Rev. J. Newton. Captain Cook's last voyage,
170 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Publication of the Task,
.Aug. 16
171 To J. Hill, Esq. Dr.
172 To the Rev. J. Newton.
173 To the Rev. W. Unwin.
...Sept. 11
Cotton truly a philosopher,
.Sept. 11
Effect of sounds ...Sept. 18
Punctuation of blank verse,
Oct. 2
174 To the Rev. J. Newton. On uuconnected thoughts;
death of Captain Cook .
Oct. 9
175 To the Rev. W. Unwin. The tendency of the Task,
and of all his writings
..Oct. 10
176 To the same. On his poem, Tirocinium...... Oct. 20 177 To the Rev. J. Newton. Sandwich islanders, Oct. 30 178 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Reasons why an author may wish to keep his work secret........
179 To the Rev. W. Bull.....
180 To Joseph Hill, Esq. On the death of his mother, Nov.
181 To the Rev. J. Newton.
..Nov. 1
...Nov. 8 77
His poems, the Task and
..Nov. 27 79
182 To the Rev. W. Unwin.
183 To the same. His poems; picture of Lunardi, Nov. 29
184 To the Rev. J. Newton. On the titles to the different
Tirocinium, 1784.
books of the Task
Dec. 13
185 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Inscription of Tirocinium.
Compliment to Bishop Bagot.......
..Dec. 18
186 To the Rev. J. Newton. On his poem being called
the Task
..Dec. 24
187 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Death of Dr. Johnson, and
an epitaph on him..
.....Jan. 15 92
188 To the Rev. W. Unwin.
On two small poems, the
Poplar Field and the Rose ........
189 To the same. Reflections on the impatience of au-
..Feb. 7
March 20 97
der storm..
..July 27 104
Dr. Johnson's Journal
.Aug. 27 107
192 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Account of a violent thun-
193 To the same.
194 To Lady Hesketh. On her return to England, Oct. 12 110
195 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Translation of Homer, Oct. 22 114
196 To Lady Hesketh. Obligations to a friend not irk-
some; some account of his affairs......... Nov. 9 115
197 To the same. Disinterestedness of his affections
198 To the Rev. Walter Bagot. Bishop Bagot's Charge,
.....Nov. 9 121
199 To the Rev. W. Unwin. Publishing his Homer by
202 To Lady Hesketh. Correcting his poems ....Jan. 10 127
203 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On his visiting Lady Hesketh;
on Homer
204 To the Rev. W. Bagot.
....Jan. 14 129
Translation of Homer,
........Jan. 15 131
205 To the same. Dr. Maty's opinion of the Task..Jan. 23 133
206 To Lady Hesketh. On receiving a snuff-box with
portraits of his three hares
.......Jan. 31 135
207 To the same. On her promised visit to Olney, Feb. 9 158
208 To the same. Vexations attendant on a variety of
criticisms; the Chancellor's promise.........Feb. 11 140
209 To the same. On their expected meeting at Olney,
Feb. 19 143
210 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Death of Mrs. Bagot..Feb. 27 146
211 To Lady Hesketh. Elisions in some instances allow-
.....March 6 147
212 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On the translation of Homer,
213 To J. Hill, Esq. Same subject..
.March 13 151
April 5 152
214 To Lady Hesketh. On her postponing her visit; de
scription of the vicarage. ...............................April 17 152
215 To the same. Her letters his comfort.........April 24 156
216 To the same. Dr. Maty's critique on his Homer;
description of his own feelings......... .....May 8 158
217 To the same. Pain and pleasure on the sight of a
long-absent friend
May 15 164
218 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Submission to the will of
God; Horace's advice to authors.
May 20 168
219 To Lady Hesketh. Gives up meeting her at Newport;
lines in the Task; state of his nerves........ .May 25 171
Beauties of the spring; his spirits less
220 To the same.
221 To the same.
.May 29 175
His feelings on her expected arrival.
Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton..... ..June 4 and 5 177
222 To J. Hill, Esq. His time much occupied by Homer;
the Chancellor's illness.....
..June 9 180
223 To the same. Lady Hesketh's visit, and the village
of Weston....
..June 19 182
224 To the Rev. W. Unwin. The arrival of Lady Hes-
keth; residence in Olney; Latin books for Young
July 3 183
225 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Revisal of his Homer..July 4 186
226 To the Rev. W. Unwin. On his Homer.......Aug. 24 188
227 To the saine. On his compositions.......
228 To the same. His state of mind; verses to Miss C.
on her birth-day
229 To the same. On declining to write on a subject pro-
posed to him.......
230 Letter-writing, illustrated by a simile in rhyme; state
of the nation...
..... 194
234 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Milton's blank verse, and
revisal of his Homer....
235 To J. Hill, Esq. Mischance that happened to part of
his translation of Homer....
Oct. 6 203
236 To the Rev. W. Bagot.
Change of habitation,
Nov. 17 204
237 To Lady Hesketh. A poet's hermitage........ Nov. 26 206
238 To Lady Hesketh. On the death of Mr. Unwin, Dec. 4 208
239 To Robert Smith, Esq. (the present Lord Carrington.)
On the same subject..
240 To Lady Hesketh.
241 To J. Hill, Esq. On the same subject...
242 To Lady Hesketh.
.Dec. 9 210
.Dec. 9 213
.Dec. 9 214
On praise to a poet.......Dec. 21 215
243 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Homer's description of slaugh-
ter; praise of the author and Mr. Unwin....Jan. 3 216
244 To Lady Hesketh. On Homer, and his song of the
.....Jan. 8 218
245 To the same. Obliged by indisposition to suspend
his Homer; on dreams, and a visit from Mr. Rose,
..Jan. 18 220
246 To Samuel Rose, Esq. His indisposition; Burns'
...July 24 223
247 To the same. On his reviving health; Barclay's Ar-
genis and Burns.......
........Aug. 27 224
248 To Lady Hesketh. On the family at Weston Hall,
249 To the same.
250 To the same.
251 To the same.
.Aug. 30 226
.........Sept. 4 228
Books he had read.....
On a lady whom he met at the Hall,
..........Sept. 15 229
On the memoirs of Baron de Tott,
Sept. 29 230
252 To S. Rose, Esq. On leaving the country after the
...Oct. 19 231
death of his father.....
253 To Lady Hesketh. On a kitten and a leech...Nov. 10 233
254 To J. Hill, Esq. On his own studies...................................Nov. 16 234
255 To Lady Hesketh. Beauties of Weston; the Clerk
of Northampton; on a paper in the Mirror; anec-
dote of a beggar.....
.Nov. 27 235
256 To the same. On his neighbours.
.Dec. 4 238
257 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On his Homer, and Bishop
.Dec. 6 239
258 To Lady Hesketh. On a ball, and his translation,
.Dec. 10 241
259 To S. Rose, Esq. On his Homer; talents given by
.Dec. 13 243
260 To Lady Hesketh. On verses by Mr. Merry; inocu-
...Jan. 1 245
261 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On Bishop Bagot, and his
.........Jan. 5 247
262 To Lady Hesketh. Reasons for writing few occa
sional poems; on a print of Bunbury's......Jan. 19 249
263 To the same. On his own anxiety..............Jan. 30 252
264 To the same. On trouble as the portion of mortality;
on reading a book of his Iliad to Mr. Greatheed,
.Feb. 1 253
265 To S. Rose, Esq. Improvement of time; on the re-
flection of Glaucus...
266 To Lady Hesketh.
On his own melancholy;
nah More, and Hastings's trial.........
267 To the same.
On Burke's invective..
268 To the same.
A fox chase....
.Feb. 14 255
Feb. 16 257
.Feb. 22 260
.March 3 262
March 12 264
269 To the same.
On the book entitled, "The Manners
of the Great".
270 To General Cowper. On his poem upon the slave trade. The Morning Dream, a ballad.......
271 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On "The Manners of the
Great," and his Homer....
...March 19 266
272 To S. Rose, Esq. Depression of spirits; Dr. Clarke,
273 To Lady Hesketh. On his poem upon the slave
274 To the same.
.March 29 268
.March 31 270
...May 6 271
Smollett's Don Quixote; on his friend
Mr. Rowley....
275 To J. Hill, Esq.
276 To Lady Hesketh.
Books that he had lost.........
.May 8 273
On Mrs. Montague........May 12 274
277 To J. Hill, Esq. On two prints, Crazy Kate and the
Lace-maker; bust of Paris......
.................May 24 276
278 To Lady Hesketh. Same subject; Mrs. Montague,
279 To the same.
........May 27 277
Sufferings from the East wind; ex-
advertisement of a dancing-master,
.....June 3 279
280 To J. Hill, Esq. Death of Ashley Cowper, Esq. June 8 280
281 To Lady Hesketh. On the same subject......June 10 281
282 To the same. On the same subject............June 15 282
283 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On scenes of horror..June 17 284
284 To S. Rose, Esq. On a dry season...............June 23 286
285 To Lady Hesketh. On his own expectations; anec-
...June 27 288
dote of his dog Beau.....
286 To the same. On the Lime Walk at Weston; ac-
count of living authors......
........July 28 290