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CHRIST'S Incarnation

LL-wife, all-good, almighty Lord,
by highest Heaven ador'd,

A Jefu

Ere Time its Course began;

How did thy glorious Mercy stoop
To take the fallen Nature up,

When Thou thyself wert Man?

Th' eternal God from Heav'n came down; The King of Glory dropt his Crown,

And veil'd his Majesty:
Empty'd of all but Love he came
Jesus, I call thee by the Name
Thy Pi y bore for me.

O holy Child, still let thy Birth
Bring Peace to us poor Worms of Earth,
And Praise to God on high !
Come, thou, who didst my Flesh affume,
Now to the abject Sinner come,
And in a Manger lie.

Didst thou not in thy Person join
The Natures Human and Divine,
That God and Men might be

Henceforth infeparably one?
Haste then, and make thy Nature known
Incarnated in me.


In my weak finful Flesh appear,
O God, be manifested here,

Peace, Righteoufness, and Joy,
Thy Kingdom, Lord, set up within
My waiting Heart, and all my Sin,
The Devil's Works destroy.




Ohe cometh! countless Trumpets
Blow before the bloody Sign,
Midst ten thousand Saints and Angels,
See the Crucified shine,

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Wellcome, wellcome, bleeding Lamb!

Now his Merit, by the Harpers,

Thro' th' eternal Deep resounds;
Now refplendent shine his Nail-prints,

Ev'ry Eye shall see his Wounds:
They who pierc'd him, they who pierc'd him,

[they who pierc'd him,

Shall at his Appearing wail.

Ev'ry Island, Sea, and Mountain, Heav'n and Earth, shall flee away; All who hate him, must, ashamed, Hear the Trump proclaim the Day. Come to Judgment, come to Judgment, come to Stand before the Son of Man. [Judgment.


Saints, who love him, view his Glory,
Shining in his bruised Face,
His dear Perfon on the Rainbow,

Now his People's Head shall raise. Happy Mourners, happy Mourners, happy [Mourners,

Lo! in Clouds, he comes, he comes.

Now Redemption, long expected,
See in folemn Pomp appear;
All his People, once despised,

Now shall meet him in the Air.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Now the promis'd Kingdom's come.

View him smiling, now determin'd
Ev'ry Evil to destroy;
All the Nations now shall sing him

Songs of everlasting Joy.

O come quickly! O come quickly! O come [quickly!

Hallelujah! come, Lord, come.


Admiring CHRIST'S Love.


E Children of my God,
Ye dear peculiar Race,

Who wash'd in Jesu's Blood,
And fav'd through Faith by Grace:

Attend and join to tell his Fame,
Whom John the Baptift call'd the Lamb.


From all Eternity!
He lov'd the Sinner's Train,

His Love him forc'd to die,
Compell'd him to be flain
For us, and in our Stead he stood,
With all his Garments roll'd in Blood.

His Heart he fet on us

When we were Enemies; And on th' accursed Cross,

Amidst his Tears and Cries,
He pray'd for us, who us'd him fo,
Father they know not what they do.

He thought upon us when
The Blood ran from his Heart,
In all his Griefs and Pain,
In all his chiefest Smart:
Tho' we it caus'd, he all forgave,
And bare it that he might us save.

Still he remains the fame,
His Foes he loves, and cries,
Believe ye in my Name,

Lift up (ye Loft) your Eyes:
Rehold me, and you yet shall live,
I freely will Salvation give.



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Come, let

us join,

In Music divine,

The Saviour to laud,
'Tis meet and fit,

It is charming and perfectly sweet,

The Saviour to praise, our Lord and our God;

'Tis a Pleasure to fing

Of a crucify'd King,

With Courage and Flame,

The Angels that love us,
And Seraphs above us,

Do always the fame.
Hark! hark! how they shout,
All Heav'n throughout,

In founding his Name.

Come all that are here,
Your Thanksgiving rear,
To Jesus your Chief;
'Tis good we shou'd,
It is lovely and better than Food,
It raises our Joy, and banishes Grief:
Then in him we'll rejoice,
Up to him lift our Voice,
And Spirit within,
Who lov'd us fo greatly,
To wash us completely

From Guilt and from Sin,
Hark! hark! how they shout,
All Heaven throughout,
A Jesus divine!


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