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Ten thoufand thoufands are their Tongues,
But all their Joys are one.

Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry,

To be exalted thus ;

Worthy the Lamb, our Lips reply,

For he was flain for us.

Jefus is worthy to receive
Honour and Pow'r divine;

And Bleffings more than we can give,
Be, Lord, for ever thine.

The whole Creation join in one,
To blefs the facred Name
Of him that fits upon the Throne,
And to adore the Lamb.


The fame.

URE thy Name is Wonderful Counsellor, the mighty God, Whom the heav'nly Hofts adore, Praise we through the Earth abroad.

Thou the Godhead bearing down,
To the Sight of mortal Man,
Flesh in Form, and God in Pow'r,
Suited art to all thy Plan.

Center'd in thy lovely Face,
Judgment, Mercy, both appear;
All the Father's Honour meets,
All his Glory triumphs here.




Wonderfully form'd to raise
Adam's fallen helpless Race,
Form'd to purchase, and fecure,
For thy People, boundlefs Grace.

Thou that Prophet art and King,
Thou the Priest foretold to rife;
Thou the Sacrificer art,

Thou too art the Sacrifice.

Lamb of God, that once was flain,
Bleeding on the painful Tree,
Rifen and afcended high,,
We adore thy Majesty.

Wonderful art thou in Pow'r,
But most wonderful in Love:
Be thou all our Theme below,
Be thou all our Heav'h above!

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The great Congregation.
His Triumph fhall sing,
Afcribing Salvation
To Jefus our King.

Salvation to God,

Who fits on the Throne;

Let all cry aloud,

And honour the Son. Our Jefus's Praises

The Angels proclaim, Fall down on their Faces And worship the Lamb..

Then let us adore,

And give him his Right,, All Glory and Pow'r

And Wifdom and Might;
All Honour and Bleffing,
With Angels above,

And Thanks never ceafing,
And infinite Love.



Te Deum..

OW can we adore,
Or worthily praise,

Thy Goodnefs and Pow'r,
Thou God of all Grace!
With Honour and Bleffing,
Before thee we fall,
Moft gladly confeffing

Thee Father of all


The Heav'ns and Earth,
And Water and Air,
To thee owe their Birth,
Subfift by thy Care;
While Angels are finging
Thy Praises above,
We Mortals are bringing
Our Tribute of Love.

Thou, Saviour, art one
With God the Supreme,
His eternal Son,

And equal with him :
Invefted with Glory,
On high doft thou fit,
While Angels adore thee
And bow at thy Feet.

How great was thy Love!
How wond'rous thy Grace !
Thou cam'ft from above

To fave a loft Race;

And, Man to deliver,
Of Mary waft born,
That ev'ry Believer

To God might return.

How foon will thy Seat
Of Judgment appear!

Prepare us to meet

And welcome thee there. Thy witneffing Spirit

In us fhed abroad, And bid us inherit

The Kingdom of God.


The Father and Son
And Spirit agree,
To conftitute one
Compleat Deity:
Sweet Jefus, thy Merit

Makes our Peace with God,
And by thy good Spirit.
Fall'n Souls are renew'd.



To the TRINITY..

LEST be the Father and his Love,
To whofe celestial Source we owe
Rivers of endless Joys above,
And Hills of Comfort here below!

Glory to thee, great Son of God!
Forth from thy wounded Body rolls
A precious Stream of vital Blood,
Pardon and Life for dying Souls.

We give the Sacred Spirit Praife,
Who, in our Hearts of Sin and Woe,,
Makes living Springs of Grace arife,
And into boundless Glory flow.

Thus God the Father, God the Son,.
And God the Spirit, we adore,
That Sea of Life and Love unknown,,
Without a Bottom or à Shore..


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