be taught the principles of the oracles of God, (Heb. 5. 11, 12, 13, 14.) think not to get knowledge without hard study, and patient learning, by bearing nothing but what you know already, or can understand by one basty reading over; left you discover a conjunction of slothfulness with an ignorant and unhumbled mind: Or at least, if you must learn at so cheap a rate, or else stick still in your Milk and your Beginnings, be not offended if others outgo you, and think knowledge worthy of much greater diligence; and if leaving the principles we go on towards perfection, as long as we take them along with us, and make them the life of all that followeth, while we seem to leave them: And this we will do, if God permit, Heb. 6. 1,3. Feb. 3. 1669. R. B. The The Contents of the first Part. The SERMON. Hat Faith is, page 2. The Text opened, p. 4. Faith The briefly intimated,p. 5,&c. Why God wil have w live by Faith, and not by fight, p. 12, &c. Usc 1. To inform us what a Chriftian or Believer is, described, P. 15 Ufc 2. The Reason why Believers are more ferious in matters of Religion, than unbelievers are. Use 3. Of Examination, p. 29 The misery of unbelievers, P. 30 Marks of a true Faith, Use 4. Exhortation to the ferious exercise of Faith, P-37 Some effifting fuppofitions, p. 38 How those wil live who thue believe; opened in certain Quo ftions, P 48 Matives to live by a foreseeing Faith on things not seen, P.45 The Conclusion; 1. Exborting to live by Faith: 2. And to pro mote this life in others, P. 46. } The Additions. Cap. 1. The conviction and reproof of Hypocrites, Who live contrary to the Faith wbich they profeß, : Cap. 2. A general Exbortationto live as Believers, 48 56 Cap. 3. An exhortation to the particular duties of Believers. 63 The Contents of the Second Part. Chap. 1. The Believers Diretory must show him, I. How to Arengthen Faith: a. How to use it. And And I. For the first, the order of the presupposed Natural Verities, is briefly mentioned, Chap. 2. The true Method of enquiry into the fupernatural evidences of Faith, and the Rules therein to be observed, 87 Chap. 3. The proper Evidence of Faith. The SPIRIT and the Image of God bimfelf, 97 Chap. 4. The Image of Gods Wisdom on the Christian Religim: It's wonderful Method opened, in thirty instances. Six more instances, 99 Chap. 5. The Image of Gods Goodneß and Holiness on the ChriStian Religion: in thirty instances, 8 Chap. 6. The Image of Gods Power upon the Christian Religion, in twenty instances, 115 Chap. 7. The means of making known all this to us infalibly. How the first witnesses knew it. How the next Age and Churches knew it. How we know it. Twenty special bistorical Tradirions of Chriftianity, and matters of fact. What the Spirits Witness to Cbriftianity is, 125 Chap. 8. Twelve further Directions to confirm our Faith, 136 Chap. 9. Twenty General Directions how to uf- Faith, or to live by it, when it is confirmed. What Christian Faith is: Errours about it, 148 : The Contents of the third Part. 2 168 188 Chap. 1. How to live by Faith on God, Chap. 3. How to live by Faith on the Holy Gbost. Of the Trinity. Several doubts resolved about believing in the Holy Gboft. Of giving the Spirit: His operations: Whether Love to God, or Faith in Cbrift go first; exactly answered. (And confequently wbetber Faith or Repentance be first.) Of the Spirit in Chrift and the Apostles: Of fuficient Grace. How Faith procuresh the Spirit. Whether defires of grace be grese, 2013 Chap. 4. How to live by faith as to Gods Commands. The admin rable : rable goodness of Gods Laws. Whether the Promise and Reward be the end of Obedience, or. Obedience the end of the Promise and Reward. Of Scripture examples, 2232 Chap. 5. How to live by faith on Gods Promises, What will of God it is, according to which they must ask who will receive. Of a particular faith in prayer. Is the same degree of grace conditionally promised to al? Directions for understanding the Promises. The true nature of faith or trust in Gods Promises, opened at large. Affiance is in the understanding, will and vital power. Whether Faith be Obedience, or how related to it. Ten a&s of the understanding essential to the Chriftian Faith in the Promises. Several ads of the will effential to Faith. And in the vital power, whether all true Faith have a subjective certainty of the truth of the Word. Choice, and venturing or forfaking all, is the fign of real trust. Promises collected for the help of Faith, 1. Of Pardon, 2. Of Salvation, 3. Of Reconciliation and Adoption, 4. Of pardon of new fins after conversion. 5.Of Sanctification: 6. Promises to them that defire and feek. 7. To Prayer. 8. To groans that want expression. 9. Promises of all that we want, and that is good for us. 10. To the use of Gods Word and Sacraments. II. To the bumble, meck and lowly. 12. To the peaceable. 13. To the diligent. 14. To the patient. 15. To Obedience. 16. To the Love of God. 17. To them that love the godly, and are merciful in good works. 18. To the poor, 19. To the oppressed. 20. To the perfecuted. 21. In dangers. 22. Against temptations. 23. To them that overcome and perSevere. 24. In sickness, and at death. 25. Of Refurre&ion, final Fuftification and Glory. 26. For children of the godly. 27. Το the Church, 8 241 Chap. 6. How to exercise faith on Gods Threatnings and Judgements. How far belief of the threatnings is good, neceffary, and a faving faith. How savingfaith is a personal application. How to perceive true faith, i 297 Chap. 7. How to live by faith for Pardon and Justification. In bow many respects and waies Christ justifieth us. Of the impu ! tation of Cbrifts Righteousness. Twelve reasons to help our be lief of pardon. How far fin should make us doubt of our FuftifiCation, 308 Chap. 8. 58 Dangerous Errours detected, which binder the (b) work work of faith about our Justification; and the contrary truths Chap. 9. How to live by faith in the exercise of other graces and duties: And 1. Of the doctrinal Directions. What Sandifi- cation is. How God loveth the unsanctified. How be loveth us in Chap. 11. Of the order and barmony of graces and duties, which must be taken all together. Of the parts that make up the new Creature. I. The intelectual order; or a method, or scheme of the beads of Divinity. 2. The order of Intention and Affection. 3. The order of practice. Of the various degrees of means to mans ultimate end. Of the grace necessary to concur with these various means. The circular motion by divine communication to our Receiving Graces, and fo by our Returning Graces, unto God again. The frame of the present means of grace, and of our returning duties. Rules about the order of Christian pra- Elice (which shew that, and bow the best is to be preferred, and which is best) in fifty three Propositions. How mans Laws bind confcience (and many other cases) refolved. A lamentation for the great want of order, and method, and barmony in the un- derstandings, wils and lives of Christians. Many instances of mens partiality as to truths, graces, duties, sins, &c. Twenty Rea- fons why fow Chriftians are compleat and entire, but lame and partial in their Religion. Ten Confettaries. Whether allgraces be equal in babit. Religion not so perfet in us as in the Scri- ptures, which therefore are the Rule to us, &c. Chap. 12. How to use faith against particular fins, Chap. 13. What fins the best are most in danger of, and should most Chap. 14. How to live by faith in prosperity. The way by which faith dotb Save us from the world. General Directions against the danger of prosperity. Twenty marks of worldliness. The pretences of worldly minds. The greatness of the fin. The ill ef- Chap. 15. How to be poor in fpirit. And 1. How to escape the Pride of prosperous men. The cloaks of Pride, The signs of Pride and of |