If this growth of the frontal bone were compared with that of other exostoses, there might this difference be rationally observed; that other exostoses are generally attended with ulcerous tumours, which are for the most part cancerous ; and these might commence at any age. He had drawings taken from the right hand of a inan of 50, which represent risings of the radius and ulna, with the fingers, to a most frightful degree; and these began but 6 years before, and were attended with foul running ulcers; and then the bones of the arm and hand on the left side, were beginning to have the same appearances: whereas the frontal bone of the present subject appeared sound, as far as could be judged: nor did there appear the least disposition to ulceration in any part of it. When this is the case, the growth generally begins while the subjects are young. His sensation on every part of these tumours was exactly like that of every other part of his skin, having not the least uneasiness on being handled. This poor man worked at day-labour in the fields till some months before he came to town. Perhaps it might not be improper to lay down the dimensions of these tumours, as the case was so extraordinary; for the size of them was almost incredible. The vertical tumour was about 7 inches diameter at the basis, where the bony edge was felt, and about 4 inches high from that edge. From that edge, or the basis of the vertical tumour to the bottom of the great tumour, was 10 inches; so that the length of both, from the vertex to the end of the great one, was about 14 inches: and on viewing it, when he turned his side towards you, the whole mass was 8 or 9 inches over all the way; hard at top, and flabby downwards, hanging in a kind of plaits. From the eye to the opposite outline of the great tumour was 6 inches; and lower down, from the left corner of his mouth to the opposite outline of the same tumour, 8 inches. The upper small tumour over the nose, was 14 inch long by 1 and inch; the middle tumour was 2 inches long from the ala nasi, to which it hung, and of the same breadth; and the lowest tumour shaped like a goose's egg, was 4+ inches long by near 3. nches over. This man was under the care of Mr. Crane of St. Bartholomew's hospital, who had just then taken off the lowest of these 3 anterior tumours, and also the tumour which hung underneath to the under lid of his right eye. He intended to take off that at the ala nasi next, and so on till he takes away all the smaller tumours first: afterwards the larger would be considered. The substance of those cut off was entirely fat; nor was there the least speck of blood in the lowest of the 3 smaller tumours: but there was an hæmorrhage from a vessel divided in taking off that hanging to the right eye-lid; which soon yielded to the methods he made use of, and went on successfully till quite healed.. XLIII. An Extract from the Register of the Parish of Great Shefford, near Lamborne in Berkshire, for Ten Years: with Observations on the same. By the Rev. Mr. Richard Forster, Rector of Great Shefford. p. 356. From Lady-day 1747, to ditto 1757, baptized, males 73, females 75; in all 148. Buried, males 44, females 39; in all 83. The number of people 425; the number of houses go; the number of acres 2245, of which is waste. XLIV. A Remarkable Case of an Aneurism, or Disease of the Principal Artery of the Thigh, occasioned by a Fall. To which is prefixed a Short Account of the Uncertainty of the Distinguishing Symptoms of this Disease.. By Jos. Warner, F. R.S. p. 363. [This case may be consulted in this author's tracts published in 1760, under the title of Cases in Surgery.] XLV. Further Experiments for Increasing the Quantity of Steam in a Fire-Engine. By Keane Fitzgerald, Esq. F. R. S. p. 370. Mr. F. here, on further experiments, retracts an account he before gave in N° x of this 50th vol. and then proceeds. In order to try what difference the air passing through a thinner body of water might occasion, he brought the horizontal pipe, which was placed 12 inches under the surface of the water, to. within 6 inches; and found on setting the engine to work, that the leaden pipe, for the conveyance of air from the bellows into the boiler, became much hotter than he had perceived it before; which could not happen if a constant cool air had passed through: and on shutting the cock, which was fixed in the leaden pipe to hinder the steam from ascending into the bellows before the engine should be set to work, though no air could then possibly pass through, yet the bellows still continued to move with the same regularity as before; which, on examination was found defective on the inside, where the middle board that divides the two bodies, was warped and cracked in several places, through which the air passed very regularly from one body to the other at each stroke, instead of passing through the pipe into the boiler as imagined. By this the cause of deception was evident; which he was still in hopes of remedying, by having a new pair of bellows made somewhat larger, and much stronger. When this was fixed and the engine worked a few strokes, he was surprised to find the bellows did not come down, but remained fully charged with air, though it had 400 lb. weight upon it; and that on increasing the weight gradually to 1400 lb.. which was as much as the bellows could support, the air was not forced through. He also made several experiments, by lowering the horizontal pipe 2 feet unde the surface of the water, and raising it at different times to within 4 inches of the surface, and could not at any depth force the air through, while the engine worked; but on opening the steam-pipe, which is a pipe for letting the steam pass from the boiler whenever the engine stops, the bellows could then readily force the air through, though the water boiled ever so strong, and seemingly made a surprising increase of steam. It is a very doubtful matter, whether air forced through boiling water would have answered the purpose intended: but he believes it was never imagined, that air could not be readily forced through, until proved by the foregoing experiments. XLVL Observation of a Lunar Eclipse, March 27, 1755, at Lisbon. By Father J. Chevalier, F. R. S. p. 374. XLVII. Observations of a Lunar Eclipse, Feb. 4, 1757, &c. at Lisbon. By Observations of the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites. An. 1757, March 21, the 1st sat. immersed......11h 22, the 3d sat. immersed........ 13m 1s aftern. 32 morn. XLVIII. Observations of the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites at Lisbon, in the 21s aftern. 29 morn... XLIX. A Remarkable Case of the Efficacy of the Bark in a Mortification. By Mr. Richard Grindall, Surgeon to the London Hospital. p. 379. June 28, 1757, Mary Alexander, aged 31, was brought into the London hospital, having a mortification in both hands, which reached 1 inch and above the wrists. All her toes, and about 1 inch of 1 foot beyond the last joint, were mortified; her nose was also destroyed by a mortification; and all these happened at the same time. On inquiry into the cause of this misfortune, Mr. G. found, that on the 30th of May she was seized with a quotidian ague, which usually began about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and lasted nearly 2 hours ; succeeded by a hot fit, and then a violent sweat. And in this manner she was afflicted 7 days without any material alteration; when, being informed by a neighbour, of a person who had an infallible remedy for the cure of an ague, she applied to him. He brought her 2 phials, containing about 1 ounce and + each, of a pale yellowish liquor; one of which he directed her to take directly, promising that she should have no return of the fit of consequence; and that if she had any small return, the 2d bottle should cure her effectually. In consequence of which she took one dose, which was at the time the cold fit had been on about + of an hour: she had no sooner swallowed it, but, as she said, her stomach was on fire, and felt as if she had swallowed the strongest dram possible. The cold fit left her instantly; but she was immediately seized with so violent a fever, as to make her burn, and be extremely thirsty, the following night, till the next morning, when a sweat a little relieved her from the violent heat. When she rose in the morning, she was much troubled with an itching in the hands, feet, and nose; and soon after all those parts began to feel numbed, or, as she described it, as if her hands and feet were asleep; which she took but little notice of, till the evening of that day, when she found the nails of both hands and feet were turning black, and, at the same time feeling great pain in both, as also in her nose, and that they appeared of a darkish red colour, like the skin in cold weather. Whereupon at 9 o'clock that night she sent for an apothecary, from whom, Mr. G. had been informed, the person before mentioned had bought the medicine which he gave her. The apothecary was not at home; his journeyman went, and finding the woman had a difficulty of breathing, ordered her a mixture with spermaceti and ammoniacum to be taken occсаsionally. The apothecary did not see her himself till the 16th of June, when finding her in a very bad condition, that her hands, and feet, and nose, were entirely black, and had many vesicles or small bladders on them, filled with a blackish bloody water; he opened them, and let out the fluid, and dressed them with yellow basilicon; and in this manner continued treating her till the 20th of 1 the same month, when, finding no material alteration for the better, he ordered her a brownish mixture, of which she was to take four spoonfuls every 4 hours ; which, he informed Mr. G. was a decoction of the bark; and said, on taking this, she was better, as the mortification seemed inclined to stop. But as it was a bad case, he advised the woman to be carried to an hospital: and in this condition was she brought in, when she was immediately put into a course of the bark, taking 1 dr. of the powder every 4 hours; and in 48 hours taking it there was a perfect separation of all the mortified parts. She was then ordered to take it only 3 times in 24 hours; and pursuing this method for 8 days, there was a very good digestion from the parts above the mortification. The mortified part became now so offensive, that the poor woman pressed him much to take off her hands, assuring him she would go through the operations with good courage, being very desirous to live, though in this miserable condition. July the 24th he took off both her hands: he had very little more to do than saw the bones, nature having stopped the bleeding, when she stopped the mortification. In a day or two after, he took off all the toes from both feet, and now discontinued the bark, the parts appearing in a healing condition; which went on so for 5 weeks, when, on a sudden, the parts began to look livid, her stomach failed her, and she was feverish; but, on taking 1 oz. of the bark, in 36 hours her sores began again to look well. She was not suffered to leave off the bark so soon this time, but continued taking it twice a day for a month. She was then 'almost well: that part of her face from which the nose mortified, was healed in 7 weeks; the stumps of both arms were entirely healed; and both feet were well, only waiting for 1 piece of bone scaling off, which he believed would be in a very short time; and she was then in good health. L. A Letier from John Pringle, M. D., F. R. S. inclosing Two Papers communicated to him by Robert Whytt, M. D., F. R. S. p. 383. In this letter Dr. P. states that he had communicated to Dr. Birch Dr. Whytt's postscript to his observations on Lord Walpole's case, with some reflections on Dr. Springfield's account of the lithontriptic quality of the Carlsbad mineral waters: also an instance of the efficacy of electricity in the cure of a palsy by Mr. Brydone. Postscript to Dr. Whytt's Observations on Lord Walpole's Case. Making some experiments with different calculi, there was one almost as white as chalk, but less hard than the others; and which was not in the least degree dissolved or softened by being infused 20 days in oystershell lime-water, but yielded somewhat to a solution of Spanish soap in common water. From this experiment it may be concluded, that it is better to prescribe both soap and limewater for the stone, than either of them alone; and that if one of these reme |