12. The MILKY WAY, Via Lactea, or Galaxy, is a broad path, or track, encompassing the whole heavens, and also distinguishable by its white appearance, whence it obtains the name. Astronomers have found, by the help of telescopes, that this track in the heavens consists of an immense multitude of stars, seemingly very close together, whose mingled light gives this appearance of whiteness; by Milton beautifully described as a path " powdered with stars." 13. Nebulous is a term applied to those stars which show only a dim hazy light, like little specks or clouds; they are smaller than those of the 6th magnitude, and therefore seldom visible to the naked eye. The milky way may be considered as one great nebulæ, which Dr. Herschel has found to consist of a continued assemblage of Nebulæ, or vast clusters of small stars. 14. Astronomers have divided the constellations into three classes, called the northern, the southern, and the zodaical. The northern constellations are 37 in number, the southern 47, and the zodaical 12; making in the whole 96. The number of the ancient constellations was only 48. The following tables contain the names of all the constellations, and the principal stars in each, with their magnitudes marked 1, 2, 3, &c. By adding together the number of stars in the first column of the tables, the total will be found to be 3457; of this number there are only 19 of the first magnitude, and 422 cannot be seen at London. The figures on the left hand of the tables show the number of stars in each constellation, from Flamstead's catalogue; R denotes right ascension; D declination of the middle of the several constel lations, for the ready finding them on the celestial globe. The modern constellations are distinguished from the ancient by an asterisk or star (*). Names of the constellations, and of the principal stars in each, with their magnitudes. I. CONSTELLATIONS IN THE Zodiac. 66. Aries, the Ram, Arietis 2, 141. Taurus, the Bull, Aldebaran 1, the Plei ades, the Hyades, 85. Gemini, the Twins, Castor 1, Pollux 2, 83. Cancer, the Crab, Acubene 4, RD 65 16 Ν. 111 32 Ν. 128 20 Ν. 95. Leo, the Lion, Regulus or Cor Leonis 1, Deneb 2, 150 15 Ν. 110. Virgo, the Virgin, Spica Virginis 1, Vendemiatrix 2, 192 5 Ν. 51. Libra, the Balance, Zubernick Meli 2, 226 8 S. 44. Scorpio, the Scorpion, Antares 1, 244 26 S. 69. Sagittarius, the Archer, 285 35 S. 51. Capricornus, the Goat, 310 20 S. 108. Aquarius, the Water-bearer, Scheat 3, 335 4 S. 113. Pisces, the Fishes, 5 10 Ν. II. THE NORTHERN CONSTELLATIONS. 66. Andromeda, Mirach 2, Almaach 2, 59. Caput Medusæ, the Head of Medusa, and Perseus, 44 40 Ν. dar 3, 55. Cassiopeia, the Lady in her Chair, Sche 35. Cepheus, Alderamin 3, - Cerberus, the Three-headed Dog, and Hercules, 43. Coma Berenices, Berenice's Hair, 3. Cor Caroli, Charles's Heart, 271 22 N 185 26 N 191 39 N 12 60 Ν. 338 65 Ν. 21. Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, RD Alphacca 2, 235 30 Ν. 81. Cygnus, the Swan, Deneb Adige 1, 308 42 Ν. 18. Delphinus, the Dolphin, 308 15 Ν. 80. Draco, the Dragon, Rastaben 2, 270 66 Ν. 0. Equulus, the Little Horse, 316 5 Ν. 16. Lacerta, the Lizard, 113. Hercules, vide Cerberus, Res Algethi 3, 245 22 Ν. 53. Leo Minor,* the Little Lion, 44. Lynx, the Lynx, 22. Lyra, the Harp, Vega or Wega 1, 11. Mons Mœnalus, the Mountain Menalus, 6. Musca, the Fly, 89. Pegasus, the Flying Horse, Markab 2, Scheat 2, -. Perseus, vide Caput Medusæ, Algenib 2, Algol 2, 18. Sagitta, the Arrow, 8. Scutum Sobieski,* i,* Sobieski's Shield, 64. Serpens, the Serpent, 336 43 Ν. 150 35 Ν. 111 50 Ν. 283 38 Ν. 225 5 Ν. 40 27 Ν. 340 14 Ν. 46 49 Ν. 295 18 Ν. 275 10 S. 235 10 Ν. 74. Serpentarius, the Serpent Bearer, Ras Alhagús 2, 260 13 Ν. 7. Taurus Poniatowski, * the Bull of Ponia towski, 275 7 Ν. 11. Triangulum, the Triangle, 27 32 Ν. 5. Triangulum Minus, the Little Triangle, 31 29 Ν. 87. Ursa Major, the Great Bear, Dubhe 1, Alioth 2, Benetnach 2, 24. Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, Polar Star, or Alrukabah 2, 37. Vulpecula et Anser,* the Fox and Goose, 10. Tarandus,* the Reindeer, 153 60 Ν. 235 75 Ν. 300 25 Ν. 30 75 Ν. To the preceding list of northern constellations, modern astronomers have also added Le Messier, Taurus Regalis; Frederick's Ehre, Frederick's Glory; and Tubus Herschelii Major, Herschel's Great Telescope. 14 III. SOUTHERN CONSTELLATIONS. 11. Apus vel Avis Indica,* the Bird of Pa radise, 9. Ara, the Altar, 64. Argo Navis, the Ship Argo, Canopus 1, 3. Brandenburgium Sceptrum, the Sceptre of Brandenburgh, RD 252 75 S. 255 55 S. 115 50 S. 67 15 S. 105 20 S. 31. Canis Major, the Great Dog, Sirius 1, 14. Canis Minor, the Little Dog, Procyon 1, 110 5 S. 35. Centaurus, the Centaur, 97. Cetus, the Whale, Mencar 2, 10. Chamæleon, the Chameleon, 4. Circinus,* the Compasses, 10. Columba Noachi, Noah's Dove, • 200 50 S. 25 12 S. 175 78 S. 222 64 S. 85 35 S 12. Corona Australis, the Southern Crown, 278 40 S. 9. Corvus, the Crow, Algorab 3, 185 15 S. 31. Crater, the Cup or Goblet, Alkes 3, 168 15 S. 6. Crux, the Cross, 183 60 S. 7. Doroda, or Xiphias,* the Sword Fish, 75 62 S. 34. Eridanus, the River Po, Achernar 1, 34 55 S 60 10 S. 14. Fornax Chemica, the Furnace, 42 30 S. 13. Grus, the Crane, 330 45 S. 12. Horologium,* the Clock, 60. Hydra, the Water Serpent, Cor Hydra 1, 139 SS. 40 60 S. 4. Musca Australis, vel apis,* the Southern Fly or Bee, 185 68 S. 12. Norma vel Quadra Euclidis,* Euclid's Square, 242 45 S. 43. Octans Hadleianus,* Hadley's Octant, 12. Officina Sculptoria, the Sculptor's Shop, 78. Orion, Betelguez 1, Rigel 1, Bellatrix 2, 310 80 S. 14. Pavo, the Peacock, 13. Pleenix,* 3 38 S. 80 00 S. 302 68 S. 10 50 S. 24. Piscis Notius, vel Australis, the Southern Fish, Fomalhaut 1. S. Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish. 16. Praxiteles, vel cela Sculptoria,* the En graver's Tools. R. D. 335 30 S. 127 68 S.. 68 40 S. 4. Pyxis Nautica, the Mariner's Compass. 130 30 S. 10. Reticulus Rhomboidalis,* the Rhomboidal Net. 12. Robur Caroli, Charles's Oak. 41. Sextans, the Sextant. 9. Telescopium,* the Telescope. 9. Touchan, the American Goose...... 5. Triangulum Australis,* the Southern Tri angle. -Xiphias,* Vide Dorado. 62 62 S. 159 50 S. 145 00 S. 278 50 S. 359 66 S. 233 65 S. 75 62 S. Modern astronomers have also added to the preceding list of southern constellations, Solitaire, an Indian Bird; the Georgian Psaltery or Harp; Tubus Herschelii Minor, Herschel's Less Telescope; Montgolfier's Balloon; the Press of Guttenberg; the Cat, &c. QUESTIONS What are fixed stars ? What are planets, and how are they distinguished from the fixed stars ? How are the fixed stars classed, and what are telescopic stars ? How many stars are supposed to be visible to the naked eye at one time? What is the poetical rising and setting of the stars called? What is the zodiac? What is a constellation, and what are the unformed stars ? How are particular stars distinguished? How are the stars of each constellation distinguished? What is the milky way, and what is a nebulous star? |