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For the examination of the stuant in the preceding



The questions referring to the rules are in italics, in order that the student may distinguish then from those questions which refer to the examples.

1. How do you find the right ascension and Jeolination of a fixed star?

2. What is the right ascension and declination of Dubhe in the back of the Great Bear?

3. The right ascension and declination of a star, or planet, being given, how do you find its place on the globe?

4. What star has 95° 1' of right ascension, and 52° 36′ 11′′ south declination?

5. How do you find the longitude and latitude of a star or planet?

6. Required the longitude and latitude of Acubene in Cancer.

7. The longitude and latitude of a star being given, how do you find its place on the celestial globe?

8. What star has 8s. 7° 19′ of longitude, and 40 32′ 43" of south latitude ?

9. The hour of the day and the latitude of a place being given, how do you find what stars are rising, culminating, setting, &c.?

10. At 9 o'clock in the evening at St. Helena, on the 20th of June, required those stars that are rising, culminating, setting, &c.

11. How do you find the distance between any two known stars in degrees ?

12. Required the distance in degrees between Alphacca and Dubhe.

13. How do you rectify the globe for the latitude of a given place, and for the sun's place in the ecliptic on a given day?

14. Rectify the celestial globe for the latitude of Lima, and for the sun's place on the 21st of


15. The latitude of a place and day of the month being given, how do you find the time of the year when a known star will rise, culminate, and set ?

16. At what time will Canopus rise, culminate, and set at Buenos Ayres?


17. How do you find the amplitude, oblique ascension, &c. of a known star, for any given place?

18. Required the rising and setting amplitude of Antares, its oblique ascension and descension, its diurnal arc, at the Cape of Good Hope.

19. The latitude of a place being given, how do you find the time of the year at which any known star rises or sets achronically?

20. At what time of the year does Bellatrix rise achronically at Quito in Peru, and when does it set achronically?

21. The latitude of a place being given, how do you find the time of the year at which any known star rises or sets cosmically ?

22. At what time of the year does Alphard in the heart of the Scorpion, rise cosmically at Cape Horn; and at what time of the year does it set cosmically?

23. How do you find the time of the year at which any known star rises and sets heliacally, at any given place?

24. At what time of the year does Procyon rise at Canton, and at what time of the year does it set heliacally ?

25. The day of the month being given, how do you find those stars that rise and set achronically, cosmically, and heliacally ?

26. What stars rise and set achronically, cosmically, and heliacally, at Alexandria in Egypt, on the 21st of March?

27. How do you find the meridian altitude of any star or planet, the latitude of a place and day of the month being given?

28. What is the meridian altitude of Regulus at Moscow in Russia?

29. The meridian altitude of a known star being given, how do you find the latitude of the place of observation?

30. In what degree of north latitude is the meridian altitude of Regulus 66 degrees ?

31. The latitude of a place, day of the month, and altitude of a know star, being given; how do you find the hour of the night, and star's azimuth?

32. At London on the 28th of December, the star Denebola, in the Lion's tail, was observed to be 40 degrees of altitude; what hour was it, and what was the star's azimuth?

33. The latitude of a star, day of the month, and azimuth of a star, being given, how do you find the hour of the night and the star's altitude?

34. On the 10th of September, the azimuth of the star marked &, in the Dolphin, was 20 degrees from the south towards the east; required its altitude at London and the hour of the night.

35. The day of the month and hour when any known star rises and sets, being given, how do you find the latitude of the place ?

36. In what latitude does Regulus rise at 10 o'clock at night, on the 21st of January?

37. Two stars being given, the one on the meridian, and the other at the east or west part of the horizon, how do you find the latitude of the place?

- 38. When Arcturus in Bootes was on the meridian, Altair in the Eagle was rising; required the latitude.

39. The latitude of a place, day of the month, and two stars that have the same azimuth, being given, how do you find the hour of the night?

40. On the 20th of February, what is the hour at Edinburgh when Capella and the Pleiades have the same azimuth, and what is the azimuth?

41. The latitude of a place, the day of the month, and two stars that have the same altitude, being given, how do you find the hour of the night?

42. At what hour at Dublin, on the 15th of May, will Benetnach in the Great Bear's tail, and y, in the shoulder of Bootes, have each 56 degrees of altitude?

43. The altitudes of two stars having the same azimuth, and that azimuth being given, how do you find the place of observation?

44. The altitude of Vega in the Harp, was observed to be 700, and that of Ras Algethi in the head of Hercules, 39 degrees; their common azimuth at the same time was 60° from the south towards the west; required the latitude of the place of observation.

45. The hour of the day being given, how do you find on what day of the year any known star will pass the meridian of a given place?

46. On what day of the month, and in what month, does Aldebaran come to the meridian of Philadelphia, at 5 o'clock in the morning at London?

47. The altitudes of two known stars being given, how do you find the latitude of the place of observa48. In north latitude the altitude of Procyon was observed to be 50 degrees, and that of Betelgueze in Orion, at the same time, was 58 degrees; required the latitude of the place of observation.


49. The latitude of a place and day of the month being given, how do you find how long Venus rises before the sun when she is a morning star, and how long she sets after the sun when she is an evening star?

50. On the 1st of September, 1825, the longitude of Venus was 3 signs, 25° 59′, and latitude 1° 16′ south; was she a morning or an evening star? If a morning star, how long did she rise before the sun at London; if an evening star, how long did she shine after sun-set?

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