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tude must be counted on the upper line; and when it is on the west side, it must be counted on the lower line.

It has been already observed that the places on the earth are laid down on the terrestrial globe, so as to answer to their real situations: Hence the latitude and longitude of a place on the terrestrial globe, found according to the above rule, will be the true latitude and longitude of the same place, situated on the real globe of the earth.


1. What is the latitude and longitude of NewYork, the first commercial city in America, and one of the first in the world ?

Bring New-York to the graduated side of the meridian, and it will be found under about 40° 42' north of the equator, or 40° 42' north latitude; and the intersection of the meridian with the equator is 740 west of the meridian of London, or 740 west longitude. Hence New-York is in 40° 42' north latitude, and 74° west longitude.

It is proper to observe that the latitudes of places cannot be found on the terrestrial globe to any great degree of accuracy, because the brazen meridian is only graduated to degrees and half degrees, and seldom to less than quarter degrees; the same defect is in the graduation of the horizon and quadrant of altitude; but the equator is usually graduated to degrees and minutes. Consequently, whenever the latitude or longitude of a place is to be found accurately, we must have recourse to correct tables, calculated for that purpose: for instance, the latitude of New-York, found by calculation, is 40° 42′ 40′′ north, and the longitude 74° 1' west.

2. Required the latitude and longitude of Washington city, the capital of the United States.

3. Find the latitude and longitude of London, the capital of England.

4. Required the latitude and longitude of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

5. What is the latitude and longitude of Paris, the capital of France?

6. Required the latitude and longitude of Dub

lin, the capital of Ireland.

7. What is the latitude and longitude of Philadelphia, the capital of Pennsylvania ?

It may not be improper to remark, that capital, in this work, generally implies the chief or largest city in a State; and the seat of government, the town or city where the legislature of the State meets: for instance, Harrisburg is the seat of government of the State of Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia the capital or chief city.

8. What is the latitude and longitude of Madrid, the capital of Spain?

9. What is the latitude and longitude of Moscow in Russia?

10. What is the latitude and longitude of Canton in China?

11. What is the latitude and longitude of St. Helena, an island in the Atlantic Ocean, in which Napoleon Bonaparte was imprisoned by the allied sovereigns of Europe, from the year 1815 till his death in 1821 ?


To find all those places that have the same latitude as any given place.

RULE. Bring the given place to the brazen meridian, and mark the degree over it; turn the globe round, and all places passing under the observed degree of latitude, are those required.

Whenever a place is brought to the brazen meridian, the graduated edge which is numbered from the equator towards the poles, is always to be understood, unless the contrary be mentioned.

All places in the same latitude, as has been already observed, have the same length of day and night, and the same seasons of the year, though, from local circumstances, they may not have the same atmospherical temperature.


1.. What places have the same latitude, or nearly the same latitude as Baltimore, the capital of Maryland, in latitude 39° 20' north?

Answer. Flores, one of the Western Islands; Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia; Port Mahon in Minorca; Sarmacand, once the capital of Independent Tartary; Pekin, the capital of China; Marietta, the oldest town in the state of Ohio, &c.

2. Which places have the same latitude, or nearly the same latitude with Madrid ?

3. What inhabitants of the earth have the same length of days as those of Berlin, the capital of Prussia?

4. What inhabitants of the earth have the same seasons of the year as those of Ispahan, formerly the capital of Persia?

5. Find all the places on the globe which have no latitude, or which have nearly the same latitude with Quito, the largest city in the Republic of Colombia, famous for its great elevation, being upwards of 9500 feet above the level of the sea.

6. Find all the places on the globe which have the greatest latitude, or 90 degrees.

7. Which places have nearly the same latitude with Havana, the capital of Cuba?

8. Which places have nearly the same latitude with Rio Janeiro, the capital of Brazil?

9. Which places of the earth have nearly the same latitude with North Cape in Lapland, latitude 71° 10' north?

10. What places have nearly the same latitude as the following places: New-York; Petersburgh, the capital of the Russian empire; Canton in China; Sydney, the capital of the British colony of

New South Wales; and Lima, the capital of



To find all places on the globe that have the same longitude as any given place.

RULE. Bring the given place to the brazen meridian, then all places under the same edge of the meridian, from the north to the south pole, have the same longitude.

All those places situated under the same meridian, from the tropic of Cancer to the tropic of Capricorn, have noon at the same time: or, if it be one, two, three, or any other number of hours before or after noon with one particular place, it will be the same hour with every other place situated under the same meridian.


1. Find all those places that have the same, or nearly the same longitude as Lima.

The longitude of Lima is found to be 76° 50', and all the places that have nearly the same longitude are those required.

By proceeding according to the rule, the following places are found to be the answer to the above example: Port Royal and Kingston in Jamaica; Norfolk in Virginia; Edenton in North Carolina; Baltimore in Maryland; and Kingston in Upper Canada.

2. What places have the same, or nearly the same longitude as Stockholm, the capital of Sweden?

3. When it is nine o'clock in the morning at New-York, what inhabitants of the earth have the same hour?

4. Find all those places that have nearly the same longitude as London; or, which amounts to the same thing, find all those places that have no longitude.

5. When it is noon at Vienna, the capital of

Austria, what inhabitants of the earth have the same hour?

6. What inhabitants of the earth have the same longitude as Washington city?

7. What inhabitants of the earth have the same longitude as Dublin ?

8. What inhabitants of the earth have the greatest longitude; or, which amounts to the same thing, what inhabitants have nearly the same longitude as Antipodes Island, in the South Pacific Ocean?

9. Find all those places that have nearly the same longitude as the following places: Charleston, the capital of South Carolina; New-Orleans, the capital of Louisiana; Mexico, the oldest city in America; New-Haven, the capital of Connecticut; Cincinnati, the capital of Ohio; and Pekin, the capital of China.


The longitude and latitude of any place being given, to find that place on the globe.

RULE. Find the longitude of the given place on the equator, and bring it to the brazen meridian; then under the given latitude, found on the meridian, is the place required.


1. The longitude of a place is 77° 40′ east, and the latitude 28° 37' north; find that place on the globe.

Answer. Delhi, a celebrated city, and, for many years, the capital of Hindostan.

2. The longitude of the greatest commercial town in Germany is 9° 55′ east, and latitude 53° 34' north. What is the name of that town? f

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