3. The longitude of a town in Norway is 10° 23' east, and latitude 63° 25' north. What is the name of that town? Christian 4. The longitude of a city, which was one of the most populous and splendid cities of the world, is 44° 24' east, and latitude 23° 20′ north: Where is that city situated, and what is it called? Alca 5. The longitude of a remarkable cape in South America, is 67° 21 'west, and latitude 55° 58′ south. What is that cape called? Ein 6. The longitude of a city in South America. is 58° 24' west, and 34° 35' south. What is that city called, and of what country is it the capital? 7. The longitude of a commercial city in the United States, is 71° 4' west, and latitude 42° 23′ north. What is that city called, and of what state is it the capital? 8. Find those cities, and other conspicuous places, whose longitudes and latitudes are as follows: To find the difference of latitude between any two given places. RULE. Find the latitude of each place, by Prob. I. Then, if both places are on the same side of the equator, subtract the less latitude from the greater, and the remainder will be the difference of latitude; but, if the latitudes be one north and the other south, add them together, and their sum will be the difference of latitude. Or, bring one of the places to the brazen meridian, and mark the degree over it; then, bring the other place to the meridian, and likewise mark the degree over it: the number of degrees between these two marks, counted on the meridian, will be the difference of latitude required. This rule is not so convenient for exercising the student as the above. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the difference of latitude between Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, and Athens, anciently the capital of Attica in Greece? By bringing Amsterdam to the brazen meridian, its latitude is found to be 52° 22' north; and, in like manner, the latitude of Athens is found to be $7° 58′ north. Consequently, their difference 4° 24' is the difference of latitude required. 2. What is the difference of latitude between Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, and Mozambique, the capital of the Portuguese possessions on the eastern coast of Africa? Copenhagen being brought to the brazen meridian, its latitude is found to be 550 41' north; and, in like manner, the latitude of Mozambique is found to be 150 1' south. Consequently, their sum 70° 42' is the difference of latitude required, 3. Find the difference of latitude between Juan Fernandes, in the Pacific Ocean, and Bermudas, in the Atlantic. 301 4. Find the difference of latitude between Savannah, the capital of Georgia, and Candia, the capital of the island of Candia, in the Mediterramean sea. 5. What is the difference of latitude between Petersburgh and Detroit, the capital of Michigan Territory? 6. What is the difference of latitude between. Astracan in Asiatic Russia, and St. Louis, the capital of Missouri?" 7. Required the difference of latitude between the north and south poles. 180 8. Required the difference of latitude between the following places: Alexandria and the Cape of Good Hope; London and Charleston in South Carolina Cadiz and Kaskaskia, the capital of Illinois; Cape Horn and North Cape, on the coast of Norway; Quebec, capital of Lower Canada, and Potosi, a city in the United Provinces of La Plata, celebrated for the richest silver mines in the world. PROBLEM VI. To find the difference of longitude between any two given places. r RULE. Find the longitude of both places, (by Prob 1.) then, if both places are situated on the same side of the first meridian, subtract the less longitude from the greater, and the remainder will be the difference of longitude; but, if the longitudes be one east and the other west, add them together, and their sum, (when it does not exceed 180,) will be the difference of longitude; and if the sum of their longitudes should exceed 180 degrees, subtract it from 360, and the remainder will be the difference of longitude. What is usually understood by the difference of longitude between any two places, is the nearest distance of their meridians from each other, measured at the equator; hence, the last part of the above rule is evident. EXAMPLES. 1. Find the difference of longitude between Alexandria, the ancient capital of Egypt, and Rome, a large and famous city of Italy, formerly the seat of the Roman Empire, and the capital of the world. The longitude of Alexandria is found to be 30° 5' east, and the longitude of Rome 12° 28′ east; hence their difference, 17° 37', is the difference of longitude required. 2. Find the difference of longitude between Smyrna, a city of Asia Minor, and Panama, a city and sea-port on the isthmus of Darien. The longitude of Smyrna is readily found to be 270 20 east, and the longitude of Panama 79° 19' west: hence their sum, 106° 39', is the difference of longitude required. 3. Required the difference of longitude between Jerusalem, capital of the ancient Judea, and Fez, a large city of Morocco, in Africa, and once the capital of all the Western Mahometan States.4 2 4. Find the difference of longitude between Batavia, a city in the island of Java, and the mouth of Columbia, or Oregon river, on the north-west coast of America. 127 5. What is the difference in longitude between St. Jago, in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Straits of Babelmandel on the coast of Arabia?/27 6. What between Cape Breton in the gulf of Lawrence, and Cape Cambodia, the southern extremity of Cambodia, in the gulf of Siam?/ St. 7. What between Cape Farewell, the southern extremity of Greenland, and Cape Farewell, on the coast of New-Zealand in the Pacific Ocean? 8. Required the difference of longitude between the following places: Portsmouth, the capital of New-Hampshire, and the city of Jeddo in the empire of Japan Portland, the capital of Maine, and Port Jackson, in New-Holland; St. Fee de Bogata, a city in the Republic of Colombia, and Kesho, the capital of the empire of Tonkin; Natchez, the capital of the State of Mississippi, and Lassa, the capital of Tibet; Cape Comorin in Hindostan, and Gondar, the capital of Abyssinia, / PROBLEM VII. To find the distance between any two places on the globe. Definition. The shortest distance between any two places on the earth, considered as a sphere, is an arc of a great circle contained between the two places. The length of a degree of any great circle on the surface of the earth, is 69 American miles, supposing it to be a sphere of 7920 miles in diameter, and 24880 miles in circumference: because, 360°: 24880 miles::10: 690 miles. It is proper to observe that, in geography and navigation, a degree on the surface of the earth contains 60 geographical miles; hence, a geographical mile is greater than an American, in the proportion of 60: 691, or of 1: 1.15185. It may be also remarked that an American mile is the same as an English mile, each containing 5280 American or English feet. RULE. Lay the graduated edge of the quadrant of altitude over the two places, so that the division marked 0 may be on one of them, the degrees on the quadrant, contained between the two places, will give their distance; and if their dis-tance in degrees be multiplied by 60, the product will be the distance in geographical miles; or multiply the degrees by 69, and the product will be the distance in American miles. Or, take the distance between the two places with a pair of compasses, and that distance applied to the equator will give the number of degrees between them; 1 |