Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, on Wednesday, in Whitsun week, when the prince broke thy head for liking his father to a singing-man of Windsor ; thou didst swear... The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent - Page 233by Washington Irving - 1822Full view - About this book
 | William Shakespeare - 1771 - 444 pages
...her own ? FAL. What is the grofs fum that I owe thee ? a fea-coal fire, on Wednefday in Whitfun-week, when the prince broke thy head for likening his father to a finging man of Windfor ; thou didft fwear to me then, as I was wa(hing thy wound, to marry me, and... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1784 - 1120 pages
...fitting in my Dolphinchamber, at ttic round tabiu, by a fire, on Wedncl'day in Wliimni-w eck, when the prince broke thy head for likening his father to a finginginan of Windfor ; thou didil f>s ear to me then, as 1 was xvafhing thy wound, to marry me, and... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1789 - 712 pages
...fitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a fea-coal fire, on wednefday in Whitfun-week, when the prince broke thy head for likening his father to a finging-man of Windfor ; thou didft fwear to me then, as I was wafhing thy wound, to marry me, and... | |
 | Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 pages
...fitting in my dolphin-chamber, at the round table by a fea-coal fire, on Wednefday, in Whitfun-\veek, when the prince broke thy head for likening his father to a finging-man of Windfor ; thou didft fwear to me then, as I was warning thy wound, to marry me, and... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Joseph Rann - 1789 - 718 pages
...fitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a fea-coal fire, on wednefday in Whitfun-week, when the prince broke thy head for likening his father to a finging-man of Windfor; thou didft fwear to me then, as I was warning thy wound, to marry me, and make... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 156 pages
...the gross sum that I owe thee? Host. Marry, if thou wert an honest man, thyself, and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, on Wednesday, in Whitsun-week, when the prince... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 630 pages
...the gross sum that I owe thee? Host. Marry, if thou wert an honest man, thyself, and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphinchamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon Wednesday in Whitsun-week, when the prince... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 480 pages
...the gross sum that I owe thee ? Host. Marry, if thou wert an honest man, thyself, and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet,* sitting in my Dolphinchamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon Wednesday in Witsun-week, when the prince... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 578 pages
...and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet4, sitting in my Dolphinchamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, on Wednesday...prince broke thy head for likening his father to a singingman of Windsor ; thou didst swear to me then, a» I was washing thy wound, to marry me, and... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1807 - 382 pages
...the gross sum that I owe thee ? Host. Marry, if thou wert an honest man, thyself and thy money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcelgilt goblet, sitting in my dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon Wednesday in Whitsunweek, when the prince... | |
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