laft Period, and become like the Chaff of a Threshing-Floor, and the Wind carries them away: then fhall the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdom of the Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. Rev. xi. 15. Amen. THE EN D. CONTENTS. Sect. I. F the Nature and Ends of Civil Kinds of it and its Extent to Religion. p. I 1 P Lately Publish'd, The Second Edition of HILEMON to HYDASPES, relating a Conversation with Hortenfius upon the Subject of Falfe Religion. In Two Parts. In Part I. Is endeavour'd to be fhewn that the best Key to Men's Religious Oeconomy is the Obfervation of their natural Temper, and that every Instance of false Conduct in the one is to be refolv'd into fome correfpondent Peculiarity in the other: With a particular Application to the Cafe of an extravagant Devotion. ́ In Part II. Is afferted the general Lawfulness of Pleasure, and the extravagant Severities of fome religious Systems are fhewn to be a direct Contradiction to the natural Appointment and Conftitution of Things. N. B. Part the Third is in the Prefs, and will speedily be publish'd. Printed for M. STEEN, in the Inner Temple-Lane: Where may be had, juft Publish'd, A Letter to Mr. S-1, occafion'd by the fourth Volume of Mr. Neale's Hiftory of the Puritans. |