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by the metal does not appear to be inferior to that developed by the glass, though very different in intensity.

From the experiments of Mr. Faraday, and also from theory, it is possible that the rotation of the earth may produce electric currents in its own mass. In that case, they would flow superficially in the meridians, and if collectors could be applied at the equator and poles, as in the revolving plate, negative electricity would be collected at the equator, and positive at the poles ; but without something equivalent to conductors to complete the circuit, these currents could not exist.

Since the motion, not only of metals but even of fluids, when under the influence of powerful magnets, evolves electricity, it is probable that the gulf stream may exert a sensible influence upon the forms of the lines of magnetic variation, in consequence of electric currents moving across it, by the electro-magnetic induction of the earth. Even a ship passing over the surface of the water, in northern or southern latitudes, ought to have electric currents running directly across the line of her motion. Mr. Faraday observes, that such is the facility with which electricity is evolved by the earth's magnetism, that scarcely any piece of metal can be moved in contact with others without a development of it, and that consequently, among the arrangements of steam engines and metallic machinery, curious electro-magnetic combinations probably exist, which have never yet been noticed.

What magnetic properties the sun and planets may have, it is impossible to conjecture, although their rotation might lead us to infer that they are similar to the earth in this respect. According to the observations of MM. Biot and Gay-Lussac, during their aërostatic expedition, the magnetic action is not confined to the surface of the earth, but extends into space. A decrease in its intensity was perceptible, and as it most likely follows the ratio of the inverse square of the distance, it must extend indefinitely. It is probable that the moon has become highly magnetic by induction, in consequence of her proximity to the earth, and because her greatest diameter always points towards it. Should the magnetic, like the gravitating force, extend through space, the induction of the sun, moon, and planets must occasion perpetual variations in the intensity of terrestrial magnetism, by the continual changes in their relative positions.

In the brief sketch that has been given of the five kinds of electricity, those points of resemblance have been pointed out which are charac

teristic of one individual power; but as many anomalies have been lately removed, and the identity of the different kinds placed beyond a doubt, by Mr. Faraday, it may be satisfactory to take a summary view of the various coincidences in their modes of action on which their identity has been so ably and completely established by that great electrician.

The points of comparison are attraction and repulsion at sensible distances, discharge from points through air, the heating power, magnetic influence, chemical decomposition, action on the human frame, and lastly the spark.

Attraction and repulsion at sensible distances, which are so eminently characteristic of ordinary electricity, and, in a lesser degree, also, of the voltaic and magnetic currents, have not been perceived in either the thermo or animal electricities, not on account of difference of kind, but entirely owing to inferiority in tension; for even the ordinary electricity, when much reduced in quantity and intensity, is incapable of exhibiting these phe


Ordinary electricity is readily discharged from points through air, but Mr. Faraday found that no sensible effect took place from a battery consisting of 140 double plates, either through air or in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the tests of the discharge being the electrometer and chemical action, - a circumstance entirely owing to the small degree of tension, for an enormous quantity of electricity is required to make these effects sensible, and for that reason they cannot be expected from the other kinds, which are much inferior in degree. Common electricity passes easily through rarefied and hot air, and also through flame. Mr. Faraday effected chemical decomposition and a deflection of the galvanometer by the transmission of voltaic electricity through heated air, and observes that these experiments are only cases of the discharge which takes place through air between the charcoal terminations of the poles of a powerful battery when they are gradually separated after contact-for the air is then heated; and Sir Humphry Davy mentions that, with the original voltaic apparatus at the Royal Institution, the discharge passed through four inches of air; that, in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, the electricity would strike through nearly half an inch of space, and that the combined effects of rarefaction and heat were such, upon the included air, as to enable it to conduct the electricity through a space of six or seven inches. A Leyden jar may be instantaneously charged with voltaic, and also with magneto-electricity-another proof of their tension. Such effects cannot be obtained from the other kinds, on account of their weakness only.

The heating powers of ordinary and voltaic electricity have long been known, but the world is indebted to Mr. Faraday for the wonderful discovery of the heating power of the magnetic fluid: there is no indication of heat either from the animal or thermo-electricities. All the kinds of electricity have strong magnetic powers, those of the voltaic fluid are highly exalted, and the existence of the magneto and thermo-electricities was discovered by their magnetic influence alone. The needle has been deflected by all in the same manner, and, with the exception of thermo-electricity, magnets have been made by all according to the same laws. Ordinary electricity was long supposed incapable of deflecting the needle, and it required all Mr. Faraday's ingenuity to produce that effect. He has, however, proved that, in this respect, also, ordinary electricity agrees with voltaic, but that time must be allowed for its action. It deflected the needle, whether the current was sent through rarefied air, water, or wire. Numerous chemical decompositions have been effected by ordinary and voltaic electricity, according to the same laws and modes of arrangement. Dr. Davy decomposed water by the electricity of the torpedo, -Mr. Faraday accomplished its decomposition, and Dr.

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