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Undulation. A wave.

Undulatory theory. The mechanical principles of

the motion of waves.

Vapour. Steam.

Variation. A periodic inequality in the motion of the moon.

Variation of the compass. The deviation of the compass needle from the true north.

Vertical. The direction of the plumb-line.

Vertical plane. A plane passing through the plumbline, consequently at right angles to the horizon. Vesicles. Small hollow spheres of water.

Vibration. A motion to and fro.

Visual ray. A ray of light coming from any object to the eye.

Volta-electric induction. The disposition of electric currents to produce similar currents in bodies near them capable of receiving them.


ABERRATION of light, 31
Acceleration of the moon,

Action, compound and dis-
turbed, of the spheres, 12
Air, elasticity of, 90
Airy, Professor, 218, 225

Algæ, 279

Algol, the star, 388

Alps, the, 273

Amazons, river of the, 117
Andes, the, 134
Arabian science, 108

Arago, M., 135, 219, 266, 341
Arcs of the meridian, mea-
surement of, 54, 56
Asia, north-west basin of,


Astronomy, physical, 1; di-
visions of the science of,
68, 96

Astronomical tables, 68
Atmosphere, the, 123, 129,
130, 137, 163, 296

Attraction, its power uni-
versal, 1

_ and repulsion, elec-
trical, 291, 354

-, capillary, 123, 125

[blocks in formation]

diffusion, 240
combustion, 241

Catalogue of stars by Her-
schel, 392

Celestial bodies how seen,
164; phenomena of re-
167; atmos-
pheres of, 252

Centrifugal force opposed
to the law of gravity, 49,
52; its action on the sea,

Chaldeans, observations by
the, 37, 40

Chimborazo, Mount, 56
China, observations made
in, 104

Chladni, experiment of, 147
Christian era, the, 100

Chronology of the visible
heavens, 389

Climate, 257, 267, 271
Coal, 83

Cold, 264, 266

Colours, prismatic, 172 et
seq.; of the stars, 393

Columbus and Lerius, 280,

Comets, theory of, and de-
scription of Encke's and
other remarkable comets,
67, 359 to 383

Compass, the mariner's, 313,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Eras and chronology, 100, Herschel, Miss Caroline,

[blocks in formation]

Fire, production of, 241
Flora, reign of, 273, 277
Fluids, properties of, 214,
219, 235, 249
Forests, influence of, 264
Fresnel, M., 216, 218
Frost, hoar, 240

Galvanism, 300 et seq. 345
Galvanometer, 351
Geology, 83

Glass, musical vibrations of,
157; prismatic phenome-
na, 172, 188; refraction
and polarization of light
by, 203, 216; imperme-
able to rays of solar heat,
229, 232
Gravitation, 410

Gravity, variation in, 50
Gymnotus electricus, 357

Heat, the earth's, 82; solar
radiation, 84, 228, 238;
of the atmosphere, 132;
theory, 244
Herbarium, Tartar, 275
Herschel, Sir William, 79,
228, 236, 384, 392, 397

Sir John, 147, 195,

386, 391, 398

[blocks in formation]

Italy, the north of, 56
Ivory, Mr., investigations
by, 49, 56

Jupiter, the revolution of,
17, 24; satellites of, 38,
79; magnitude of, 67;
density, 96

Kater, Captain, 106
Kepler, theory of, 7, 18, 64,
74, 362

La Grange on Periodical
Inequalities, 21

Language, its vocal articula-
tions imitated by instru-
ments, 162; primitive
tongues, 284

La Place, 22, 37, 73, 101,
103, 115, 135

Laroche's experiments in | Meridian, terrestrial, 54

optics, 229-233

Latitude, degrees of, 54
Leyden jar, the, 297, 355
Light, mode of measuring
its transit, 31; its ana-
logy with sound, 148; at-
mospheric action on, 163;
the sunbeam and prisma-
tic experiments, 172; the
Newtonian theory, 181;
its ethereal medium, 192,
217; allied with rays of
caloric, 232; from calo-
ric, 241, 358

一, its velocity calcu-
lated, 412

Lightning, 297, 304

Magnet, the, 309-339
Magnetic pole, the, 310
Magnetism, theory of, 309,

Malus, M., optical disco-
very, 222

Man, frame of, 251; species
of, 283

Marine plants, 279

Mars, the planet, 64, 254
Matter, properties of, 129;
temperature of, 239

一, its molecular action
on light, 215

Meridians, whether ellipti-
cal, 56; length of a de-
gree, 57

Metals, dilation of, 243, 300
Meteoric stones, 405, 406
Milky way, the, 66, 395
Mirage of deserts, 169
Momentum, primitive pla-
netary, 13

Moon, the, 34; distance of,


-, new, 45

-, luminous spots of
the, 405

and earth, reciprocal
influence, 10, 38, 77, 94;
calculation of distances,
47; dimensions, 66, 68;
theory of tides, 110

Mountains, deposits on, 86;
height of, 131; influence,


Muscular strength, 134
Music, elements of, 155,157,
159, 160; musical articu-
lation, 161

Nature, the laws of, 408,


[blocks in formation]

Melloni, M., experiments, Needle, the magnetic, 310
230 et seq.

Mercury, 327

Nautical Almanac, 47
Navigation, new astrono-
mical aid to, 30, 46

Nebulæ; clusters of stars,
nebulous, and of great
magnitude, 395, 397, 399,
402, 404

Newton, 1, 21, 50, 172, et


-, the planet, 255, 392 Occultation of stars, 46.

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