To the Queen. MADAM, IF I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN MY ENDEAVOUR ΤΟ ΜΑΚE THE LAWS BY WHICH THE MATERIAL WORLD IS GOVERNED MORE FAMILIAR TO MY COUNTRYWOMEN, I SHALL HAVE THE GRATIFICATION OF THINKING, THAT THE GRACIOUS PERMISSION TO DEDICATE MY BOOK TO YOUR MAJESTY HAS NOT BEEN MISPLACED. I AM, WITH THE GREATEST RESPECT, YOUR MAJESTY'S OBEDIENT AND HUMBLE SERVANT, MARY SOMERVILLE. Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 1 Jan. 1834. PREFACE. In THE progress of modern science, especially within the last five years, has been remarkable for a tendency to simplify the laws of nature, and to unite detached branches by general principles. some cases identity has been proved where there appeared to be nothing in common, as in the electric and magnetic influences; in others, as that of light and heat, such analogies have been pointed out as to justify the expectation, that they will ultimately be referred to the same agent: and in all there exists such a bond of union, that proficiency cannot be attained in any one without a knowledge of others. Although well aware that a far more extensive illustration of these views might have been given, the author hopes that enough has been done to show the connexion of the physical sciences. |