The Belfast Monthly Magazine, Volume 7

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Smyth and Lyons, 1811

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Page 462 - They err, who count it glorious to subdue By conquest far and wide, to overrun Large countries, and in field great battles win, Great cities by assault : what do these worthies, But rob and spoil, burn, slaughter, and enslave Peaceable nations...
Page 497 - Government, was denied to have taken place, it was an indispensable condition of the repeal of the British orders that commerce should be restored to a footing that would admit the productions and manufactures of Great Britain, when owned by neutrals, into markets shut against them by her enemy, the United States being given to understand that in the meantime a continuance of their nonimportation act would lead to measures of retaliation.
Page 393 - NOT for the promise of the labour'd field, Not for the good the yellow harvests yield, I bend at Ceres' shrine ; For dull to humid eyes appear The golden glories of the year ; Alas ! a melancholy worship's mine ! I hail the goddess for her scarlet flower. Thou brilliant weed That dost so far exceed The richest gifts gay Flora can bestow, Heedless I pass'd thee in Life's morning hour (Thou comforter of woe), Till Sorrow taught me to confess thy power.
Page 118 - We confess ourselves to be so far from recanting, or declining to vindicate the assembling of ourselves, to preach, pray, or worship the eternal, holy, just God, that we declare to all the world, that we do believe it to be our indispensable duty to meet incessantly upon so good an account; nor shall all the powers upon earth be able to divert us from reverencing and adoring our God, who made us.
Page 205 - In this they are sufficiently revenged on us; if they are ignorant of our pleasures, they are also free from our pains. They are not disquieted with bills of lading and exchange, nor perplexed with chancery suits, and exchequer reckonings. We sweat and toil to live; their pleasure feeds them; I mean their hunting, fishing and fowling; and this table is spread every where.
Page 496 - ... this country, which might the more unite the national councils, in the measures to be pursued. At the close of the last session of Congress, it was hoped that the successive confirmations of the extinction of the French decrees, so far as they violated our neutral commerce...
Page 125 - I am sorry, Gentlemen, you have followed your own judgments and opinions rather than the good and wholesome advice which was given you. God keep my life out of your hands, but for this the court fines you forty marks a man, and imprisonment till paid.
Page 152 - ... your subjects have inherited this freedom, that they should not be compelled to contribute to any tax, tallage, aid or other like charge not set by common consent in parliament.
Page 119 - I have broken, you do at once deny me an acknowledged right, and evidence to the whole world your resolution to sacrifice the privileges of Englishmen to your sinister and arbitrary designs.
Page 199 - There is a great God and power, that hath made the world and all things therein, to whom you, and I and all people owe their being, and well-being, and to whom you and I must one day give an account for all that we do in the world — This great God hath written his law in...

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