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ye Children of Men, &c.
ye Priests of the Lord, &c.
O ye Servants of the Lord, &c.

Glory be to the Father, &c.




Beheld! and lo! a great Multitude which no
Man could number, of all Nations, and
Kindreds, and People, andTongues, stood be-
fore the Throne, and before the Lamb, clothed
in white Robes, and Palms were in their Hands.
And they cry'd with a loud Voice, saying, Sal-
vation unto God, which fitteth on the Throne
and unto the Lamb. And they cry'd with a loud
Voice, saying, Blessing, Hallelujah, and Glory,
and Wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honour
andPower, andMight be unto the Lord God,
for ever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah.


BEHOLD, the Lord is my Salvation; in

him will I trust; for the Lord is my
Strength and my Song, and he is become my
Salvation. Cry aloud, and fing unto the Lord;
for great is the Holy-One ofIfrael. Hallelujah.



TOour great God, be all the Honour giv'n
That grateful Hearts can fend from
Earth to Heav'n.


lovely Peace, with Plenty crown'd,
Come spread thy Bleffings all around;
Let fleecy Flocks the Hills adorn,
And Vallies smile with wavy Corn;
Let the thrill Trumpet ceafe, nor other Sound
But Nature's Songsters, wake thecheerful Morn.
Rejoice, O Sion! and in Songs divine,

With Cherubim, and Seraphim, harmonious

Hallelujah, &c.



All ye Works of the Lord, bless ye the

O Lord, praise him and magnify him for eve

O ye Angels of the Lord, &c.
O ye Sun and Moon, &c.
O ye Stars of Heaven, &c.
O ye Winter and Summer, &c.
O ye Nights and Days, &c.
O ye Light and Darkness, &c.
O ye Lightning and Clouds, &c.
O ye Mountains and Hills, &c.
O ye Seas and Floods, &c.
O all ye Fowls of the air, &c.
O all ye Beasts and Cattle, &c.

[ocr errors]

O ye Children of Men, &c.
O ye Priests of the Lord, &c.
O ye Servants of the Lord, &c.
Glory be to the Father, &c.


Beheld! and lo! a great Multitude which no

Man could number, of all Nations, and
Kindreds, and People, and Tongues, stood be-
fore the Throne, and before the Lamb, clothed
in white Robes, and Palms were in their Hands.
And they cry'd with a loud Voice, saying, Sal-
vation unto God, which fitteth on the Throne
and unto the Lamb. And they cry'd with a loud
Voice, faying, Blessing, Hallelujah, and Glory,
and Wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honour
andPower, andMight be unto the Lord God,
for ever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah.


BEHOLD, the Lord is my Salvation; in
him will I truft; for the Lord is my
Strength and my Song, and he is become my
Salvation. Cry aloud, and fing unto the Lord;
for great is the Holy-One of Ifrael. Hallelujah.


[blocks in formation]

Behold a Wretch in Woe

h 153

Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise h 186
Bleft are the Souls that hear and know h 186
Beware of luft, it doth pollute and foulh 189

Blest be the Day that I began

h 196

Blest be the Lord who comes to Men h 202

By Meditation and by Pray'r

h 206

BaseMan, forgetful of his Maker'sGrace h 247

Begin from first, where Christ

h 257

Broad is the Road that leads to Death h 287

But that I am forbid

h 301

Begin the high celestial Strain

h 339

Bury'd in Shadows of the Night

h 370

Being of Beings, God of Love

h 381

Be present at our Table, Lord

h 430

CONTINUE, Lord, to hear my

Voicep 16


Come, Holy Ghost, eternal God p

P 78

Come, Holy Spirit, God of Might
Come let us join our cheerful Songs h 5
Come, ye Sinners, poor and wretched h
Christ the Lord is ris'n to day.


h 47

Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove h 50

Come now, dear Lord, thyself reveal h 52

Come, Holy Ghost, our Souls inspire h 52

[blocks in formation]

Come, thou almighty King

Come, thou Fount of ev'ry Bleffing
Come let us anew

h 124
h 126

Come let us search our Ways and try

h 139

Chriftians, in your fev'ral Stations
Come let us join our Friends above

h 106

h 198

Chrift is a Path, if any be misled

h 202

Cheer up, my Soul, there is

h 232

Come, dearest Lord, decend and dwellh 241

Chrift from the Dead is rais'd andmade h 241

[blocks in formation]

Chrift nought doth ask in lieu

h 341

Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning Fire h 343

Come view, my Soul, with sweetSurprizeh 351

Come, thou long expected Jefus

h 356

Commit thou all thy Griefs

h 363

Come, ye that love the Lord

h 37

Come, Oye Sinners, to your Lord

h 385

Come on, my Partners in Distress

h 39

Children of the heav'nly King

h 424

Come, Lord, from above

h 432

DID fweeter Sounds adorn

h 181

Difmifs us with thy Bleffing, Lordh 283


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