ye Children of Men, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c. XXVI. : ! Beheld! and lo! a great Multitude which no XXVII. BEHOLD, the Lord is my Salvation; in him will I trust; for the Lord is my FINIS. XXIII. TOour great God, be all the Honour giv'n XXIV. lovely Peace, with Plenty crown'd, With Cherubim, and Seraphim, harmonious Hallelujah, &c. XXV. (join. All ye Works of the Lord, bless ye the O Lord, praise him and magnify him for eve O ye Angels of the Lord, &c. O ye Children of Men, &c. XXVI. Beheld! and lo! a great Multitude which no Man could number, of all Nations, and XXVII. BEHOLD, the Lord is my Salvation; in FINIS. Behold a Wretch in Woe h 153 Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise h 186 Blest be the Day that I began h 196 Blest be the Lord who comes to Men h 202 By Meditation and by Pray'r h 206 BaseMan, forgetful of his Maker'sGrace h 247 Begin from first, where Christ h 257 Broad is the Road that leads to Death h 287 But that I am forbid h 301 Begin the high celestial Strain h 339 Bury'd in Shadows of the Night h 370 Being of Beings, God of Love h 381 Be present at our Table, Lord h 430 CONTINUE, Lord, to hear my Voicep 16 76 Come, Holy Ghost, eternal God p P 78 Come, Holy Spirit, God of Might 9 h 47 Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove h 50 Come now, dear Lord, thyself reveal h 52 Come, Holy Ghost, our Souls inspire h 52 Come, thou almighty King Come, thou Fount of ev'ry Bleffing h55 Come let us search our Ways and try h 139 Chriftians, in your fev'ral Stations h 106 h 198 Chrift is a Path, if any be misled h 202 Cheer up, my Soul, there is h 232 Come, dearest Lord, decend and dwellh 241 Chrift from the Dead is rais'd andmade h 241 Chrift nought doth ask in lieu h 341 Come, Holy Ghost, all-quick'ning Fire h 343 Come view, my Soul, with sweetSurprizeh 351 Come, thou long expected Jefus h 356 Commit thou all thy Griefs h 363 Come, ye that love the Lord h 37 Come, Oye Sinners, to your Lord h 385 Come on, my Partners in Distress h 39 Children of the heav'nly King h 424 Come, Lord, from above h 432 DID fweeter Sounds adorn h 181 Difmifs us with thy Bleffing, Lordh 283 Difpair |