one impartially examine the history of the ancient Church, and nothing will strike him more forcibly, than the total dissimilarity between the primitive features of the Church, and that system now dignified with the name of The Catholic Church. Ask the defenders of that Church to compare it in detail, in its essential characteristics, with the primitive model, and you confound them. Upon what pretence, then, can they claim to be the oldest Church? We in fact, by being able to prove our conformity with the ancient Catholic Church, establish our claim as the oldest Church; exiled into the wilderness, indeed, for a season, but brought forth again in all the vigour and glory which belonged to it in its earliest days. At the time foretold by the Apostle, when the man of sin should come and sit in the temple of God, to carry on the mystery of iniquity, the Church of Rome became Catholic or universal, by blending the temporal with the spiritual sword, and subduing by force and authority all Christendom to her dominion. From that time she corrupted the simplicity of the Apostolical plan, and substituted for doctrines the commandments of men, until the time of the Reformation, by which event the intolerable yoke under which the nations had groaned so long, was thrown off, and men were permitted to restore the Church to its primeval form. So far then, from the Church of Rome being the true and oldest Church, it is the farthest removed from it of any in Christendom. "Babylon (says Tertullian) in our St. John, is a type of the city of Rome, and therefore, a great royal and proud city, a subduer of the saints.” a Tertul. adv. Jud. cap. 9. APPENDIX III. SUCCESSION OF AMERICAN BISHOPS. [Those marked * designate the present members of the House of Bishops.] 1. The Right Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D., of Connecticut, was consecrated by Bishop Kilgour, at Aberdeen, in Scotland, on Thursday, November 14, 1784; Bishops Petrie and Skinner being present and assisting. Died February 25, 1796. 2. The Right Rev. William White, D.D., of Pennsylvania, was consecrated by Archbishop Moore, of Canterbury, in the Chapel of the Archiepiscopal Palace at Lambeth, in England, on Sunday, February 4, 1787; Archbishop Markham, of York, and Bishops Moss and Hinchliffe being present and assisting. Died July 17, 1836. 3. The Right Rev. Samuel Provoost, D.D., of New York, was consecrated at the same time and place. Died September 6, 1815. 4. The Right Rev. James Madison, D.D., of Virginia, was consecrated by Archbishop Moore, of Canterbury, in the chapel of the Archiepiscopal palace at Lambeth, in England, on Sunday, September 19, 1790; Bishops Porteus and Thomas being present and assisting. Died March 6, 1812. 5. The Right Rev. Thomas John Claggett, D.D., of Mary. land, was consecrated by Bishop Provoost, in Trinity Church, New York, on Monday, September 17, 1792; Bishops Seabury, White, and Madison being present and assisting. Died August 2, 1816. 6. The Right Rev. Robert Smith, D.D., of South Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Sunday, September 13, 1795; Bishops Provoost, Madison, and Claggett being present and assisting. Died October 28, 1801. 7. The Right Rev. Edward Bass, D.D., of Massachusetts, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Sunday, May 7, 1797; Bishops Provoost and Claggett being present and assisting. Died September 10, 1803. 8. The Right Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D.D., of Connecticut, was consecrated by Bishop White in Trinity Church, New Haven, on Wednesday, October 18, 1797; Bishops Provoost and Bass being present and assisting. Died May 3, 1813. 9. The Right Rev. Benjamin Moore, D.D., of New York, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Michael's Church, Trenton, New Jersey, on Friday, September 11, 1801; Bishops Claggett and Jarvis being present and assisting. Died February 27, 1816. 10. The Right Rev. Samuel Parker, D.D., of Massachu setts, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Trinity Church, New York, on Friday, September 14, 1804; Bishops Claggett, Jarvis, and Moore being present and assisting. Died December 6, 1804. 11. The Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D., of New York, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Trinity Church, New York, on Wednesday, May 29, 1811; Bishops Provoost and Jarvis being present and assisting. Died September 12, 1830. 12.* The Right Rev. Alexander Viets Griswold, D.D.,2 of the Eastern Diocese, composed of the States of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, was consecrated at the same time and place. 13. The Right Rev. Theodore Dehon, D.D., of South Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 15, 1812; Bishops Jarvis and Hobart being present and assisting. Died August 6, 1817. 14. The Right Rev. Richard Channing Moore, D.D., of Virginia, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 18, 1814; Bishops Hobart, Griswold, and Dehon being present and assisting. 15. The Right Rev. James Kemp, D.D., of Maryland, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, New Brunswick, New Jersey, on Thursday, September 1, 1814; Bishops Hobart and Moore being present and assisting. Died October 28, 1827. 16. The Right Rev. John Croes, D.D., of New Jersey, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, on Sunday, November 19, 1815; Bishops Hobart and Kemp being present and assisting. Died July 30, 1832. 17. The Right Rev. Nathaniel Bowen, D.D., of South Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 8, 1818; Bishops Hobart, Kemp, and Croes being present and assisting. Died August 25, 1839. 18. The Right Rev. Philander Chase, D.D., of Illinois, a Senior and Presiding Bishop. was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, February 11, 1819; Bishops Hobart, Kemp, and Croes being present and assisting. 19.* The Right Rev. Thomas Church Brownell, D.D., LL.D., of Connecticut, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Trinity Church, New Haven, on Wednesday, October 27, 1819; Bishops Hobart and Griswold being present and assisting. 20. The Right Rev. John Stark Ravenscroft, D.D., of North Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, May 22, 1823; Bishops Griswold, Kemp, Croes, Bowen, and Brownell being present and assisting. Died March 5, 1830. 21.* The Right Rev. Henry Ustick Onderdonk, D.D., of Pennsylvania, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, October 25, 1827; Bishops Hobart, Kemp, Croes, and Bowen being present and assisting. 22.* The Right Rev. William Meade, D.D., of Virginia, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. James' Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, August 19, 1829; Bishops Hobart, Griswold, Moore, Croes, Brownell, and H. U. Onderdonk being present and assisting. 23. The Right Rev. William Murray Stone, D.D., of Maryland, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, on Thursday, October 21, 1830; Bishops Moore, H. U. Onderdonk, and Meade being present and assisting. Died February 26, 1838. 24.* The Right Rev. Benjamin Tredwell Onderdonk, D.D., of New York, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. John's Chapel, New York, on Friday, November 26, 1830; Bishops Brownell and H. U. Onderdonk being present and assisting. |