25.* The Right Rev. Levi Silliman Ives, D.D., LL.D., of North Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Trinity Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, September 22, 1831; Bishops H. U. Onderdonk and B. T. Onderdonk being present and assisting. 26.* The Right Rev. John Henry Hopkins, D.D., of Vermont, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, on Wednesday, October, 31, 1832; Bishops Griswold, Bowen, Brownell, H. U. Onderdonk, B. T. Onderdonk, Ives, and Meade being present and assisting. 27.* The Right Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, D.D., of Kentucky, was consecrated at the same time and place. 28.* The Right Rev. Charles Pettit M'Ilvaine, D.D., of Ohio, was consecrated at the same time and place. 29.* The Right Rev. George Washington Doane, D.D., LL.D., of New Jersey, was consecrated at the same time and place. 30.* The Right Rev. James Hervey Otey, D.D., of Tennessee, was consecrated by Bishop White, in Christ Church, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, January 14, 1834; Bishops H. U. Onderdonk, B. T. Onderdonk, and Doane being present and assisting. 31.* The Right Rev. Jackson Kemper, D.D., Missionary Bishop for Missouri, Wisconsin, and Iowa, was consecrated by Bishop White, in St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, on Friday, September 25, 1835; Bishops Moore, Chase, H. U. Onderdonk, B. T. Onderdonk, Smith, and Doane being present and assisting. 32.* The Right Rev. Samuel Allen M'Coskry, D.D., of Michigan, was consecrated by Bishop H. U. Onderdonk, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, on Thursday, July 7,1836; Bishops Doane and Kemper being present and assisting. 33.* The Right Rev. Leonidas Polk, D.D., Missionary Bishop for Arkansas, and also, provisionally, for Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, was consecrated by Bishop Meade, in Christ Church, Cincinnati, on Sunday, December 9, 1838; Bishops Smith and M'Ilvaine being present and assisting. 34. The Right Rev. William Heathcote De Lancey, D.D., of Western New York, was consecrated by Bishop Griswold, in St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. on Thursday, May 9, 1839; Bishops H. U. Onderdonk, B. T. Onderdonk, and Doane being present and assisting. 35.* The Right Rev. Christopher Edwards Gadsden, D.D., of South Carolina, was consecrated by Bishop Griswold, in Trinity Church, Boston, on Sunday, June 21, 1840; Bishops Doane and M'Coskry being present and assisting. 36.* The Right Rev. William Rollinson Whittingham, D.D., of Maryland, was consecrated by Bishop Griswold, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, on Thursday, September 17, 1840; Bishops Moore, B. T. Onderdonk, and Doane being present and assisting. 37.* The Right Rev. Stephen Elliott, Jr., D.D., of Georgia, was consecrated by Bishop Meade, in Christ Church, Savannah, on Sunday, February 28, 1841; Bishops Ives and Gadsden being present and assisting. Seventeen of our Bishops have died; twenty are now living; twenty-six were consecrated by Bishop White. APPENDIX IV. CONSTITUTION OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Adopted in General Convention, in Philadelphia, Oct. 1789. ARTICLE I. There shall be a General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, at such time in every third year, and in such place, as shall be determined by the Convention; and in case there shall be an epidemic disease, or any other good cause to render it necessary to alter the place fixed on for any such meeting of the Convention, the presiding Bishop shall have it in his power to appoint another convenient place (as near as may be to the place so fixed on) for the holding of such Convention; and special meetings may be called at other times, in the manner hereafter to be provided for; and this Church, in a majority of the Dioceses which shall have adopted this Constitution, shall be represented, before they shall proceed to business; except that the representation from two Dioceses shall be sufficient to adjourn: and in all business of the Convention, freedom of debate shall be allowed. ARTICLE II. The Church in each Diocese shall be entitled to a representation of both the Clergy and Laity, which representation shall consist of one or more deputies, not exceeding four of each order, chosen by the Convention of the Diocese; and in all questions, when required by the Clerical and Lay representation from any Diocese, each order shall have one vote; and the majority of suffrages by Dioceses shall be conclusive in each order, provided such majority comprehend a majority of the Diocese represented in that order. The concurrence of both orders shall be necessary to constitute a vote of the Convention. If the Convention of any diocese should neglect or decline to appoint Clerical Deputies, or if they should neglect or decline to appoint Lay Deputies, or if any of those of either order appointed, should neglect to attend, or be prevented by sickness or any other accident, such Diocese shall nevertheless be considered as duly represented by such deputy or deputies as may attend, whether Lay or Clerical. And if, through the neglect of the Convention of any of the Churches which shall have adopted, or may hereafter adopt this Constitution, no Deputies, either Lay or Clerical, should attend at any General Convention, the Church in such Diocese shall nevertheless be bound by the acts of such Convention. ARTICLE III. The Bishops of this Church, when there shall be three or more, shall, whenever General Conventions are held, form a separate House, with a right to originate and propose acts, for the concurrence of the House of Deputies, composed of Clergy and Laity; and when any proposed act shall have passed the House of Deputies, the same shall be transmitted to the House of Bishops, who shall have a negative thereupon; and all acts of the Convention shall be authenticated by both Houses. And in all cases, the House of Bishops shall signify to the Convention their approbation or disapprobation (the latter with their reasons in writing) within three days after the proposed act shall have been reported to them for concurrence; and in failure thereof, it shall have the operation of a law. But until there shall be three or more Bishops, as aforesaid, any Bishop attending a General Convention shall be a member ex officio, and shall vote with the Clerical Deputies of the Diocese to which he belongs; and a Bishop shall then preside. ARTICLE IV. The Bishop or Bishops in every Diocese shall be chosen agreeably to such rules as shall be fixed by the Convention of that Diocese; and every Bishop of this Church shall confine the exercise of his Episcopal office to his proper Diocese or district, unless requested to ordain or confirm, or perform any other act of the Episcopal office, by any Church destitute of a Bishop. ARTICLE V. A Protestant Episcopal Church in any part of the United States, or any Territory thereof not now represented, may, at any time hereafter, be admitted on acceding to this Constitution; and a new Diocese to be formed from one or more existing Dioceses, may be admitted under the following restrictions: No new Diocese shall be formed or erected within the |