in this Church, unless he exhibit to the Bishop the following testimonials from the Standing Committee of the Diocese for which he is to be ordained, which recommendation shall be signed by the names of a majority of all the Committee, the Committee being duly convened, and shall be in the following words: "We, whose names are hereunder written, testify, that A. B. hath laid before us satisfactory testimonials, that for the space of three years last past, he hath lived piously, soberly, and honestly; and hath not written, taught, or held any thing contrary to the doctrine or discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and moreover, we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the Sacred Order of In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this day of―, in the year of our Lord —.” Sect. 2. But before a Standing Committee shall proceed to recommend any Candidate, as aforesaid, to the Bishop, such Candidate shall produce from the Minister and Vestry of the Parish where he resides, or from the Vestry alone, if the Parish be vacant, or if the applicant be the Minister of the Parish, a Deacon desirous of Priest's Orders; or, if there be no Vestry, from at least twelve respectable persons of the Protestant Episcopal Church, testimonials of his piety, good morals, and orderly conduct, in the following form:-"We, whose names are hereunder written, do testify, from evidence satisfactory to us, that A. B., for the space of three years last past, hath lived piously, soberly and honestly; and hath not, so far as we know or believe, written, taught, or held any thing contrary to the doctrine or discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and moreover, we think him a person worthy to be admitted to the Sacred Order of. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this day of in the year of our Lord He shall also lay before the Standing Committee testimonials, signed by at least one respectable Presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, in the following form:-"I do testify that A. B., for the space of three years last past, hath lived piously, soberly and honestly, and hath not, so far as I know or believe, written, taught, or held any thing contrary to the doctrine or discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and moreover, I think him a person worthy to be admitted to the Sacred Order of. This testimonial is founded on my personal knowledge of the said A. B. for one year last past, and for the residue of the said time upon evidence that is satisfactory to me. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this - day of—in the year of our Lord.” Sect. 3. But in case a Candidate, from some peculiar circumstances not affecting his pious or moral character, should be unable to procure testimonials from the Minister and Vestry of the Parish where he resides, the Standing Committee may accept testimonials of the purport above stated, from at least twelve respectable members of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and from at least one respectable Presbyter of the said Church, who has been. personally acquainted with the Candidate for at least one year. Sect. 4. Every Candidate for Holy Orders, who may be recommended by the Standing Committee of any Church destitute of a Bishop, if he have resided for the greater part of the three years last past within the Diocese of any Bishop, shall apply to such Bishop for Ordination. And such Candidate shall produce the usual testimonials, as well from the Committee of the Diocese in which he has resided, as from the Committee of the Church in the Diocese for which he is to be ordained. Sect. 5. In the case of a Candidate for Priest's Orders, who has been ordained a Deacon within three years preceding, the testimonials above prescribed may be so altered as to extend to such portion only of the three years preceding his application for Priest's Orders, as have elapsed since his Ordination as Deacon; and the Standing Committee shall allow the testimonials so altered the effect as if in the form prescribed, and shall sign their own testimonials in such altered form, with the same effect as if in the form above prescribed, unless some circumstance shall have occurred that tends to invalidate the force of the evidence on which the Candidate was ordained Deacon. CANON XVI.-Of Candidates coming from Places within the United States, in which the Constitution of this Church has not been acceded to. [Former Canons on this subject were the eighth of 1804, and the fourteenth of 1808.] It is hereby declared, that the Canons of this Church which respect Candidates for Holy Orders, shall affect as well those coming from places in the United States in which the Constitution of this Church has not been acceded to, as those residing in states or territories in which it has been adopted; and in such cases, every Candidate shall produce to the Bishop to whom he may apply for Holy Orders, the requisite testimonials, subscribed by the Standing Committee of the Diocese into which he has come. CANON XVII.-Of Deacons. [The former Canon on this subject was the thirteenth of 1808.] Every Deacon shall be subject to the regulations of the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, of the Clerical Members of the Standing Committee of the Diocese for which he is ordained, unless he receive letters of dismission therefrom to the Bishop, or ecclesiastical authority of some other Diocese, and be thereupon received as a Clergyman of such other Diocese; and he shall officiate in such places as the Bishop or the said Clerical Members may direct. It is hereby recommended, that at the time a Candidate is finally examined for Deacon's Orders, the Bishop shall assign to him in writing, the subjects or studies on which it is expedient that he should be particularly examined before being ordained Priest, and with that view name also some author who has treated of such subjects or studies from among the works recommended by the House of Bishops. And the said Deacon shall deliver this document to the Bishop who examines him for Priest's Orders. CANON XVIII.-Of the Preparatory Exercises of a Candidate for Priest's Orders. [The former Canon on this subject was the eleventh of 1808.] A Candidate for Priest's Orders shall, before his Ordination, be required to undergo an examination in presence of the Bishop, and two or more Presbyters, to be named by him, on any leading studies prescribed by the House of Bishops. CANON XIX.-Of the Titles of those who are to be Ordained Priests. [Former Canons on this subject were the fifth of 1789, and the thirteenth of 1808.] No person shall be ordained Priest, unless he shall produce to the Bishop, a satisfactory Certificate from some Church, Parish or Congregation, that he is engaged with them, and that they will receive him as their Minister, or unless he be a Missionary under the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese to which he belongs; or in the employment of some Missionary Society recognised by the General Convention; or, unless he be engaged as a Professor, Tutor, or Instructor of Youth, in some College, Academy, or other Seminary of Learning, duly incorporated. CANON XX.-Of the Times of Ordination. [Former Canons on this subject were the eighth of 1789, and the fifteenth of 1808.] Agreeably to the practice of the primitive Church, the Stated Times of Ordination shall be on the Sundays following the Ember Weeks, viz.: the second Sunday in Lent, the Feast of Trinity, and the Sundays after the Wednesdays following the 14th day of September, and the 13th of December. Occasional Ordinations may be held at such other times as the Bishop shall appoint. CANON XXI.-Of those who have Officiated as Ministers among other Denominations of Christians, and apply for Orders in this Church. [Repealed by the third Canon of 1835.] CANON XXII.-Of Clergymen Ordained for Foreign Parts. [The former Canon on this subject was the eighteenth of 1808.] No Bishop of this Church shall ordain any person to officiate in any Congregation or Church destitute of a Bishop, situated without the jurisdiction of these United States, until the usual testimony from the Standing Committee, founded upon sufficient evidence of his soundness in the faith, and of his pious and moral character, has |