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cese in which there is no Bishop, the same sentence may be pronounced by the Bishop of any other Diocese, invited by the Standing Committee, to attend for that purpose. In the case of displacing from the Ministry, as above provided for, it shall be the duty of the Bishop to give notice thereof to every Bishop of this Church, and to the Standing Committee in every Diocese wherein there is no Bishop. And in case of a person making the above declaration, for causes not affecting his moral standing, the same shall be declared.

CANON XXXIX.-Of Degradation from the Ministry, and of Publishing the sentence thereof.

[Former Canons on this subject were the third of 1792, and the twenty-seventh of 1808.]

Sect. 1. When any Minister is degraded from the holy Ministry, he is degraded therefrom entirely, and not from a higher to a lower order of the same. Deposition, displacing, and all like expressions, are the same as degradation. No degraded Minister shall be restored to the Ministry.

Sect. 2. Whenever a Clergyman shall be degraded, the Bishop who pronounces sentence, shall, without delay, give notice thereof to every Minister and Vestry in the Diocese, and also to all the Bishops of this Church, and where there is no Bishop, to the Standing Committee.

CANON XL-Of a Clergyman in any Diocese chargeable with Misdemeanour in any other.

[Former Canons on this subject were the second of 1792, and the twenty-eighth of 1808.]

Sect. 1. If a Clergyman of the Church within this Union, shall, in any other Diocese, conduct himself in

such a way as is contrary to the rules of this Church, and disgraceful to his office, the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee, shall give notice thereof to the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese to which such offender belongs, exhibiting with the information given, the proof of the charges made against him.

Sect. 2. If a Clergyman shall come temporarily into any Diocese under the imputation of having elsewhere been guilty of any crime or misdemeanour, by violation of the Canons, or otherwise; or, if any Clergyman, while sojourning in any Diocese, shall misbehave in any of these respects, the Bishop, upon probable cause, may admonish such Clergyman, and forbid him to officiate in the said Diocese. And if, after such prohibition, the said Clergyman do so officiate, the Bishop shall give notice to all the Clergy and Congregations in said Diocese, that the offi ciating of the said Clergyman is, under any and all circumstances, prohibited; and like notice shall he give to the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, to the Standing Committee of the Diocese to which the said Clergyman belongs. And such prohibition shall continue in force until the Bishop of the first-named Diocese be satisfied of the innocence of the said Clergyman, or until he be acquitted on trial.

CANON XLI.-Of the Due Celebration of Sundays.

[Former Canons on this subject were the fourteenth of 1789, and the thirty-ninth of 1808.]

All persons within this Church shall celebrate and keep the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, in hearing the word of God read and taught, in private and public prayer, in other exercises of devotion, and in acts of charity, using all godly and sober conversation.

CANON XLII.-Of Crimes and Scandals to be Censured.

[Former Canons on this subject were the twelfth of 1789; the twenty-fifth of 1808, and the third of 1817.]

Sect. 1. If any persons within this Church offend their brethren by any wickedness of life, such persons shall be repelled from the Holy Communion, agreeably to the Rubric.

Sect. 2. There being the provision in the second Rubric, before the Communion Service, requiring that every Minister repelling from the Communion shall give an account of the same to the Ordinary; it is hereby provided, that on the information to the effect stated being laid before the Ordinary, that is, the Bishop, it shall not be his duty to institute an inquiry, unless there be a complaint made to him in writing by the repelled party. But on receiving complaint, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, unless he think fit to restore him from the insufficiency of the cause assigned by the Minister, to institute an inquiry, as may be directed by the Canons of the Diocese in which the event has taken place. And the notice given as above by the Minister, shall be a sufficient presentation of the party repelled.

Sect. 3. In the case of great heinousness of offence on the part of Members of this Church, they may be proceeded against, to the depriving them of all privileges of Church Membership, according to such rules or process as may be provided by the General Convention; and until such rules or process shall be provided, by such as may be provided by the different State Conventions.

CANON XLIII.—Of a Congregation in any Diocese uniting with any other Diocese.

[Former Canons on this subject were the eighth of 1795; the thirtyseventh of 1808; the first of 1817, and the second of 1820.]

Whereas, a question may arise, whether a Congregation within the Diocese of any Bishop, or within any Diocese in which there is not yet any Bishop settled, may unite themselves with the Church in any other Diocese, it is hereby determined and declared, that all such unions shall be considered as irregular and void; and that every Congregation of this Church shall be considered as belonging to the body of the Church of the Diocese within the limits of which they dwell, or within which there is seated a Church to which they belong. And no Clergyman having a Parish or Cure in more than one Diocese, shall have a seat in the Convention of any Diocese other than that in which he resides.

CANON XLIV.-Of the Mode of Publishing authorized Editions of the Standard Bible of this Church.

[The former Canon on this subject was the second of 1823.]

The Bishop of this Church in any Diocese, or where there is no Bishop, the Standing Committee is authorized to appoint, from time to time, some suitable person or persons, to compare and correct all new editions of the Bible by the Standard Edition, agreed upon by the General Convention. And a certificate of their having been so compared and corrected, shall be published with said book."

The following Resolution was ordered to accompany this Canon: Resolved, By the two Houses of Convention, that it be recommended to every future Convention to appoint a Joint Committee, to

CANON XLV. Of the Use of the Book of Common Prayer.

[Former Canons on this subject were the tenth of 1789, and the thirty-fourth of 1808.]

Every Minister shall, before all Sermons and Lectures, and on all other occasions of public worship, use the Book of Common Prayer, as the same is or may be established by the authority of the General Convention of this Church. And in performing said service, no other prayers shall be used than those prescribed by the said book.


Of the Mode of Publishing authorized Editions of the Book of Common Prayer, &c.

[Repealed by the sixth Canon of 1835.]

CANON XLVII.-Of Forms of Prayer or Thanksgiving for extraordinary occasions.

[Former Canons on this subject were the ninth of 1795, and the thirty-eighth of 1808.]

The Bishop of each Diocese may compose forms of Prayer, or Thanksgiving, as the case may require, for extraordinary occasions, and transmit them to each Clergyman within his Diocese, whose duty it shall be to use such forms in his Church on such occasions. And the Clergy in those States or Dioceses, or other places within the bounds of this Church, in which there is no Bishop, may use the form of Prayer or Thanksgiving composed by the Bishop of any Diocese. The Bishop in each

whom there may be communicated all errors, if any, in editions of the Bible printed under the operation of a certain Canon of this Convention; such errors to be notified on the Journal of the Convention, to which they may at any time be presented by the Joint Committee.

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