sions of the Canon concerning Candidates for Orders, as far as the same relates to the age of the person to whom the dispensation may be granted, and the mode and restrictions in and under which the same may be granted, shall apply to the persons mentioned in this Canon. Sect. 5. Every candidate for the ministry of any other denomination, who applies to be received as a candidate for Orders in this Church, may be allowed by the Bishop, with the consent of the members of the Standing Committee, the period of time during which he has been a student of Theology, or Candidate in such other denomination provided, the time so allowed does not exceed two years. Sect. 6. When any person not a citizen of the United States, who has been acknowledged as an ordained minister among any other denomination of Christians, shall apply for Orders in this Church, the Bishop to whom application is made, shall require of him (in addition to the above qualifications) satisfactory evidence that he has resided at least one year in the United States previous to his application. Sect. 7. The third Canon of 1835 is hereby repealed. CANON VIII. Of the Organizing of New Dioceses formed out of Existing Dioceses. Sect. 1. Whenever any new Dioceses shall be formed within the limits of any other Diocese, or by the junction of two or more Dioceses, or parts of Dioceses, and the same shall have been ratified by the General Convention, the Bishop of the Diocese within the limits of which another is formed, or in case of the junction of two or more Dioceses, or parts of Dioceses, the Bishop of eldest consecration over the Dioceses furnishing portions of such new Diocese, shall thereupon call the Primary Convention of the new Diocese for the purpose of enabling it to organize, and shall fix the time and place of holding the same, such place being within the territorial limits of the new Diocese. Sect. 2. In case there should be no Bishop who can call such Primary Convention pursuant to the foregoing provisions, then the duty of calling such Convention for the purpose of organizing, and the duty of fixing the time and place of its meeting, shall be vested in the Standing Committee of the eldest of the Dioceses, by the junction of which, or parts of which the new Diocese may be formed. And such Standing Committee shall make such call immediately after the ratification of a division by the General Convention. Sect. 3. Whenever one Diocese is about to be divided into two Dioceses, the Convention of the said Diocese shall declare which portion thereof is to be the new Diocese, and shall make the same known to the General Convention, before the ratification of such division. CANON IX. Of the Mode of Publishing Authorized Editions of the Book of Common Prayer, &c. [Former Canons on this subject were the third of 1801; the fortythird of 1808; the Canon of 1821; the forty-sixth of 1832, and the sixth of 1835.] Sect. 1. The Bishop of this Church in any Diocese, or, where there is no Bishop, the Standing Committee thereof, shall appoint one or more Presbyters of the Diocese, who shall compare and correct all new editions of the Common Prayer-Book, the articles, offices, and metre psalms and hymns, by some standard book; and a certificate of said editions having been so compared and corrected, shall be published with the same. And in case any edition shall be published without such correction, it shall be the duty of the Bishop, or where there is no Bishop, of the Standing Committee, to give public notice that such edition is not authorized by the Church. Sect. 2. Editions from the Stereotype Plates of the Prayer-Book of the Female Episcopal Prayer-Book Society, of Philadelphia, comprising the Common PrayerBook, the Articles, Offices, Psalms in metre, selected, from the Psalms of David, and Hymns, are hereby established as the standard, together with the whole book of Psalms in metre, in the duodecimo edition, published by the New York Protestant Episcopal Press of 1832; with the exception of errors evidently typographical; the correction of which errors is confided to such person or persons as the Bishop or Standing Committee may appoint for superintending any publication. Sect. 3. The sixth Canon of 1835 is hereby repealed.* a The following Resolutions were ordered to accompany the fortysixth Canon of 1832: Resolved, That the French translation of the Book of Common Prayer, and the Articles of Religion, printed in New York, by T. & J. Swords, in the year 1831, be, and the same hereby is declared to be the Liturgy, which may be used by any minister of this Church, who may officiate in a congregation to whom the French language is familiar; and that the Edition of the Book of Common Prayer in the French language, printed in 1831 by the Messrs. T. & J. Swords, of New York, be, and the same hereby is established as the Standard Book, whereby all future Editions of the Book of Common Prayer and Articles, in the French language, shall be compared and corrected. Resolved, That the provisions of the forty-sixth of the Canons passed by this Convention,* except as far as the said Canon establishes Standard Books, shall be applied to the publication of all future Editions of the Book of Common Prayer and Articles in the French language. *The above named provisions of the forty-sixth Canon of 1832, are the same as those of the first section of the ninth Canon of 1838. 312 CANON X.-Of Defraying the Expenses of General Conver tions. [The former Canons on this subject were the fifty-fourth of 1832 and the eighth of 1835.] Sect. 1. In order that the contingent expenses of General Conventions may be defrayed, it shall be the duty of the several Diocesan Conventions to forward to the Treasurer of this Convention, at or before any meetings of the Gene ral Convention, seventy-five cents for each Clergyman within said Diocese. Sect. 2. The eighth Canon of 1835 is hereby repealed. CANON XI.-Of Repealed Canons. Sect. 1. Whenever there shall be a repealing clause in any Canon, and the said Canon shall be repealed, such repeal shall not be a re-enactment of the Canon or Canons repealed by the said repealing clause. Sect. 2. The provisions of this Canon shall also apply to Canons heretofore passed having repealing clauses. THE END. |