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" Baptism doth represent unto us our profession ; which is, to follow the example of our Saviour Christ, and to be made like unto him ; that as he died, and rose again for us, so should we, who are baptized, die from sin, and rise again unto righteousness;... "
The Episcopal Manual: A Summary Explanation of the Doctrine, Discipline, and ... - Page 148
by William Holland Wilmer - 1841 - 312 pages
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A compleat collection of devotions, both publick and private [compiled by T ...

Complete collection, Thomas Deacon - 1734 - 292 pages
...Baptifm doth reprefent unto us our profeflion, which is to follow the example of our Saviour Chrift, and to be made like unto him; that as he died and rofe again for us, fo mould we who are baptized, die from fin and rife again unto righteoufnefs, continually...
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The new Whole duty of man, containing the faith as well as practice of a ...

Whole duty - 1741 - 504 pages
...reprefent prefenw' "" unto us our profeflion, which is to follow the example of our Saviour Chrift, and to be made like unto him, that as he died,, and role again for us, fo mould we who are baptized, die from fin, and rife again unto righteoufnefs }...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. William Whiston: Containing Memoirs ...

William Whiston - 1753 - 380 pages
...Baptifm reprefenteth unto us our profeffion ; which is, to follow the example of our Saviour Chriff, and to be made like unto him ; that as he died, and rofe again for us, fo fhould we who are baptized, die from fin, and rife again unto righteoufnefs,...
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Montanus redivivus: or, Montanism revived in the principles and discipline ...

James Clark (of the diocese of Tuam.) - 1760 - 172 pages
...conftant -in performing all the Duties of publick and private Worfhip, fincerely endeavouring to mortify all our evil and corrupt Affections, and daily proceeding in all Virtue and Godlinefs of living; humbly and with a lively Faith relying on the Mercy of God, in and for the Sake...
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Montanus Redivivus: Or, Montanism Revived, in the Principles and Discipline ...

James Clark (Rev. Mr.) - 1760 - 172 pages
...conftant 'in performing all the Duties of publick and private Worfhip, fincerely endeavouring to mortify all our evil and corrupt Affections, and daily proceeding in all Virtue and Godlinefs of living ; humbly and with a lively Faith relying on the Mercy of God, in and for the Sake...
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Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites ...

1765 - 410 pages
...Baptifm dot i reprefent unto us our profeflion, which is to follow the example of our Savjour Chrift, and to be made like unto him ; that as he died, and rofe again for us, fo mould we who are baptized, die from fin, and rife again unto righteoumefs ; continually...
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An essay: a serious reply to the main purport of some tenets espoused by ...

Edward Kimpton - 1770 - 58 pages
...(hould we, who. are baptized into his death, die daily unto fin and rife again unto dgh*,teoufnefs; continually mortifying, all our evil and corrupt affections, . and daily proceeding in all virtue and godlinefs of living, '' Whoever believes his holy gofpel^ fuch a oae can at any time go to the law...
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The new Whole duty of man [&c.].

Whole duty - 1777 - 582 pages
...Baptifm doth reprefent unto us ' our profeffion, which is to follow the example of our Sa' viour Chrift, and to be made like unto him, that as he died, ' and rofe again for us, fo mould we> who are baptifed, die * from fin, and rife again unto righteoufnefs...
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The Book of common prayer, explained by a paraphrase at the bottom of each page

1779 - 688 pages
...Baptifin dotht rcprefent unto us our profeflion; which is to follow the example of our Saviour Chritt, and to be made like unto him ; that as he died, and rofe again for us ; fo mould we, who arc baptized, die from fin, and rife again unto righteoufntfs,...
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Sermons on Various Subjects: Intended to Promote Christian Knowledge and ...

Luke Booker - 1794 - 340 pages
...reprefents unto you your Chriftian Profeffion, which is—to follow the Example of your Saviour Chrift, and to be made like unto him: that, as he died, and rofe again for you ; fo mould you who are baptized, die from Sin, and rife again unto Righteoufnefs,...
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