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The method of differences, as already explained, requires, that in proceeding with the calculation, this apparatus should perform continually the addition of the number expressed upon each row of dials, to the number expressed upon the row immediately above it. Now, we shall first explain how this process of addition may be conceived to be performed by the motion of the dials; and in doing so, we shall consider separately the processes of addition and carriage, considering the addition first, and then the carriage.

Let us first suppose the line D1 to be added to the line T. To accomplish this, let us imagine that while the dials on the line D1 are quiescent, the dials on the line T are put in motion, in such a manner, that as many divisions on each dial shall pass under its index, as there are units in the number at the index immediately below it. It is evident that this condition supposes that if 0 be at any index on the line D', the dial immediately above it in the line T shall not move. Now the motion here supposed, would bring under the indices on the line T such a number as would be produced by adding the number D1 to T, neglecting all the carriages; for a carriage should have taken place in every case in which the figure 9 of any dial in the line T had passed under the index during the adding motion. To accomplish this carriage, it would be necessary that the dial immediately on the left of any dial in which 9 passes under the index, should be advanced one division, independently of those divisions which it may have been advanced by the addition of the number immediately below it. This effect may be conceived to take place in either of two ways. It may be either produced at the moment when the division between 9 and 0 of any dial passes under the index; in which case the process of carrying would go on simultaneously with the process of adding; or the process of carrying may be postponed in every instance until the process of addition, without carrying, has been completed; and then by another distinct and independent motion of the machinery, a carriage may be made by advancing one division all those dials on the right of which a dial had, during the previous addition, passed from 9 to 0 under the index. The latter is the method adopted in the calculating machinery, in order to enable its inventor to construct the carrying machinery independent of the adding mechanism.

Having explained the motion of the dials by which the addition, excluding the carriages of the number on the row D', may be made to the number on the row T, the same explanation may be applied to the number on the row D2 to the number on the row D1; also, of the number D3 to the number on the row D2, and so on. Now it is possible to suppose the additions of all the rows, except the first, to be made to all the rows except the last, simultane

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ously; and after these additions have been made, to conceive all the requisite carriages to be also made by advancing the proper dials one division forward. This would suppose all the dials in the scheme to receive their adding motion together; and, this being accomplished, the requisite dials to receive their carrying motions together. The production of so great a number of simultaneous motions throughout any machinery, would be attended with great mechanical difficulties, if indeed it be practicable. In the calculating machinery it is not attempted. The additions are performed in two successive periods of time, and the carriages in two other periods of time, in the following manner. We shall suppose one complete revolution of the axis which moves the machinery, to make one complete set of additions and carriages; it will then make them in the following order :—

The first quarter of a turn of the axis will add the second, fourth, and sixth rows to the first, third, and fifth, omitting the carriages; this it will do by causing the dials on the first, third, and fifth rows, to turn through as many divisions as are expressed by the numbers at the indices below them, as already explained.

The second quarter of a turn will cause the carriages consequent on the previous addition, to be made by moving forward the proper dials one division.

(During these two quarters of a turn, the dials of the first, third, and fifth row alone have been moved; those of the second, fourth, and sixth, have been quiescent.)

The third quarter of a turn will produce the addition of the third and fifth rows to the second and fourth, omitting the carriages; which it will do by causing the dials of the second and fourth rows to turn through as many divisions as are expressed by the numbers at the indices immediately below them.

The fourth and last quarter of a turn will cause the carriages consequent on the previous addition, to be made by moving the proper dials forward one division.

This evidently completes one calculation, since all the rows except the first have been respectively added to all the rows except the last.

To illustrate this: let us suppose the table to be computed to be that of the fifth powers of the natural numbers, and the computation to have already proceeded so far as the fifth power of 6, which is 7776. This number appears, accordingly, in the highest row, being the place appropriated to the number of the table to be calculated. The several differences as far as the fifth, which is in this case constant, are exhibited on the successive rows of dials in such a manner, as to be adapted to the process of addition by alternate rows, in the manner already explained. The process of addition will commence by the motion of the dials in the first, third, and fifth rows, in the following manner: The dial A, fig. 1,

must turn through one division, which will bring the number 7 to the index; the dial B must turn through three divisions, which will bring 0 to the index; this will render a carriage necessary, but that carriage will not take place during the present motion of the dial. The dial C will remain unmoved, since 0 is at the index below it; the dial D must turn through nine divisions; and as, in doing so, the division between 9 and 0 must pass under the index, a carriage must subsequently take place upon the dial to the left; the remaining dials of the row T, fig. 1, will remain unmoved. In the row D2 the dial A will remain unmoved, since 0 is at the index below it; the dial B2 will be moved through five divisions, and will render a subsequent carriage on the dial to the left necessary; the dial C2 will be moved through five divisions; the dial D will be moved through three divisions, and the remaining dials of this row will remain unmoved. The dials of the row D will be moved according to the same rules; and the whole scheme will undergo a change exhibited in Fig. 2; a mark (*) being introduced on those dials to which a car

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riage is rendered necessary by the addition which has just taken place.

The second quarter of a turn of the moving axis, will move forward through one division all the dials which in Fig. 2 are marked (), and the scheme will be converted into the scheme expressed in Fig. 3.

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In the third quarter of a turn, the dial A', fig. 3, will remain unmoved, since 0 is at the index below it; the dial B' will be moved forward through three divisions; C' through nine divisions, and so on; and in like manner the dials of the row D3 will be moved

forward through the number of divisions expressed at the indices in the row D. This change will convert the arrangement into that expressed in Fig. 4, the dials to which a carriage is due, being distinguished as before by (").

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The fourth quarter of a turn of the axis will move forward one division all the dials marked (.); and the arrangement will finally assume the form exhibited in Fig. 5, in which the calculation is completed. The first row T in this expresses the fifth power


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