The Scots Magazine, Volume 2

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Sands, Brymer, Murray and Cochran, 1740

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Page 40 - tis worfe } as in Commands of the army, and other employments of that kind, when they muft have a divided duty : For it does admirably become an officer to fit voting away money in the Houfe of Commons, while his...
Page 58 - I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Page 41 - Nation, fo entirely (I was going to fay fo fondly) devoted to him. My Lords, no Man is readier than...
Page 41 - ... a worfe. We have known it fo too often, and fometimes repented it too late. LET them not have this new provocation, in being debarred from a fecurity in their Reprefentatives.
Page 39 - I have always heard, I have always read, that foreign nations, and all this part of the world, have admir'd and envy 'd the conftitution of this Government.
Page 221 - I, by twenty sail attended, Did this Spanish town affright; Nothing then its wealth defended But my orders not to fight. Oh! that in this rolling ocean I had cast them with disdain, And obeyed my heart's warm motion To have quelled the pride of Spain!
Page 119 - Landing, whilst he was coming up to the Fort to batter it. The Admiral luffing up as near to the Fort as he could, the Fire of his Small Arms commanded the enemies...
Page 323 - One thoufand pounds immediately on my deceafe : and all the furniture of my grotto, urns in my garden, houfehold goods, chattels, plate, or whatever is not otherwife difpofed of in this my Will, I give and devife to the faid Mrs. Martha Blount, out of a fmcere regard, and long friend fhip for her.
Page 40 - Sort of Supply, give an Account from him how much is needful towards the Paying fuch an Army, or fuch a Fleet -, and then immediately give, by his ready Vote, what he had before afk'd by his Mailer's Order.
Page 231 - * "~ they have not been more violent, and more fatal to thofe that were the Caufe of them. We have been, during that long Period, in what fome amongft us are pleafed to call a State of Tranquillity ; but that Tranquillity has been attended with all the Expence, and almoft all the Misfortunes of a real War, without a Chance of reaping any of that Glory, or any of thofe Advantages, that may be reaped by open Hoftilities. We have been negotiating when we ought to have been fighting, and we have been...

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