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mediately given in return, by which two Danes were wounded. The frigate now maintained a conflict with feveral of the British veffels; and fome lives were loft on both fides. The Dane, being overpowered, ftruck his flag; and the fhips that were under his care were brought into the Downs.

As the probable formation of a northern alliance to the prejudice of Great-Britain had been a frequent topic of political difcourfe, it was apprehended that this incident might lead to an extenfion of the war. To prevent fuch a result, lord Whitworth was commiffioned to treat with the court of Denmark; and a convention was adjusted near the end of Auguft, providing for the reftitution of the fhips and the payment of a fum of money by way of indemnification, precluding traders from the protection of a convoy, except in the Mediterranean (where the piracies of the Barbary states render it neceffary), permitting for the prefent the usual fearch, and referving the final fettlement of the dispute to another opportunity.

The grand point of dispute is, whether trading veffels, failing under the convoy of a royal or national navy, shall be fearched as well as thofe fhips which have not the public flag to protect them. The queftion involves this difficulty If mercantile fhips fhould be fuffered to escape vifitation from having a convoy, they may convey to an enemy all kinds of warlike ftores, and thus greatly injure a nation which is not hoftile. On the other hand it may be contended, that the flag ought to fecure the merchandise, by making it public ras ther than private property. The advocates for the general: fearch may fay, that, if we could always depend on the honour of a particular government, fhips under convoy might be excufed from the degradation of a fearch; but, as we may be deceived by plaufible pretences, a vifitation is the only true criterion in this cafe. We think, however, that candour requires an acquiefcence in the declarations of naval officers acting under a royal flag or under national authority.

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The capricious politics of the Ruffian fovereign have given * difguft to the courts with which he fo lately formed an

alliance. Their perfuafions and remonftrances have not prevailed upon him to re-engage in the conteft: he treats our cabinet with indifference, if not with infult, and feems inclined to form an armed neutrality, which may check the maritime triumphs of Great-Britain.

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Under the aufpices of Bonaparte, the government of the Helvetic republic has affumed a form refembling, though not exactly agreeing with, the confular fyftem of France. On the 7th of Auguft, the grand council refolved, that the two legislative aflemblies fhould be reduced to one, confifting of forty-three members, and that the new affembly should select seven of its members to form an executive body. The fenate made fome oppofition to thefe propofals; but the executive faction triumphed over all refiftance. Such is the inftability of the governments framed by French revolu tionifts.


The French have not prevented the new pope from taking poffeffion of the fee of Rome. The Auftrians having delivered up to him a great part of the ecclefiaftical ftate; he began, in July, to exercise the functions of fovereignty ; and he governs with dignity and moderation.

When the French again obtained poffeffion of the Milanese, they re-organised the Cisalpine republic as a free and independent nation; declared the laws and regulations of the late Auftrian government in that country null and void; invited the return of those who had left their homes on ac◄‹ count of the unfettled ftate of affairs; promised to respect private property; and profeffed an intention of maintaining the catholic religion in the fame ftate in which it was at the time of the first conqueft of the country by the modern revo lutionists. Some politicians fuppofed that Bonaparte would reftore Piedmont to the king of Sardinia; but he has not shown himself more inclined than the emperor was to do fuch an act of juftice. The chief, authority in that country

has been delegated to a committee, or rather to the refident minifter of the French republic.

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As foon as it was known in England that proposals had been made to the Turks by the French in Egypt for the safe retreat of the latter, the British miniftry, apprehensive of danger from the return of fuch an army, and wishing that it might become a ftriking example of disappointed ambition and injuftice, fent an order to lord Keith not to ratify any convention of that nature. A difpute arofe on this head between general Kleber and lord Keith, the latter declaring that he would not fuffer the French to pafs unmolefted. The grand vizir, having taken poffeffion of many posts which the enemy had evacuated, demanded the immediate furrender of Cairo; but Kleber, alleging that the English were hoftile to the agreement, refufed to deprive his endan gered army of fo important a station, and gave notice of his intention of renewing the war. On the 18th of March, he attacked a body of Turks, and put them to the rout: he then engaged the grand army, and obtained a complete victory.

When it appeared that the convention had been fanctioned by fir Sidney Smith, our court, though not pleased at his conduct in protecting an enemy whom he might have crushed, fent orders for a ratification of the agreement: Kleber now consented to a revival of the treaty; and it was expected that he and his countrymen would speedily take the benefit of it. But, on the 14th of June, he was affaffinated by a fanatic who had been fent from Gaza for that purpose by the aga of the janizaries. His obfequies were celebrated with great pomp; his merits were blazoned in a funeral oration pronounced by Fourier; and the affaffin was juftly punished with death. Menou fucceeded to the command; and it is supposed that he will endeavour to retain poffeffion of the country.

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