| 1718 - 466 pages
...pretended to be Prince of Wales^ and lirice the Death or" the faid King, had taken upon himfelf the Style and Title .of King of England, by the Name of James the third. The feveral Overt- Acts, as laid lit the Indi&flM&it, Were, Tliat the Prifoner confuked and agreed... | |
| Caleb D'Anvers - 1731 - 444 pages
...the Life of the late King James II. and fince his Deceafe pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the Stile and Title .of King of England, by the Name ' of James III. as Soldiers, to the great Difturbance ' of the Peace of thefe her Majefty's Kingdoms : And ' whereas... | |
| 1731 - 440 pages
...the Life of the late King Jnmi-s II. and fince his Deceafe pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the Stile and Title of King of England, by the Name » of 1 of James III. as Soldiers, to the great Difturbance ' of the Peace of thefc her Majefty's Kingdoms... | |
| 1766 - 754 pages
...fife of the late King James, and, fihce his deceafe, pretended to be, and took upon himfelf the ftyle and title of, King of England, by the name of James...Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or the ftyle and title of King of Great Britain, aod their adherents, and all other enemies who, either by... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 516 pages
...of the late King James, and fence his deceafe pre^ tending to be, and taking upon himfelf the Jlile and title of King of England, by the name of James the 'Third, or of Scotland, by the nameof]amts the Eighth , or the Jlile and title of King of Great Britain, hath not any right or title... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 564 pages
...the late King James, andfmce his deceafe pretending te be, and taking upon himftlfthe ßile and tide of King of England, by • the name of James the Third, or of Scotland by the neme of James the Eighth, or the ßile and title of King of Great Britain, bath net any right or title... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 562 pages
...life of the late King James, and fmce bis dcceaft pretending to be, and taking upon him/elf the ßile and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, bath not any right or title whatfotvtr to the crown of this reahn, er any tther the dominions thereto... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 562 pages
...life of the late King Tames, and fmce bis deceafe pretending to be, and taking upon him/elf the ßile and title of King of England, by the name of James the Third, hath not any right or title whatfaever ta the crown of this realm, or any ether the dominions thereto... | |
| Great Britain - 1764 - 514 pages
...of the late King James, and fince his deceaje, pretending to be, and taking upon himfelf the ßile and title of King of England, by the name of James the 'I bird, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, or the ßile and title of King of Great Britain,... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 520 pages
...deci'ife, pretending to be, and iating upon him/elf the ßüe and title of King of England, by the name if James the Third, or of Scotland, by the name of James the Eighth, (rtheßileand title oftiing ¿/"Great Britain, /v/.'A not any righto titlt whafftever to the crown... | |
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