A Critical Dictionary of English Literature

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Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 2386 - War. Third Edition, Enlarged. Fcap. 8vo, 4?. Plutarch ; his Life, his Lives, and his Morals. Second Edition, Enlarged. Fcap. 8vo, 3*. 6d. Remains of the late Mrs. Richard Trench. Being Selections from her Journals, Letters, and other Papers. New and Cheaper Issue. With Portrait. 8vo, 6s.
Page 2343 - A Pedlar and a Romish Priest in a very hot Discourse, full of Mirth, Truth, Wit, Folly, and Plain-dealing, by John Taylor.
Page 2338 - ... politest and most refined devotees of either sex. They maintain the principal place in the study of almost every elegant and high divine. They stand in folios and other volumes, adorned with variety of pictures, gildings and other decorations on the advanced shelves or glass cupboards of the ladies
Page 2348 - Sydenhnm, [7. r.,1 and the Remainder by Thomas Taylor; with Occasional Annotations on the Nine Dialogues translated by Sydenham, and copious Notes, by the Latter Translator; in which is given the Substance of nearly all the existing Greek MS. Commentaries on the Philosophy of Plato, and a considerable Portion of such as are already published, 1S04.
Page 2313 - Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by JB LIPPINCOTT & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.
Page 2325 - TATE -THE CONTINUOUS HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF ST. PAUL, on the basis of the Acts ; with Intercalary Matter of Sacred Narrative, supplied from the Epistles, and elucidated in occasional Dissertations: with the Horae Paulina? of Dr. Paley, in a more correct edition, subjoined.
Page 2341 - The Life and Death of the most blessed amongst all Women, the Virgin Mary. With the Murder of the Infants in Bethlehem, Judas his Treason, and the Confession of the good Theefe and the bad, 1622, 8vo.
Page 2325 - A letter to the Women of England, on Slavery in the Southern States of America...
Page 2325 - TATE, of Kneller Training College, Twickenham ; late Mathematical Professor and Lecturer on Chemistry in the National Society's Training College, Battersea ; Author of " Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy.
Page 2317 - THE RHODE ISLAND COTTAGE, Or, A Gift for the Children of Sorrow ; A Narrative of Facts ; by a Presbyter of the Church, 1 vol.

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