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"To do something to instruct, but more to undeceive, the timid and admiring student;-
to excite him to place more confidence in his own strength, and less in the infallibility of
great names; to help him to emancipate his judgment from the shackles of authority;-to
teach him to distinguish between shewy language and sound sense; to warn him not to pay
himaelf with words, to shew him that what may tickle the ear or dazzle the imagination, will
not always inform the judgment; to dispose him rather to fast on ignorance than to feed
himself with error."
Fragment on Government.

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v. 14

THE Editor concludes the Fourteenth Volume of the Monthly Repository with grateful feelings towards his Subscribers and Correspondents, by whose means he has been able to carry on the Work, and to make it, as he flatters himself, increasingly useful. The distresses of the times have affected it in common with

all other periodical works, but the new Volume will be commenced with a fair prospect of success. The Editor relies upon the same zealous co-operation that he has hitherto enjoyed, and in this confidence commends his labours to the Divine Blessing.


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