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Scripture expresses itself. If, for on such questions to the very words instance, the doctrine of Justifica of the public documents, without tion by Faith, as delivered to us by adding to them or taking away our Reformers, be attacked, the from them. Let the Herald take mouths of them of the circumcision heed how he adds to, in any way, must be stopped, even if an angel or diminishes from his message. I from heaven be the preacher of another gospel.

P.S. See the remarks of the In the same manner, if we would venerable and faithful Scott, on be faithful to our Church in any Rev. xxii. 18, 19, and I Cor. iii. doubtful questions, we shall do well for further cautions against adding to reject all private authorities and to, or taking from the Gospel opinions; to collect all public docu- Message. ments, and confine our statements



To devote ourselves wholly to the service of God, our Creator and Redeemer, is at all times, a course not only prudent, but essentially necessary. But unfortunately this most serious and important concern is by the majority of those who profess and call themselves Christians, postponed to a distant and indefinite period :-and espe. cially is this the case in the season of outward prosperity in the morning of life--a season of all others the most adapted for the exercise of active religion. To repent and turn to God is at all times expedient: -in the season of health it is noble. When all around smiles on the youthful Christian, in the springtide of life, and the sunshine of happiness ;-before the world with its blighting influence and chilling prejudices has hardened the heart; -when the moral atmosphere is almost without a cloud ;-then to devote ourselves, soul and body to the service of the Lord, as a reasonable and fitting offering is a sacrifice honourable to God, and one which eminently tends to promote his glory. But, to present to the beneficent and gracious Being to whom alone we are indebted for every blessing, the dregs of a life, exhausted as to its best energies, and liveliest vigour in the service

of the world, and which has made trial of every inferior source of consolation, is to offer a thankless and ungenerous gift, and that in his mercy the Lord should ever condescend to accept it, is matter of adoring wonder and gratitude. But, when the soul, awakened by divine grace to apprehend the claims of redeeming love, meditates thereon and counts up all its mercies, it is constrained, as a reasonable service, to dedicate the free-will offering, and the voluntary surrender of its gifts and talents to the Giver of them all: to devote health, and youth, and time, and influence to His immediate service. Then especially does the youthful Christian demonstrate to those around him by the living eloquence of fact, that he chooses the “narrow way,” not only because it is prescribed, but because it is pleasant : that, as a “ yoke” must be borne, he chooses the yoke of Christ as infi. nitely“ lighter” than the enslaving thraldom of the world : that after having carefully “counted the cost," the balance of worldly favour, when weighed against the frowns of an of. fended Judge and an accusing conscience is lighter than vanity itself: that the service which is perfect fredom, is beloved for its own sake : and above all, that the “new creature"

in Christ Jesus cannot possibly re- the science of Divine truth. But lish its former engagements, by now, while the golden day of opporreason of its being new, and there- tunity brightly invites the youthful fore the less insists on the renounc. pilgrim to a sphere of more exing what is no longer valuable or alted usefulness, and more noble considerable.

occupation than ever visited his And herein consists the paramount forefathers, may he be enabled foresight of working while it is yet sedulously to improve the precious day with us; while youth and op- season, and willingly and zealously portunity is vouchsafed. Time, our spend and be spent in the service most invaluable talent, is flying of Him, who hath called him out rapidly, and in a very short period of darkness into his marvellous we must lie on the bed of death, light, to this very end, that he when, if ever the desire were ex should “shew forth his praises." cited of serving the Lord, the body if we devote our youth to God would be incapable of obeying the 'Tis pleasing in his eyes : impulse. It is too late, when the A flower when offered in the bud spring of animal life begins to fail, Is no vain sacrifice. and disease clouds the faculties, to

H. M. become candidates for success in


Beseeching thee that it would please thee of thy great goodness shortly to accomplish

the number of thine elect, and to hasten thy kingdom.—BURIAL SERVICE. AGEs had pass'd away--the Sun

Full many a moon had wax'd and wan'd, His glad millenial race had done, And from the field with carnage stain'd, Sin marr'd the earth again;

As yet no tidings came; Satan in chairs no longer bound,

The old man felt his spirits fail, Was walking his accustom'd round, The chilling damps of death prevail, * Abroad his own domain;

O'er life's expiring flame;
The Sons of violence were strong

Yet still to Heav'n in bitter cries,
And rapine, murder, fraud and wrong Mid nature's latest agonies,
Were scorning all control,

Struggling he perseverés ;
While Belial held his midnight court, My covenant God in mercy mild
Mid lawless luşt and wanton sport, Remember my transgressing child,

And conscience-dead'ning bowl ; My child of many prayers. (spirit The glory of the Lord was far away, Faith seald the promise, and his parting And saints expecting mourn'd their Its crown of glory hasten'd to inherit. King's delay.

Behold yon soldier on the plain, One hoary-headed man of tears

The life blood issuing from his vein, Recal'd the joys of happier years . See grace within him strives, When Jesus reigned below;

He lifts his haggard eyes to Heav'n, Had seen his brethren one by one And prays to have his sins forgiv'n, Depart to claim their blood-bought He mourns and he believes ; thrope,

The heav'nly host had mark'd his cries, And long'd himself to go;

Beheld the Saviour's sympathies, One fond desire still linger'd here,

And knew the prayer was heard ; And bound him to this lower sphere, Forth burst the * sounds of heavenly His child had wandered far

From pure religion's golden way, The ancient of eternal days
From paths of pleasantness astray,

His glorious train prepar'd.
And with the sons of war,

"Tis done, the last redeem'd is gather'd in, To distant climes had bent his wayward The church is perfect, endless years begin.

course, Sought fame in blood, and sinn'd without

* There is joy in the presence of the angels of remorse.

God, over one sinner that repenteth. Luke xv. 10.

F. F.


THE RHINE.—No. I. Mr. Editor.-I send the follow the case, it proclaims the excessive ing notes and observations made, cupidity of such persons, and is an during a rapid tour through the illustration of the truth of the Rhine countries, during the past ancient adage, concerning the love autumn. If they should contribute of money : It is really the root of in any degree, however small, to all evil. Might not those letterthe information or recreation of the bags have contained communicareaders of your useful Miscellany, tions of very keen and lively interest my object will be fully answered to many Hamburghers, and the

Having for various reasons re- delay of a few hours be quite as linquished a former plan of reach- detrimental or painful to others as ing Basle by the way of Paris, and the speed of their agents was adpreferred the route through Holland vantageous to the authors of this and Germany, we embarked at derangement of public order ? But eight o'clock on the morning of it is not the nature of any one vice Saturday, the 22nd day of Septem- to look at the things of others, ber, in the steam packet, called the Its root is always Self, and its fruits King of the Netherlands, whose must therefore be selfish. Before destination was Rotterdam. Our men can love their neighbours as passengers were not numerous, themselves, they must taste of the because the season for visiting the love of God, and know his grace continent had passed ; and, indeed, within. But ought not all merbut for an unaccountable occur- chants, both at home and abroad, rence their number would have be secured from any such private been still smaller. Several gentle interference of individuals of their men had intended to go that morn- body, to the let and hindrance of ing by the Sir Joseph Banks, Steam the many ? I mention the fact as . Packet, to Hamburgh, but when they reported, and leave others to deterarrived at the place of embarkation mine-Certain it is that the disat the time appointed, found that appointed passengers were seriously the vessel had left two hours before, inconvenienced. We had a very evident proof on We passed rapidly by the West board, that some, to us, inexplica- and East India docks, Deptford, ble arrangements had taken place Greenwich, Woolwich, and Graveswith reference to that vessel, for end, to the Nore. Many thoughts the Hamburgh letter bags, which naturally rise in a Briton's mind at should have gone by the Sir Joseph, the view of so much worldly power were under the charge of our Cap- as these scenes present, and the tain or Steward, and would have to prayer as naturally mingles itself reach their destination by the cir- with the thoughts in the devout cuitous route of Rotterdam. It mind, that our dear native land may was rumoured among us, but I know become more and more a blessing not upon what authority, that cer- to the nations. What have we tain great monied persons of Lon. nationally or individually that we don, who have much to do with have not received ? If then we have the continent, had for their own received it all, let it all proclaim purposes procured the early depar- the glory of the Giver, ture of the Hamburgh vessel, that It was evening before we had their agents and communications cleared the land, and the sun was might by means of it reach that sinking in the horizon ; and now I city before the correspondence of had an opportunity of enjoying a their neighbours. If this be really sight for the first time, which I had

often wished to behold: I mean an day before was right with St. Paul's, object in the due west of our globe. showed plainly that we had changed It was the evening preceding the our longitude during the last twenty equinox, and the sun was very two hours. Instead of rising prenearly at the same distance from cisely at six by London time, the both the poles. Many times in the sun was clearly up at that hour, summer season I had traced his thus proving us nearer by about progress northward, and again his four degrees to the eastern parts return; in winter too had measured of our globe. It was now the with the eye his contracted arc, but equinox, yet nothing could be finer never before had clearly seen him or milder than the weather. The occupy the middle point of the shores of the Meuse exactly resemhorizon, giving an equal day and ble those of the north coast of night to all beneath his influence. Holland. I recognized the very

A fog came on soon after sunset same appearances that I had obserand the sky offering nothing more ved about the Island of Norderney, to our attention, we retired to our eighteen years before; sand hills births and lay down, and my little and tufts of grass skirt the water ; companion soon fell into a profound afterwards the pasturage improves. sleep. It was not so with myself: Every where the eye was gratified my thoughts were with those we with the sight of Church Towers bad left, and towards him who alone belonging to the villages situated can keep us, whether at home in on the low islands. Our ears too the land of one's sįres or abroad on were greeted with the sound of the a foreign strand. They who have Sabbath bells, and I hoped to be visited the continent, will readily able before many hours had elapsed allow, how very naturally such to join the throng of those who anxieties rise in the mind of one keep holy day. We were now who wishes to keep himself un- approaching Brielle, and the engine spotted from the world. When he was stopped to allow a customquits his home he leaves some at house boat to come on board. The least of those daily habits and pur- Captain soon made his declaration, suits which furnish wholesome oc. and we proceeded. Brielle lies on cupation to his powers; while at the island Voorne Streve, and is a the same time he recedes from that small fortified place; on the same observation, and the restraints con- island lies Helvoetsluys, whence the nected with it, which there surround passage to England used formerly his steps. At such a time it is well to be made. Proceeding up the to enter into closer covenant with river we passed Schiedam, and by Him who is invisible, who neither half-past nine were abreast of the slumbers nor sleeps, and by a new custom house in Rotterdam, having act of self-surrender in body and performed the whole passage from soul, engage afresh his promised London thither, in twenty five hours mercies and succours on our side. without the slightest personal inThus surrounded, nothing shall by convenience. Such are the triany means harm him.

umphs of modern art : by these A few minutes after six o'clock the nations of the earth seem drawn on the Sunday morning, the stew. closer together, the uncertainties ard announced to us that we were belonging to international commualready within the outlet of the nication have visibly diminished, river Meuse. This agreeable in- and I believe from personal obsertelligence spread life among us all, vation, that many hearts in divers and the births were empty in a few countries are realizing, more and minutes. On reaching the deck the more, that brotherly good-will, and sun was a few degrees above the mutual affection, which beseem horizon. My watch, which the the family of man. VIATOR.

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DANIEL'S HISTORICAL PROPHECIES. A CONSIDERABLE degree of attention having been recently excited with reference to the prophecies of Daniel, the following tabular view chiefly drawn from the writings of Messrs. Frere and Irving, with a few notes referring to other authors, may not be unacceptable to the Christian Student. The compiler, aware of the difficulties of the subject, feels it his duty to decline giving any decisive opinion as to the correctness of the different interpretations; the full examination of which would occupy more time than he can at present properly devote to so interesting a pursuit.* Texts and Passages of Scripture.

Events Denoted. Dan. ï. 31–39. Head of Gold. Kingdom of Babylon. A.C.612—539 vii. 4-6. Lion. Eagle's wings. Dominion of Babylon over other

countries, as Syria, Palestine, &c. Breast and arms of silver. Kingdom of Medes and Persians.'

539—331. Bear.

Do. inferior in dignity to Babylonians

but more warlike, savage and

ferocious. Dan. vii. 5. Three Ribs in the Bear's Conquests of Cyrus; Lydia, Armenia, mouth.

Babylon. viii. 4. Ram pushing westward, West, over Asia Minor, attended

northward, and south with submission of Syria and

North, into the upper countries of


South, overcoming Babylon. Dan. ii. 32. Belly and thighs of brass. Kingdom of Alexander inferior in

dignity to Medes and Persians, but

yet more martial. 331—190. vi. 6. Leopard. . .. Rapidity of Alexander's conquests. vüi. 5. He-goat. vii. 6. Four wings, Leopard's

back. : viii. 5, 6. Swiftness of he-goat. vii. 6. Four heads of Leopard. Four kingdoms of Alexander's sucviii. 8. Four horns of he-goat. cessors, that is—Macedon and

Greece under Cassander; Thrace and Bythynia under Lysimachus ; Syria and the East under Seleucus,

Egypt under Ptolemy. The province of Babylon, and the kingdoms of Media and Persią are excluded from the heads of the

Leopard and the horns of the Goat. Dan. ii. 33. Legs of iron.

Western Roman Empire in its strength vii. 7. Beast with great iron inferior in dignity but stronger and teeth.

more martial.
9. Nails of brass.
ii. 33. Feet, part of iron and Roman Empire in its weakness.

part of clay.

The learned Medc remarks, in a letter, to one who differed from him on some interpretations of prophecy-" I have a conceit that some opinions be, in a sort, PATAL to some med, and therefore I cap, with much patience, endure a man to be contrary, minded, and have little or no edge to contend with one I think persuaded, unless it were in something that merely concerned him in a state of Salvation........ why should then either of us both spend onr time to no purpose? Thas desiring the FATHER OF LICHTS to guide us in the way of truth, and to open our eyes to see where we see not. I rest, and remain still your loving friend, JOSEPH MEDE."

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