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it more expedient, on the whole, for any religious society, and still mbreprofessional reasons, to refrain from call- unfit for the employment of a teacher ing them before the jury :

of others--a minister of the gospel Considering, Secondly. That Mr. Hill most solemnly protests, as he has uni

of Christ ! until he had given proofs formly protested, that the anonymous

of sincere repentance. The lan-' letters were neither written by himself, guage of these letters is not only nor with his knowledge or connivance : intemperate, it might almost be which protestation does not appear, from styled indecent and profligate : yet, the information now before the Confer- at the very time he was writing a ence, to have been disproved by any

succession of such letters to Hull, evidence hitherto adduced :

he was declaring at Shields, and It is, for these reasons, resolved, That the Conference do not feel themselves

in the neighbourhood where Miss called, at present, to subject Mr. Hill to Bell was known, that he knew any act of ecclesiastical discipline, on nothing against her, and had written account of the anonymous letters referred nothing to Hull to her disadvantage, to in the proceedings at York.

See pp. 32, 34, also 9, 11, 12, 16, 19. II. With respect to the letters acknow- Now is it not portentous to see ledged by Mr. Hill, as his own, the Conference resolves as follows:

such a body as the Methodist Con1. That, however justified Mr. Hill

ference pass over all this, or wilmight have been, in consequence of the fully shut their eyes against it; pressing application made to him for his endeavour to whitewash such a frank opinion on the case, in giving that character as the author of it ; and opinion to the person who confidentially still sanction him as a preacher of requested it, had it been conveyed in a the Gospel; deputing him to one proper manner, and in terms of suitable caution and moderation—there are, in

of its most distant circuits, where the letters which have recently appeared,

the report of his conduct might not a vehemence of spirit, and an intempe have reached the simple people ? rance of expression, highly unbecoming Is it not portentous as it affects the character of a Christian Minister, themselves, a body of EIGHT HUNand deserving of the severe censure of

erving of the severe censure of DRED MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL ! this body.

that they can screen and patron2. That Mr. Hill shall therefore receive a severe reproof from the Presi

ize such depravity in one of their dent, in the presence of the Conference;

own number? Is this the way and that he shall also be declared to secure the peace, the prosineligible to fill the office of a Superin- perity, the blessing of heaven upon tendent, in any of our circuits, for the their churches ? “A little leaven four years next ensuing." --Pp. 133, leaveneth the whole lump." What 134.

would St. Paul have written to Now not to remark on the weak them? The case of the incestuous ness, as well as presumption, of the man continued a private member of decision, made upon such grounds, the Corinthian church, which exconcerning the anonymous letters: * cited such horror in the mind of the the letters written in his own hand, Apostle, is surely not to be comand signed with his own name, pared with the employing such an were amply sufficient-compared individual as the present as the with what is in evidence concerning minister of a Christian Society. the language held by him at the Surely indeed godly discipline same time-to prove him a man must have perished from among unfit to be continued a member of us, even from those bodies which

• These letters were written, indeed, profess most to exercise it ! in a concealed hand, but in one which the How grievously are the apostolic most competent judges were convinced precepts forgotten by the Christian was that of Mr. Hill-on the same sort of paper, bearing the same water mark, with

world ? “Withdraw from every his acknowledged letters of the same period,

brother that walketh disorderly"and numerous other points of evidence. “Put away from among you that

JAN. 1828

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Review of Books. wicked person"-precepis equally imaginary interests of a sect : while necessary to our own safety, to the the rule which placed Mr. Hill in honour of religion, to the good of the chair at meetings that were to others, and even to true charity determine whether his conduct towards offenders.

should be referred to the proper The case before us obviously sug- quarter for investigation, or not, gests other important considera (like niaking the culprit himself the tions. The Methodist Conference, foreman of a grand jury which is to a body exclusively ecclesiastical and decide the question of putting him sacerdotal, meeting from year to upon his trial) is a regulation year, to legislate concerning the scarcely to be paralleled elsewhere ; religious affairs of immense and and of which nothing but the grossgrowing multitudes of people, dis- ness of a low-bred mind, advanced persed throughout the country, but to a post of authority, could have placed under a most complete or- consented to avail itself. But such ganization, and a very absolute proceedings will surely never be control, baving large revenues at tolerated in this country, and in the its disposal, and numberless chapels present advanced age. No; it is vested in its hands, is an unique not by thus quashing inquiry, and institution amongst us : nothing screening guilt, and putting the like it exists in any other class of narrative of the transaction into an our population. To the established Index Prohibitorius, that the Con-. church no such meeting of its cler- ference must hope to maintain gy, or of their representatives, is either its own influence, or the permitted : and among any other peace of the churches, or the prosbody of dissenters nothing of the perity and extension of the Society, sort is attempted. Now how great over which it presides. If it would must that body feel its power to be, support its credit, if it would escape which ventures to act as the Con- disgrace, its proceedings must be ference has done in this flagrant open and above disguise, and its instance ? --ventures so to set public maxim must be, FIAT JUSTITIA, opinion, supported by the verdict of RUAT COELUM. We are bold to a jury, and the decision of a court say, it has gone decidedly and glaof judicature, at defiance, and to ringly wrong; and there is no way. trample on all the claims of justice of honour or of duty open to it, but to an irreparably injured individual, to retrace its steps. whose case is supported by such a We recommend this small vobody of documentary evidence, as lume to our readers, as one of conit seems impossible to resist. A case siderable interest; and would press which may well remind us of some upon the Methodist body in general, humble individual in private life, in and on the Methodist Conference Spain or in Italy, or some ages collectively, the following extract back in other countries of Europe, from their last Magazine. endeavouring to obtain redress from “We must look well to our docthe Romish hierarchy against the trines and discipline, and guard injustice of one of its privileged the sacred ministry. Lay hands priesthood. The shuffling expe- suddenly on no man." Look more dients by which the Presidents of to genuine piety, and to a real call Conference year after year, and from God, than to any literary quaother leading individuals, (other lification without them. Keep a wise no doubt respectable and pious pure ministry, and you will have a men) contrived to suppress all pure membership. The fall of the inquiry, show how baneful is the primitive church began with the effect upon the mind, of being clergy, and should we fall, our dewholly engrossed in supporting the clension will begin there.


Recently Published. A Journal of a Mission to the Indians but had not found an opportunity before of the British Provinces of New of going through the marriage service, Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the since they had been led to embrace the Mohawks on the Ouse or Great River, Christian religion. There was such an Upper Canada. By John West, M.A. exhibition of facts, in the conversion Seeleys. Pp. viii: and 326.

of the greater part of this tribe, that This, like Mr. West's former publica- filled my mind with pleasing astonishtion,* is a brief but interesting narrative ment. A few years ago they were conof facts and observations, made during a sidered, from their love of ardent spirits recent tour, which leads the Reader to the most wretched of the Aborigines. desire that the Author had entered more But since their conversion, the drunklargely into the detail and illustration of ard's whoop, and savage yell, have the circumstances to which he refers. given place to the voice of supplication, The following may be considered as a and songs of grateful praise. Aware fair specimen :

of their weakness, it was mentioned, “I spent a Sabbath with these Indians, that they had denied themselves altoand addressed them both in the morn- gether the use of spirits, and when ing and afternoon, the half-caste teacher urged to “take a little,” they have been interpreting afterwards those parts of known to reply, “No! me drink no what was said, that they did not clearly more. Once me drink too much, and understand. At the blowing of the me fear, if me drink a little, me drink shell they were all punctual in their too much again.” At one of the Conattendance, and I beheld a sight, at ferences of the Methodist Episcopal which angels in heaven rejoice, a con- Church Missionary Society, Thomas gregation of nearly a hundred converted Davis, the converted Mohawk Chief, natives, first kneeling to implore the and John Crane, of the Mississaugah blessing of Jehovah ! then rising to their Tribe were present; and being asked seats, waiting to hear the word of life. to state what they knew of the power There appeared no wandering eye, nor of the Christian religion, and its consoa trifling look, all was solemnity, ex- lations, the Mohawk Chief said, “ Brocepting at intervals, when, as they had thers, I will tell you some events in my been encouraged by the Wesleyan life, and what the Lord Jesus hath done preachers, or had witnessed their ex- for me. Once I was fond of drink, but ample, first one, and then another offered many years ago I gave up ardent spirits. up a short prayer with convulsions, I began to pray and was much troubled, groans, and tears, or expressed their when your ministers came to ús. They religious feelings of joy, with exclama preached Jesus Christ, and their words tion, and a slight clapping of the hands. were with power; we believed them, There appeared to me no studied art, or that Jesus had power to forgive sins. vanity in these extravagant proceedings, I could then love my God and all peoand expressions of what they felt; still, ple, and my heart was glad. Brothers! I could not but regret that they were at we all come from one Father, I hope all influenced to conduct themselves in we are all one family in Christ Jesus. this manner. The Wesleyans speak of We shall soon meet in our Father's such extravangancies, as the effusions kingdom. We shall there see Jesus of overflowing souls; but it is impos- whom we now love, and all the wise sible to consider them, with their camp and good who have gone before us. I meetings, that are held in different parts ask the prayers of Christians for me, of the country, at stated periods of the and for all the Indians, that they may year, otherwise than with decided dis- be saved." P. 293. approbation. The Indians appeared to have embraced the Gospel in its simpli

Plain Discourses on Experimental and city and purity, uniting faith, experi

Practical Christianity. By the Rev. ence, and practice, and at the close

William Ford Vance, A. M. Nisbett. of the afternoon service, I baptized twelve children, and adults, and married

Pp. xii. and 352. 1827. five couples, most of them had families

Plain, pious, and judicious; though in

some instances stronger terms are used • See Christian Guardian, Oct. 1825. than agree with modern refinement.

The following is an extract from the A Treatise on those Diseases which are Sermon on 1 Peter ii. 7.

either directly or indirectly connected “When we feel the remembrance of with Indigestion, comprising a Comour guilt pressing heavy upon our con- mentary on the principal ailments of sciences, how precious to us is His de Children. By David Uwins, M. D. claration, “ All manner of sin and Underwood. Pp. xvi. and 274. blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men !” Practical Suggestions towards alleviating --How valuable that “ blood of the the Sufferings of the Sick. Hatchards. new covenant which cleanseth us from Pp. viii. and 108. all sin !” When a deep sense of our These works are not exactly in the line own unworthiness, and the grievous to which we usually confine ourselves, burden of indwelling corruption, weighs but the former contains valuable hints to down our souls into the dust of des parents, students, &c. and the latter may pondency, how precious is His invitation, be found exceedingly useful in cases of “ Come unto me, all ye that labour and long-protracted illness. The following are heavy laden, and I will give you are valuable remarks :rest!” « Him that cometh I will in “The confidence in a physician, inno wise cast out!”. In seasons of deep spired by his being religious, and by the affliction, when all earthly comforts fail, persuasion that a “blessing will go” how precious to hear Him saying to us, with his counsels, and descend upon his “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither prayers, is in itself cordial and restoralet them be afraid.” “I will pray the tive. We feel that we are in safe hands; Father for you, and He will send you that the man of religious principle will another Comforter, that he may abide neither trifle carelessly with an existence, with you for ever!" In the hour of the value of which he is able rightly to sore conflict with our spiritual enemies, appreciate ; nor endeavour to deceive when Satan, the world, and our own with false hopes, under circumstances in Justs seem to rise up in arms against our which the interests of an immortal being souls; how precious his declaration, may be involved. We are sure that he “ My grace is sufficient for thee, mybas looked up for direction to a wisdom strength is made perfect in weakness !" superior to his own, and that his preHow cheering to call to mind, that we scriptions come to us accompanied by have in Him a “ High Priest that can the prayer of faith, and by the kindly be touched with the feeling of our in- feeling of Christian charity. The confirmities; for in that He suffered, being fidence of the patient should always be tempted, he is able to succour them gained, if possible, its co-operation being also that are tempted !" When our important to the success of every means earthly friends forsake or turn against employed for his relief; for such is us, how precious to hear Him say, the irrexplicable connexion between the “ Lo! I am with you always, even body and the mind, and such their inunto the end of the world ?" " Who- creased intimacy during illness, that the soever will do the will of My Fa- good of either cannot be calculated upon ther which is in Heaven, the same is as an independent concern; and to My brother, and sister, and mother !" reach the body of the patient the physiWhen we are not able to pray for our cian must often make his way through selves, how precious to think that He the mind. It is a compound being he is praying for us; that “ His Spirit has to do with,-Pr. Sug. Pp. 71, 72. maketh intercession for us with groan Instead of endeavouring to draw up ings which cannot be uttered;" that the invalid to their key, visitors should “ we have an advocate with the Father, seek to receive the tone from him. InJesus Christ the Righteous, who is also stead of calling him out, as it were, to the propitiation for our sins !” And, act a part by joining in conversation on once more, when this world seems fading common topics, his visitors should try to from our view, when our mortal agony enter into subjects the most likely to appears fast approaching, when the “fear interest him. The sick person should of death comes upon us, and a horrible be supplied with companions who have dread overwhelms us,” how precious a community of interests and tastes, does He appear in our eyes as the which constitutes to all, the soul and Lord of life and glory, who is gone to benefit of society. This world, and its prepare a place for us in His Father's concerns are receding from his view; kingdom, and hath declared his unalter- or at least for a while they are withdrawn able purpose of raising us up on the last from his exclusive notice and care. He day, and bringing us unto Himself, that wants some companion occasionally to where He is, there we may be also ! converse with about his world-all that

now remains of personal concern to The Roman Catholic and Protestant him.-Idem, Pp. 86, 87.

Churches. A Discourse delivered at " Visitors or friends who see the invalid Tavistock Chapel, Drury Lane. By only occasionally, and who consequently Thomas Webster, M. A. Seeleys. cannot be expected to be conscious of Pp. 24. what is desirable or otherwise, can only The Character and Tokens of the True escape the danger of hurting, by follow Catholic Church. A Discourse deliing the lead given by the invalid, re vered at Tavistock Chapel, Drury ceiving it from his questions, observa Lane. By the Rev. R. Waldo Sibtions, &c. or from those in habitual thorp, B. D. Fellow of Magdalen attendance. Seriousness need not be College, O.xford. Seeleys. Pp. 60. gloom, and it is as important to avoid These are two of the Course of Sermons exciting gloomy ideas, as to converse on Roman Catholic Subjects, preached with too much levity; for a gloomy at the Tavistock Chapel Lecture, on Tuesimage is sometimes bequeathed by a day Evenings. Mr. Webster's Discourse casual visitor to the imbecile mind of is wholly Introductory; Mr. Sibthorp's the patient, which he combats in vain is one of the most able argumentative after it has once taken possession, and discourses we ever read. We are happy established its residence there. He to understand that these weekly Lecshould rather aim at leaving behind him tures are well attended, and that many some new ideas or facts, which may Roman Catholics listen with the utmost suggest new and pleasant thoughts.

seriousness and propriety. One most important office of friendship to an invalid, where it can be per An Exposition on the Book of Psalms, formed, is to endeavour to remove all explanatory, critical, and devotional. that obstructs the exercise of faith, and Intended chiefly to aid private hope, and prayer, and to make a free Christians in the enlightened perusal access to consolation. Let the friendly of compositions, in which the national visitor, above all, bimself pray that his history of the Jews, and the personal visit may be useful, and then he will be experience of David, are often blended secure that some ray of comfort shall with the spirit of prophecy. By John pierce the gloom--some fear shall be Morrison. Part I.' Price 6s dispelled, some care sball be lightened, The piety and good sense displayed by some fetter shall be broken, or at least Mr. Morrison in his former publications, his prayer shall return in blessings into induces us to augur well of the present his own bosom.- Idem, Pp. 88, 89. undertaking ; in which we wish him

every success. Jorning Thoughts in Prose and Verse, The Religion of the Reformation as er

on Portions of the successive Chapters hibited in the Thirty Nine Articles in the Gospel of St. Mark. Hatchards. of the Church of England. Seeleys. Pp. iv. and 127.

Pp. xii. and 514. Those who have read Mr.Cunningham's Nature and Grace, or a delineation of Thoughts on the Gospel of St. Matthew, the various dispositions of the natural will be happy to meet with this little man contrasted with the opposite Volume on St. Mark, and earnestly character of the renewed mind. By desire that the Author may proceed in Mrs. Stevens. Seeleys. Pp. viii. succession through the remaining Books and 474. of the New Testament.

These two Publications so nearly re

semble each other in various respects, Apology for the Modern Theology of that we strongly suspect them to be the

Protestant Germany; a Review of production of the same writer. The the Rev. H. J. Rose's Discourses, by general sentiments and illustrations are Dr. Karl Gottleib Bretschneider. good. Each particular topic is supTranslated by the Rev. W. A. Evan ported by a series of scriptures which son, M. A. Palmer.

are introduced in the catechetical form. Mr. Evanson has not only translated In the work on the Articles, these pas this Review of Mr. Rose, by Dr. Bret sages are followed by a general summing schneider, but has appended some very up of the subject, which, though pious useful remarks and observations. The and useful, appears in some instances present publication is every way deserv to have been hastily composed. Should ing the attentive perusal of those who these works reach a second edition, we desire to become acquainted with the anticipate in each of them considerable real state of religion in Germany. improvements.


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