LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. Recently Published. Discourses on the fundamental truths we deemed the extract too valuable to of the Gospel, as they are stated in be lost, and therefore inserted it in our the several Articles of the Apostolic Number for Dec. 1827, P. 477. We Creed. By John Baylie, Perpetual are happy, however, that circumstances Curate of Borwich. Pp. xxii, and have induced Mr. S. to allow his Ser286.–Seeleys, 1827. mon to appear, and recommend it These are twelve plain practical Dis earnestly to the attention of our readers. courses, originally delivered by Mr. The following valuable Note on the Baillie, at Pentonville Chapel, and which demoralizing effect of our game laws, will, we doubt not, live in the memories from a correspondent of Mr. Scott's, of many of his hearers. They are every who has but too much opportunity of way deserving of extensive circulation. witnessing what he describes, deserves serious attention. Studies in History. By Thomas Morell. “ In the first place, I believe the 8vo. and 12mo. universal opinion among the poor is, 1.- The History of Greece. that the restrictions on killing game are II.- The History of Rome. an act of oppression on the part of the III.—The History of England. rich. I have heard them repeatedly In 2 vols. declare, that hares and partridges are The History of Scotland. By the Rev. no man's property : that no man can Alexander Stuart. 12mo. 5s. 6d. make good his claim to animals which are on A's ground now, but in an hour's The first three of these publications time will be on B's, perhaps ten miles are from the pen of the Rev. T. Morell, off : and therefore no one can say he is ·Principal of the Independent Academy injured by a poor man's killing them. at Wymondly. The last is the produc- And hence they consider themselves as tion of a highly respectable Scottish much authorized to take a hare, as to Minister. We are happy to find men kill a weasel or a polecat. This is the of sound religious principles turning way they do and will argue, however their attention to the preparation of fallaciously. They regard the restricSchool Books. Many corrupt notions tions on game, as they do their expulsion are inculcated in our common histories, from the right of common by Inclosure and it is indeed lamentable to consider Bills, as a triumph of power and wealth how much mischief is occasioned by the over a poor man's rights: they rather infidel historians Hume, Gibbon, &c. consider it therefore a virtue to resist Mr. Morell has annexed to each histo the aggression; an aggression which rical portion, instructive reflections. appears to them the more galling, beHe would have more effectually gained cause they see that they are deprived of . his point, had these observations been what they think a rightful privilege, only worked up into the Narrative, where for the amusement of their rich neighthough less conspicuous, they could not bours; and this produces a hardness have been so easily passed over. The of mind, and disposition to rebel, which histories of Greece and Rome are ac we see requires the utmost exertion to companied with maps, and the last keep it in check.--2. In the present editions are printed on far better paper state of things, where the majority of our than some of the former. Both Mr. country labourers are dependent on the Morell's and Mr. Stuart's Histories con parishes for employment, and obtain tain questions for examination. All only just as much for their work as will these Works deserve encouragement, keep body and soul together; the crowded though we do not pledge ourselves to preserves of the sporting gentlemen approve of every sentiment. afford a constant temptation to relieve themselves by poaching. The market Relaration of Discipline, the Source of is always open, and a single hare will Corruption of Manners. A Sermon, fetch a man, thus circumstanced, as preached in the Holy Trinity Church, much as he gets for three or perhaps Hull. By John Scott, M. A. Seeleys. four days' work. Were it a temptation A considerable Extract from this to what he considered a criminal açt, he Discourse having appeared in the Hull would shrink from it: but he looks on Advertiser, with a statement that the the action as innocent, though he feels Discourse itself would not be published, that it is necessary to use the utmost FEB. 1828. 1828. art to escape detection. But, though ing that no disgrace does attach to imsuch is his feeling when he commences prisonment. And, except in cases of poacher, yet the consciousness that he flagrant enormity, the bulk of our people is subject to a severe penalty if detected, have become habituated to view criminal gives at once a feeling of desperate acts as affixing little stigma to a man. resolution to his mind. The horror of And in this way do crimes become cona gaol constantly before him, makes him tinually more frequent.–5. How all afraid of almost every one he meets. this impedes our ministerial work is but As he becomes babituated to this feeling, too plain. When a man knows that he and conscious of being more and more is living in the practice of any crime, deeply involved in acts which expose though it be but the common one of him to the lash of the law, his mind breaking hedges or lopping trees, he is beoomes ferocious. If the game-keeper sure to find at the church something goes armed, so will he: and, as the that disturbs his conscience, and thereidea still prevails in his mind that the fore he stays away; and all the evils lord of the manor and the keeper are follow which the open neglect of religion the aggressors, he is soon prepared to produces: or, if he still attends, it is commence the attack. When once the with the stumbling-block of his iniquity habit of poaching is formed, that of before his face, (Ezek. xiv.) which prelabour will be discontinued, and will vents his getting any good.” not easily be resumed. Hence, from the lardened state of a mind constantly The Quarterly Review for January, used to brave the laws, when game fails, the hen-roost is attacked. The feelings This Number of the Quarterly, conare still further hardened by the new tains a very insidious article, under the course of plunder, and sheep-stealing is head of Bishop Heber's Indian Journals, soon adopied as a more certain source &c, from which an inattentive reader of supply; or horse-stealing, as one of might infer tbat the Bishop considered less risk and larger profit.-3. Should the our interposition in preventing the poacher be caught in the commencement Burning of Widows as impolitic and of his practice, all his ideas of the in- dangerous. The last twenty pages, howjustice of the laws are at once confirmed, ever, of that Article bave nothing to do by finding himself brought before a with Bishop Heber. They are a feeble bench of Justices, who without appeal attempt to ward off the effect of Mr. award his punishment, and who are Poynder's able Speech in the Court the very persons that feel themselves of East India Proprietors : and the aggrieved by the offence with which he resolutions subsequently adopted. See is charged. If, as is generally the case, Christian Guardian, 1827, p. 103 & 221. the man is sent to gaol for three months, • Alas! that men will plead in behalf of he is likely not only to come forth more Cruelty and Idolatry. Our danger in thoroughly skilled as a poacher, but India arises, not from any foreign foe, well prepared for any other crime, which but from the folly, infidelity, and liceninclination, want of employment, or idle tiousness of Europeans. There is no habits, dispose him to commit.-4. danger in repressing cruelty, or in When a man returns home from impri- promoting religious and moral educasonment as a poacher, we never see, lion. But there is great danger of exeither in his own looks or in those of his citing determined hostility by vexatious town's people when they meet him, any imposts, such as the Stamp Duty, &c.thing like a consciousness of his having great danger from the insult and degradone what is wrong or disgraceful : the dation heaped upon the Country Borns only thing is, that he was so unfortu- ---that is the numerous, irascible, and nate as to be caught in doing what intelligent offspring of Europeans-but thousands do with impunity. But this above all, there is the utmost possible is an evil which spreads much further. danger from communicating historical When Mr. Pitt made militia-men's wives and scientific knowledge, without the dependent on the parishes, heunwittingly powerful counterpoise of religious and broke down all that dignity which used moral principle. The opponents of to keep a poor man from applying for Bible Societies, Missionary Societies, parochial relief. Thus the circumstance and similar Institutions, are at this of so farge a number of our villagers moment more dangerous to our India having been inhabitants of a gaol, for Possessions than all the armies of Russia an offence which causes no compunction or all the clouds of Cossacks, or and no disgrace, has produced the feels Tartars. INTELLIGENCE. LIVERPOOL MARINER'S CHURCH SOCIETY. BISHOP OF CHESTER'S SPEECH. The following speech of the Right Rev, first, that seamen stand peculiarly in . the Lord Bishop of Chester, at the need of the ministrations of religion ; Meeting of the Liverpool Mariners' and, secondly that they have heretofore Church Society, will be read with great been peculiarly destitute of them, I say interest : the ministrations of religion ; for that. Perhaps I am not the fittest person they stand in need of its motives, its to move for the reception of the Report comforts, its hopes, is an assertion which which has just been read, seeing that needs no proof, which would need no honourable mention is made in it of the mention, even were it not that some humble services which I have rendered persons have been found to say (into what I will call this holy undertaking. credible as it night appear, that such a At the risk, however, of incurring the sentiment should have been uttered in charge of a certain degree of presump a Christian country) that seamen are tion, I stand forward on this occasion, better without religion; that he, to being anxious not to delay for a single whom, as a Christian, the knowledge moment the expression of my opinion and practice of religion are indispensable as to the objects and claims of the to salvation, as a seaman is better withMariners' Church Society. The Report out them. To such an assertion the which has just been read, and which, in only answer I would vouchsafe to give my judgment, is drawn up with equal is this : that to prove of any profession piety and discretion, furnishes ample or occupation whatever, that its duties matter for religious thankfulness and are best discharged by those who have satisfaction to every one who is desirous the least religion, is, at once, to prove of setting forward the glory of God and it unchristian and unlawful, incompatible the best interests of his fellow creatures. with the supreme and paramount auThe simple statement that, within the thority of that Gospel, whose obligalast year, an opportunity of worshipping tions upon the souls of mankind are as God in his sanctuary, and of hearing universal as the blessings it is intended his word faithfully preached, has been to diffuse. A severer censure, a more afforded every Lord's Day to more than unwarrantable calumny, could not be six hundred persons, who were before uttered against the character and calling debarred from that privilege, is, of itself, of a seaman, than to say, that its perfecsufficient to excite our thankfulness; tion is inconsistent with genuine piety. that thankfulness is greatly heightened But I cannot but take it for granted, in by tbe reflection, that these persons are the hearing of a Christian audience, of that class to whom the restraints and that with the seaman, as with every the consolations of the Gospel are of created being whom his Maker has peculiar importance, (if, indeed, there endowed with reason, and blessed with can be any comparison of importance opportunities of coming to the knowin that which is unspeakably important ledge of Him, religion is the one thing to us all) and, at the same time, the needful. When I use the word religion, most difficult of access; and, lastly, our I mean spiritual religion, the religion satisfaction receives its fulness and of the heart, the peculiar principles and completion when we reflect, that it is prospects, and resources of the Gospel; our own venerable and scriptural church but it is undeniable, that spiritual which has wrought this good work, and religion is to be fostered and diffused by wrought it, let us be persuaded, under the instrumentality of outward means the influence and guidance of the eternal prospered by the influence of the Spirit. Spirit, who in proportion as he sanctifies Ordinances and outward means of the believer's heart, fills him with a grace are of God's own appointment, livelier concern for the salvation of his and we should therefore know them to brethren. The two points to which I am be necessary, even if the constitution principally desirous of calling the atten- of human nature did not prove them to tion of the Meeting, as establishing the be so: if then you are desirous of claims of the Society upon public planting and propagating true religion countenance and support, are these: in any community, or in any distinct body of men, you must begin by em- if such.proof be necessary, that religion, ploying its outward ordinances. In when it is real, gives confidence and support of this principle I may appeal courage to the sailor, rather than deto the authority of St. Paul; “How stroys his hardihood and bravery. But, should they believe in him of whom indeed, no proof is or can be necessary. they have not heard; and how shall Who would not set a higher value upon they hear without a preacher; and how the true moral fortitude of a pious man, shall they preach except they be sent ?". upon his immoveable principles of inBut I have said that seamen stand tegrity and faithfulness, upon his steadpeculiarly in need of such assistance. fast trust in the providence of God, than During a great part of their lives, upon the blind and reckless hardihood (except those who are on board large of ignorance, the mere animal fidelity vessels) they are of necessity debarred of instinct or habit, and the desperate from partaking in the most solemn and carelessness of fatalism ? Such then, in a impressive rites of religion, the greater few words, are the spiritual needs of need is there of their being urged to a the seaman ; such his spiritual destidiligent use of them when they may be tution. And what direct provision has resorted to. But they are not only been made for them by this Christian subject to this spiritual privation; they nation, of which they are, under God, are, at the same time, exposed to great the enrichers and natural defenders ? and peculiar temptations to ungodli- Almost none. The larger class of King's ness. I need not enter into a detail ships, it is true, are provided with of those moral dangers which beset the chaplains, and not a few pious and seaman, in the presence of those who benevolent captains, both in the navy will readily anticipate what I would and merchant services, have laudably say, but I would remind you of the endeavoured to bring their crews to the cruelty and injustice (not so, indeed, knowledge and practice of piety ; but esteemed or designated by the world the habit of devotion cannot be effectually at large ; but not on that account the less kept up, nor made lastingly profitable, cruel or unjust) of exposing these poor unless, during that most dangerous of all men to so great and manifold dangers, the seasons of their life, their tempowithout an attempt, at least, to furnish rary sojourn upon shore, the duties them with a perservative or an antidote, of religion be impressed upon them with of placing not only their lives in more than ordinary solemnity. Their jeopardy, but their souls in tenfold habits are so peculiar, they are, generally, greater peril, for the sake of augmenting so distinct from landsmen, both in apyour secular gains, when by a small pearance and notions, that it is easy to expenditure, you may, under the bless- imagine the objections which disincline ing of God, greatly mitigate and diminish them from resorting to our churches, those perils, if not remove them alto- even where there is room (which is selgether. Let me, in the next place, · dom the case) for their reception, and remind you, that the spiritual danger, to there is no very obvious method of supwhich this class of our brethren is liable, plying this defect: at length, however, assumes an awfully formidable com- the pious ingenuity of some, who well plexion, when we consider to how many understood both the wants of seamen accidents their lives are exposed, how and their peculiarities, suggested the many casualties are likely to shorten expedient of a floating place of worship. their season of repentance and prepara. It must not be dissembled, that the first tion, how many are hurried to their projectors and supporters of that meaaccount unrepentant and unprepared; sure were amongst our dissenting but, on the other hand, how encouraging brethren, nor let them upon this or any and improving to their surviving com other occasion be defrauded of the praise panions, to be able, in such cases, to due to their Christian benevolence. If say, as was said by the amiable Chap it be said, that the Established Church lain of this Institution, when one of his has moved more slowly in the same comrades was swept away by the good work, let it be remembered that it waters, “ Happily, he was an excellent is not only natural but necessary that man; and there was no doubt, with such a body should, in these matters, those that knew his habitual piety and move with great caution and deliberaconsistency of conduct, that he was pre- tion, and not till after due inquiry: but pared to die.” His conduct, adds Mr. the movement is made, and I congratuScoresby, was in every case worthy late you, and myself, as presiding over of his profession; and afforded a proof, this important Diocese, as far as England is concerned, that it has first been express intention of preventing or counmade in the port of Liverpool. The teracting fanaticism, that we have openexample first set in the port of Dublin, ed a place of worship, where sailors and then of Liverpool, has not been may partake in the benefits of sound lost upon other places. In more than religious instruction and scriptural one of the principal ports of England, forms of worship. If there be any measures have been taken, with the who suspect the tendency of such an concurrence of the ecclesiastical autho Institution towards fanaticism, I rities, to furnish seamen with the like would invite them to attend it on opportunity of religious instruction and the Lord's day, to witness the sobriety edification. May the Lord prosper and and serious demeanour of the congrecarry forward the good work. But gation, their fixed and deep attention may he not reasonably expect from this to the offices of devotion, the sound and highly-favoured town a larger, a far practical instruction of their minister, larger, measure of countenance and sup and then let them say whether such port to our pious designs than they have proceedings can lead to any thing but hitherto received ? To what is it indebted good. As Bishop of the Diocese in for its unequalled prosperity? In the which this great seaport is situated, I do first place, to the kind providence of most sincerely deplore the prejudice Him who is the giver of all good gifts: which has existed against this Society, in the second place, I will admit, to the and the comparative neglect with which enterprize and integrity of its merchants : it has been treated : this I say, not by but, lastly, to the labours and perils of way of reproach, but of earnest expostuthese brare men, the instruments of your lation and friendly entreaty to the opucommercial greatness, who now come lent inhabitants of this town, being before you as suppliants for that which, satisfied that such neglect can only without impoverishing you, will make have proceeded from an entire misthem rich indeed ; if, in return for the apprehension of the nature and obearthly dross of gold and silver, which jects of this Institution, for want of they are the means of pouring into your due enquiry. As to myself, I wish to coffers, you will be instrumental in im state distinctly my firm conviction, arisparting to them the unsearchable riches ing not only from serious consideration of Christ. I am not aware of any ob- of the subject before the Institution was jections to this undertaking, which have formed, but from careful inquiry since, not been refuted, either in the able that it is worthy of all commendation Report which has been read to us, or in and encouragement, and that its support the remarks which I have now made, is a duty incumbent upon the merchants one alone excepted, namely, that we and ship-owners of Liverpool. Anxiare encouraging a spirit of fanaticism ously do I hope that all who are here in seamen. No person is more opposed present will leave this assembly under to fanaticism than the truly pious Chris- a firm persuasion of the usefulness of tian; no person is more disposed to this Institution, and of the obligation act according to the rules of sound pru in that case incumbent on themselves, dence and wisdom; none more sensi- not only to render it their own support, ble of the mischiefs which result from but to do their best to dispel the the perverseness of human nature, prejudices which prevail against it, mingling the ingredients of a corrupt and to draw over many friends and reason and unholy passions in the pure contributors to the Mariners' Church waters of eternal life. It is with the Society. LORD RODEN AND THE ROMAN CATHOLICS OF DUNDALK. We insert with great pleasure the fol- lic Chapel in the town of Dundalk. I lowing extract of the reply of the Right trust it is unnecessary for me to assure Hon. Lord Roden, to the Catholic you, that it would give me the sincerest inhabitants of Dundalk, who had applied pleasure to meet the wishes of many of to his Lordship for an eligible site for those whose respectable names are a Romish chapel and burying-ground. signed to your application. Tullymore Park, Dec. 1, 1827. As a landlord, I have given ample My Dear Roman Catholic Friends— proof, that in promoting the welfare of I yesterday received your Address of the inhabitants of Dundalk, I have never the 21st instant, requesting me to give been guided by religious distinctions you a site for building a Roman Catho- amongst them. As tenants, the Roman |