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The public attention has been recently occupied with the depressed and embarrassing state of the manufacturing districts. * A very considerable stagnation has taken place in the Woollen, Cotton, and Silk Trades, which has necessarily been accompanied by an increase of stock, a fall in price, and a consequent indisposition or incapability on the part of the manufacturers to employ their workmen at the usual or indeed at almost any rate of wages. Hence great distress has unavoidably ensued ; many poor persons have been thrown out of employ, and reduced to an almost starving condition. Numerous assemblies of artificers have in consequence collected together, and in some instances have been so far misled as to commit acts of outrage and violence which can only tend to increasing distress and misery. At Rochdale an attempt was made to rescue some prisoners, which was foilowed by a melancholy loss of life. Six persons, of whom two at least were perfectly innocent, having fallen by the fire of the military. Meanwhile the House of Commons has rejected a proposition made by the member for Coventry for the appointment of a Committee to examine into the silk trade, and the Administration appear determined to adhere to the system of free trade, which many regard as the cause of the present distresses. On this point our opinion can have little weight; but while we feel the force of the general arguments in favour of unrestricted commerce, we cannot but think that its advocates too much lose sight of the practical difficulties arising from our unavoidable pressure of taxation, and from the determination of other countries to reject measures of reciprocal advantage. · The House of Commons has declared Mr. O'Connell inadmissible to a seat, in consequence of his refusing to take the oath of supremacy, and directed the isssue of a new writ for the election of a member for Clare. Some doubts are entertained whether Mr. O'C, will be again elected, though the probabilities are in his favour. If re-elected, he will of course take his seat without any difficulty.

The annual vote for the grant of £8928 to Maynooth College, for the education of Catholic Priests, met with some opposition, but was carried by a considerable majority. We trust, however, that the stand now made may induce the government to take some measure with reference to that source of sedition and idolatry which we have so long sinfully and foolishly supported.

The campaign in Turkey appears to have recommenced, though no very decisive events have occurred. The murder of the Russian envoy to Persia will probably tend to a renewal of hostilities between these powers, and thus afford a seasonable diversion to Turkey.

Notices and Acknowledgments.


Are the practices referred to by the Welsh CURATE common in his neighbourhood ? We shall be obliged to him for as accurate information upon the subject as he or his friends can communicate, and will endeavour either publicly or privately, to suggest appropriate advice. He may depend on our secrecy.

ConsciUS SIBI will perceive the subject he refers to has not been overlooked. The person to whose care his volume was committed, has not favoured us with an opinion. We can have no objection to the conduct for which he apologizes, and are always happy to hear from him, though not always exactly entertaining his views. - We are happy to inform AN ENQUIRER that there is every prospect of the Building for the Meeting of Religious Societies being commenced at a very carly period. The site fixed upon is very near Southampton Street, Strand.

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Church of England Magazine.

JUNE 1829.


: ABBOT.:,: ..i Born at Guildford in Surrey,'on chancellor, distinguishing himself the twenty-ninth of October, 1562, 'by his opposition to a fresh erecand one of the sons' of a devout and 'tion of the cross in Cheapside, and honest wool-comber, George Abbot carrying his point against Bancroft, rose to the highest dignity of his 'Bishop of London. The cross had profession, with a character' unim- been taken down to be repaired, and peachable for vacillation, at a period the citizens of London desired the when decided religious principle and advice of both Universities as to the constitutional firmness of nerves expediency of its being set up were necessary to secure a dis- again.' Dr. Abbot gave it as his tinction for constancy and perse- opinion,' that the crucifix with the verance.' *. :?

dove upon it should not be suffered After passing through the 'rudi- to occupy its former station, but that ments of literature under the care its place should be supplied by a of Mr. Francis Taylor, at the free column, pyramid, or some other school, erected in his native town monument, which might be an by Edward the Sixth, he was sent ornament to the capital, without a to Baliol College, Oxford'; 'where tendency to rekindle the expiring taking the 'customary. " degree in embers of 'superstition. In this arts, he was chosen, probationer- determination he acted consistently fellow, entered into holy orders, with · his own practice. He had and became a distinguished preacher caused several objectionable paintin the University. Proceeding rings to be burnt in the marketdoctor of divinity in May '1597, he place at Oxford ; and among the was elected in the following Sep- rest, one in which was the figure tember, Master of University Col. of God the Father over a crucifix, lege. The substance of his exercises ready to receive the soul of Christ. for the doctorate was the divinity to He reasoned in his letter to the city be gathered from Scripture and the on the practical mischief of all such Fathers. The exercises themselves relics of popery. “I remember (he were published at Oxford, and were said) in that college where I first deemed so judicious, that another lived, a young man was taken prayedition of them was issued at ing and beating his breast before a Francfort, by the famous Abraham crucifix in a window; which caused Scultetus.

the master and fellows to pull it He was soon afterwards installed down and set up another glass. Dean of Winchester, in the room Which example makes me nothing of Dr. Heton, promoted to the See doubt, but that the cross in Cheapof Ely. In 1600, he was Vice side hath many, in the twilight and

JULY 1829.


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morning early, who do reverence of the Epistles. Dr. Thomas Hill before it, besides Campian, whose exciting considerable notice by his act is famous, or rather infamous, conversion to the Romish faith, and for it. And I am informed, that so publishing the reasons which formed much hath been signified by the his inducement, the Dean added to neighbours, or inquest, making his other public benefits a powerful presentments concerning the cir- reply to this dangerous publication. cumstances of this cause. By all Becoming chaplain to the Earl which I do conclude, that it is a of Dunbar, a favorite of King James, monument of their superstition; a he accompanied that nobleman to great inducement, and may be Scotland, in order to assist in the a ready way to idolatry; and that execution of a very important dethere can be no tolerable use of this sign, which was that of a union matter, which may be able to coun- between the two churches, and tervail the dangers and obloquy conducted himself with so much arising upon the retaining of it; prudence and moderation, as to and so much the rather, because it gain the esteem of his Sovereign is perceived that many evil affected and other influential characters. men do make their advantage from On the third of December, 1609, hence, to insinuate into the minds he was consecrated Bishop of of their credulous hearers, that it is Lichfield and Coventry, and before a token of the return of their faith he had completed a month's session, again into this land, since their was translated to London; and by monuments are not extinguished in an almost unexampled rapidity of the chief street of our greatest city, promotion was removed to Can

He desires that the reader would terbury on the ninth of April, 1611. observe, that it belongs to the On the latter See becoming vacant, magistracy to redress such enor- several of the episcopal bench remities, ‘For (he continues) I do commended Dr. Andrews as a fit not permit inferior men to run person to become their primate; headlong about such matters ; and but either his Majesty had fixed his to rend, break, and tear, as well intention on Dr. Abbot, or Lord within as without the churches, Dunbar had made a strong appliwhich was that which Luther repre- cation in his favor, for James was hended ; but the advice and consent not long in declaring his preference of superior powers is to be had of the London diocesan. herein, that all things may be done He is celebrated by Godwin in decently and in order. He would this . capacity for his learning. have them apply for instructions to eloquence, and diligence in preachthe Archbishop of Canterbury and ing and writing, notwithstanding the Bishop of London. The result his many official engagements, as was, that the cross alone was set President of the high-commission up again, without the body of the court, and one of the privy council. Saviour or the dove,

He now stood high in the general He published at this time some estimation, and was much consermons, forming an exposition of cerned in the principal transactions the prophecy of Jonah, which he of church and state. He discovered had preached with great acceptance a laudable anxiety in behalf of the at St. Mary's, Oxford. In 1603, Dutch protestants, by procuring his he was nominated a second time to Majesty's application to the Statesthe diguity of Vice-chancellor, and general against Conrad Vorstius, in the following year was selected whom they had called to the profeswith seven other divines of Oxford sorship of divinity at Leyden. Sir to superintend the translation of the Ralph Winwood, who was employed New Testament, with the exception by the English monarch in this affair,

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