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the little incidents of her youth. She introduced the fair stranger to her brother, who was equally struck with her graces and acquirements, and determined to exalt her to be the partner of his throne and dignity.

The intelligence of her good fortune was received by Athenais with a modesty that heightened the lustre of her charms. By the desire of her royal lover, she was instructed in the principles of the Greek Church, and being converted from paganisin, assumed the name of Eudocia, on her baptism by Atticus, the metropolitan patriarch. The royal nuptials were celebrated amidst the acclamations of the capital. The title of Augusta was withheld from the new empress till the next year, when she gave birth to a daughter, who fifteen years afterwards espoused the Emperor of the West.

With a mind highly cultivated in Grecian and Roman literature, the empress, in the bloom of youth and pride of beauty, continued, amidst the luxury of a court, to improve herself in those attainments to which she owed her elevation: her talents were devoted to the advancement of religion and the honour of the emperor. She composed a poetical paraphrase of some of the books of the Old Testament: to these she added a canto of verses from Homer, applied to the life and miracles of Christ. She also wrote a panegyric on the Persian victories of Theodosius. Her writings," says Gibbon, which were applauded by a servile and superstitious age, have not been disdained by the candour of impartial criticism."

Eudocia, after the marriage of her daughter, requested permission to discharge her grate ful vows, by a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. In her progress through the East, she pronounced, from a throne of gold and gems, an eloquent oration to the senate of Antioch, to whom she declared her intention of enlarging the walls of the city, and of subscribing towards the restoration of the public baths. For this purpose she allotted 200 pounds of gold. Her alms and munificence in the Holy Land exceeded those of the great Helena: and she returned to Constantinople, covered with honours and laden with relics, We will not inquire whether this pomp was consistent with the religion of the lowly Jesus, nor whether the relics were considered by the people as a compensation for a treasury exhausted by her lavished donations, which were calculated at 20,488 pounds of gold, above 800,0007.

Hitherto, time and tranquil possession seemed to make no abatement in the conjugal tenderness of the emperor. But the glory of Eudocia became now obscured; a cloud passed over its meridian lustre. Her pilgrimage, or rather her triumphant progress through the East, had tainted the simplicity of her original manners: ostentation paved the way for a stronger passion; ambition awakened in her heart: aspiring to the government of the empire, she mingled in court intrigues, and contested for power with the princess her benefactress, whom


she sought to supplant in the confidence of the emperor. Paulinus, one of the favourites of the empress, whose talents and learning had acquired her friendship and confidence, excited the jealousy of Theodosius. The influence of Pulcheria triumphed over that of the empress; Paulinus, who, to the attractions of his learning, was possessed also of uncommon personal beauty, was put to death, and the empress stripped of the honours of her rank,

Perceiving the affections of the emperor to be irretrievably alienated, Eudocia sought permission to retire to Jerusalem, where the remainder of her life might be passed in retirement, and consecrated to the duties of religion. Her petition was granted; and the latter part of her life was passed in exile and devotion, building and adorning churches, and in administering to the wants of the poor and necessitous. Eudocia lived to witness the death of Theodosius, and the misfortunes of her daughter. This princess had been early married to Valentinian III., emperor of the West, who was assassinated, and his throne usurped, by Petronius Maximus, who, to secure himself on the throne, forced the widow of the late emperor to unite herself to his murderer. She invited over to her assistance, Genseric, king of the Vandals, who ravaged the country, and carried her prisoner into Africa: she was, however, released after eight years confinement, and ended her life and misfortunes at Constantinople.

The approach of age, and the society of the religious in Palestine, gradually calmed the passions of Eudocia. It has been asserted by some authors, that having been reconciled to Theodosius, she returned to Constantinople, and continued with her husband in confidence and affection till his death: by others, that she was not recalled to the the imperial city till after his death. Both these accounts appear to be doubtful. It is certain, that after experiencing in her life uncommon vicissitudes, she expired at Jerusalem, iu the sixty-seventh year of her age, (about 460) solemnly protesting her innocence with her dying breath. In her last moments she displayed the heroism of a philosopher, and the piety of a Christian.

During her power and influence, magnanimously forgiving the barbarity of her brothers, she promoted them to be consuls and prefects: observing their confusion on being summoned to the imperial presence, she kindly said, "Had you not compelled me to leave my country, and visit Constantinople, I should never have had it in my power to bestow these marks of sisterly affection on you.



A GENTLEMAN poping his head through a taylor's working shop window, exclaimed, "What o'clock is it?" upon which the taylor lifted his lap-board, and struck him a blow on the head, answering, “ It has just now struck one."



AN engine of a very remarkable kind is, we understand, about to be brought into public notice, which, if it answers the high expectation of its inventor, may ultimately supersede the use of the steam-engine. The patent for England and Scotland are, we believe, both completed, so that we may expect soon to hear the particular details of its construction.

At the lower end of a small cylinder is placed a minute apparatus for producing oil gas. As the gas is generated, it elevates a pistion so as to admit as much atmospherical air as, when combined with the oil gas, would render the mixture explosive. When the piston has reached this height, the gas is exploded, and the mechanical force of the explosion is employed to drive machinery. Experiments have, we understand, been actually made with this power, which was employed to force up water to a considerable height. Our readers will, no doubt, be reminded by this brief notice, of the ingenious invention of the Rev. Mr. Cecil, by which the power is obtained by taking advantage of the vacuum created by the explosion of a mixture of hydrogen and common air. Mr. Cecil suggested in his paper, that the expansive force of the explosion might also be employed; but his machine was not founded on this principle.


THE Ghent journal contains an article, stating that it is reported that a person in that province has obtained from his Majesty a patent for a new invention, which will supply the place of steam-engines, with great advantage in point of economy, and with far less danger.


IT has been stated to us, that Mr. Perkins has received the sum of 36,000l. from an enterprising individual for a share of his patent. This great mechanist is, we also learn, busily employed in fitting out a steam-boat with one of his engines, to go to Calcutta, by the Cape of Good Hope. A steam-boat from the Thames, entering the Ganges, will complete the triumph of this distinguished mechanician.


While the bright colours slowly melt away,
That late the western clouds so rich bedight,
And gradual darkness steals upon the light,
Thro' flowery vales and groves I love to stray;
And silent mark the glow worm's kindling ray,
That midst the darkest walk, and deepest glooms,
The long moist grass with greenish light illumes,
And glads the eye, and cheers the dusky way.
Tho' now it spread a radiance thro' its sphere,
'Twas dark by day, unheeded and unseen:
Thus humble virtue oft may dim appear,
Where gaudy fortune spreads her dazzling sheen;
But in the gloom of fell afflictions night,

While all around 's obscure, she shines in native light.



(Continued from p. 133.)

WHEN one is asked to meet piquant company there is much hope and fear excited with regard to whom one is placed next to at table. One fidgets and frisks, and manœuvres, after a pleasant partner; and, after all, 'tis ten to one that one gets planted with one's Aunt on one side, and a pale girl just out on the other. No such excited feelings arose in my bosom in Gower-street. 1 walked into the dining-room as philosophically as if I were entering St. Stephen's Walbrook, on a wet Sunday afternoon. The dinner was in admirable keeping with the party. There was gravy-soup at the bottom of the table, and at top a juvenile salmon with his tail in his mouth, like the snake grasped in the right hand of the grandfather of gods and men. On the removal of these preliminaries, the salmon was succeeded by a tongue supported by boiled fowls, and the soup by an edge-bone of beef; let no man turn up his nose at an edge-bone of beef; it is by no means a bad thing; certain, however, it is, that when I beheld my plate laden with two slices of that article, interspersed with greens and carrots, not to mention a dab of mustard on the margin, the delf assumed as every-day an aspect as heart could wish. I fancied myself, for the moment, seated in the cook's shop at the corner of St. Martin's-court, where a round of beef is carved by a round of woman. On my left sat the fat middle-aged woman in pink crape, whom I had originally found seated on the sofa. I could not catch her name, but from circumstances I was led to believe that she had been to the French play in Tottenham-street, inasmuch as she observed that Laporte reminded her of Harley. Amelia Cookson, who sat on my right hand, asked me if I had seen the Diorama; and told me, that she preferred it, upon the whole, to Mr. Irving. Amelia and I got rather intimate during dinner. There occurred two pauses from lack of conversation. This induced her to tell me in confidence, that her family were generally reckoned dull her brother Charles, indeed, was less so than the rest: he once sent a letter to the British Press, signed "Truth," which was not inserted; but still, upon the whole, he was dull. However, added she, we are reckoned very amiable. I now drank a glass of sherry with the young man in blue from Basingstoke, who informed me, that sherry was become a very fashionable wine. Mr. Oliphant said it was the best wine for gouty men, which confirmed me in my original suspicion of his being afflicted with that complaint. Cookson asked me if I had seen Zoroaster or the Exhibition; and Mrs. Cookson hoped I did not find the fire troublesome. Sir John Dawson, recently from Paris, said there was not a house in London fit to be seen. modestly suggested Devonshire House; but



Lady Dawson assured me, that it would not be endured in the Rue St. Honore. Amelia Cookson talked to me of her Scrap Book. It was enriched, she told me, with several manuscript pieces of rare value. Yesterday a friend in Devonshire sent her something beginning with "O Solitude, romantic Maid," then there was "O'er the vinecovered hills and gay valleys of France," which had never been published. I told her that I could let her have something of my own. Amelia expressed her gratitude, and promised in return to write me out "Gray's Elegy written in a Country Church-yard," and something else very pretty, beginning "Pity the sorrows of a poor old Man." have since kept my word by sending her, "Hope, thou nurse of young Desire," and "As near Porto Bello lying.' The poor girl received them with tears of gratitude. believe I have stated every thing of moment that took place during dinner. On the summons to tea I rejoined the ladies with a benignant bow, which was meant to express a hope that they had not been very wretched during my unavoidable absence. Mrs. Oliphant supposed that we had been talking politics. There were two manuscript books lying upon the drawing-room table, viz. Amelia's Scrap Book and Lucy's Collection of Autographs. The latter had lately enriched her collection by Colonel Scrape's tailor's bill; a notice from a vestry clerk to attend a parish meeting; and a frank given by Alderman Wood.

Tea being despatched, it was intimated to me that I could sing "Madamina" in Don Giovanni, and Mrs. Cookson assured me that her daughter Lucy should accompany me. I assured Mrs. Cookson that I had no voice; and Mrs. Cookson assured me that I was an excellent singer. These two lies being uttered, Lucy pulled off her gloves to prepare for action; and Lady Dawson, recently from Paris, took that opportunity to inform me that Signor Rossini charged eighty guineas a night for attending concerts. I was startled at the magnitude of the sum, and hinted that if he were relieved of part of his burthen by the co-operation of marrow-bones and cleavers, and a comb and a piece of paper, he might probably be induced to come for sixty. But no: I was assured by Lady Dawson, recently from Paris, that he would not fiddle to his own father for a farthing less. I now started "Madamina" to Miss Lucy Cookson's accompaniment. As the lady played in all sorts of time, I determined at last to sing to my own, so that by the period of my arrival at the slow movement, commencing "Nella bionda," my divine Saint Cecilia had arrived at "Voi sapete." We all agreed it was capital; and that the great beauty of Mozart's music was the accompaniment. Lucy Cookson now rose from her musicstool to reach "Nel cor non piu mi sento,” with variations by Mazzinghi. Upon these occasions every-day mothers make it a rule to play puss in a corner. Mrs. Oliphant seized her opportunity, pounced upon the


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circular red-morocco, and placed her daughter on the momentarily vacant seat. There was not a moment to be lost. Away she started with "Rousseau's Dream," with variations by Cramer; and the Saxon air with variations by ditto. "Now, my dear," said the mother, "sing, "We're a' noddin;' and now sing Charley is my darling;' and when you've got through Home, sweet home,' and 'Oh, softly sleep,' I'm sure the company will be delighted to hear Betty, Betty Bell,' (meaning, I presume, "Batti, batti, o bel"). The young lady was too dutiful to disobey, and we too civil to object. Lucy Cookson, who had been "pushed from her stool,' bade me observe, that all the allegro movements were played in slow time: that the hands of the fair usurper were glued to the keys during every rest: and the staccato was actually played legato. I expressed a suitable horror at this; and assisted little Crosby (who ought to have been in his bed three hours before) in raising the lid of the piano, to give effect to "My pretty page," which was thundered forth like Beethoven's "Battle Sinfonia." Crosby urged me to stand closer, to eye the movements of the little red men under the wires; but I doubted the stability of the slim mahogany prop that supported the cover of the instrument, and did not wish to have what little nose possess knocked out of my head.


Upon a review of all that took place at Mr. Cookson's dinner in Gower-street, it seems to me that "more common matters" were never discussed in the Court of Exchequer right glad am I that it is so, and I hope soon to dine there again. Nothing is so fatiguing as keeping one's faculties on the constant stretch. When I dine with Sir Peter Pallet, I am previously obliged to dive into Reynolds's Discourses, to qualify myself to talk about "the art," the fact being that I don't know a Raphael from a red-herring. Jack Georgic puts my Latin to the proof; and at the Beef-steak Club I am momentarily obliged to belabour my indignation, in order to create a repartee that shall set the table in a roar, and blow my adversary to atoms. No violence like this takes place at the tables of every-day people. There my memory puts on its night-gown, and my judgment and imagination their red morocco slippers. Let my Aunt Edwards take it as she likes, I will not sit down without proposing the following toast-" Health and prosperity to Every-day people!"-New Monthly Mag.


Thou art indeed a fearful thing, oh Death!

Thou art Life's lord, and thee I must obey,-
Thou art the night that will succeed life's day;
At thy command I render up my breath,
And free that better and immortal part,

From the frail covering of loathsome earth,
By nature moulded as she gave me birth,
When young life came, and touch'd my new-born heart.
But whither shall I go, when thou has ta'en
My life away? In gloom and mystery
Thou dost thy work, and I in turn am slain,
I know thee then-but not Eternity,

I pray, that when my soul to judgment flies,
It may obtain a mansion in the skies.



ON THE METHOD OF CURE. WHILE the cure of this disease has been for ages the boast of every shameless quack, men of science and ability have, with very few exceptions, despaired of success; but still instances of successful treatment in consumption are on record; and however rare these cases may be, still they are sufficient to urge us to do our utmost for the relief of patients labouring under this malady.

I have in my former paper described the symptoms of Phthisis, and it will here be necessary to add, that often these appearances assume a milder form in various persons; indeed, I have known instances where the patient has not been obliged to keep in his room till within two or three weeks of his death; but when this happens, the progress which the disease makes during that period, is rapid and astonishing.

Medicine in this complaint cannot be much relied on, the relief it gives is merely pallia tive, and not radical; what I principally recommend, is a change of diet, air, and manner of living; hence, if the patient resides in a close confined situation, or in a large, and populous city, he ought to be removed into the country; and, if possible, to another and a warmer climate; his diet should be light and nourishing, all heating substances, and those which are difficult of digestion, as they tend to increase the acrimony of the humours, and weaken the patient, must be most assidiously avoided. Though I have directed a light diet, I never wish to restrict a patient more than it is absolutely necessary; indeed, what is called the antiphlogistic plan of treatment, has been attended with so little success, that many medical men have altogether discarded it. When the patient can bear animal food, beer, and even wine, he should be permitted to indulge in their use, but with care and caution, for if they tend to increase the cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, the pulse, and other urgent symptoms, we must immediately forbid them, but as long as these are not affected, the patient's health will be benefitted by adhering to a continuance in these remedies-if, on the contrary, the symptoms return, other treatment must he had recourse to, such as bleeding in small quantities, but often repeated, lower diet, and gentle opening medicines.

If homoptysis, or a spitting of blood, should intervene, bleeding will be more urgently called for, and 15 to 20 grains of the Nitrate of Potass, with as much Powder 0. Gum Arabic, may be given four or five times a day; and the Infusion of Roses must be taken as a common drink, adding, if needful, 20 drops of Laudanum to every pint; an Opiate may be taken at bed-time, if the cough prevents the patient sleeping.

Much has been said in favour of Foxlove,

but such a diversity of opinion exists concerning this remedy, that the least mentioned about it the better. I must own, that I have pulse, but cannot recollect its ever doing seen it perform wonders in lessening the nued in, and as it is often a dangerous ree; and as its use cannot long be contimedy, a medical man should always be consulted previous to its use.



believe with justice, as far as a palliative A milk diet has been greatly lauded, and relief goes, but no further; milk is a wholeand grateful to the taste, and may be taken some and useful beverage, easy of digestion, with pleasure, and in considerable quantities; perhaps if milk were taken in the morning and evening, and a decoction of Bark at noon, it might be found beneficial.

But a change of climate is more likely and many severe and obstinate cases of to ensure a cure, than any plan yet tried; ner; indeed, it is the only thing we may venconsumption have been cured in this manture to rely on, and I most earnestly recommend those, whose circumstances enable to leave England, to try the effect of the South I could cite many cases, and two now parof France, or a voyage across the Atlantic. ticularly strike me, in the first, where a cure was the result of twelve months residence at Montpelier. The patient was a lovely girl of fifteen, and had been given who advised her parents, however, as the over by her medical friends in England, last and only remedy left, to try the Continent, and to their surprise and delight, she excellent health, and I believe without a most rapidly recovered, and is now in most single Phthisical appearance.

about five and 'twenty, who was perfectly
The second patient was a gentleman of
cured by a voyage to the East Indies, after
he had almost resigned himself to his fate;
he being a medical man, this case demands
particular attention, and credence: he is
now following his professional pursuits at

Next week, a paper on Colic.

W. B.


and carry it quickly in a cart, or otherwise,
WRAP the body up in warm garments,
what. Lay the body down on a low table,
to the nearest house, raising the head some-
exposed to the warm sun, or to a fire; per-
mit no more than six or eight persons to be
in the room; divide them into two parties,
the one to be employed in inflating the
lungs, and the other in communicating ex-
ternal heat to the body.

To Influte the Lungs.

Let one assistant stand at the head of the body, and introduce a conical tube of wood


or card, bent and tied round with string, into one of the nostrils; hold it there with his right hand, and close the other nostril and mouth with his left.

Let a second person stand on the left side, and blow air through the tube by a pair of bellows, if possible, or by means of his own mouth. Let him do this until the chest of the body is raised up, or distended by the inflation.

Let a third stand on the right side, and press the upper part of the windpipe backwards with his left hand, his right being spread out on the breast. His object is to prevent the air from passing down the gullet, into the stomach. The gullet is directly behind the windpipe, and it may be forced against the back bone, if p.essure be -made on the windpipe.

When the lungs are filled with air, the first assistant must unstop the mouth, and the third expel the air again, by pressing moderately on the chest.

This series of operations must be repeated again and again, and persisted in "for many hours," if signs of life do not appear. As a preliminary, it will often be necessary to hook up all phlegm from the throat, by introducing the finger through .the mouth.

To Communicate External Heat to the

For this purpose large woollen cloths, wrung out of hot water, are recommended, renewing them when cold; also diligently rubbing the body by means of heated cloths; the application too of bags of warm grains or sand, bottles or bladders of hot water, or hot bricks, the two latter wrapped up in flannel, to the feet, hands, and arm-pits.

If vitality return, or appear likely to do so, hartshorn and oil may be used in friction; as also salt.

A glyster of warm water, with the addition of two table spoonfuls of spirits of hartshorn, a heaped tea-spoontul of strong mustard, or a tea-spoonful of essence of peppermint; in defect of these ingredients, half a gill of brandy, rum, or gin, may be substituted, or the warm water may be given alone.

Similar mixtures may be thrown into the stomach, by means of a syringe; but of not more than quarter the strength.

The inside of the nostrils too, may be 'touched by hartshorn, or other stimulating fluids, or snuff may be given.

Electricity, or galvanism, is also recommended.

When the patient can swallow, he must be put into a warm bed, with his head and shoulders raised, and warm and moderately nourishing drink be given to him.

Patients are liable to indisposition, especially to inflammation of the chest, and pains in the head, after such accidents.

Directions for Avoiding Drowning. Keep the hands under water, and use the legs as if in walking up stairs. In this


way, it is said, that any person may keep above water.

If a person cannot swim, he may go into the water to save a drowning man by doing as follows:

Spread a handkerchief on the ground, and place a hat with the brim downwards, on the middle of the handkerchief, and then tie the handkerchief round the hat as you would a bundle, keeping the knots as near as possible in the centre of the crown, Then seize the knots in the hand, and keeping the opening of the hat upwards, fearlessly plunge in; and having the other hand at liberty, carry out a rope, stick, or use any other means, which may assist in rescuing the drowning man from his perilous situation.



On the combustion of Iron by Sulphurous Vapour.- Professor Hare has observed, that if a gun barrel be heated at the butt end, and a piece of sulphur thrown into it, a jet of ignited sulphurous vapour will issue from the touch-hole, when the mouth of the barrel is closed with a cork, or when it is blown

into. He found that a branch of iron wire,

exposed to this jet, will burn as if ignited in oxygen gas, and will fall down in the form of fixed globules, in the state of protosulphuret. When hydrate of potash is exposed to the jet, it will fuse into a sulphuret of a fine red colour.

Dr. Hare's method of impregnating water with iron.-If we place a few pieces of silver coin alternately with pieces of sheet iron in water, it will soon acquire a chalybeate taste, and a yellowish hue, and in twenty-four hours, flakes of oxide of iron will appear. Hence, if we repleuish with water a vessel in which such a pile is placed, after each draught, we may have a competent substitute for a chalybeate spring. Clean copper plates alternately with iron, or clean copper wire entwined with an iron rod, would produce the same effect; but as the copper, when oxidated, yields an oxide, it is safe to employ_silver.-Dr. Hare's Letter to Professor Gilleman.


Like the lily,


That once was mistress of the field, and flourish'd
I'll hang my head and perish.

There is no killing like that which kills the heart.

river of


THE approach of the village of -pleasing in the extreme. The road lies along the ridge of a hill, between which and the is a small but fertile valley, with a score of neat whitewashed cottages scattered promiscuously, and pleasant garden plots. Some hay-fields to the right of the river guarantees the richness of the soil. The village itself forms a highly agreeable object; for the thatched cottages, with their

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