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only do they resemble each other in their physiological action, but that their toxic action increases with their molecular weight, as I have shown to be the case with the inorganic elements, where, in each isomorphous group, the toxic action increases with the atomic weight of the elements.

In conclusion, I would reprint an extract from a paper published forty years ago :-"A moment's reflection on the problems to be solved will suffice to show that experiments conducted with this class (inorganic) of substances are more likely to furnish useful results than those made with bodies derived from the animal or vegetable kingdom, although, owing to the striking effects caused by some of these substances, physiologists have mostly directed their attention to them. By so doing, however, we are employing re-agents with the properties and composition of which we are imperfectly acquainted, to the neglect of those on the nature of which chemistry has already thrown much light, for not only are we better acquainted with the more purely chemical properties of inorganic compounds, but their relation to heat, electricity, and molecular polarity has been to a considerable extent made out. JAMES BLAKE

Disinfection by Heat

IN Dr. Parsons's Report on Disinfection by Heat (NATURE, vol. xxxiv. p. 583) occurs the statement: "It appears that there are no tables or formulæ in existence by which the degree of humidity of the air corresponding to a given difference between the wet and dry bulb thermometers at these high temperatures can be ascertained." There are both tables and formulæ ; but the tables are the numerical values for the formule, and such tables are to be found in Balfour Stewart on 66 Heat," Dixon's "Treatise on Heat," Blanford's "Meteorologist's Vade-mecum," and numerous works on the steam-engine.

Let the degree of humidity be represented by h; vapourtension at dew-point by x; wet-bulb temperature by t, its vapour-tension by f; dry-bulb temperature by T, its vapourtension by F; barometric pressure by b. Then, the theory of the dew-point gives

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The Beetle in Motion

MUCH has been written on "the horse in motion." Can any readers of NATURE supply me with references to published matter on the subject of hexapod progression?

The few observations I have made may be summed up in a few words. I use the letters and to signify the right and left legs respectively, and number the limbs from before backwards. When walking rapidly the appearance is as if 1, r 2, and 73 moved forward together simultaneously, alternating with r 1, 72, and 3. When the pace is slower it is seen that I and r 2 start together and come down at about the same time, some


times one sometimes the other being a little the first. Then, lifted almost but apparently not quite at the same time, 73 The motion of this leg being somewhat slower, and the limb having further to travel, the foot generally comes to the ground appreciably later than 71 or r 2. The general effect is to produce, at the moments of pause between the strides, the position indicated in the figure, which differs considerably from the conventional position delineated by artists who seek to represent the beetle in motion. C. LLOYD MORGAN

University College, Bristol

The Astronomical Theory of the Great Ice Age IN Sir Robert Ball's paper on this subject, which appears in your last number (p. 607), that author states that the calculation given "has convinced him that Mr. Croll's theory affords an adequate explanation of the Ice age." It is more in the hope of obtaining from Sir Robert a statement of the grounds of this conviction than for the purpose of controversy that I write this letter.

It will of course be conceded that the frost and snow of a single winter, melted off during the following summer, would not produce an Ice age. But, on Sir Robert Ball's figures, the increase of winter cold at the period in question was accompanied by a corresponding and equal increase of summer heat. Why, then, should the latter prove insufficient to melt the winter accumulation of snow and ice in any locality where it now suffices to

melt it?

The question is one of the joint result of two opposing forces. Both, under the supposed conditions, are intensified and equally intensified. How does this affect the result? More snow and ice is doubtless formed in the winter, but then more heat is employed in melting it during the ensuing summer. Why, then, was it not melted in any p'ace where it is now melted? A kind of answer to this question may be extracted from the writings of Mr. Croll, but not, I think, a satisfactory one. I am therefore anxious (in common, I am sure, with many others of your readers) to hear the reply of Sir Robert Ball. Llandudno, October 25


The Enormous Loss from Ox-Warble

I VENTURE to solicit your co-operation in making some points better known in order that farmers may be better able to protect themselves from the enormous loss from warbles on cattle from the bot-fly, positive proof having been furnished that it largely exceeds 2,000,000l. to 3,000,000l. yearly! To begin : I appeal to those farmers who have somewhat studied the question to make it clear to those who have not done so that each warble lump has a large maggot under it, feeding on the juices of the hide or flesh. The e lumps many call "health lumps" or "thriving bumps," and seem to prefer that their cattle should have them. It is readily seen how this serious fallacy has arisen, viz. from the fact that the warble lumps begin to show about Christmas (from the growth of the maggot under them), which also happens to be the time that the cattle receive their most nourishing food, and are then warmly housed or sheltered. But there could be no greater mistake than to think that the swellings

from the ravages of these horrid maggots are proof of a thriving condition! A correspondent writes me : "Since reading recent issues on the ox-bot or warble-fly, I have visited several cattle markets and slaughter-houses to see for myself if the ravages of the maggots are so serious as the statements led one to believe. I must frankly state that what I have seen convinces me that the statements are much under the mark rather than over it. The first beast I handled showed 42 warbles, some only 3 to 6, whilst many others showed 30 to 70; and on examining hides at slaughter-houses this state of things was again confirmed (the warbles are more readily seen upon the under-side of the skin, and many are small ones that would not show as a lump. I am certain a farmer has only once to make such a visit to be not only convinced of the great loss, but also, if he has any neighbourly feeling about him, to make him call the attention of his brother-farmers to the subject."

I am anxious to indorse this recommendation, for the farmers should now satisfy themselves as to the actual state of the matter, as in a few weeks from now the warble lumps will have vanished, and I fear the farmers will hardly take protective measures during the summer, when the warbles are not visible, unless they are convinced; whilst seeing would be believing. I may remark that the following simple remedies are all efficacious to destroy the maggots: mercurial ointment and carbolised oil, to be applied with caution by a careful man; or, better still, quoting from the Report of the Royal Agricultural Society, "As a general application, safe in all hands, McDougall's preparation has proved excellently useful," and I have convinced myself it is the best and safest remedy that can be applied, not only for destroying the maggots, but, later on, as a wash to prevent the attacks of the flies. I would not have occupied so much of your space, but I am convinced this is a subject of national importance. JOHN WALKER


P.S.-Farmers wishing for further information should read "Observations on Ox Warble or Bot-Fly," 1884, and a second Report on "Ox-Warble or Bot-Fly," 1885, by Eleanor A. Ormerod, F. R. Met. Soc., &c. (London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.), and a new pamphlet called "The Bot-Fly," just issued by J. C. Jack, Grange Publishing Works, Edinburgh. This work fully defines every minute detail of the history, life, prevention, and losses sustained by the dreaded pest.


In my

THE remarkable aurora borealis observed by Prof. Piazzi Smyth at Edinburgh on July 27 (NATURE, vol. xxxiv. p. 312) seems to have been visible over a very great area. meteorological journal it is remarked on July 27 that the bright silver-clouds appeared beautiful between 9.30 and 11 p.m. "The colour of the northern sky above the silver-clouds was misty and brownish, though not cloudy." I had never seen such a tint in the sky. I have no hesitation in saying that the unusual darkness was the same as observed at Edinburgh. The fair white arc I did not see; clouds came up at midnight. It may be interesting to state that I also saw, on July 26 at 9.30 p.m., an aurora-like white cloud in the north-west. This cloud was very different from the well-known silver-clouds so often described in 1885 and 1886. On the 28th and 29th nothing extraordinary is mentioned in my journal, but on the 30th faint traces of the silver-clouds and again "a very strange yellow. brownish colour of the north and north-west sky" are remarked. The great aurora on March 30 we also observed very well at Königsberg. F. HAHN,

Professor of Geography at the Königsberg University Königsberg, Prussia, October 25


IT is always interesting to look for coincidences in the earthquakes in different parts of the world. In NATURE, vol. xxxiv.

p. 627, you announce that a violent earthquake was felt at Charleston and many other places in the United States of North America, on the 22nd inst. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, i.e. 20h. 20m. Greenwich time. On the same day a very slight shock is recorded as having occurred at Neuchâtel, Switzerland, at 9h. 20m. evening, Berne time, i.e. 20h. 50m. Greenwich time. It is not impossible, but I must confess scarcely probable,

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IN connection with Prof. O'Reilly's letters in NATURE of October 14 and 28 (pp. 570, 618), and your notice of October 21 (p. 599), I supply a few data, which at first I thought of too little interest for your columns. At 6.12 p.m. local time (17h. 41m. universal time), on October 16, two shocks occurred with a short interval, the direction being approximately that of the meridian. The intensity was such as might be produced by very heavy carts pa-sing. H. DU BOIS

Strasburg, October 31


THIS evening, at about 8.25, I saw a magnificent meteor, of a blue colour, falling a little to the left of the Pleiades. Belfast, October 31 JOSEPH JOHN MURPHY



REDERICK GUTHRIE was born in Bayswater on October 15, 1833. and was the youngest of six children. His father, Alexander Guthrie, was a tailor, carrying on business in New Bond Street, and is said to have been a man of literary taste and ability; that he was a man of cultivation is shown by the education he provided for his children, one of whom, Francis, early distinguished himself at University College, London, and at the London University, as a mathematician, and is now Principal of the South African College, Cape Town. As a boy, Frederick Guthrie was taught privately until his twelfth year by the late Henry Watts, F.R.S.; afterwards he was sent to University College School, then under the head-mastership of Prof. Key, whence he passed into University College, London. There he remained three years, the last two of which were devoted mainly to the study of chemistry, under Profs. Graham and Williamson, and of mathematics under De Morgan, a teacher with whom it was impossible for a young man of Guthrie's power to come into contact without receiving a life-long impress. There also he again came into contact with Watts, who was then principal assistant in Prof. Williamson's laboratory, and an intimate friendship was cemented with his old tutor that remained unbroken till the death of the latter. In the spring of 1854 Guthrie went to Germany to continue his chemical studies, and worked first at Heidelberg, under Bunsen, and then at Marburg, under Kolbe, where he took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (“summa cum laude") in 1855, having previously graduated as Bachelor of Arts of the University of London. After returning to England he was appointed, in 1856, assistant to Dr. Frankland, then Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. In 1859 he went to Edinburgh as assistant to the late Vice-President of the Council, who had just succeeded Dr. William Gregory as Professor of Chemistry in the Edinburgh University.

Two years later Guthrie accepted the Professorship of Chemistry and Physics in the Royal College, Mauritius. He arrived in the island in May 1861, and for six years he devoted himself to endeavouring to introduce and establish on a durable basis scientific instruction in the colony. Here one of his colleagues was Mr. Walter Besant, the eminent novelist, with whom he formed a friendship that remained intimate and uninterrupted through life. He returned to London on leave in 1867, and in 1869 he was elected Lecturer on Physics in the Royal School of Mines, a post which, with extended duties and modified title, he retained till his death.

In the spring and early summer of this year many of Guthrie's friends remarked upon his looking ill and seeming to be in low spirits. After a while he complained of a difficulty in swallowing, which presently became so

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last he was prevailed upon to consult a physician, it was discovered that he was suffering from cancer of the throat. He sank rapidly during the last two or three months, and the inevitable end of his disease came on October 21. He was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery on the 26th.

Such were some of the chief outward and visible stages in Frederick Guthrie's career. Perhaps the first thing to strike any one on making his acquaintance was his stronglymarked individuality. His opinions were, much more than most men's, of his own forming, not simply picked up as they floated about in talk or in print. And his conduct followed his opinions: he did what he thought right, with very little regard to the consequences to himself, or to what might be thought of him by others. His scientific knowledge, too, was, much more than most men's, of his own getting, the result of his own observation and experiment. In others, also, he valued even a small scrap of self-gotten knowledge more than a large store of secondhand erudition. In this respect he sometimes went to excess, and, though not without mathematical knowledge, he was somewhat apt to underrate the scientific importance of the work of mathematical physicists in comparison with that of pure experimentalists. But even this mistake had root in the thoroughly sound conviction that it is the duty of a man of science to be a strictly faithful interpreter of the observed facts of Nature, and that, the further he ventures in the field of theoretical deduction the more room is there for self-deception. seemed, however, sometimes to forget that phenomena do not present themselves to the natural philosopher ready clothed in words, and that all that can be expressed in human language is the conception formed in the mind of the observer. The true function of the mathematical physicist is in reality, as Kirchhoff has pointed out, nothing more than to find out the simplest statements that are consistent with observation.


Guthrie's devotion to science was complete and singleminded. He had a deep conviction of the value and dignity of any kind of genuine, self-forgetful, scientific work, and he knew how, if necessity arose, to claim the dignity due to a sharer in such work. But from affectation or vanity he seemed entirely free. His wonderful gift of humour and power of terse and telling speech made it easier for him, than for most men, to put down any approach to impertinence or presumption; but, except where he felt that a lesson was needed, he was most considerate of others, both in speech and action. He delighted in playful mystifications (see, for example, Prof. von Nudeln's letter in NATURE, vol. xxi. p. 185, on the "Potential Dimensions of Differentiated Energy"), but his drollery was never ill-natured. He was generous and kind-hearted in the extreme; as a friend he was steady and faithful. Although essentially a man of science, he had considerable literary attainments, and had an excellent knowledge of both German and French, while his powers of literary expression were remarkable. It will not astonish those who knew his ability in this direction to learn that as a young man he published (under the nom-de-plume of Frederick Cerny) a poem called "The Jew," and a metrical drama called "Logroño."

With regard to Guthrie's scientific position and achievements it may be remarked, in the first place, that he belonged to a class that was probably commoner in his generation, and in that which preceded it, than it is likely to be in the future-that, namely, of physicists who served their time as chemists. Until within the last twenty years or so the only accessible school of experimental science was a chemical laboratory, and consequently, for the last two generations, a large proportion of the most prominent physicists have been men who began their scientific career as chemists. Among many others, it may suffice to mention Faraday and Regnault. Guthrie's first published investigation seems to have been his

dissertation on taking his Ph.D. degree; it was entitled "Ueber die chemische Constitution der ätherschwefelsauren Salze und über Amyloxydphosphorsaure." In the six years between taking his degree and going to Mauritius, he published eight or ten papers, mostly on points of organic chemistry-one of them, on the amyl group, contains the discovery of the therapeutic action of nitrite of amyl, and suggestions for its introduction into the pharmacopoeia. His first physical investigations were published while he was in Mauritius, and included two researches into the formation of drops and one into the properties of bubbles. It is striking evidence of the reality of Guthrie's love of science and of his force of character that, under circumstances in almost all respects adverse to scientific work beyond what was required by his official position, he should have persevered steadily with his experiments and produced papers of great value. While in Mauritius he also published a paper on the iodide of iodammonium, and a pamphlet on "The Sugar-Cane and CaneSugar," and made complete analyses of the waters of the principal rivers of the island. After his return to England his scientific work was almost wholly confined to physics, but it is perhaps significant of the side from which he approached the study that the subjects that occupied him principally had relation to what is usually called in the text-books "molecular physics." Among many other researches the following may be specially mentioned on the thermal conductivity of liquids; on approach caused by vibration; on stationary vibrations of liquids in rectangular and circular troughs; on salt-solutions and attached water (the results of this investigation were contained in a series of eight papers, and included the discovery of the substances named by Guthrie "cryohydrates," a class of solid hydrated salts which melt without change of composition, in most cases below o° C.); on "Eutexia," an investigation into the properties, especially the melting-points, of metallic alloys and mixtures of salts.

As a teacher, it has been well said of Guthrie by one who knew him well, that "he did not desire merely to fill his pupils' heads, but to make them use them "a far more valuable but more difficult result to attain. A large proportion of his pupils consisted of "certificated science teachers," and for these he introduced a system of instruction, consisting largely in making them construct with their own hands the apparatus required for their experiments, which was probably more fruitful (especially in the case of this particular class of pupils) than any other that he could have adopted.

In 1873 Guthrie issued to his scientific friends a characteristically worded little circular, which resulted in the formation, early in the following year, of the Physical Society of London, a Society which now includes, with very few exceptions, all the leading physicists of the United Kingdom. Through his intervention, permission was obtained from the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education for the meetings of the Society to be held in the Physical Laboratory of the Science Schools at South Kensington. He chose for himself the somewhat onerous post of "Demonstrator" to the Society, and in this capacity placed his time and the resources of his laboratory freely at the disposal of those who wished to exhibit experiments or apparatus at the Society's meetings. It was not till 1884 that he consented to become President.

In the early part of the present year he gave a course of three lectures before the Society of Arts on "Science Teaching," in which he advocated with equal vigour and humour the advantages of a training in experimental science.

Besides the poetical works already mentioned, and his numerous papers on scientific subjects, Guthrie was the author of the following books:-" Elements of Heat and Non-Metallic Chemistry," "Electricity and Magnetism,"

"Molecular Physics and Sound," and "The First Book of Knowledge."

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1859, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1873. G. C. F.

THE LONGEVITY OF GREAT MEN1 THE HE conclusion that the intellectual giants of the race are favoured by an abundance of years on the scene of their heroic activity, and are thus further differentiated from their more common fellow-men, seems natural, and has been accepted upon evidence which, in a less pleasing conclusion, would be considered ridiculously insufficient, and even false. The usual method of attempting to answer the question whether great men are longer-lived than others, is to prepare a list of the ages, at death, of a number of eminent men, take the average age, and compare it with a similar average of a number of ordinary men, or even with the average lifetime of the race, and in this way to make the results speak decidedly in favour of the superior longevity of great men. All that such a method can prove (and this it does prove) is that it takes long to become great. It neglects to consider that a select class of men is dealt with, and that, to be even potentially included in this class, one must have lived a certain number of years.

For example: in an article translated in the Popular Science Monthly for May 1884, it is argued that astronomers are a long-lived race because the average lifeperiod of 1741 astronomers is 64 years and 3 months. An average human life is only 33 years; but as one cannot be an astronomer before adult life, the author takes the expectation of life at 18 years, which is 61 years, and thus makes an excess of over 3 years in favour of astronomers. He also divides his astronomers into four degrees of eminence, and finds that those of the first rank live longer than those of the second, and they in turn longer than those of the third, and so on, thus implying that the best astronomers are most favoured with years. The true conclusion is, that it takes longer to become a firstrank astronomer than it does to become a less eminent


If great men were great from their infancy, and we had the means of ascertaining this fact, the method would be correct. But, as it is, we must define in some way or other what we mean by greatness, and then fix the average age at which it becomes possible to distinguish an amount of talent sufficient to enable its possessor to be enrolled in the ranks of the great as already defined. What is known as the "expectation of life" at any number of years tells the most probable age at death of one who has attained the years under consideration: a comparison of this age with the age at death of great men will decide whether they are longer lived or not.

The attempt was made to select about 280 to 300 of the greatest men that ever lived.3 Throwing out about 30 of the doubtful names, there remain 250 men, about whom the statement is hazarded that a list of the 250 greatest men, prepared by another set of persons, will not mate

From Science.

2 Mr. Galton (Hereditary Genius," p. 34) has allowed himself to neglect a similar cons deration. In giving the number of men in each class that the population of the Un.ted Kingdom would have between certain ages, he gives 35 as the number of men of class G (a very high degree of eminence) between the ages 20 and 30, and only 21 such men between 40 and 50 years. But this cannot be true, because only a very smal proportion of men could possibly attain the eminence requisite to be classed among the G's in 20 to 30 years, while almost all (of those who will attain it at all) will have attained it before the end of their fiftieth year. And this consideration far outbalances the excess in ab-olute number of men between the former ages over those between the latter. Similarly the falling-off in the number of men of class g, i.e. idiots, from decade to decade, would be more rapid than in ordinary men, a fact which the tables fail to show.

3 The names were selected by three others and myself, while engaged in a study of what might be called the natural history of great men. The process

of selection was most rigid and careful, by a system which it would take too long to describe.

rially differ from our list, as far as all the purposes for which it is to be used are concerned. From this list I have selected at random a set of men of whom it was probably easy to fix the age at which they had done work which would entitle them to a place on this list, or work which almost inevitably led to such distinction: it is a date about midway between the first important work and the greatest work. The average of over 60 such ages is 37 years; which means, that, on the average, a man must be 37 years old in order to be a candidate for a place longevity of this select class of 37-year-old men compare on this list. The real question, then, is, How does the

with that of more ordinary individuals? The answer is

given by the expectation of life at 37 years, which is 29 years, making the average age at death 66 years. And this is precisely the age at death of the e 60 great men ; showing, that, as a class (for these 60 may be considered a fair sample), great men are not distinguished by their longevity from other men.

Further interesting conclusions can be drawn if we divide the men into classes, according to real psychological and physiological differences in the ways of manifestation of the several kinds of genius. It is almost surprising how well the ordinary trinity of facultiesintellect, emotions, and will-accomplishes this purpose. Greatness seems to appear either in a brilliant thought, a deep feeling, or a powerful will. Under men of thought would be included philosophers, scientists, historians, &c.; under men of feeling, poets, musicians, religionists, &c. under men of action, rulers, commanders, statesmen, &c. Before comparing the relative longevity of these three classes of men, I assure myself that the period at which greatness begins to be possible does not materially differ in the three classes, and, as was done in the former case, I exclude all cases of unnatural death. I find that men of thought live 69'5 years, or 35 years longer than ordinary men; while the lives of men of feeling are 3 years, those of men of action 5 years, shorter than those of accepted view on the subject. average men,—a conclusion that agrees with the commonly If we subdivide these

three classes, we find, that, while all classes of men of thought live longer than ordinary men, the moralists live longest, scientists coming next; that among the men of feeling the religionists alone live the full period of life, while poets' lives are 5 years, and musicians' lives 8 years, too short; that, of men of action, rulers and commanders both fail to complete the full term of life by 4 years. One sees from these statements (which, however, in their detail at least, must be accepted with hesitation, owing to the fewness of examples) that the kind of psychical and physical activity pursued influences the life-period; that certain types of genius are apt to die young, while others are particularly favoured with a full allowance of years.

The question of longevity becomes important when we consider that through it the leaders of civilisation are allowed to exercise their important function a few years longer, thus enabling more great men to be alive at the same time; and that, by its tendency to be inherited by the offspring, the children of great men will begin life with a better chance of teaching maturity, and, in turn, of becoming important to the world, if, as we have reason to believe it would, the genius of their ancestors has left its traces in them. JOSEPH JASTROW

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Nov. 4, 1886]


illustrations reproduced from photographs. Notwith-subject, it may be observed that the position and altitude standing the observations of Russegger, Fraas, and others, on the physical features and structure of this region, a complete monograph on its geology has long been a desideratum, and the work of Dr. C. Diener forms a fitting continuation of the survey of Lartet in Palestine, and of the Palestine Exploration Society in Arabia Petræa and the Jordan Valley.

Down to a comparatively recent period, the ranges of the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon were supposed to be formed of Jurassic limestones, but the observations of Oscar Fraas showed that this was an error, and that they are mainly formed of Cretaceous and Eocene limestones. It is only within the limits of a narrow belt at the western base of Mount Hermon that Jurassic beds really occur; this being their first appearance on proceeding northwards from Arabia Petræa. The formations overlying the Jurassic strata are referable to the "Neocomian" (?), Cenomanian, Turonian, Senonian, Eocene, and newer Tertiary periods; while great sheets of basaltic lava of late Tertiary age occur both to the north and to the south of the region embraced by the memoir.

Dr. Diener has worked out with great success the nu nerous lines of faulting and flexuring which the strata have undergone since their deposition, and which have been produced mainly during the Miocene epoch. Mount Hermon itself owes its position in a great degree to the elevation of its mass along the line of a great fault which coincides with its western base. Its beds of limestone, belonging to the age of the Lower Chalk of Europe, are disposed in the form of a low arch, the axis of which passes under the summit, and ranges in a north-northeast direction along the line of the heights of AntiLebanon. Other faults range along the southern and eastern flanks of the great dome-shaped mount which has thus been bodily upheaved in respect of the bordering strata. There can be no question that the system of terrestrial disturbances along which the Syrian mountains have been fractured and dislocated is the same as that which has given origin to the Jordan-Arabah depression; and amongst the lines of displacement traced out by Dr. Diener, we can have no difficulty in recognising that which is the actual prolongation of the leading fault of the Jordan Valley. This great line of fracture and displacement appears to enter the valley of the Leontes (Litany) at the western base of Hermon, where a complete change of the stratification takes place on either side, and the "Lebanon Limestone," with the subordinate Lower Cretaceous beds, are thrown into a nearly vertical position, and brought into contact with horizontal strata of the Upper Chalk (Senonkreide). It may therefore be inferred that the great valley of Cole-Syria (El Bekâ'a), separating the range of the Lebanon from that of AntiLebanon, owes its origin, in the first instance, to the same system of faults which has caused the depression of the Jordan Valley, the original features having been modified by extensive denudation; and if we suppose that the primary line of fault reaches as far north as the Lake of Homs, in the valley of the Orontes, and as far south as the Gulf of Akabah, the distance through which this great line of fracture of the earth's crust will have been traced will amount to about 350 English miles.

Dr. Diener expresses some doubts regarding the former existence of glaciers in the Lebanon, notwithstanding the opinions of such observers as Hooker, Fraas, Girard, and others. Hooker especially identifies the mound upon which the grove of ancient ced irs is planted as an ancient moraine. The author throws some doubt upon this view, because he was unable, after three hours of search, to find scratched or striated boulders, although he admits that, viewed in certain directions, the mounds do present the In reference to this appearance of a terminal moraine.

"Libanon; Grundlinien der physischen Geographie und Geologie von Mittel-Syrien." (Wien, 1886.)

of the Lebanon Range makes it extremely probable that perennial snow, giving origin to glaciers, occupied the higher regions during the Glacial epoch. Amongst the Caucasus, which are only a few degrees further north, though somewhat higher, glaciers occur at the present day, and during the Glacial epoch the valleys were brimful of ice. Hence it would be strange if in the Lebanon it were proved that they had been entirely absent. The scarcity or absence of glacial striations, on which Dr. Diener founds his objection, is easily accounted for when we recollect that the blocks and stones consist of rather friable limestone which has been exposed through thousands of years to the effects of frost, heat, and rain. It is only when the surface of a rock, or of a boulder, has been protected by a coat of stiff glacial clay, that we can expect the stria and scars to be preserved throughout a long period of time.

On another point Dr. Diener expresses his dissent from the views of previous observers, arising, as it seems to the writer, from his want of appreciation of the full effect of eroding agencies. The neck of land which connects the Râs Beyrût with the outer ridges of the Lebanon is formed of beds of stratified gravel or conglomerate This is to all rising from 120 to 150 feet above the sea. appearance an old sea-bed formed at a time when the land was submerged to the extent above indicated, during which Râs Beyrût was an island. The author cannot accept this view, because his observations of the coastline of Syria, bearing on the present state of the harbours, do not appear to show a change of level of more than a few feet; less, in fact, than would be necessary to submerge the neck of land. On the other hand, he accepts the evidence offered by Lartet and the writer of a submergence of the coast of Southern Palestine and Philistia to an extent even greater than this, namely 200 feet and upwards; and he points to the evidence of great changes of level on the coast of Northern Syria and Asia Minor. May not the absence of raised beaches on the coast of Southern and Middle Syria be due to the waste caused by the wave action of the Mediterranean, which would tend to carry away such soft materials during the period of emergence where exposed and unprotected? In another case the author throws doubt on the observations of Dr. Post regarding the presence of shell-beds at levels of 150 to 250 feet near Lâdikîeh, an account of which appeared in NATURE, vol. xxx. p. 385, and which is given with much detail. It seems an instance of hypercriticism to call in question an authenticated statement merely on the ground that the author was unable to personally verify it.

The above instances will, however, go to show with what care and labour Dr. Diener has accomplished his task, and he is to be congratulated upon the production of a work which will doubtless be considered a standard of reference regarding the physical history of the Syrian mountains. I may perhaps be allowed to remark that his admirable geological map would have been improved by following the English custom of showing the dip of the strata by means of small arrows, and of distinguishing between ordinary boundaries of formations and those which are produced by faults and fractures, and the book itself would have been rendered easier for reference by EDWARD HULL an index.

[blocks in formation]
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