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extra outlay of energy would probably not be severely felt. But every rose-grower knows how great are his losses, and how difficult it is to keep his "standards" in good form and good health. Of course there are many causes for this, but it is not unreasonable to suppose that one of them arises from exhaustion from continuous flowering, which produces a condition that predisposes to disease.

Another phenomenon of a somewhat similar character is very commonly met with this autumn, although, not unnaturally, it does not attract so much attention. I allude to the production of buds and leaf-shoots on the partially withered stems of herbaceous perennial plants, such as various species of Epilobium, Malva, &c. The branches of these plants usually dry up after flowering, leaving only a rosette of leaves or a winter-bud to carry on the growth next season; but occasionally they retain some amount of vitality, and, as at this season, produce a new generation of shoots from the old ones.

These variations show how artificial are the distinctions denoted by the terms annual, perennial, herbaceous, and the like, and they show what a wide range of physiological diversity may exist within the limits of the same species. MAXWELL T. MASTERS


rosaria Pasti"), are moved with astonishment at the sight of a second crop of flowers on an apple-tree or a laburnum. Common as the phenomenon is, however, not many persons, even among botanists, bestow a thought as to how it is brought about. Gardeners recognise two distinct modes in which flowers may be produced, either from the "old wood," meaning the wood formed in the previous season, or from the shoot of the present year's growth. A rhododendron with its flowers packed up in a winter-bud" destined to unfold in spring, an apple or a laburnum with their winter-buds at the ends of short contracted shoots or "spurs," afford illustrations of the one type, while a rose, with its newly-formed shoots crowned with one or more rose-buds, supplies an example of the latter. There is the same sort of difference between these two kinds of flowers that there is between the so-called “annual " plants whose course of life is outrun in a single season, and "herbaceous perennials" which die down in winter, leaving a winter-bud to carry on the work when circumstances become propitious in spring. The second growth of flowers in autumn may, therefore, be due to two different causes. In the one case it is an anticipation of spring; the flowers being produced afore time. Conditions of growth being persistently favourable, the winter-bud, instead of remaining dormant, bursts prematurely into growth, and repeats in autumn what its predecessor had done in spring. The great difficulty in such a case is to explain why one bud, or at any rate only a small proportion of the total number of buds, acts in this AT T the commencement of this very interesting and way when the circumstances of the case would appear to instructive monograph, Prof. Morse tells us that be substantially alike in all. To talk of the individuality when he began collecting data illustrating the various of buds is to denote a fact which every observer must be methods of releasing the arrow from the bow, as practised conversant with, but which does not supply any explana- by different races, he was animated merely by curiosity; tion. In the second class of cases the flowers are, as in nor was it until he had accumulated quite a collection of "hybrid perpetual " roses, placed at the ends of some of sketches and other memoranda on the methods of arrowthe shoots of the year. In this case gardeners have availed release, not only of existing but of ancient races, as themselves of what was originally an occasional tend- shown by frescoes and rock-sculptures, that he realised ency to continue the development of flowers on the that even so trivial an art as that of releasing the arrow end of certain shoots, and have, as it were, converted an might possibly lead to interesting results in tracing the accidental into a constant occurrence. Doubtless they affinities of races. Hence he publishes in the present might do the same in the case of the laburnum, were pamphlet the data which he has thus far collected, in the they so disposed. It is here that the skill of the hope that further material may be secured for a more gardener comes in, and even enables him, to some extended memoir on the subject. The great difference extent, to baffle adverse climatic influence and induce a which Prof. Morse observed between the ordinary English plant, as a regular thing, to flower twice in a season, or and Japanese methods of using the bow first led him to even more or less continuously, when, if left to itself it investigate the subject, with the curious results to be would either not do so at all, or only in a fitful, uncertain presently narrated. The various forms of release, with manner. It is worth notice, too, that these second blooms their different modifications, are classified, and perhaps are often (but by no means invariably) malformed. Some Prof. Morse's investigations may be most succinctly rhododendrons now before me are so, while the double- described by using his classification. flowered apples that one occasionally sees are always, in my experience, formed on the midsummer shoots of the So, again, with pears, the second crop of flowers is usually produced on shoots of the year, and very generally the flowers are more or less imperfect or misshapen. The "Napoleon" pear behaves in this way every year. Every year, too, I am indebted to Mr. Burbidge, of the Trinity College Botanic Garden, Dublin, for specimens of " Bishop's Thumb" pears, produced on the summer shoots. These pears are more like fingers than thumbs, and are destitute of core. The flower-stalk swells up as usual, and produces an eatable pear, but the carpels and seeds are conspicuous by their absence. The developing force has been energetic enough to produce flower- and fruit-stalk, but it has failed in the more essential process of seed- and embryoformation. Possibly in some cases the absence of seed may be the result of want of fertilisation. It may be that in the flowers some at least of the carpels are present with their contained ovules, but, owing to the want of effective fertilisation, they have dwindled away and left no trace.


It would be a curious and important matter to ascertain whether, and to what extent, this repeated flowering process exhausts the plant. If no seed were produced the

(1) Ordinary Release. This is the simplest form of release, and is that which children all the world over naturally adopt in first using the bow. It consists in simply grasping the arrow between the end of the straightened thumb, and the first and second joints of the bent forefinger (Figs. 1 and 2). With a light or weak bow, says Prof. Morse, this release is the simplest and best; it makes little difference on which side of the bow the arrow rests, provided the bow is held vertically. On the other hand, however, a stiff bow cannot be drawn in this way, unless one possesses enormous strength in the fingers. This simple or primary release is that in use amongst the Ainos of Yezo, by the Demerara Indians, apparenily also by the Utes. The Navajos employ it when shooting at prairie dogs, so that the arrow will not penetrate the ground if it misses its mark; so do the Chippewas. The Micmac Indians of the Cascapedia settlement, on the north shore of the Bay of Chaleur, used it, and it is said that the other tribes in this part of Canada draw the arrow in the same way. A member of the Penobscot tribe at Moosehead Lake, seemed incredulous when Prof.

"Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow-Release." By Edward S. Morse, Director Peabody Academy of Science. Essex Institute Bulletin, October-December, 1885.

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The Ottawas and Zuñi Indians practised this, as also did the Chippewas of Northern Wisconsin.

(3) The Tertiary Release differs little from the secondary. The forefinger, instead of being bent, is nearly straight, with its tip, as well as the tips of the second and third fingers, pressing or pulling on the string, the thumb, as in the primary and secondary release, active in assisting in pinching the arrow and pulling it back. This is used amongst various tribes of American IndiansSioux, Araphoes, Cheyenne, Assinboins, Comanches,

Figs. 5&6. Mediterranean release.

and third fingers, the balls of the fingers clinging to the string, with the terminal joints of the fingers slightly flexed. The arrow is held lightly between the first and second fingers, the thumb straight and inactive (Figs. 5 and 6). A leather glove or leather finger-strings are worn, as Roger Ascham expresses it in his "Toxophilus," published in 1584, "to save a man's fingers from hurtinge,

Figs.3&4, Secondary release.

Crows, and Blackfeet. The Siamese, too, practise this release, with the difference that one finger only is used on the string instead of two. It appears, too, from Mr. Man's recent paper before the Anthropological Institute, that the Andaman Islanders use this method.

(4) The Mediterranean Release.-This release has been in vogue among the northern Mediterranean nations for

Figs.7&8 Mongolian release.

that he may be able to beare the sharpe stringe to the uttermoste of his strengthe." In this release, the arrow must be to the left of the bow vertical. The Eskimo of

Alaska employ this release, using, however, only the first and second fingers in drawing the string, and it appears to be almost universal in the Arctic regions.

These four releases may be considered, Prof. Morse

thinks, as successive modifications of each other; but the next release is an entirely independent form, having no relation to the other.

(5) The Mongolian Release.-In this the string is drawn by the flexed thumb bent over the string, the end of the forefinger assisting in holding the thumb in position (Figs. 7 and 8). The arrow is held at the junction of the thumb and forefinger, the base of the finger pressing the arrow against the bow. For this reason the arrow is always placed to the right of the bow vertical. This release is characteristic of the Asiatic races, such as the Manchu, Chinese, Corean, Japanese, and Turk. The Persians also use it. The thumb is protected by a guard : the Manchus, Chinese, and others use a thick ring worn near the base of the thumb. It may be made of any hard material, such as horn, bone, ivory, quartz, agate, or jade. The Japanese archer uses a glove consisting of the thumb and two fingers.

These are the principal and most efficier.t forms of release, although doubtless there are others. Of the methods employed by ancient peoples, as represented in manuscripts, sculptures, &c., the Assyrians at one stage of their history appear to have used the primary form, while subsequently they used the secondary, and still later the Mediterranean release. The ancient Egyptians appear to have practised three, if not four, definite and distinct methods of release, but many of the representations in the old sculptures are evidently purely conventional, while some are clearly impossible. Following on these, Prof. Morse discusses the methods employed in ancient Greece, Persia, Japan, China, India, Mexico. Here he is naturally on less secure ground, for he has to endeavour to spell out a conclusion from various and conflicting positions of the hand in various ancient graphic representations of life amongst these peoples. The discussion involves a considerable amount of detail and numerous woodcuts by way of illustration, for which the reader must be referred to Prof. Morse's pamphlet. We must content ourselves with reproducing briefly his conclusions, which, it will be understood, are at present for the most part provisional, pending additional information and wider discussion. The persistence of a particular release in a people is well illustrated in the case of the Ainos. For centuries the Ainos have battled with the Japanese, and must have been mindful of the superior archery of their enemies; indeed, on all hands, with the exception possibly of the Kamchatdales to the north, the Ainos have been surrounded by races practising the Mongolian release, and yet have adhered to their primitive methods of shooting. The two strongest releases-both perhaps equally powerful-are the Mediterranean and Mongolian, and it is interesting to note that the two great divisions of the human family who can claim a history, and who have been dominant in the affairs of mankind, are the Mediterranean nations and the Mongolians. For several thousands of years each stock has had its peculiar arrow-release, and this has persisted through all the mutations of time to the present day. Language, manners, customs, religions, have in the course of centuries widely separated these two great divisions into nations. Side by side they have lived; devastating wars and wars of conquest have marked their contact; and yet the apparently trivial and simple act of releasing the arrow from the bow has remained unchanged. At the present moment the European and Asiatic archer, shooting now only for sport, practise each the release which characterised their remote ancestors. The following classified list shows in a general way that the primary, secondary, and tertiary releases are practised by savage races to-day, as well as by certain ancient civilised races, while the Mediterranean and Mongolian releases, though originating early in time, have always characterised the civilised and dominant races. The exceptions to this generalisation are curious: the Little Andaman Islanders practise the Mediterranean

release, and those of the Great Andamans the Tertiary; various groups of Eskimo practise the Mediterranean release, and have designed a distinct form of arrow for this method.

Primary Release.-Savage: Ainos, Demerara Indians, various North American tribes; civilised: early Assyrian, Egyptian, and Grecian (?)

Secondary Release.-Savage: some North American tribes; civilised later Assyrian and Indian (?)

Tertiary Release.-Savage: North American tribes, Great Andamans; civilised: Siamese, Egyptian, Grecian, and Mexican (?)

Mediterranean Release.-Savage: Eskimo, Little Andamans; civilised: European nations now, and the archers of the Middle Ages, later Assyrian, early Egyptian, Arabian, Indian, and Roman.

Mongolian Release. - Manchus, Chinese, Coreans, Japanese, Turks, Persians, Scythians, Egyptians (?) In conclusion, Prof. Morse expresses a belief that the method of using the bow may form another point in establishing or disproving relationships, in identifying the affinities of past races. Travellers and explorers should not content themselves with observing the simple fact that such and such people use bows and arrows, but they should accurately record (1) the attitude of the shaft hand; (2) whether the bow is held horizontally or vertically; (3) whether the arrow is to the right or left of the bow vertical; and (4) whether the extra arrows are carried in the bow hand or shaft hand. The method of bracing the bow is of importance also. While anxious to get information respecting the arrow-releases of tribes and peoples, he is particularly desirous of hearing about those employed by the Veddahs of Ceylon, the hill-tribes of India, African tribes, and those of South America, especially the Fuegians. Such material, in the shape of descriptions, photographs, drawings, and if possible specimens of bows and arrows, may be sent to Prof. E. S. Morse, Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Massachusetts, and will be acknowledged and used in a future publication on the subject.


a little tract of thirty-six pages, which has just IN appeared in the Transactions of the Croydon Microscopical and Natural History Club, Mr. Eaton has discussed the climatology of this part of England with a skill, clearness, and fairness seldom met with in local climatologies. The observations of temperature, which were conducted on the same systematic plan with Stevenson's screens, were made at seven stations, these being, in the order of their heights, Park Hill, Addiscombe, South Norwood, West Norwood, Waddon, Wallington, and Beddington. The periods selected for discussion are the five years 1881 to 1855 inclusive. The stations are included within an area measuring 4 miles from northeat to south-west by 24 miles from south-east to northwest. The monthly results are given on fourteen pages with satisfactory fullness; and with them are conjoined, for the sake of comparison, the corresponding records of temperature at the Greenwich and Kew Observatories.

The heights and mean temperatures of the five stations from which observations are available for the whole of the five years are these:-Beddington, 102 feet, 48°8; Waddon, 156 feet, 49°0; South Norwood, 190 feet, 49°4; Addiscombe, 202 feet, 49°3; and Park Hill, 259 feet, 49 4, -Park Hill, the highest station, being thus o 6 warmer than Beddington, the lowest station. This subversion of the general rule that the temperature diminishes with greater elevation is shown to be due to the frequency with which, on clear calm nights, the air in contact with the ground is cooled and rendered denser by radiation, I 66 Report on the Temperature and the Rainfall of the Croydon District, 1881-85," by Henry Storks Eaton.

and thereafter descends to the low-lying grounds of the valleys, displacing the warmer air below. During the unusually dry clear months of January and July 1831 the mean temperature of Park Hill exceeded that of Beddington by 35 and 2°5 respectively. Hence the first three of the five stations which are on sloping ground have, though at greater elevations than the other two stations below, higher mean temperatures.

This peculiarity in the distribution of the night and the winter temperature becomes the more intensified as the valley is deeper and its sides steeper, and as calms and light winds prevail. Thus at Klagenfurt, situated in one of the valleys of the Tyrol, the mean temperature of January is 20°7, whereas at the station of Obergipfel, about seven miles distant and 4270 feet higher, the mean for the same month is 19° 9, being thus less than a degree lower than that of Klagenfurt. The subject is one that has seldom received the earnest attention it deserves, particularly in drawing the isothermals of the globe. The Croydon Club would make a clear addition to their observing-system if new stations were established on knolls in the valley of the Wandle for the further prosecution of this inquiry.

The means of temperature from Greenwich and Kew would have had real value in this inquiry if Mr. Eaton could have availed himself of observations made at these Observatories with thermometers exposed in the Stevenson screen. But, as pointed out, the different modes of exposing the thermometers render the results of the three systems of observing incomparable inter se. Thus the mean of the daily highest temperature of August for the five years is 725 for Greenwich, and 69°5 for Kew.

The rainfall has been far more extensively observed in the district, the returns of no fewer than seventy stations being available. Grouping the stations according to height, the annual amounts at stations below 200 feet show a mean of 2327 inches; 200 to 400 feet, 25:39 inches; 400 to 600 feet, 29'12 inches; 600 to 800 feet, 3166 inches; and above 800 feet, 31.36 inches. The largest amounts of rain occur not on the ridge of the North Downs, but some distance on the lee-side in regard to the prevalent rainy south-westerly winds; and the amount at like elevations seems also to diminish from west to east. As regards the monthly rainfall, the depth is greater in the upper groups; but the ratios of the monthly to the annual fall show that in spring, but more particularly in summer, there falls proportionally a larger amount of rain in the lower group of stations, whose average elevation is 193 feet. The relatively large increase in the summer rainfall over low-lying plains is one of the most striking facts in the geographical distribution of the rainfall, and is probably due to the physical causes concerned in the development of thunderstorms.



HE immediate cause of the sudden appearance of clouds of insects in certain localities is not very apparent, but it may be surmised that the predominance or scarceness of their natural insect foes has much control over the phenomenon; added to which must be taken into account the effects of weather and temperature. A few days ago I had a notice from an obliging Birmingham correspondent, Mr. George Baker, who kindly furnished me with the following particulars :

On October 5 the town of Mansfield, on the borders of Sherwood Forest, was visited by a cloud of Aphides, which swarmed in the town and over the country round, across an area of many miles. The town was visited "literally by millions; every one, as they walked along, waving their handkerchiefs or newspapers before their faces to avoid inhaling the insects. Wet paint was covered by a mass of these black Aphides." This swarm

continued with decreasing numbers throughout five days, and heavy rain during part of this time did not seem much to affect them. On the road to Nottingham these insects were noticed as engaged in singular gyrations and undulatory dances above the tops of the spruce-firs, there forming dense pyramidal columns.

A similar cloud, but less remarkable as to numbers, was observed about the same time at Birmingham; which, however, as it must have been at least 40 miles distant, can be scarcely considered as a part of this same swarm. Possibly similar causes operated to produce the like phenomenon in both places.

These insects proved on examination to be Rhopalosiphum dianthi of Schrank, which is identical with Aphis persica of Morren, and A. rape of Curtis, and A. vastator of Smee. It is a veritable pest in some years, doing considerable damage to turnip, mangel, and other crops, and in our gardens injuring our peach-trees. This present notice of its swarming is, however, by no means unprecedented.

In September and October 1834 Morren noted an immense swarm all over Belgium, and states his belief that it came across the sea from England. He says they obscured the light of day, and covered the walls of the houses so as partially to conceal them. Gilbert White notes that in August 1785 the people of Selborne were surprised by a swarm of "smother flies." Those that were walking in the street found themselves covered with these insects, which blackened the hedges and vegetables round. White thought these might be emigrations from the hop gardens of Kent and Sussex, and from those near Farnham. If so, the species differs from the insects above noticed.

The choice of high objects to dance over is not confined to Aphides, e.g. many of the Tipulidæ. The singular persistent dance of Anthomyia meteorica over the heads of horses is familiar to all. G. B. BUCKTON


A MOST attractive group of birds has just been placed by Prof. Flower in the great hall of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington. The case is intended to illustrate the hybridisation of species in a state of nature, and the species selected are the hooded and carrion crows (Corvus cornix and C. corone) and the European and Asiatic goldfinches (Carduelis elegans and C. orientalis). The series of these birds has been presented to the Museum by Mr. Henry Seebohm, who procured the specimens himself during his travels in Siberia. The case of the crows is one of the few instances known of actual wild hybridisation, though many more are suspected, especially among the game birds. It is certain, however, that wherever the colonies of hooded crows meet the carrion crow throughout the Palearctic region the two species interbreed freely, and the result is shown in the young, the gray saddle-back of the hooded crow exhibiting a considerable admixture of black owing to the strain of C. corone in the parentage. The case of the goldfinches is not quite so completely proved, but is apparently a parallel instance of hybridisation. The British Museum has been for some time indebted to Mr. Seebohm for very valuable presents of birds, which have been mounted in the bird-galleries. Not long ago he gave a specimen of Ross's gull (Rhodostethia rossi), one of the rarest of the Laride, and a species which was a He presented also, last desideratum to the national collection. year, a fine case of Steller's sea-eagle (Haliaetus pelagicus) from


THE Geodetic Conference began its meetings in Berlin last week. The countries represented are Belgium, by two delegates; Denmark, by one; Germany, by fourteen, including Prof. Dr. Förster, of the Royal Observatory, Prof. Helmholtz,

Dr. W. Siemens, and Colonel Golz, of the Trigonometrical Survey: France, by two, namely, MM. Faye and Tisserand; Italy, by one; the Netherlands, by one; Norway, by one; Austria, by three; Portugal, by one; Roumania, by two; Russia, by two, including Dr. von Struve, of the Observatory at Pulkowa; Sweden, Switzerland, and Spain, each by one, England, strange to say, is not represented; nor has any one come from the United States. Prof. Dr. Förster, of Berlin, was elected President, and Dr. von Struve, of Pulkowa, | Vice-President of the Conference. In his opening address, Herr von Gossler, Prussian Minister of Public Worship, indulged in some general observations as to the progress and aims of geodetic science, and, in the name of the Prussian Government, thanked the various foreign deputies for their appearance in Berlin. The chief task of the present Conference has been to settle the organisation of the central geodetic bureau, which is to have its permanent seat in Berlin, in connection with the Geodetic Institute of Prussia, founded by the late Lieut.-General von Bäyer. It was at the instance of Lieut.-General Bayer that the first constituent international meeting of geodetic experts was held in Berlin in 1864, and it is by the establishment of a central international bureau here, supported by quotas from the various countries which it represents, that it is intended to preserve to Prussia the leading part she has always taken in promoting the science of earth-measuring and all its kindred branches. The permanent Committee elected includes Prof. Hirsch, of the Neuchâtel Observatory (Secretary), Professors Förster (Prussia), Sande (Holland), Faye (France), Ferrero (Italy), Ibannez (Spain), Ragel (Saxony), Oppolzer (Austria), Stepnicki (Russia), and Zachariae (Denmark). The next Conference will be held in 1887 at Nice, on the invitation of M. Bischoffsheim, owner of the great Observatory there. Before separating, the Conference passed a resolution requesting the Prussian Government to invite other States to join the International Geodetic Society.

AT a recent meeting of the Common Council it was decided that it be referred to the Gresham Committee to consider whether the moneys now paid for lectures under the provisions of Sir Thomas Gresham's will might be devoted to the encouragement of students destined for commercial careers acquiring a useful knowledge of modern languages, with instructions to confer with the Mercers' Company, and to report thereon forthwith.

THE Professor of Physics of the University of Vienna, Dr. Victor Pierie, died suddenly of appoplexy in his laboratory on Friday last.

AT the Potato Centenary on December 2 and 3, to which we have already referred, the following subjects for conferences have been proposed :-First day, Morning: (1) historic consideration of the question, Whence came the potato to England? (2) the Incas and their cultivation of the potato; (3) distinct wild species of the potato as at present recognised; (4) the production of varieties by cultivation. Afternoon: (5) the potato disease; (a) historic sketch, (b) our present knowledge of the disease. Second day, Morning: (1) proposed methods for preventing the disease; (2) methods for using partly diseased potatoes; (3) methods for storing and preserving potatoes. Afternoon : conference of cultivators on rates for transport of potatoes.

THE French Government has granted the funds required for the completion of the Algiers Observatory, which will be in full operation next spring. Two assistant astronomers have already been sent to join M. Trépied, and two others will be selected from among the pupils of the School of Astronomy this winter.

for determining the part that the Algiers Observatory will take in stellar photography. The direct image of the sun will be 6 centimetres in diameter. A spectroscope by Thollon will be put into operation. The extent of the spectrum will be 10 metres. M. Trépied has organised the electrical transmission of the time to the Hôtel de Ville of Algiers and Tunis. Colonel Perrier, head of the French and Algerian Survey, is arranging the measurement of the requisite triangles for connecting the Algiers Observatory with the Colonne Voirol, the starting-point of the Algerio-Tunisian system of triangulation.

MR. W. A. CARTER, of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, writes to us that during this last spring he placed a specimen of the Mexican axolotl in an empty (? dry) receptacle, where it has remained ever since. It is in a lively condition. The colour of the animal has become less intense, the gills have apparently disappeared, and the powers of locomotion seem quickened.

IT is worthy of note that at the establishment of the National Fish Culture Association many of the brook trout (Salmo fontinalis) hatched during February 1885 commenced to spawn last week, yielding about five hundred ova each. This fact is another proof of the extraordinary reproductive capacity of fishes in spite of age and artificial existence, for the fish in question have been maintained in a pond of limited dimensions. The size of the ova is small as compared with those of mature fish, therefore it is not likely that the trout when hatched will be large. The parents are in a healthy condition, and seem in no way weakened.

A CONSIGNMENT of nearly a thousand German carp of various kinds has arrived at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. The great hardihood of the carp is evidenced by the fact that the fish in question were retained in carriers for sixty hours before being placed in tanks, when only two were found to have succumbed.

IN a paper in the October number of the American Journal of Science by Mr. O. W. Huntington, "On the Crystalline Structure of Iron Meteorites," the author concludes as follows:"We have tried in this paper to establish the following points : (1) that many of the masses of meteoric iron in our collections are cleavage crystals, broken off probably by the impact of the mass against the atmosphere; (2) that these masses show cleavages parallel to the planes of all the three fundamental forms of the isometric or regular system, namely, the octahedron, the cube, and the dodecahedron; (3) that the Widmanstättian figures and Neumann lines are sections of planes of crystalline growth parallel to the same three fundamental forms of the isometric system; (4) that on different sections of meteorites Widmanstättian figures and Neumann lines can be exhibited in every gradation, from the broadest bands to the finest markings, with no break where a natural line of division can be drawn ; (5) that the features of the Widmanstättian figures are due to the eliminations of incompatible material during the process of crystallisameteorites, except so far as it strengthens the opinion that the tion. This investigation throws no new light upon the origin of process of crystallisation must have been extremely slow. The occurrence of large masses of native iron occluding hydrogen gas, and containing nickel, cobalt, phosphorus, sulphur, &c., implies a combination of conditions which the spectroscope indi

cates as actually realised in our own sun and in other suns among the fixed stars, and the most probable theory seems to be that these masses were thrown off from such a sun, and that they very slowly cooled, while revolving in a zone of intense heat. In this paper we have not taken into consideration a number of iron masses, whose meteoric origin has been generally accepted, which show no Widmanstättian figures, and not even any Neumann lines. A considerable proportion of these are certainly not meteoric. In the Harvard cabinet there are two specimens,

A special Congress will be held in Paris, in the month of April, labelled respectively Campbell County (Tennessee), and Hominy

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