the contraction which ensues on diluting an aqueous solution proceeds continuously, and the molecular volume of a salt in solutions of different strengths is continuously greater the larger the amount of salt present. So that in none of these thermal or volumetric phenomena is any discontinuity observed, or any indication of the formation of compounds of definite composition, distinguishable by characteristic properties. The question we are now considering, as to whether in a solution the solvent and the substance dissolved in it-or any portion thereof-exist independently of each other, is in some degree answered by the facts known as to the specific heats and vapour-pressures. For instance, when water is added to a solution of sodium nitrate, the molecular heat of the resulting liquid seems to show that all the water added is influenced at least until a very large quantity is present. In this case one molecule of sodium nitrate can affect the movements of a hundred molecules of water, and probably more. It is also well known that the vapour-pressures of water holding in solution almost any dissolved solid is less than the vapour-pressure of pure water, and that the boiling-point of a liquid is raised by the addition to it of any soluble non-volatile substance. This fact of reduction of pressure can only be explained upon the hypothesis that there is no free water present at all; that is, that there is no water present which is not more or less under the influence of the dissolved substance. What becomes of water of crystallisation forms a part of the same question as to the relation of solvent to solvent. Observed facts lead us to conclude that white copper sulphate, blue anhydrous cobalt chloride-and, by analogy, other salts which are colourle s-retain their hold upon water of crystallisation when they are dissolved in water. A very important observation has been made by Dr. Nicol which bears directly upon this question. In his study of the molecular volumes of salt solutions he finds that, when a salt containing water of crystallisation is dissolved, this water is indistinguishable by its volume from the rest of the water of the solution. In the report presented to the British Association last year, the following passage occurs: "These results point to the presence in solution of what may be termed the anhydrous salt in contradistinction to the view that a hydrate, definite or indefinite results from solution; or in other words, no part of the water in a solution is in a position relatively to the salt different from the remainder." These two statements, however, are not strictly consequent upon each other. The view seems preferable that (save, perhaps, in excessively dilute solutions) the dissolved substance is attached in some mysterious way-it matters not whether it be supposed to be chemical or physical-to the whole of the water. We cannot otherwise get over the difficulty presented by the hydrated salts, which give coloured solutions, by the control of the vapour-pressure of the dissolved salt, and by the altered specific heat. With regard to water of crystallisation, E. Wiedemann has shown that hydrated salts in general expand enormously at the melting-point; and the observations of Thorpe and Watts on the specific volume of water of crystallisation in the sulphates of the so-called magnesium group show that, whilst the constitutional water occupies less space than the remaining molecules, each successive additional molecule occupies a gradually increasing volume. So that when a salt, with its water of crystallisation, passes into the liquid state (either by melting or by solution in water), it requires a very slight relaxation of the bonds which hold the water to the salt for it to acquire the full volume of liquid water, whilst the water of constitution is not so easily released. And this conclusion accords with Nicol's observations on the molecular volumes of the salts when in solution. : Now comes the question as to what determines the solubility of a substance. Why, for example, is magnesium sulphate very soluble in water, whilst barium sulphate is almost totally insoluble? With regard to salts the following propositions seem to be true (1) Nearly all salts which contain water of crystallisation are soluble in water, and for the most part are easily soluble; (2) insoluble salts are almost always destitute of water of crystallisation and rarely contain the elements of water; (3) in a series of salts containing nearly allied metals the solubility, and capacity for uniting with water of crystallisation generally, diminish as the atomic weight increases. The fusibility of a substance has also much to do with its solubility. Neither fusibility alone nor chemical constitution alone seems to be sufficient to determine whether a solid shall be soluble or not. But it may be taken as a rule to which there are no exceptions that when there is a close connection in chemical constitution between a liquid and a solid, and the solid is at the same time easily fusible, it will also be easily soluble in that liquid. Salts containing water of crystallisation may be considered as closely resembling water itself, and these are for the most part both easily fusible and easily soluble in water. But space is wanting for the discussion of the details of these matters, as well as of the relation of molecular volume to fusibility of solids. The fascinating character of the phenomena of supersaturation has attracted a host of experimenters, but no definite explanation has been generally accepted. In the opinion of the speaker supersaturation is identical with superfusion. Supersaturated solution of, say, alum, thiosulphate of sodium melted in its water of crystallisation, and fused sulphur at 100 ̊, exhibit phenomena of exactly the same kind. Finally, we are led to the consideration of what is meant by chemical combination. From the phenomena under discussion, and others, the conclusion seems inevitable that chemical combination is not to be distinguished by any absolute criterion from mere physical or mechanical aggregation; and it will probably turn out ultimately that chemical combination differs from mechanical combination, called cohesion or adhesion, chiefly in the fact that the atoms or molecules of the bodies concerned come relatively closer together, and the consequent loss of energy is greater. UNIVERSITY AND EDUCATIONAL CAMBRIDGE. Of the students in Natural Science entered at Cambridge this term no fewer than 116 have already announced their intention of studying medicine. DUBLIN.-The Senate of the Royal University has conferred the degree of Doctor of Science honoris causâ upon James Bell, Ph.D., F.R.S., Principal of the Somerset House Laboratory. SCIENTIFIC SERIALS Revue d'Anthropologie, troisième série, tome 1, Paris, 1886.On the Simian characters of the Naulette jaw, by M. Topinard. This celebrated find, which was discovered at the bottom of an obscure cavern 25 m. below the present level of the Lesse, near Dinant, in Belgium, is chiefly remarkable for its excessive prognathism, which is due alike to the great thickness of the horizontal branch of the jaw when compared with its height, and to the special obliquity of the axis of the alveolus of the second molar. In its relative proportions the Naulette jaw must be characterised not only as non-human, but as plusSimian. A careful comparison of the Naulette jaw with the maxillary processes of the anthropoids, and of several of the lowest extant human races, has led M. Topinard to the conclusion that in the age of the mammoth, tichorine rhinoceros, and cave-bear, there had already appeared numerous mixed human types, to one of the lowest of which it may be presumed that the Naulette jaw belonged.-On the population of Bambouk, on the Niger, by Dr. Colin. An interesting paper on an extensive, but very imperfectly-known, region of Western Soudan, exclusively inhabited by a branch of the great Manding race, known as the Mali-nkès. The Bambouk territories, more than 600 kilometres in length, and from 80 to 150 in width, are divided into numerous little States, most of which enjoy a complete autonomy. Their want of consolidation, and the indifference of the people to all forms of religion, have made the Malinkès objects of contempt to their Mussulman black neighbours, but according to the narrations of the Griotes, or itinerant bards, who are to be met with in every part of Western Africa, they had at one time extended their dominion over all the tribes on the right banks of the Niger, and were preparing to invade Saigon when the advance of the French forced them to fall back within their original limits. For a time they submitted to the restrictions of Mohammedanism, but now they appear to have absolutely no religion. They prepare an intoxicating drink from honey, called "dolo," in which women as well as men indulge to excess. The men are indolent, hunting only to avert starvation, and working their exten sive gold-mines imperfectly, and chiefly by the help of the women, to whom falls the chief share of providing for the wants of the community, but who, after marriage, enjoy great freedom, although the young girls are kept under strict supervision.-On the human bones found in France in caverns belonging to the Quaternary age, by M. Cartailhac. Of such finds, none can he referred to the early period of the Saint Acheul, or Chelles deposits, the oldest belonging apparently to the Mousterian age, while the most abundant human remains are found in the comparatively recent beds of Solutré and La Madelaine. The former of these are remarkable for the enormous number of horse-bones accumulated about the stone hearths and in the kitchen-middens of this station. According to Dr. Cartailhac, 40,000 skeletons might be reconstructed from these equine remains, which seem to have been exposed to the action of fire, the greater number of the bones having been broken for the extraction of the arrow, whence he assumes that the horse must have reached its maximum development and served in the place of all other game at the period of the Solutré deposits. The writer compares together the human and other remains found in various Mediterranean and inland caves, with the special object of ascertaining how far the condition and mode of deposition of the skeletons can throw light on the vexed question whether the great preponderance of fractured over whole bones in these rimeval graves indicates the practice of cannibalism, or whether it may not be dependent on the observance of special modes of burial, involving the burning or dismemberment of the body after death.-The facial angle proposed by Cuvier and Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire for comparative anatomical determinations and for measuring facial differences in the living subject, by Dr. Collignon. The writer, who considers at length the merits of the various angles proposed by Camper ani others, concludes by showing the superiority, for practical purposes, of adopting Cuvier's facial angle, measured by Topinard's goniometer for determining the median angle. SOCIETIES AND ACADEMIES PARIS Academy of Sciences, October 26.-M. Jurien de la Gravière, President, in the chair.-On the unequal flow of gases, by M. Haton de la Goupillière. In continuation of his recent communication on this subject the author here deals with the reverse problem of a receptacle originally filled with compressed air discharging itself freely into the atmosphere.-On the intensity of the magnetic field in dynamo-electric machines, by Marcel Deprez. Assuming that the most important element of a dynamo-electric machine, whether employed as a generator or receiver, is the magnetic field, the author deals with the influence of the deviation of the magnetic pieces, and shows that, contrary to the opinion of certain electricians, the intensity of the field decreases far less rapidly thin the distance of the magnetic pieces increases. The influence of the dimensions perpendicular to the lines of force is also considered.-Researches on the decomposition of the bicarbonate of ammonia by water, and on the diffusion of its components through the atmosphere, by MM. Berthelot and André. From the experiments here described, the authors are led to the conclusion that it is the diffusion of the carbonic acid that determines the decomposition by water of the bicarbonate of ammonia, and consequently the transport of the ammonia itself. These results are of the greatest importance even for the purely physical study of the circulation of gases between the ground, the waters, and atmospheric air, apart altogether from the phenomena of vegetation.-Note accompanying the presentation of his work entitled " An Introduction to the Study of the Human Races," by M. de Quatrefages. This is the first volume of the "Bibliothèque d'Ethnologie,' edited jointly by the author and M. Hamy. It contains a summary of the views expounded in greater or less detail in his other writings, while dealing more fully with a number of other matters, which he had hitherto merely indicated, or else entirely neglected for lack of the fresh data and discoveries which now enable him to discuss them seriously. One of the most important is the question of prehistoric man, and he now shows that even in Quaternary times the human race had already spread over the whole earth to the remotest extremities of the Old and New World. This ubiquity of Quaternary man already suggested the existence of the species in the previous epoch, and direct proofs of this fact have recently been multiplied to such an extent that the presence of man in Europe during Tertiary times may now be regarded as placed beyond reasonable doubt, although his presence in America is not yet established. The results yielded by paleontology, geology, and even history point to the extreme north of Asia as the cradle of the human race and the centre of dispersion, which had already begun in Tertiary times. Here also were differentiated the three fundamental types, to which all races may still be reduced, as well as the three linguistic types diffused throughout the globe. It is further shown that hypsistenocephaly is the main feature distinguishing the American from the European primitive race, and that the man of Canstadt, hitherto regarded as the oldest Quaternary type, in reality dates back to the Tertiary epoch. -Note on the meteorite which fell on January 27, 1886, at Nammianthu!, in the Presi dency of Madras, by M. Daubrée. This meteorite, a specimen of which has been received from Mr. Medlicott, of the Indian Geological Survey, presents the ordinary characters of the group of small sporadic asters.-Experiments on the transmission oi force by means of a series of dynamo-electric machines coupled together, by M. Hippolyte Fontaine. These important experiments (carried out with seven Gramme machines, under the inspection of the Commissioners, MM. Bertrand, Becquerel, Cornu, Maurice Lévy, Marcel Deprez, and Mascart) show that it is possible to transmit an effective force of fifty horse-power through a resistance of 100 ohms at a loss of less than 50 per cent. On algebraic surfaces capable of a double infinity of birational transformations, by M. E. Picard. In supplement to his previous communication on algebraic surfaces, the author here shows that, for all surfaces capable of a double infinity of birational transformation, the co-ordinates of any given point are expressed by the uniform (Abelian) functions of two parameters. On the transformation of surfaces in themselves, by M. H. Poincaré. It is shown in connection with M. Picard's theorem that, in certain cases, the Abelian functions may degenerate into triply periodical, elliptical, or even rational functions.-Extension of Riemann-Roch's theorem to algebraic surfaces, by MM. Noether.-On the recomposition of white light by means of the colours of the spectrum, by M. Stroumbo. A process is described by means of which the recomposition of white light is effected, taking as the starting-point the very colours of the spectrum, and utilising, as in Newton's experiment with the disk, the persistence of the images on the retina. -Note on the principal showers of shooting-stars and the aurora borealis, by M. Ch. V. Zenger. A careful study of M. Rubenson's great Catalogue of the Auroras from 1800 to 1877 has unexpectedly revealed the fact that August 10 and November 14 show a great frequency of these lights, thus coinciding with the periods of the shooting-stars and suggesting a connection between these two orders of phenomena.-Influence of the amplitude of the lunar oscillation in declination on the shiftings of the northern trade-winds, by M. A. Poincaré. A study of the tables for 1880 83 shows certain relations between these phenomena, which, however, differ greatly according to the seasons. On the phenomena associated with the heating and cooling of molten steel, by M. Osmond. It is shown that, as the quantity of carbon is increased, the temperature of transformation of the iron is lowered, and that of recalescence raised, so that both coincide in the hard steel.-Saturation of normal arsenic acid by the water of baryta, by Ch. Blarez.-On the function of the semicircular canals of the inner ear, by M. Yves Delage. The chief function of this apparatus, as already recognised by Goltz, Flourens, and others, is shown to be distinct from that of the auditory sense, and connected rather with the rotatory movements of the head, either alone or with the body. -On Syndesmis, a new type of Turbellariæ described by W. A. Sillimann, by M. Ph. François. This organism is shown to be, not an ectoparasite of the large green nematoid, as supposed by Sillimann, but a true endoparasite of Strg. lividus.-On two Synascidians new to the French sea-board (Diazona hebridica, Forbes and Goodsir, and Distaplia rosea, Della Valle), by M. A. Giard.-Organisation of Lepidomenia hystrix, a new type of Solenogaster, by MM. Marion and Kowalevsky.-On the Gephyrians belonging to the family of the Priapulidæ collected by the Cape Horn Mission, by M. Jules de Guerne. The discovery of these organisms is a remarkable instance of the presence in the southern seas of forms almost identical with those of the Arctic Ocean.-The simple epidermis of plants considered as a reservoir of water, by M. J. Vesque.-Remarks on Poroxylon stephanense, by MM. C. Eg. Bertrand and R. Renault.-On the taxonomic importance of the petiole, by M. Louis Petit.On the reproductive organs of vegetable hybrids, by M. Léon Guignard. On the relations of geodesy and geology: a reply to the observations of M. Faye, by M. A. de Lapparent. BERLIN Meteorological Society, October 5.-Dr. Brix, in the name of the Telegraph Administration, handed over to the Society a paper containing the results of observations respecting earthcurrents instituted through the medium of German telegraph lines, and giving a brief history of these investigations.-Dr. Assmann spoke of the thunderstorms of the summer of 1886. Physical Society, October 22.-Prof. von Helmholtz in the chair.-Prof. Börnstein communicated the results of his investigations into the thunderstorms of July 1884. The days from July 13 to 17 were very prolific in thunderstorms, and respecting them the speaker had collected and elaborated observations from more than 200 stations in Germany. For twenty-four separate thunderstorms, drawings were made of the "isobronts," isobars, and isothermals, from which it appeared that a fall in the barometer always preceded the outburst of the storm; that with the occurrence of the sinking of the barometer the atmospheric pressure rose very steeply and then relapsed gradually to its former level; and that the temperature, which was very high before the storm, declined rapidly with the outbreak of the storin. Local observations had formerly led to the same result. The "isobronts," or the lines uniting the places where the first peal of thunder was simultaneously heard, had in general a northsouth direction. The "isobronts "made the passage from west to east with an average swiftness of from 38 to 39 kilometres an hour. The "isobronts" were attracted by the mountains, so that the part in whose west-east direction a mountain was situated approached it sooner, and, after the passage of the "isobront," delayed there longer than did the remaining part. Rivers retarded the progress of thunderstorms, and small thunderstorms often terminated at large rivers without crossing them. This relation of thunderstorms to mountains and rivers might be explained on the assumption that the storms were caused by ascending air-currents. When such an ascending air-current approached a mountain, then the mountain hindered the horizontal air from flowing in at the anterior side of the ascending current. The air flowing in at the posterior side, on the other hand, thereby obtained the preponderance, and urged the phenomenon with all the greater force to the mountain. The reverse occurred after the thunderstorm had surmounted the mountain. The horizontal currents in front then obtained the preponderance, and delayed the progress of the storm. The influence of the rivers found its explanation in the fact that the air above the water was considerably cooler than the air above the land, whereby a descending air-current was continuously maintained, operating in opposition to the ascending current of the thunderstorm, to the possible degree even of annulling it. The speaker had been able artificially to produce an imitation of all these processes by causing, in accordance with the directions of Dr. Vettin, visible currents to ascend in a glass box filled with tobacco smoke, by means of local depressions of temperature, by setting these currents in constant motion, and making them strike against obstructions (corresponding with the mountains), as also on descending currents which were likewise artificially created. In the discussion which followed the above address, Dr. Vettin laid stress on the fact that precisely at the moment when the barometer mounted steeply from its lowest position, the thunder followed the lightning most rapidly, and discussed how, in accordance with his conception of the nature of thunderstorms, by the curving round of the ascending aircurrent, a whirling movement round a horizontal axis came into shape, whereby, as determined by its situation and its extent, were produced thunderstorms, sleet, and hail.-Prof. von Helmholtz described the formation of a thunderstorm observed by him in Rigi-Kaltbad. From a free point of prospect, allowing a survey of the plain as far as the Jura, he observed how the lower warm and moist layer of air was distinguished by a sharp horizontal boundary of somewhat long strips of cloud from the upper dry and cooler air. The cloud-masses resembling the stripe-shaped cirri diffused themselves and formed a coherent level boundary-layer between the two air-masses. He next noticed, at different spots, balls of cloud arise above the boundary-layer, evidently as the effects of ascending air-currents. The different cloud-heaps then rose higher and grew into larger cloud-masses within which different electric sparks leapt from one spot to another. It was only subsequently that he saw the lightning fly do wnward to the earth. At last a heavy rain rendered the lower air-mass, bounded by the horizontal cloud-basis occupying a position nearly at a level with the height of the stand-point, which had hitherto been clear, opaque. The phenomenon had developed itself under weather in which the wind was at rest, and could be followed very precisely into its details.-Prof. Schwalbe reported on an investigation of Herr Meissner, who, in the Strasburg Laboratory, had determined the warmth effect on the wetting of powdery bodies. In the way of powder were used amorphous silicic acid, glass, emery, carbon; as fluids, distilled water, benzol, and amyl alcohol. In all cases increase of temperature was observed. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RECEIVED an La France en Indo-Chine: Bouinais and Paulus (Challamel, Paris).Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, October 1886 (Engelmann, Leipzig).-Huddersfield Technical School Calendar for 1886-87 (Broadbent, Huddersfield).-Student's Hand-Book of Historical Geology: A. J. JukesBrowne (Bell and Sons).-Units and Physical Constants, 2nd edition: J. D. Everett (Macmillan and Co.).-Principles and Practice of Canal and River Engineering, 3rd edition: D. Stevenson (Black, Edinburgh).-Monthly Weather Report, June 1886.-Quarterly Weather Report, January to March 1886. Report of the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Part 11, for 1883 (Washington).-Phantasms of the Living, 2 vo's. : Gurney, Myers, and Podmore (Trubner and Co.).-Den Norske Nordhaus Expedition, 1876-78, XV. Zoologi; Crustacea, II. G. O. Sars (Grondahl, Christiania)-Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum, No. 30: J. B. Marcou (Washington).-Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, October (Trübner and Co.).-Scientific Prevention of Consumption: G. W. Hambleton (Churchill). On the Connection between Chemical Constitution and The Beetle in Motion.-Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan. The Astronomical Theory of the Great Ice Age.- The Enormous Loss from Ox-Warble.-John Walker Earthquakes.-Dr. F. A. Forel; H. du Bois The Longevity of Great Men. By Joseph Jastrow. Notes Our Astronomical Column : I 346 II 12 14 15 15 The Binary Star y Coronæ Australis. Oppolzer's Astronomical Refractions. Comets Finlay and Barnard 17 17 17 18 By Chas. 18 19 19 22 22 23 24 Astronomical Phenomena for the Week 1886 The High Temperature in October. Volcanoes of Japan. By Prof. Milne. (Illustrated). Solution University and Educational Intelligence Scientific Serials Societies and Academies Books and Pamphlets Received THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1886 LETTERS AND JOURNAL OF W. STANLEY JEVONS Letters and Journal of W. Stanley Jevons. Edited by His Wife. (London: Macmillan and Co., 1886.) While at Sydney he attacked the Australian meteorology, and published his observations; more, as he explains, to show what phenomena had to be solved and what interesting connections of cause and effect might be suggested. Geology also, which he had commenced shortly before he left England, he there followed up. There he first suggested a collection of newspapers from all parts of the world as a curious exhibition; there A STRIKING but sad book is this autobiography; for also he heard of the death, after seven years of re though "written to give the best idea of the character of the man in the various relations of life more than to recount scientific work," it is practically an autobiography there is scarcely a critical remark upon his thoughts or conduct in it. The family for many generations had been settled in Staffordshire. The grandfather came to Liverpool, and commenced business as an iron-merchant there, and his son Thomas, a man of ability in many ways, joined him in it. This was the father of William Stanley Jevons, who had, moreover, the almost invariable precedent of a clever man (pace Mr. F. Galton), viz. a clever mother, whom, however, he had the misfortune to lose at ten years old. She was the daughter of William Roscoe, author of the "Life of Lorenzo de Medici " and "Leo the Tenth." Another misfortune, from which, however, he learnt the value of money in a practical sense, befell him at the age of thirteen, when the firm of Jevons and Sons failed; and his grandfather, who died in 1882 at the advanced age of ninety-one, came to live with them. A characteristic very marked, and to a marvellous extent affecting his whole subsequent life, was a bashfulness or "natural timidity of character which," his father wrote him, "is the worst, or perhaps I may say the only, weakness you have." This led to self-depreciation, and at school the French master complained that he was far too quiet and made no noise, and did not read above his breath. Shrinking from his companions and their fun, however, he early acquired the habit of directing his attention and mental powers at his will, and nothing tried his naturally passionate temper more than to be compelled to leave the pursuit of the moment while still engrossed in it. Reports of him as a scholar naturally kept continually improving, and, though laboriousness is throughout his characteristic, his sister writes in her diary that she saw in Stanley at the age of fourteen the dawnings of a great mind. Botany and chemistry, in both of which he subsequently took honours, were the two sciences which attracted him first. The former was begun under the loving eye of his mother: the latter was the first that he took up at University College School, and "followed fiercer and fiercer till he gained the University gold medal." He had decided at seventeen to go into a chemical manufactory at Liverpool, in order to remain near home; but before he had ended his last term of study at the University his wishes and plans were all upset by Profs. Williamson and Graham recommending him for the appointment of Assayer to the new Mint in Australia. He shrank from it as being too heavy a post for a youth of eighteen, and as going terribly against his wish to settle at home. But an income of 6757. a year was too good an offer to be refused. On June 29, 1854, not yet nineteen years old, he set sail for Sydney. VOL. XXXV.-No. 889 viving prosperity in trade, of his father in November 1855. Though doing so well financially, he still cherished the feeling that he was losing time which he might put to better advantage. After four years he resigned his post, and on his return, via Callao, Panama, St. Thomas, Havanna, and several cities of the United States, he made his way up country past Minneapolis, to visit a brother who had gone out to settle there. Returning thence by way of Niagara and Montreal to New York, he landed at Liverpool, but soon went on to London and re-entered the University. He joined several senior classes in company with his younger brother, whose education he was then paying for. He had decided thenceforth to follow up political economy and mental philosophy. His " Theory of Political Economy was read as a paper but not "approved" by the British Association at Cambridge in 1862. It was published in 1871, and reached a second edition in 1879. Though it attracted the attention of some eminent foreigners, it was coldly received in England-the free use of mathematical symbols placing it above the heads of those practically engaged in commercial pursuits. In 1875, at the British Association meeting at Bristol, he read another well-known paper on the connection between sunspots and the price of corn-bad crops of the latter, we need hardly add, being followed by a high price and bad trade-and though he spoke at first very doubtfully of his theory, yet up to the time of his death, in 1882, he believed that a great revival of trade would take place almost immediately, to be followed by seven years of unprecedented prosperity, and he had speculated accordingly. Gold, however, alas, seems a more important factor than sunspots. A more famous paper still was his "Coal Question," published in 1865. It was a question in which the whole nation took an interest, and it supplied a text for one of Mr. Gladstone's economical budgets. Accordingly it was discussed in every paper, political, economical, or social, and is perhaps better known now than any of his other writings. His earlier writings had brought him in very little, and in 1863 he had accepted the not very lucrative post of tutor at Queen's College, Manchester. In 1866 he was appointed Professor of Logic and Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Cobden Professor of Political Economy, at 300l. a year. A thorough teacher, he was much liked by his pupils, never tiring of making them understand, and watching their careers in after life. In December 1867 he married the daughter of Mr. | J. E. Taylor, founder and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian. To her we are indebted for this well-arranged selection of letters. In 1864 he published his first work on "Pure Logic," chiefly founded upon Prof. Boole's system. In 1865 he invented a logical machine or abacus which he C 4 describes as working in a few moments any logical problems involving no more than four distinct terms or things. It was like a small piano, three feet high, with twenty-one keys. A second book upon logic was pub GENERAL PATHOLOGY An Introduction to General Pathology. By J. B. Sutton, F.R.C.S. (London: J. and A. Churchill, 1886.) lished in 1869, just after this had been made to work UNTIL recently, pathologists have confined their correctly, entitled "The Substitution of Similars," containing a sketch of the fundamental doctrine of his great work, "The Principles of Science," which was not published in full till 1874, but reached a second edition in one volume in 1877. In 1870 his "Elementary Lessons in Logic" appeared in Macmillan's series of science class-books, followed in 1876 by the "Primer of Logic," one of the same publishers' more elementary series; and in 1880 "Studies in Deductive Logic" for students desiring a more thorough course of logical training. In 1868 he had prepared three articles attacking J. S. Mill's system of logic. They were declined at first, but three years afterwards, soon after the death of Mr. Mill, they were accepted by the Contemporary Review. It is curious to see two such mighty champions of such a learned science referring their differences to an uneducated public and to their instinctive logic! Though sorry on many accounts to leave Manchester, his heart had never left London and its University, to which he returned in 1876 as Professor of Political Economy. In that year he boldly read a paper laying it down that the United Kingdom Alliance was the worst existing obstacle to temperance reform in the kingdomdriving the enemy to a man into fierce opposition. His first illness through over-work had occurred in 1859, and from that time his letters in large proportion are from various places Norway was his favourite resort to which he had been driven to regain strength. Trip after trip was taken, but with no permanent effect. As soon as he returned he again overwhelmed himself with work, involving too great tension of the brain. The labour especially of taking his class when out of sorts was a "painful" labour to him. To relieve himself from this he resigned his Professorship in 1880, and in 1882, after two years more of work at home, but still at high pressure, a plunge into the sea was too sudden a chill for his enfeebled frame, and insensibility and death were the sad result, at the prime age of fortysix. One cannot help sorrowfully noting how his childish bashfulness was the cause of his early death. It led to unsociability and abstinence from recreation. Instead of rejoicing in his strength, he shunned his companions, and persuaded himself, moreover, that it was his duty to do so, though he bitterly regrets it afterwards, one result being an inability to speak in public and communicate his ideas as he would wish. The ardent cultivation of his many talents, again, increased a feeling of superiority, yet often left him low-spirited. In some it might have brought carelessness and improvidence, but in Jevons it was attended by a feeling of responsibility almost religious. At twenty-three he threw up his easy and lucrative post at the Sydney Mint in obedience to this feeling, and, later on, he resigned one laborious duty only to buckle to another, and under such labour his life was quenched. attention to studying the processes of disease in human beings, and but little effort has been made to take advantage of the vast field of material presented by the animals which die in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Since 1878 the author has systematically examined the bodies of 12,000 animals and of over 800 still-born and immature fœtuses; and from this vast stock of material he has, for the purposes of the present work, selected, from all parts of the animal kingdom, striking examples which illustrate the main pathological and physiological processes of life. The same principles govern both, and processes which in one group of animals are the cause of disease, in another, owing to anatomical differences, habits of life, and surroundings, have no such influence. Moreover, pathological defects are frequently inherited, and become looked upon as racial peculiarities. Thus the horns of the Ungulata, the curved canines of the Babiroussa, the atrophied right ovary and right carotid artery in many birds, the large third with the small second and fourth metarcarpals of the horse, are now persistent, but were probably originally accidental and pathological. The degree of development of the muscular tissue of the gizzard of a bird is dependent upon the nature of its food. The herring-gull of the Shetland Islands changes its food twice every year-in the summer living on grain, when its gizzard is of the granivorous type, and in the winter on fish, when the gizzard reverts to the carnivorous condition. The same variations have been artificially produced by varying the food of sea-gulls, pigeons, ravens, and owls. While excessive function is the great cause of hypertrophy of organs, deficient usage is the determining factor in the abnormal overgrowths of hair, nails, beaks, and teeth. Rodents in captivity frequently require their teeth to be artificially shortened in order to avert the fatal effects of excessive overgrowth. Monkeys, when in confinement, frequently die with symptoms of more or less complete paraplegia, which has recently been shown to be due to an overgrowth (frequently rickety) of the vertebræ near the intervertebral lamellæ. This gradual compression of the cord also occurs in tigers, lambs, bears, and others. These facts observed in animals throw light upon the agonising pains of mollities ostium, which are doubtless in like manner due to compression of the cord and nerves, which is permitted by the softening of the bones which the disease causes. Metschnikoff's definition that inflammation is a struggle between irritant bodies and white blood-corpuscles is adopted. Illustrations are given showing the white corpuscles surrounding and digesting micro-organisms and other foreign bodies, or dying in the attempt to do so. When the tails and gills of larval batrachians are being absorbed, numerous amoeboid cells can be seen containing fragments of nerve-fibres and muscle. Our present knowledge of the nervous system quite fails to offer any explanation of the experiment which the author performed by transposing the median and ulnar nerves in |