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in the skies would have told the tale of the events below-a tale that would have been eagerly read-and perhaps that brave general would then have left Khartoum, a conqueror, and with his life spared for the future service of his country.


Royal Society, January 6.-"Preliminary Note on the Continuity of the Liquid and Gaseous States of Matter." By William Ramsay, Ph.D., and Sydney Young, D.Sc.

For several years past we have been engaged in an examination of the behaviour of liquids and gases through wide ranges of temperature and pressure. The results of our experiments with ethyl alcohol have recently been published in the Philosophical

preparatory to the ascent for purposes of signalling. The army on the other side of the mountains has already sent up a similar balloon. The next scene shows a nearer balloon ascended to a certain height. Now the two balloons are about to communicate. You see the flashes of light from the balloon. Although this invention is not two years old, it has already a short history. It was exhibited in model in the War Department of the Inventions Exhibition, and while on exhibition there the method was referred for Government trial under a Committee of the Royal Engineers at Chatham. During the time the model was being exhibited at South Kensington, some experiments were tried with a balloon of 4000 cubic feet capacity at the Albert Palace. In this balloon were placed six lamps worked to 16 or 20 candle-power. The six lamps took a current of some 9 amperes, and the electromotive force was 24 volts. The source of electric power then used was 25 cells of the Electrical Power Storage Company. During this Exhibition the value of the method for long-distance signalling was well tested, the flashes of light from the balloon being observed as far as Uxbridge, a distance of sixteen miles. This was effected by less than 100 candle-power. I used the same apparatus for the Government trial at Chatham, after which trial I received an order from the War Office to supply some of my apparatus to the Royal Engineers. The system was again tried at Aldershot under the Signalling Department. On the day fixed for the trial there was a snowstorm and a fog, two very unfavourable conditions in a system of signalling, but signals were read and answered from my balloon, in spite of snow and fog, by the signallers stationed some few miles off. As I mentioned the other day at a meeting of the Aeronautical Society, I wish, as the inventor of this system, to see it tried to its utmost capacity, and I purpose to put the system myself shortly to the most rigorous of tests. One of those tests will be, I hope, to signal over the Channel, i.c. to send up the balloon on some site on the English coast, probably Dover, and observe whether the balloon can be seen on the French coast. The Channel is by no means the most favourable expanse for signalling, for there are frequent fogs in it to obscure the view. The Channel, however, is a time-honoured and popular measure of distance, and I must repeat here the wish I expressed lately at the meeting of the Aeronautical Society, that, if the flashes of light can be observed over that expanse, I hope the public will look upon the accomplishment, not as a sensational feat, but as showing the practical value of balloon-signalling. Up till lately I have only considered my system as being useful to the army. I think, however, it would be also useful to the navy. I have schemed a method of employing these balloons on board ship. Their greatest use in the navy would be, I think, for coast-signalling-signalling round corners; I have been asked to submit this scheme to the Admiralty, and am preparing -10000 to do so. The picture now before you represents its use in the navy on board a ship stationed in a bay, which vessel wishes to communicate with another at the other side of the cliffs which form the bay. It is, as you see, night-time. The ship that is not visible to you sends up the balloon, and now the two balloons commence signalling to each other. [Experiment shown.] You may perhaps be inclined to think that I ought to mention some one particular occasion in history when this balloon would have been useful. I do not think we need look far back to find one example. But a short while ago there was a brave general shut up in a besieged city with a few followers. Near at hand there were friends ready to help, but ignorant of the immediate necessity of that help. Need I name that general and that city? Now, if from Khartoum there could have arisen such an electric signalling-balloon as I have described to-day, its flashes of light

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Transactions; those with acetic acid in the Transactions of the Chemical Society; and the Royal Society have in their hands a similar investigation on ether. We have also finished a study of the thermal properties of methyl alcohol.

In consequence of a recent publication by Wroblewski, of which we have seen only the abstract (Berichte, 1886, p. 728, abstracts), we deem it advisable to communicate a short notice of an examination in which we are at present engaged.

We find that with the above-mentioned substances, acetic acid excepted, whether they are in the liquid or gaseous state, pro. vided volume be kept constant, a simple relation holds between pressure and temperature. It is pbT - a. This is evidently a simple modification of Boyle's and Gay-Lussac's laws; for at

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We have as yet only had time to apply this formula with ethyl ether to the liquid state; and as we are not yet quite certain whether the relation holds for volumes between 4 and 20 c.c. of I gramme of ether, we are at present engaged in measurements of volumes and pressures at temperatures between 220° and 280°. Assuming the above relation to be true (and it is at all events a close approximation to truth), it is possible to calculate those portions of isothermals included within the liquid-gas area, and represented in Andrew's diagram by horizontal straight lines. We have calculated a few of these isothermals for ether, and find that the areas above and below the horizontal lines (see woodcut) are equal, when measured by a planimeter.

Reserving a full discussion of the subject until the completion of our experiments, we would here point out the similarity between the equation p = bt - a and those proposed by Clausius and by van der Waals to represent these relations. Clausius's

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where R, b, and a have the same meaning as in van der Waals' formula. This formula expresses the results of experiments with great accuracy, where the volume of I gramme of ether occupies not less than 25 c.c.; but at smaller volumes it ceases to represent the facts.

It is to be noticed that both Clausius's equation and ours introduce T into the denominator of the second term; they evidently differ from our first equation p = bt a, in which a is independent of temperature.

We shall soon be in a position to communicate the results of this investigation, giving full data.


Academy of Sciences, January 3.-M. Gosselin, in the chair. A new method of determining the constant of aber ration, by M. Loewy. M. Nyren having shown that none of the methods hitherto adopted are free from systematic error, the author here proposes a process by which all instrumental errors may be avoided. It also eliminates the effects of precession and nutation, and enables the observer to take accurate account of the proper movements of the stars without depending on their approximate values drawn from the catalogues. Lastly, it neutralises the parallactic effect of the stars, dispensing with the numerous experiments needed to determine the instrumental constants. In a word, it calculates directly the phenomenon of aberration itself, without employing any physical constant. -On the relations of the lactiferous vessels with the fibro-vascular system, and on M. J. Vesque's aquiferous apparatus of Calophyllum, by M. A. Trécul. Further researches are described confirming the conclusion already announced by the author regarding the numerous points of contact between the milkyielding vessels and the various elements of the fibro-vascular system in a large number of plants. It is further shown that the anatomical results described by him in the year 1865 are amply confirmed by M. Vesque's recent note on the aquiferous apparatus of Calophyllum Calaba. - Actinometric observations made during the year 1886 at the Montpellier Observatory, by M. A. Crova. The comparative study of these observations (made by M. Houdaille with the author's actinometer) with those of the three previous years confirms the conclusions already arrived at regarding the annual variations of calorific intensity in the solar rays.-Note on the diurnal nutation of the terrestrial globe, by M. Folie. The important consequences of the existence of this phenomenon for geology, astronomy, and

geodetics are pointed out, and it is shown that it places beyond doubt the fluid state of the interior of the globe surrounded by a relatively thin outer crust.-Note on the Maclaurin series in the case of a real variable, by M. O. Callandreau. On a class of differential equations, by M. Emile Picard. -Observations relative to M. P. Serret's recent note on a geometrical theorem, by M. L. Lindelöff. A slight error is pointed out in M. Serret's calculation establishing the correspondence between the lines of curvature in two surfaces with reciprocal vector rays. -Note on the problem of electric distribution, by M. H. Poincaré. The author points out the defective character of the method proposed by MM. Neumann, Schwarz, and Harnack for solving this difficult problem. -Remarks respecting M. Hirn's observations on the flow of gases, by M. Hugoniot. The author returns with regret to this subject, and makes some final remarks on M. Hirn's paradoxical inferences, calling upon him to present a complete statement of his experiments, and of the causes of the errors he professes to have detected in the calculations of the upholders of the kinetic theory. -Note on the specific heats of a perfect gas, by M. Félix Lucas. On theoretic grounds it is argued that the two specific heats of a perfect gas become increasing functions of the temperature. On the nature of the electric actions in an insulating medium (second communication) by M. A. Vaschy. These problems of electro-statics are brought into general relation with those dealing with the equilibrium of the ether regarded as an elastic body. It is hence inferred that the electric perturbations must be propagated with a uniform velocity, just as a mechanical concussion is propagated in an isotropic body, and this velocity must be that of light. On electric pressure and on electro-capillary phenomena, by M. P. Duhem. On a phosphate of hydrated silica, by MM. P. Hautefeuille and J. Margottet. From three analyses made with specimens obtained from different preparations it is shown that the formula of this substance is SiO2, 2PhO5,4HO. Action of sulphur on ammonia and on some metallic bases in the presence of water, by M. J. B. Senderens. These researches have been carried out in continuation of MM. Senderens and Filhol's studies in connection with the action of sulphur on the saline solutions and on those of soda and potassa.-Note on the maxima vapour tensions of acetate of soda, by M. H. Lescœur. M. Berthelot's conclusion that there is no isomery either between the solid salts or between the diluted solutions of the various acetates of soda, are fully confirmed by the results here obtained by a different process.-On the preparation of the isobutylamines, by M. H. Malbot. It is shown that the three isobutylamines are formed in proportions differing little from each other, the operation constituting an effective method of preparing all these amines simultaneously. Isomery of the camphols and camphors, by M. Alb. Haller. Here the author deals with the camphols of madder, of Borneo (Dryobalanops camphora), and of yellow amber. -Heat of formation of some alcoholates of potassa, by M. de Forcrand. Determinations are given for the heat of formation of the propylate and isobutylate of potassa. On some points relating to the action of saliva on the grain of starch, by M. Em. Bourquelot.-Experimental researches


mercurial intoxication, by M. Maurice Letulle. The paper deals especially with the paralytic accidents and lesions of the surface nerves caused by this intoxication (chronic hydrargyrism). -Studies of the relations existing between the cranial nerves and the cephalic sympathetic nerve in birds, by M. L. Magnein. -Note on the red and white muscles in the rodents, by M. L. Ranvier. -Observations relative to M. Maupas' recent note on the multiplication of Leucophrys patula, by M. Balbiani. It is shown that the peculiar process of fissiparity in these organisms is not such a rare phenomenon as is supposed by M. Maupas. On the line of development followed by the embryo of bony fishes, by M. L. F. Henneguy. The author's researches confirm the conclusions already arrived at by Kupffer and Ellacher. On the amphipod crustaceans of the west coast of Brittany, by M. Edouard Chevreux. -Observations relative to M. Viguier's note on the so-called ophite rocks of the Corbières, and to M. Depéret's communication on the Devonian system of the Eastern Pyrenees, by M. A. F. Noguès. Microscopic examination of the ashes ejected by the Krakatão volcano, by M. Stanislas Meunier. A critical examination of certain rare minerals, by M. A. Lacroix. Descriptions are given of pterolite, villarsite, grängesite, and gamsigradite.The death was announced of M. Francisque Fontannes, a distinguished geologist, who was awarded the Academy's Grand Prize for the Physical Sciences in 1883.




Physical Society, November 19, 1886.-Prof. du BoisReymond in the chair.-Prof. Liebreich reported on phenomena he had observed in the course of experiments respecting slowlyproceeding chemical reactions. If hydrate of chloral were mixed with an alkaline solution, then was chloroform formed in the shape of a white precipitate. This reaction occurred with all alkaline solutions, only the time varied according to the alkali. While, however, chemical reactions usually ensued in the whole mass of the reacting substances, it was here observed that, when the process of mixture was effected in a test-glass, the uppermost layer remained clear, no turbidity and precipitate formation occurring in it. This layer, which the speaker named the "dead space" ("todter Raum"), was bounded on the upper side by the meniscus of the fluid, and on the lower side by a sharp boundary, having, apparently, a curve opposed to the meniscus. In the capillary space between two glass plates, the dead space displayed itself in very beautiful formation. horizontal capillary tubes the dead space came into shape at both ends, and in very short capillaries the reaction failed entirely. If from the dead space a little clear fluid were withdrawn and warmed, then did the reaction set in. This showed that in the dead space both fluids were contained, and that it was only their chemical action that was prevented. The dead space showed itself in drops at the edge of the curve. the capillary space between two menisci was found an external ring, and the middle clear, while reaction occurred only in a small ring. If tubes were closed by a membrane above and below, and filled with the mixture of hydrate of chloral and alkali, then did the dead space appear both at the top and the bottom. The same phenomenon presented itself likewise in animal membranes-for example, in a rabbit's bladder or in an intestine. On the other hand, the dead space was observed neither in a guttapercha alembic nor in a similar shaped glass retort. speaker also discussed many other sorts of phenomena in respect of the dead space, both with the fluids already named and with other fluids, demonstrating a large part of them by experiments. In conclusion, he set up the hypothesis that, in the experiments referred to, the chemical reaction was hindered by phenomena of surface-tension, a matter which should be further investigated by additional experiments. A lengthy discussion followed this paper. Dr. Weinstein then reported on a publication of the Normal Standard of Weights and Measures Commission, "Construction and Repeated Trial of the Principal Standards and the Control Standards" ("Die Herstellung und Wiederkehrende Prüfung der Hauptnormalen und der Controllnormalen"). He brought out that in this publication the idea of weight was officially defined by a mass, the unit of which, the kilogramme, was equal to a cubic decimetre of distilled water at 4° C. The trial of the normal metre of platinum resulted in the establishment of its invariability. The kilogramme of platinum was likewise unchanged, while, on the other hand, the control standard-kilogramme showed a slight increase of weight through oxidation. The examination of the dry measures resulted in showing a considerable diminution of volume, a fact which would have to be ascribed to elastic and thermal after-effects in the material that had been employed for the standard dry measures.


Physiological Society, November 26, 1886. -Prof. du Bois-Reymond in the chair. -After the re-election of the President and Council, in accordance with the statutes of the Society, and the disposal of several business motions, Prof. Falk communicated a case taken from his forensic practice, which was not without physiological interest. A boy was run over by a heavy van and in a few minutes died. A post-mortem showed a gaping rupture of the thyroid and of the cricoid cartilage, the entrance of blood into the air-passages-causing death by suffocation-and into the digestive organs. It was, now, a remarkable and physiologically interesting fact that the blood had penetrated not only into the stomach, but into the small intestine, and that, as far as the neighbourhood of the coœcum. Seeing that the abdominal organs were perfectly intact, and the intestines even to a high degree anæmic, the blood must have proceeded from the stomach, and that during the brief time of the agony; for peristaltic movements appeared indeed after death, but in no case in the stomach, and the passage of the contents of the stomach into the intestine was never observed after death had set in. The speaker had, on the other hand, observed very violent

swallowing movements as well as increased peristaltic movement in the intestine and stomach in men, and especially in his experiments with animals during the agony of suffocation. In the discussion following, Prof. Zuntz corroborated the fact of the appearance of increased peristaltic movements, and of the abnor Dally far advance into the intestine of the contents of the stomach during death by suffocation, citing, as he did, some earlier experiments he had not yet published. By way of testing the assertion proceeding from the laboratory of Prof. Ludwig, that acid chyme was normally found in the small intestine of animals, he had instituted experiments in which very soon after death he opened the abdomen of animals, and by a ligature isolated the small intestine from the stomach; he then in every case found the contents of the intestine neutral or alkaline. on the other hand he poisoned the animals, as in the case of Ludwig's experiments, with curare, then were the contents of the intestine acid. The cause of that, however, was that the animals had died from suffocation, and that the asphyctic blood had induced a lively peristaltic movement of the smooth intestinal muscles not paralysed by curare, and so, therefore, an abnormally rapid propulsion of the contents of the stomach into the small intestine.



Mind, January (Williams and Norgate). -The Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamchatka and New Guinea, 2 vols: F. H. H. Guillemard (J. Murray).Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for the Year 1885, vol. iii. (Montreal).—Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, January (Williams and Norgate)-Elements of Harmony and Counterpoint: F. Davenport (Longmans). -Bees and Bee-keeping, vol. i., parts 11, 12, 13; vol. ii., parts 1, 2, 3, 4: F. R. Cheshire (Gill) -Journal of the Chemical Society for January, and Supplementary Number (Van Voorst). -Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society, third series, No. 3 (Blackwood).-Le Mesure du Mètre: W. de Fonvielle (Hachette, Paris). -Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1886, No. 12 (Leipzig)-Beiblätter zu den Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 1886, No. 11 (Leipzig). -Text-book of British Fungi: W. D. Hay (Sonnenschein), Hand-book of Practical Botany: Strasburger and Hillhouse (Sonnenschein), -Historical Basis of Modern Europe: A. Weir (Sonnenschein)-The Primula: Report on the Primula Conference (Macmillan).-Resa till Grönland: Nils O. Holst.-Proprietà Industriale (Roma). -Beiträge zur Statistik der Blitzschläge in Deutschland: Dr. G. Hellmann (Berlin).-History and Biology of Pear-Blight: J. C. Arthur.-An Address before the American Association for the Advancement of Science: T. C. Chamberlin (Salem). - Jahresbericht Am., 25 Mai, 1886, dem Comite der Nicolai-Hauptsernwarte (St. Petersburg)-Grundzüge einer Theorie der Kosmischen Atmosphären: W. Schlemüller (Prag)-Ueber die Allegemeine Beugungsfigur in Fernröhren: H. Struve (St. Petersburg).


Science and the Jubilee, II.
Marine Engineering
An Arctic Province
Antiquities of Spain and Portugal
Our Book Shelf :-

"Educational Exhibits and Conventions at the
World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposi-
tion, New Orleans, 1884-85"

Ziegler's "Text-book of Pathological Anatomy and
Pathogenesis." -Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S.
Noble's "Hours with a Three-Inch Telescope"
Harley's "Lunar Science"

Letters to the Editor :

Mr. Wallace on Physiological Selection. - Dr. George
J. Romanes, F.R.S.

Meteor of December 28, 1886.-W. F. Denning
The Production of Ozone.-W. H.

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OR some time before the scheme of the Prince of Wales's Committee was before the public, there was a feeling that it seemed only too probable that the Imperial Institute would be merely a show-place for the amusement of sight-seers and for the benefit of the show men. Happily this danger has been averted. Prof. Huxley and others have sounded a note which has now brought the real basis of trade and commerce to the front. It is possible that the mere trade-product view will now give way, so that we may hope the scheme in its final form will be hardly less scientific than that sketched by us in the first of our articles on "Science and the Jubilee" (p. 217). If this anticipation is realised, the Institute will be in every sense a worthy memorial of the fiftieth anniversary of the Queen's reign, and will prove to be of enduring benefit to the whole Empire. There cannot be the slightest doubt as to the necessity for a vital change in our national way of regarding scientific as if they were opposed to industrial methods. There was a time when England, with her monopoly of coal and iron, had practically no competitors in the great markets of the world. By the splendid achievements of her inventors, and by the energy and promptitude of her manufacturers and traders, she had got so far-having such a monopoly of raw material-ahead of her rivals that the foremost place in commerce seemed to belong to her by a sort of natural right. Within the lifetime of the present generation all this has been changed. France, Germany, and other nations gradually became aware that they also, if they pleased, might play a prominent part in the industrial movement, and they set to work in the right way to fit themselves for the new conditions of modern life. Recognising that permanent success could be accomplished only by knowledge and organised effort, they provided for the education both of employer and employed by the establishment of schools, and by every means at their disposal encouraged the development of science. The consequence is that England has been driven from some markets in which she was formerly supreme, and that in others she finds it hard to maintain her ancient predominance. There is not the faintest chance that she will recover the ground she has lost unless she chooses to adapt herself to the altered circumstances by which she is surrounded. In commerce, as in all other relations, it is the fittest that survives; and if raw material fails, then greater knowledge alone can triumph; and the fittest commercial nation is the nation which equips its workers with the most exact knowledge, the most alert intelligence, and the most thorough technical skill. If the Imperial Institute is founded and carried on in accordance with the best and most characteristic ideas of our time, it may make Greater Britain greater yet, if it helps to bring British industry under the dominion of the scientific spirit; and to secure for it this magnificent position ought unquestionably to be the aim of all who undertake to press its claims on the attention of the public.

This aspect of the subject was kept prominently in view
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by all the principal speakers at the meetings in St. James's Palace and the Mansion House last week. The Prince of Wales laid the strongest emphasis on the fact that, in all parts of the civilised world, commerce and manufactures have been profoundly affected by the progress of science. " I have, on more than one occasion," he said, "expressed my own views, founded upon those so often enunciated by my lamented father, that it is of the greatest importance to do everything within our power to advance the knowledge, as well as the practical skill, of the productive classes of the Empire. I therefore commend to you, as the leading idea I entertain, that the Institute should be regarded as a centre for extending knowledge in relation to the industrial resources and commerce of the Queen's dominions. With this view it should be in constant touch, not only with the chief manufacturing districts of this country, but also with all the colonies and India. Such objects are large in their scope, and must necessarily be so, if this Institute is worthily to represent the unity of the Empire."

Prof. Huxley spoke at the Mansion House and, of all the speeches delivered there, his was the most striking. As the present needs of the nation, and how an Imperial Institute might be made to help us, are never likely to be more lucidly or more impressively stated, it seems to us that we shall do our readers good service by printing the speech in full. Seconding the resolution proposed by Lord Rothschild, "That this meeting pledges itself to take all practicable steps to assist in the formation of the Imperial Institute, and to support it when brought into existence," Prof. Huxley said :

"He wished to state, very briefly, his opinion of the value of the proposed Institute from the point of view of a man of science. The epoch coincident with Her Majesty's reign was remarkable above all corresponding periods periods of human history that he knew anything about for two peculiarities. One was the enormous development of industry, and the other was the no less remarkable and prodigious development of physical science, which two developments, indeed, had gone hand in hand. The opinion which he was now expressing was not one formed ad hoc for the purpose of this meeting. It was one which he expressed two or three years ago when taking leave of the Royal Society. It was a matter which was perfectly obvious to any person who had paid attention either to the history of science or to the history of industry, that there had been nothing, not only in any period of fifty years, but in any century, in the slightest degree comparable with the magnitude and the importance of the growth of those two branches of human activity which had taken place since 1837. His memory went back far enough to call to mind with great vividness a period when industry, or, at least, the chiefs and the leaders of industry, looked very much askance at science. The practical man then prided himself on caring nothing for it, and made it a Po point to disbelieve that any advantage to industry could be gained by the growth of what he was pleased to call abstract and theoretic knowledge. But within the last thirty years more particularly that state of things had entirely changed. There began in the first place a slight flirtation between science and industry, and that flirtation had grown into an intimacy, he might almost say courtship, until those who watched the signs of the times saw that it was high time that the young people married and set up an establishment for themselves. This great scheme, from his point of view, was the public and ceremonial marriage of science and industry. It


was the recognition on the part of those persons who were best able to judge of what were the wants of the industry of the time, that, if they were to be developed in a way proportionate to their importance, they must be developed by scientific methods and by the help of a thoroughly scientific organisation. A great distinction was commonly drawn by some philosophic friends of his between what they called militarism and what they called industrialism, very much to the advantage of the latter. He by no means disputed that position; but he would ask any one who was cognisant of the facts of the case, who had paid attention to what was meant by modern industry pursued by the methods now followed, whether, after all, it was not war under the forms of peace? It was perfectly true that the industrial warfare was followed by results far more refined in their character than those which followed in the track of military warfare. It did not break heads and shed blood, but it starved. The man who succeeded in the war of competition and the nation which succeeded in the war of competition beat their opponents by his starvation. It was a hard thing to say, but the plain simple fact of the case was that industrial competition among the peoples of the world at the present time was warfare which must be carried on by the means of warfare. In what respect did modern warfare differ from ancient warfare? It differed because it had allied itself with science, because it trusted in knowledge, organisation, and discipline, and not in mere physical strength and numbers, because it took advantage of every scientific discovery by which the weapons of offence and defence could be perfected, and because it required the highest possible information on the part of those who engaged in that warfare; and if the peaceful warfare of


industrialism was to succeed it must follow the same methods. The operations of the leaders of industry must be organised; they must call to their aid, as military leaders were doing, every possible help which was to be gathered from science. They all knew what help science was already giving to industry; it would not do to remain contented with this accidental aid, but those who conducted industrial operations should be trained and disciplined in those different branches of human knowledge which dealt with the needs and wants of nations and with the distribution of commodities. This country had dropped astern in the race for want of that education which was

obtained elsewhere in the highest branches of industry and commerce. It had dropped astern in the race for want of instruction in technical education which was given elsewhere to the artisan; and if they desired to keep up that industrial predominance which was the foundation of the Empire, and which, if it failed, would cause the whole fabric of the State to crumble-if they desired to see want and pauperism less common than unhappily they were at present, they must remember that one of the chief means of diminishing those evils was the organisation of industry in the manner in which they understood organisation in science, that they must strain every nerve to train the intelligence that served industry to its highest point, and to keep the industrial products of England at the head of the markets of the world. He looked, therefore, on the Institute as the first formal recognition of this great fact -that our people were becoming alive to the necessity of organisation of industry and the improvement of industrial knowledge. It was on that ground that he supported the proposition. It appeared to him that it would be a worthy and fitting memorial of Her Majesty's reign, if they created an institution which permanently represented that which was the great and characteristic feature of the period, that which would mark the Victorian epoch in history as the epochs of Augustus and Pericles had been marked. An Institute having such objects and purposes as had been described appeared to him to be a monument not only more lasting than brass but one which for centuries to come would hold before the people an image of the objects

after which they had to strive, if they desired to organise their activities in such a manner as would lead to their perennial welfare."

This admirable statement by Prof. Huxley it is to be hoped will be read by everybody interested in the welfare of Greater Britain. It will not be enough, however, to see that the army of peace is alone organised within one Institute only, however Imperial it may be.

Our chief want now is knowledge in high places. We do not forget that in our present Prime Minister we have a patient student of science, and one who knows the need of it for the country. But there are a thousand ways in which the ignorance, or rather let us say the want of scientific instruction and of appreciation of the fact that a modern State can only be great on account of its commerce and of its superiority in all international relations, and that greatness in these directions depends upon knowledge, is doing this country great harm.

We are not without signs that this also is being recognised. The Times, in a remarkable leading article the other day, pointing out the importance of meteorology-and the moral it draws would have been equally true of any other branch of knowledge-writes as follows:

"Meteorology is a science of great practical importance and of great speculative interest, which is pursued in this country under considerable disadvantages. The Atlantic starves it on one side, and the Treasury on the other. It exists within an area of permanent depression. The Government does dole out something for its support, but it takes a large part of it back in the shape of telegrams. While the Atlantic curtails our horizontal information of the condition of the atmosphere, Nature has given us mountains which offer valuable opportunities for vertical investigation. A few earnest men of science and public-spirited citizens have set up an observatory on Ben Nevis at a cost of more than five thousand pounds, and, beyond allowing twopence in the shilling upon telegrams despatched from the top, the Government, we believe, does nothing for its support. It even charges a heavy rent for the telegraphwire. This nation thinks nothing of wasting, by improvident method, in the building of a single ironclad as much money as would maintain all our scientific establishments for a decade. But while there is the most indefensible squandering of public money at the War Office and the Admiralty, there is the meanest parsimony towards science and scientific education-the only things that, as Prof. Huxley pointed out the other day, can save us from being crushed in the fierce competition of peace, which kills as surely as that of war. The Treasury knows in a vague sort of way what an ironclad is, but we doubt whether there are three men in the department who could give an intelligent definition of physics."

Assuming that the Times' estimate of the knowledge available at the Treasury is exact, our point is that it is the system and not the individuals who should bear the blame. Nor is the Treasury the only department in which a knowledge of science is imperative, or in which successive Ministries have taken no action to provide it.

It is well that all these questions should now be raised, and the more questions of this order are raised by the Institute movement the better for us will it be.

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