Bois (H. du), Earthquakes, 8
Bolivia, Thouar's Exploration of, 231
Bollettino of the Italian Geographical Society, 403, 446 Bolton (Sir Francis), Death of, 255
Bolton (Thomas), Civil List Pension to, 204 Bombay, Technical School at, 206
Bonney (Prof. T. G., F.R.S.): Volcanic Dust from New Zealand, 56; Volcanic Eruption in Niua-Fu Friendly Islands, 127; Notes on the Structure and Relations of some of the Older Rocks of Brittany, 550; Oldhamia, 581
Börnstein (Prof.), Investigations into Thunderstorms of July 1884, 24
Borodin (M. Alexander), Death of, 473
Borzi, (Prof. A.), Nostoc ellipsosporum, 594
Bosanquet (R. H. M.), Determination of Coefficients of Mutual Induction, by means of the Ballistic Galvanometer and Earth Inductor, 478
Boscovich (Father), Centenary of the Death of, 375
Boss (Prof.), Comet 1887 d (Barnard, February 15), 424, 446 Botany Unpublished Drawings by G. J. Camelli, 34; British Fungi, Hymenomycetes, Rev. John Stevenson, 4; Autumnal Flowering, Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, 11; Botanical Lecture Experiment, Prof. Bayley Balfour, 126; Rogeria longiflora, 158; Entyloma Ranunculi, Prof. H. M. Ward, 166; Hermann's Ceylon Herbarium" and Linnæus's "Flora Zeylanica," Dr. H. Trimen, 166; Narcissi, G. Maw, 166; Botany of the Afghan Delimitation Commission, W. Botting Hemsley, 173; the Honzo Dsufu work on Botany, 204; Native Plants of South Australia, 205; Botanical Federation in the West Indies, D. Morris, 248; Baron von Mueller on the Acacias (Wattles) of Australia, 282; Hand-book of the British Flora, Geo. Bentham, F.R.S., 341; the Crocus, Geo. Maw, 348; Manual of Botany, Prof. Bentley, 350; Report on the Botanical Garden, Saharunpur, Mr. Duthie, 356; Botanical Discoveries in the Tombs of Egypt, 405; Blight and Mildew in the U.S., 422; Begonia Veitchii abnormal, 430; Lemons irregularly developed, 430; Primula imperialis, 430; Wild White Daffodil, 430; Addition of a Commercial Laboratory to the Botanical Museum of Hamburg, 473; Dr. Urban's Proposed Botanical Investigation of the Higher Mountains of St. Domingo, 494; Thos. Moore's Botanical Collections acquired for the Herbarium, Kew Gardens, 495; on some Ob- servations on Palæobotany in Goebel's "Outlines of Classifica- tion and Special Morphology of Plants," Prof. W. C. William- son, F.R.S., 535; Botanic Garden of Glasgow, 545; Hand- book of Practical Botany for the Botanical Laboratory and Private Student, Prof. E. Strasburger, 556; on the Term "Latex" in, M. A. Trécul, 600
Bouinais (A.) and A. Paulus, La France en Indo-Chine,
Bourgeois (M. L.), Preparation of a Silicostannate of Lime corresponding to Sphene, 335
Bourne (G. C.), Anatomy of the Madreporian Coral Fungia,
Boys (C. Vernon): Preliminary Note on the Radio-Micrometer, 549; on the Production, Preparation, and Properties of the Finest Fibres, 575
Brain: Prof. T. Jeffery Parker, 208; on the Nomenclature of the, Dr. Wilder, 255; Functional Topography of the, Prof. Ferrier, F. R.S., 453
Braun (Dr. C.): Kalocsa Observatory, 59; Sunspot Observations in Hungary, A. M. Clerke, 227
Brazil: Longitudes in, Admiral E. Mouchez, 100; the Birds of,
Bredichin (Prof. Th.), Tails of the Comets of 1886, 474 Bright (Sir Chas. T.), Electric Telegraph, 282 Brines, on Ice and, J. Y. Buchanan, 608
Bristol University College, Reduction of the Salaries of the Professors, 326; Albert Fry on, 345
Britain, Natural History, its Rise and Progress in, Prof. Alleyne Nicholson, 148
Britain, South-East, on the Establishment of the Roman Dominion in, Sir G. B. Airy, F. R.S., 562
British Association and Local Scientific Societies, 78; Principal Officers for the Manchester Meeting, 471
British Columbia, Indian Tribes of, Dr. Franz Boas, 568 British Flora, Hand-book of the, Geo. Bentham, F.R.S., 341 British Fossils, Catalogue of, Prof. Morris's, 158 British Fungi, Hymenomycetes, Rev. John Stevenson, 4 British Fungi, Text-book of, W. D. Hay, 364
British International Polar Expeditions, 147
British Islands, Coleoptera of the, Rev. W. W. Fowler, 531 British Medical Journal, Dr. Rayner W. Batten on Physical Training of Girls, 495
British Museum, Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia in the, Rich. Lydekker, 532
British Stalk-eyed Crustacea and Spiders, F. A. A. Skuse, 532 Brittany, Notes on the Structure and Relations of some of the Older Rocks of, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 550
Broeck (E. Van den) and A. Rutot, Observations nouvelles sur le Tufeau de Ciply and sur le Crétacé supérieur du Hainault, 317
Brooks, Comet (1887 b), Dr. Rud. Spitaler, 352, 424, 496 Brouardel (M. J.), elected Dean by the Medical School of Paris, 422
Brown (J.), Theory of Voltaic Action, 142
Brown (J. Allen), Discovery of Paleolithic Workshop Floor of Drift Period near Ealing, 189; Palæolithic Man in North- West Middlesex, 554
Brown-Séquard (Dr.), Experimental Researches connected with Cerebral Functions, 47; elected President of the Society of Biology, Paris, 544
Bruce (Eric S.), War and Ballooning, 259 Brunton (T. Lauder, M. D., F. R. S.): Action of Caffein and Theine upon Voluntary Muscle, 599; and J. Theodore Cash, Con- tributions to our Knowledge of the Connexion between Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action, Preliminary Communication on the Action of certain Aromatic Bodies,
Brushes, on Two Jade-handled, Prof. J. P. O'Reilly, 318 Brydges (Rev. Thos.), Curious Subdivision of Colour among the People of Onisin, 283
Buchanan (J. Y.): Similarities in the Physical Geography of the Great Oceans, 33, 76; on the Distribution of the Tempera- ture in the Antarctic Ocean, 516; on Ice and Brines, 608 Buckland Museum, Fish-Hatching at, 400
Buckton (G. B., F.R.S.), Notes on the Recent Swarming of Aphides, 15
Budden (Dr. E.), To prove that only One Parallel can be drawn from a given Point to a given Straight Line, 92; Prof. O. Henrici, F.R.S., 100
Buildings Bill, Sanitary Registration of, 282
Bulletin de l'Académie des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, 286, 310, 356
Bulletin of the Belgian Natural History Museum, 423 Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 404 Bulletin of the Paris Geographical Society, 353 Bulletins de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 286 Bulletins des Sciences Mathématiques, 452
Bunge (Dr.), Success of his Expedition, 309
Burch (Dr. Geo. J.), Further Experiments on Flame, 165 Burgess (William), Red Worm, 445
Burmah, Lower and Upper, Resources of, 378 Butler (Philip J.), Lung-Sick, 54
Butterflies of India, Lionel de Nicéville, H. J. Elwes, 436
Cacciatore (Prof.), Barnard's Comet, 181
Caddy (Mrs. Florence), Through the Fields with Linnæus, 579 Cadmium, Chloride of, 551
Cæcilians, Classification of the, 280
Caffein, Action of, and Theine upon Voluntary Muscle, T. Lauder Brunton, F.R.S., 599
Cairo Earthquake at, 112; Walks in, Major E. T. Plunkett, 256
Calcium, Phosphorescence of the Sulphuret of, 455 Caldwell (W. H.), Embryology of Monotremata and Marsu- pialia, 524
Calendar and General Directory of the Science and Art Depart- ment, 320
Calico-Printing, the Palissy of, the Life and Labours of John Mercer, F. R.S., Edward A. Parnell, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 145
California Injurious Fungi in, Prof. W. G. Farlow, 521; Floods in Southern, 376; Aboriginal Art in California and Queen Charlotte's Island, Dr. W. J. Hoffman, 285 Calorimetric Bomb and Measurement of Heats of Combustion, 551
Calorimetric Studies on Sick Children, 528
Cambridge: Philosophical Society, 167, 454; Cholera Fungus, Dr. E. Klein, F.K.S., 171, 295; Chas. Roy, 223; Walter Gardiner, 271, 319; George Massee, 319; Edgar Crook. shank, 344; on the Earlier Tripos of the University of Cam- bridge, Sir G. B. Airy, F.R.S., 397; University Local Examination Report, 494; University Local Lectures, 544 Camelida, the Phylogeny of the, 568
Camelli (G. J.), his Collection of Drawings of Plants, 34 Cameron (William), Death of, 180
Cameron (Capt.), Lecture on Urua, 259
Cameroons Territory, Estimate of the Native Population in the, 354
Canadian Plants, Catalogue of, Prof. J. Macoun, 350
Canadian Species, Hand-book of Zoology, with Examples from, Sir J. W. Dawson, F.R. S., 295
Canal and River Engineering, David Stevenson, Major Allan Cunningham, 169
Cannibalism and its Prevalence in Ancient and Modern Times, Richard Andree, 350
Canoe, Discovery of a Prehistoric, 423
Capacity, Specific Inductive, Note on, John Hopkinson, F. R.S., 334
Cape Boxwood, 444
Cape Horn, Temperature off, 568
Carbon, on the Action of the Chloride of, on the Anhydrous Oxides, M. Eug. Demarçay, 288
Carbonic Acid in the Ground, 230; in the Air, 406 Carey (A. D.), his Journey in Central Asia, 475 Carlisle, the Climate of, T. G. Benn, 95
Carp, German: Importation of, 16; the Acclimatisation of, 58 Carpenter (Dr. P. Herbert, F.R.S.): the Supposed Myzostoma- Cysts in Antedon rosacea, 535; and Robert Etheridge, F. R.S., on the Blastoidea, 267
Carr (G. S.), Elementary Results in Pure Mathematics, 292 Carroll (Lewis), To find the Day of the Week for any given Date, 517
Cartailhac (M.), the Human Bones found in Quaternary Caverns in France, 23
Cartailhac (M. Emile), Les Ages préhistoriques de l'Espagne et du Portugal, 244
Carter (August), Deformities among Fish, 230
Carter (W. A.): the Axolotl in sicco, 16; Marine and Fresh- water Fishes, 472
Casey (John), a Sequel to the First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, containing an Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry, 28
Cash (J. Theodore) and T. Lauder Brunton, F. R. S., Contribu- tions to our Knowledge of the Connexion between Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action, Preliminary Com- munication on the Action of certain Aromatic Bodies, 599 Cassagnes (G. A.), Steno-telegraphy, 192 Cassia marilandica, Fertilisation of, 521 Cassiopeia, Prof. Colbert, 59
Castilloa Rubber-tree of Central America, 142 Catchpool (Edmund), Origin of Species, 76
Cats with an Abnormal Number of Toes, Observations on
Heredity in, Edward B. Poulton, 38; William White, 125; J. Herbert Hodd, 53; Dr. H. A. Hagen, E. W. Claypole, 345
Caves, Prof. T. McKenny Hughes, 454.
Cecidomyia destructor and Barley, Miss Eleanor Ormerod's Observations on, 256
Cecil (Henry), Tabasheer, 437
Celestial Motions, W. T. Lynn, 350
Celestine, Recently-discovered Deposit of, H. G. Madan, 391; R. H. Solly, 414
Cell, Bichromate of Soda, 381
Cerebral Localisation, Prof. E. A. Schäfer, F. R.S., 438, 464 Ceylon Tea-Planting in, T. C. Owen, 268; the Veddas of, 205
Chatopoda of the Firth of Forth, 544
Chaffaujon (M.), Exploration of the Orinoco, 446 Chagos Archipelago Birds, Dr. Otto Finsch, 497 Chalande (M. J.), Respiration in Myriapods, 288 Chaldæa, Metals and Minerals from, 359
Chaleur rayonnante, Sur une nouvelle Méthode de faire des Mesures absolues de la, Knut Ångström, 580
Chalk beneath the London Clay of the London Basin, on the Water in the, Robert B. Hayward, F. R.S., 335 Challenger Expedition: Zoological Results of the, 49; Report of the Scientific Results of the Exploring Voyage of the, 351 Chancourtois (M.), Death of, 57
Chandler (S. C.): New Variables, 307; the New Algol-Type Variable, 329
Charleston Earthquake: Report on the, Prof. T. C. Mendenhall, 31; Influence upon the Health of the Inhabitants, 281; Capt. Dutton's Report on, 351
Charts, Atlantic Weather, 469
Chauveau (A.), Action of Glycose in Development of Animal Heat, 291
Chelonian Reptile, Preliminary Note on the Fossil Remains of a Ceratochelys sthenurus, from Lord Howe's Island, Australia, Prof. Thos. H. Huxley, F.R.S., 615 Chemistry Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action, Connexion between, Dr. James Blake, 6; the Decomposition of Bicarbonate of Ammonia by Water and Diffusion of its Components through Atmosphere, Berthelot and André, 23; on Atomic Weight of Oxide of Gadolinium, A. E. Nordensk- jöld, 47; Chemical Society, 70, 143, 358, 384, 407, 453, 503, 526; Anniversary Meeting of the, 536; M. Moissan's Re- searches on Isolation of Fluor, 71; Chemical Arithmetic, Sydney Lupton, 74; Experimental Chemistry, C. W. Heaton, 74; Chemical Physics, Prof. Josiah Parsons Cooke's, 100; Action of Manganese on the Phosphorescent Quality of Car- bonate of Lime, Edmond Becquerel, 168; Old or New Chemistry, Which is Fittest for Survival? Samuel Phillips, 270; a Treatise on Chemistry, Sir H. E. Roscoe and C. Schorlemmer, 316; Principle of Maximum Labour and the Laws of Chemical Equilibria, 382; on the Coefficients of Chemical Affinity, 455; Recent Progress of Chemical Science, Dr. Hugo Müller, 536; Chemical Action of Light on Mixed Hydrogen and Chlorine Gas, Dr. Pringsheim, 552; a Question for Chemists, Wm. West, 584; Chemical Constitution and Physiological Action, Contributions to our Knowledge of the Connexion between, Preliminary Communication on the Action of certain Aromatic Bodies, T. Lauder Brunton, F.R.S., and J. Theodore Cash, 599
Chert, on the Character of the Beds of, in the Carboniferous. Limestone of Yorkshire, Geo. J. Hinde, 582
Chevreul (M.), Medal presented to, 144; Resignation of his Membership of the Academy of Sciences, 255
Chicago Manual Training School, 444
China Folk Lore of, J. H. Stewart Lockhart, 281; Return of MM. Potanin, Skassy, and Bérésofsky from their Expedition to China and Mongolia, 309; Early Chinese Intercourse with America, Dr. W. H. Dall, 58; Best Mode of conveying Scientific Knowledge to the Chinese, 112; a Work on Anatomy in Chinese, 568; Animal Worship amongst the Chinese, 613
Chinook Winds, M. W. Harrington, 568 Chios, Earthquake at, 112, 158
Chlorochromic Acid and the Phosphates of Sesquioxide, on the Action of Tetrachloride of Carbon on, M. H. Quantin, 335 Cholera Fungus, Cambridge, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 171, 295; Chas. Roy, 233; Walter Gardiner, 271, 319; George Massee, 319; Edgar Crookshank, 344
Christiania Society of Science, 336
Christie (W. H. M., F.R.S.), the Earthquake, 462 Chrysalides, Gilded, Edward B. Poulton, 470
Church (A. H.), Food-Grains of India, Prof. John Wrightson, 51
Cider, on the Composition of the Ashes of, M. G. Lechartier, 382
Cinnabar, Gold, and Associated Sulphides, Natural Solutions of, 524
City and Guilds of London Institute, Distribution of Prizes, 158; Conversazione, 494
Claim of Priority, a, V. Ventosa, 513
Clarke (Dr. Hyde), Svastika Cross and Sun, 366
Clarke (J. Edwards), Industrial and High Art Education in the United States, W. Odell, 97
Classification of the Cæcilians, 280
Clausius's Characteristic Equation for Substances applied to Messrs. Ramsay and Young's Experiments on Alcohol, Prof. William Ramsay and Dr. Sydney Young, 262, 346; Prof. Fitzgerald, 574
Clayden (A. W.), on the Internal Capacity of Thermometers, 94 Claypole (E. W.), Abnormal Cats' Paws, 345
Cleland (Prof. John), Culminating Sauropsida, 391 Clerke (A. M.): Sunspot Observations in Hungary, Carl Braun, 227 Aurora Borealis, M. S. Lemström, 433; Dr. K. R. Koch, 433; Homeric Astronomy, 585, 607 Clifford (W. K., F.R.S.), Lectures and Essays, 270 Climate of Northern Europe and the Gulf Stream, 91 Climatology of the Croydon District, 14
Clocks, Electricity and, T. Wilson, 173; Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, 224; H. Dent Gardiner, 198, 231; Horloge on, 438
Cloez (M. Ch.) and M. E. Grimaux, Erythrene, 288 Cloud Knowledge, Modern Developments of, Hon. Ralph Abercromby, 575
Clouds: Aspects of, Robert James Reilly, 391; on the Forms of, A. F. Osler, F.R.S., 164; Iridescent, Jas. C. McConnel, 533; G. II. Stone, 581; Nomenclature of, 406 Clyde Sea-Area, Bathy-orographical Chart of the, 334 Coahuila Meteorites, O. W. Huntingdon, 451
Coal, on the Age of, found in the Region traversed by the Rio Grande del Norte, 380
Coal-Dust Theory, W. Galloway, 222, 296, 343
Coal-Mines, Explosions in, W. N. and J. B. Atkinson, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., I
Coasts of North Africa, Study of the, Dr. Theobald Fischer, 353
Cobra, Death from the Bite of a, III; Supposed Suicide of the, R. D. Oldham, 560 Cochenille at Rodriguez, 179
Cockroach, Structure and Life History of the, L. C. Miall, 365 Coco de Mer (Lodoicea seychellarum), Gen. Gordon's Collec- tion illustrative of the, presented to Kew Gardens, 494 Cod, Curious Knife found in the Thick Flesh of a, 545 Cod-Fisheries (Norwegian), Japanese Mission to inquire into the, 158
Codices, Mexican, Z. Nuttall, 307
Coefficient of Mutual Induction of Two Coils, Method of measuring, Prof. G. Carey Foster, F. R.S., 143, 478 Coefficient of Self-Induction, on the Determination of the, 551
Coils, Inductionless, Dr. Aron, 383
Coils, Method of measuring the Mutual Induction of Two, 478 Colbert (Prof.), Cassiopeiæ, 59
Colchicine, Properties of, 408, 432
Coleoptera, New Zealand, David Sharp, 177
Coleoptera of the British Islands, Rev. W. W. Fowler, 531 Colin (Dr.), on the Population of Bambouk, 22 Collections, National Science, 252, 272
College of France, proposed Enlargement of the Buildings of the, 517
College of Physicians, Edinburgh, proposed Establishment of a Laboratory for the Prosecution of Original Research, 399 Colleges, University, Prof. Jowett, 441
Collins (F. Howard): Herbert Spencer's Definition of Life, 487; Vitality and its Definition, 580
Collot (M. L.), on the Age of the Bauxite Formation in the South-East of France, 288
Colocasia, Disease of, in Jamaica, 478
Colonial Conference, Sir Henry Holland, 544
Colonial and Indian Exhibition, John R. Jackson, 16, 81, 225 Colonial Science and Art Schools and the Department of Science and Art, 442
Colorado, Disappearance of Bishop's Ring in, G. H. Stone, 581
Colorado, Phenacite from, Sam. L. Penfield, 451
Colour of the Blood, Influence of Extremes of Temperature on the, 576
how to make, Prof. Hugo de Vries, 149; Selmer Schönland, 173
Colours of Metals and Alloys, Prof. W. Chandler Roberts- Austen, F.R.S., 106
Colours, a Method of illustrating Combinations of, H. G. Madan, 513
Colson (M. Albert), Erythrite, 288
Colton (B. P.), Practical Zoology, 458
Comets Barnard's, 59; T. W. Backhouse, 54, 224; Prof. Cacciatore, 181; Dr. Wentworth Erck, 198; Prof. A. Riccò, 296; (1886 ƒ), 17, 207; Dr. Oppenheim, 85; Dr. Aug. Svedstrup, 134; (1887 c), Prof. E. Weiss, 352; Dr. H. Oppenheim, 424; 1887 d (Barnard, February 15), Prof. Boss, 424, 446; First and Second of 1887, 614; Second of 1887, John I. Plummer, 583; Brooks (1887 6), 352; Dr. R. Spitaler, 424, 496; Finlay's 1886 e, 17, 59; Dr. Krueger, 85, 134; Dr. J. Holetschek, 207; Three New Comets, 307; Note on the Origin of Comets, 381; Discovery of a New, 1887 (Barnard 2), 402; Tails of the Comets of 1886, Prof. Th. Bredichin, 474; the Southern, 329, 438; Comets and Asteroids, Prof. Daniel Kirkwood, 474
Commercial Organic Analysis, Alfred H. Allen, Dr. C. R. Alder Wright, 293
Compass in Iron Ships, Deviation of the, considered practically, W. H. Rosser, 473
Compressed Air, Transmission of Power by, 272 Conchology, J. C. Melvill on Conus gloria maris, 230 Conder (Capt.), Translation of Hittite Inscriptions, 422
Congo: Dr. Lenz's Exploration of, 232; his Map of the, 354; Rev. Geo. Grenfell's Exploration of the, 596; H. M. Stanley's, 615
Conis gloria maris, J. C. Melvill on, 230
Cooke's (Prof. Josiah Parsons) Chemical Physics, 100 Coombe Rock, Clement Reid on, 502
Copper, the Higher Oxides of, 141
Coral Reefs of the Solomon Islands, Dr. H. B. Guppy, 77 Corea, Geology of, 518
Coregonus albus, American Whitefish at Burghley Park, 546 Corona, Extension of the, Prof. S. P. Langley, 52 Counterpoint, Harmony and, Elements of, F. Davenport, 339 Cranial Nerves of a Human Embryo, 336
Crater, Sounding a, Prof. John Milne, 152; Fusion-Points, Pyrometers, and Seismometers, Dr. H. J. Johnston-Lavis, 197; W. Worby Beaumont, 296
Crayfish, Fresh-water, Green Gland of, 455
Crimson Line of Phosphorescent Alumina, on the, William Crookes, F.R.S., 310
Critical Temperatures of Nitrogen and Oxygen, 331 Crocus, the, George Maw, 348
Crommelin (A. C.), Invisible at Greenwich, 414
Crookes (William, F. R.S.): on the Crimson Line of Phosphor- escent Alumina, 310; on Radiant-Matter Spectroscopy, Examination of the Residual Glow, 425, 447
Crookshank (Dr), Flagellated Protozoa in Animals' Blood, 191 Crookshank (Edgar), Cambridge Cholera Fungus, 344 Cross as a Sun Symbol, Dr. Chas. R. Dryer, 345
Croydon District, Climatology of the, 14
Cruise of the Marchesa, F. H. H. Guillemard, 369
Cruls (M.), Geographical Co-ordinates of Punta-Arenas, 382 Crustacea of Singapore, 525
Crustacea, British Stalk-eyed, and Spiders, F. A. A. Skuse, 532
Cryptogams, Flora of Leicestershire, including the, J. G. Baker, 411
Crystalline Elliptically-polarising Media, on Reflection at the Surface of, 333
Crystallographic Notes, 141
Crystals, Absorption of Light in, 312
Culminating Sauropsida, Prof. John Cleland, 391
Cunningham (Prof.), the Lumbar Curve in Man and Apes, 46 Cunningham (Major Allan): Canal and River Engineering, David Stevenson, 169; Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery, H. Robinson, 460
Current Sheets, on Ellipsoidal, Horace Lamb, F.R.S., 574 Currents, North Atlantic, Experiments made to determine the Direction of the, Prince Albert of Monaco, 288 Curvature, Critical Mean of Liquid Surfaces of Revolution, Prof. A. W. Rücker, F. R.S., 143
Curve, Lumbar, in Man and Apes, Prof. Cunningham, 46 Curves, Traube-Hering, 576
Cutting of Polarising Prisms, on the, Prof. Silvanus P. Thomp- son, 184
Cyclones, on the Relation between Tropical and Extra-Tropical, Hon. Ralph Abercromby, 430
Cyclones and Concurrent Storms and Hurricanes, on the Rela- tions that exist between, M. H. Faye, 599 Cyclonic Storms, Central Calm in, 575
Cyclonic Theories, Atmospheric Movements in Connexion with, 527
Cygnus, New Variables in, Dr. Gould, 282
Cypripedium, Peculiar Conformation of the Flowers of, Dr. Maxwell Masters, 142
Daffodil, Wild White, 430
Dalcarlia, Central Sweden, Brilliant Meteor seen in, 495 Dall (Dr. W. H.), Early Chinese Intercourse with America, 58 Dallinger (Rev. Dr., F.R.S.), Changes of Temperature to which the Lower Forms of Organisms can be adapted by Slow Modifications, 550
Dana (Jas. D.): Revelations of a Dissected Volcano, 93; Vol- canic Action, 451
Danger, Rule for Escaping a, Frank Morley, 345
Darwin (Capt.), Preliminary Account of the Observations of the Eclipse of the Sun at Grenada in August 1886, 287 Darwin (Prof. Francis, F. R.S.), on the Effect of Certain Stimuli on Vegetable Tissues, 429
Darwin (Dr. G. H., F. R.S.): on Jacobi's Figure of Equilibrium for a Rotating Mass of Fluid, 188; on the Dynamical Theory of the Tides of Long Period, 287
Davenport (F.), Elements of Harmony and Counterpoint, 339 Dawson (Sir J. W., F.R.S.), Hand-book of Zoology, with Examples from Canadian Species, 295
Day (Dr. Francis): Lochleven Trout, 166; Fish Culture, 282 Day of the Week for any given Date, to find the, Lewis Carroll, 517
Decrement, Vertical, of Temperature and Pressure, S. A. Hill, 606
Definition, Vitality and its, F. Howard Collins, 580 Deighton (H.), the Elements of Euclid, 269
Delage (Yves), a New Function of the Otocysts in the Inverte- brates, 48
Demarçay (M. Eug.), on the Action of the Chloride of Carbon on the Anhydrous Oxides, 288
Démoniaques dans l'Art, Les, 376, 454
Deniker (J.), Recherches Anatomiques et Embryologiques sur les Singes Anthropoides, 509
Denning (W. F.): Meteor, 101; Meteor of December 28, 1886, 248; April Meteors, 606; Fireball of December 4, 1886, 151
Denza (P. F.), the Andromedes, November 27, 1886, 231 Department of Science and Art, Schools of Science and Art in the Colonies and the, 442
Deposits of Volcanic Dust, Prof. Geo. P. Merrill, 174 Deprez (Marcel), on the Intensity of the Magnetic Field in Dynamo-Electric Machines, 23
Dessau (B.), Metal Films arising from the Disruption of a Kathode, 333
Deutsche Geographische Blätter, 497
Diabetes, Action of Belladonna and Opiumin a Case of Acute, 407
Diameter of the Sun, Researches on the, Herr Auwers, 496 Diamonds, Crown, of France, Proposal to sell, 424 Diastase, Loss of Activity experienced by, under the Action of Heat, 455
Diatoms, Fresh-water, in the Bagshot Beds, Rev. A. Irving,
Dickins (F. V.), Aino Hairiness and the Urvolk of Japan, 534
Dielectric Constants of Fluids, Prof. G. Quincke, 334 Dielectric, Experiment to show that Capacity varies inversely as a Thickness of the, Profs. W. E. Ayrton and John Perry, 526
Diener (Dr. Carl), the Geology of the Lebanon, Prof. Edward Hull, F.R.S., 10
Diet in Disease, Prof. G. Sée, 327
Di-isobutylamine, on the Hydrochlorate and Platinochlorate of, 383
Dimensions of Physical Quantities, the Engineer on, 462 Dimmock (George), Fish-destroying Insects in the United States, 327
Disinfection by Heat, B. Strachan, 7
Dispersion of Plants by Birds, D. Morris, 151
Ditte (M. A.), Study of the Alkaline Vanadates, 600 Doberck (Dr. W.): Typhoons, 36; Law of Storms in the Eastern Seas, 135; and the Hong Kong Observatory, 229 Dodge (Frank S.), Kilauea after the Eruption of March 1886, 451 Doldrums, Electrical Discharges in the, David Wilson-Barker, 584
Donnelly (Col. J. F. D.): Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines, 271; Industrial Studentships, 413 Dorno (Alessandro), Notice of, 231
Double Star, Spectroscopic Method of Determining the Distance of a, A. A. Rambaut, 206
Draper (Andrew S.), Educational System in New York, 445 Draught and Dust, Permanent Matrix Excluder of, T. J. Porter, 569
Dryer (Dr. Chas. R.), the Cross as a Sun Symbol, 345 Dublin, Royal Society of, 311
Dundee University College, proposed Chair of Anatomy at, 158; proposed Medical School in connection with, 349 Dunér (M.), Gore's Nova Orionis, 85 Dungate (E. J.), Lung-Sick, 29
Dust, Coal-, Theory, W. Galloway, 222, 296, 343
Dutch Colonies in South America and the West Indies, K. Martin, Dr. A. Ernst, 459
Duter (M.), Electrolysis of Alkaline Solutions, 382 Duthie (Mr.), Report on the Botanical Gardens, Saharunpur, 356
Dutton's (Capt.) Report on the Charleston Earthquake, 351 Dyer (W. T. Thiselton, F. R.S.): Ipecacuanha Cultivation in India, 227; Tabasheer, 396; a Plant which destroys the Taste of Sweetness, 557
Dynamical Theory of the Tides of Long Period, on the, G. H. Darwin, F.R.S., 287
Dynamical Units, Mass, Weight and, Robt. F. Hayward, F.R.S., 604
Dynamics, Lessons in Elementary, H. G. Madan, 51
Dynamics of Health and Disease, Life Energy or the, Surgeon- Major Nathl. Alcock, 366
Dynamo-Building, Practical, for Amateurs, Fred. W. Walker,
Earth's Current in the Telegraph Lines of the German Empire, Dr. Weinstein's Observations, 336
Earthquakes: Dr. F. A. Forel, 8; H. du Bois, 8; Thos. W. Kingsmill, 319; M. Oppermann on, 600; the Earthquake of February 23, 1887, 419; Rev. S. J. Perry, F.R.S., 438; W. H. M. Christie, F. R. S., 462; the Charleston Earthquake, Report on, Prof. T. C. Mendenhall, 31, 36, 134; Influence upon the Health of the Inhabitants, 281; Earthquake in Beira Alta District, 59; in Switzerland, 84, 205; Prof. Forel, 442; at Cairo, 112; at Chios, 112, 158; Nordheinsund, West Coast of Norway, 158; at Smyrna, 112, 158; Earthquake Shock at Tashkend, 112, 399; at Tchesme, 112; in Sierra Leone, J. S. Hay and Jos. M. Metzger, 141; at Sea, Reginald H. Hertslet, 157; the Recent, Prof. J. P. O'Reilly, 197; at Aquila, 350, 376; in Venice, 350; in Zurich, 350; at Vilayet Konia, Asia Minor, 376; in Japan, 399; Important Points in the History of Earthquake Inves- tigation in Japan, Prof. John Milne, 559; Earthquake in South Eastern Illinois, 444; in South-Western Indiana, 444 ; in Philiatra, 444; Earthquake of February 23, 551; Note on, at Marseilles Observatory, 455; in Italy, 479; at Antibes, 527; Earthquake Shock felt at Mandalay, 472; Earthquakes in Norway, Dr. Hans Reuch, 517; in the Riviera, Clement
Reid, 534; in Travnik, 545, 568; in Campfer and St. Moritz, 545; in Stuttgart, 545; in Savona, 545; at Friedau, 568; at Forli, 568; at Aden, 593; at Lisbon, 612; Pre-Scientific Theories of the Causes of, 428; Magnetic Effects of Recent, 479; Earthquakes in Connexion with Fire-Damp, 527; Possible Cause of the Earthquakes of 1755, 1884, and 1887, 528; Sekei Sekiya on the Comparison of, 593 Earthworms, Australian, J. G. Fletcher, 95
Eastern Seas, Law of Storms in the, Dr. W. Doberck, 135 Eclipse of the Sun at Grenada in August 1886, Preliminary Account of the Observations of the, Capt. Darwin, 287; Dr. Arthur Schuster, F.R.S., 549
Ecuador, Travels in the Wilds of, Alfred Simson, 437 Edinburgh: Mathematical Society, 71, 191, 454; Royal Society,
191, 311, 454, 479, 551, 599; College of Physicians, 399; Royal Physical Society, 454; Scottish Meteorological Society, 575
Edison (Mr.), Illness of, 257
Education: Industrial and High Art, in the United States, J. Edwards Clarke, W. Odell, 97; Association for Promoting a Teaching University in London, 179; Japan Educational Society, 204; the State and Higher Education, 457; Neces- sity for a Minister of Education, 481; Organisation of Indus- trial Education, Prof. Huxley, 493; Technical Education, 592; Educational Exhibits and Conventions at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans, 245; Educational System in New York, Andrew S. Draper, 445
Eels discovered in Masonry, 400
Eggs, Birds' Nests and, H. Seebohm, 236
Egypt: Specimens of the Different Strata of Soil in the Delta received from, III; Botanical Discoveries in the Tombs of, 405
Eichler (Dr. August Wilhelm): Death of, 443; Obituary Notice of, 493
Eight Squares, Product of Two Sums of, 455
Ekaterinburg, Scientific and Industrial Exhibition at, 133,
Elastic Fluid, on the Movement of an Indefinite and Perfectly,
Elasticity, History of the Theory of, Isaac Todhunter, F. R.S., A. G. Greenhill, 313
Elasticity of Bending of Pure Zinc, Copper, Tin, and their Alloys, 333
Electricity: Dynamo-Electric Machines, on the Intensity of the Magnetic Field in, Marcel Deprez, 23; Electro-Metallurgy, 57; Electric Conductibility of Vapours and Gases, the, Prof. Giov. Luvini, 85; Electric Charge on the Atom, A. P. Laurie, 131; Electrical Metronome established at the Paris Opera House, 158; an Error in Maxwell's "Electricity and Magnetism,” 172; James C. McConnel, 172; Rev. Henry W. Watson, 223; Prof. A. Seydler, 512; Electrical Phenomenon, Thos. Higgin, 173; Electricity and Clocks, T. Wilson, 173; Henry Dent Gardner, 198, 231; Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, 224; "Horloge" on, 438; Electro-Statics, M. A. Vaschy, 263; Lives of the Electricians, W. T. Jeans, 270; Electric Telegraph, Sir Chas. T. Bright, 282; Latest Industrial Application of Electric Welding, 331; Electromotive Force of the Voltaic Arc, 331; Quadrant Electrometers, 331; Pyro-Electricity of Quartz, B. von Kolenko, 333; Propaga- tion of, in Telegraph-Wires, Ed. Hagenbach, 333; Prize offered to the Inventor of a Cheap Method for the Applica- tion of, 350; Spiders and Electric Light, 351; Electrolysis of Alkaline Solutions, M. Duter, 382; Formation of Peroxide of Hydrogen by Electrolysis, Dr. Richarz, 384; Electric Motor and its Applications, T. C. Martin and Jos. Wetzler, Prof. S. P. Thompson, 410; Equatorial Zone of almost Per- petual Electrical Discharge, Hon. Ralph Abercromby, 487; Experiments on Electrical Resistance of Suspended Copper and Iron Wires, Shelford Bidwell, 526; Gas-Lighting by Electricity, 569; Electrical Discharges in the Doldrums, David Wilson-Barker, 584; Train Lighted by Electricity, 595; Note on the Development of Voltaic, by Atmospheric Oxidation, C. R. Alder Wright, F.R.S., 598; Practical Electricity, Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., 601; Electric Locomotion, 613
Elemore Pit, W. Galloway on the Recent Explosion at, 133 Elephantiasis, Species of, Investigations of, 473
Eliot (President), Present Position of Science in the Secondary Schools of America, 375
Elliot (Sir Walter, F.R.S.), Obituary Notice of, 543 Elliott (Archd. C.), Units of Weight, Mass, and Force, 605 Elliott (Henry W.), an Arctic Province, 243 Ellipsoidal Current Sheets, on, Horace Lamb, F.R.S., 574 Elliptical Integrals, 575
Ellipticity of Uranus, Prof. W. Valentiner, 614
Elwes (Capt. H. J.), Butterflies of India, Lionel de Nicéville, 436; Lepidoptera-Heterocera, 503
Embryogeny of the Anthropoid Apes, J. Deniker, 509 Embryology of Monotremata and Marsupialia, W. H. Caldwell, 524
Emin Bey (Dr.): Proposed Expedition for Relief of,:83, 177; Dr. Junker on the Best Route by which to reach him, 258; Mr. Stanley's Expedition, 283, 330, 446, 475; Arrival of Dr. Junker's Caravan, 475; Short Biography of, 497 Encyclopædia Britannica, 314
Encyclopædia of Natural Science, Trewendt's, 58 Encyclopædic Dictionary, 485
Encyclopædie der Wissenschaften, 593
Endowed Schools Committee, Report of, 611 Endowment of Medical Research, 409 Enfida, Dolmens on, 551
Engelhardt's (Baron D'), Observatory, 546
Engineer, the, on the Dimensions of Physical Quantities, 462 Engineering, Canal and River, David Stevenson, Major Allan Cunningham, 169
Engineering Laboratories, on the Use and Equipment of, Prof. Alex. B. Kennedy, 235
Engineering on the Conversion of Heat into Work, W. Anderson, 387; Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery, H. Robinson, Major Allan Cunningham, 460 Engler's Botanische Jahrbücher, 405
English Coasts, Erosion of the, W. Topley, 37 Entomology: Notes on the Recent Swarming of Aphides, G. B. Buckton, F.R.S., 15; Entomological Society, 70, 191, 335, 453, 503, 623; the Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera of Middlesex, S. T. Klein, 167; Macro-Lepidoptera of East Sussex, J. H. A. Jenner, 230; Miss Eleanor A. Ormerod on the Hessian Fly, 256; Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 473
Entropy, Felix Lucas on, 455
Entyloma Ranunculi, Prof. H. M. Ward, 165 Eosin Silver, Use of, in Photography, 432 Epidermis, Structure of the, Dr. Blaschko, 551 Equatorial Observations of the New Comets, 382
Equatorial Zone of almost Perpetual Electrical Discharge, Hon. Ralph Abercromby, 487
Equilibrium of a Fluid Mass, 479
Equinoctical Gales, Dr. R. Müller, 612
Erck (Dr. Wentworth): Barnard's Comet, 198; Sunset Phe- nomenon, 391
Ernst (Dr. A.), Dutch Colonies in South America and the West Indies, K. Martin, 459
Erosion of the English Coasts, W. Topley, 37 Eruption, Volcanic, in Niua-Fu Friendly Islands, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R. S., 127
Eruption of Mount Tarawera, 406, 472; Meteorological Con- ditions at the Time of the, Capt. F. W. Hutton, 322 Eruption of March 1886, Kilauea after the, 451 Eruptions, New Zealand, Red Sunsets and, Lieut.-Col. A. T. Fraser, 224
Erythrene, MM. E. Grimaux and Ch. Cloez, 288 Erythrite, M. Albert Colson, 288
Eskimo, Dr. H. Rink, Prof. A. H. Keane, 309
Eskimos, some Popular Errors in regard to the, John Murdoch, 518
Essex Field Club, the, 158 Essex Naturalist, 545
Etheridge (Robert, F.R.S.) and P. Herbert Carpenter, the Blastoidea, 267
Ethnological Collection presented by Lieut. Quedenfeldt to the Anthropological Society, 423
Ethnological Collection presented by Gen. Genè to the Ethno- graphic Museum of Rome, 496
Ethnological Museum at Berlin, Opening of, 180
Ethnology: Cannibalism and its Prevalence in Ancient and Modern Times, Herr Richard Andree, 350
Etiology of Scarlet Fever, E. Klein, F.R.S., 452 Eucalyptus-Tree, Bee-hives discovered in, 423
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