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Euclid, a Sequel to the First Six Books of the Elements of,
John Casey, 28

Euclid, the Elements of, H. Deighton, 269
Euclid Revised, R. C. J. Nixon, 269

Euclid, Definitions of, with Explanations, R. Webb, 340
Europe, Northern, Climate of, and the Gulf Stream, 91
European Prehistoric Races, Prof. A. H. Keane, 564

Evolution of a Satellite, Tidal Friction and the, James Nolan,

Evolution, Factors of Organic, Herbert Spencer, Dr. Geo. J.
Romanes, F.R.S., 362

Ewing (Prof. J. A.): Seismometry in Japan, 75; on Seismo-
metry, 172; on Seismometers, 606; Magnetisation of Iron in
Strong Fields, 622

Expansion of Solids by Heat, Lecture Experiments on the, H.
G. Madan, 89; C. E. Stromeyer, 126
Experimental Chemistry, C. W. Heaton, 74

Experimental Science in Schools and Universities, Prof. G. F.
Fitzgerald, 284

Experiments on Flame, Further, Dr. Geo. J. Burch, 165
Explorations of the North Sea, 73

Explosion of Meteorites, on the, M. Hirn, 303

Explosions in Coal-Mines, W. N. and J. B. Atkinson, Prof. T.
E. Thorpe, F.R.S., I

Extension of the Corona, Prof. S. P. Langley, 52

Eye, Influence of Astigmatism in the, on Astronomical Obser-
vations, Prof. Seeliger, 59

Falk (Prof.), Peristaltic Movement, 264

Farlow (Prof. W. G.), Injurious Fungi in California, 521
Farmer's Crop, Tobacco a, Philip Meadows Taylor, Prof. John
Wrightson, 52

Fauna and Flora of the Afghan Boundary, J. E. T. Aitchison,

Faye (H.): Geodesy and Geology, 71; Movements of the
Atmosphere, 455; on the Relations that exist between
Cyclones and Concurrent Storms and Hurricanes, 599
Fayrer (Sir J., F. R.S.), Scorpion Virus, 488

Feil (M.), Death of, 306

Feilden (Eliza Whigham), My African Home, 221
Female Medical Students in Paris, Number of, 306

Férè (Ch.), Sensation and Movement, 518

Fernando Noronha, Proposed Expedition to, by H. N. Ridley,

Ferrier (Prof.), Functional Topography of the Brain, 453
Fertilisation of Cassia marilandica, 521

Fewkes (J. Walter): Report on the Medusa collected by the
U.S. Fish-Commission Steamer Albatross in the Region of
the Gulf Stream, 377; New Rhizostomatous Medusa, 451
Fibres, on the Production, Preparation, and Properties of the
Finest, C. V. Boys, 575

Ficus, on the Genus, Dr. Geo. King, 525
Field Club, the Essex, 158

Field Naturalist in Eastern Bengal, 388

Fields, through the, with Linnæus, Mrs. Florence Caddy, 579
Filtration, Intermittent Downward, Ten Years' Experience in
Works of, T. Bailey Denton, 195

Finland, on the Upheaval of the South-West Coasts of, M.
Venukoff, 600

Finlay, Comet 1886 e, 17, 59; Dr. Krueger, 85, 134; Dr. J.
Holetschek, 207

Fir and Epicea, on the Formation of the so-called "Red Wood"
in the, 383

Fire Symbol, the Svastika as both Sun and, Mrs. J. C. Murray-
Aynsley, 558

Fire-Damp, Earthquakes in Connexion with, 527

Fireball seen at Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, December 4,
1886, 111, 133; W. F. Denning, 151

Firth of Forth, Chatopoda of the, 544

Fischer (Dr. A.), Death of, 57
Fischer (Dr. Philip), Death of, 350

Fischer (Dr. Theobald), Study of the Coasts of North Africa,

Fish: Work of the United States Fish Commission, 54; De-
formities among Fish, 58, 230; Fish-Culture, 612; in Scot-
land, 205; Dr. Francis Day on Fish-Culture, 282; National
Fish-Culture Association, 350; W. Burgess's Fish-Culture
Establishment, 444; an 66
Egg-bound" Trout, 231; Fishes

inhabiting very Deep Waters, M. Léon Vaillant, 288; Fish-
destroying Insects in the United States, George Dimmock,
327; Phosphorescence of Marine Fish, Dr. Otto Hermes, 377 ;
Fish-hatching at the Buckland Museum, 400; Proposed In-
vestigation of Fish-bearing Properties of Kiu Sawa, 444;
Marine and Fresh-water Fishes, W. A. Carter, 472; Value of
Fish landed on the Coasts of Scotland, 473; Proposed Esta-
blishment of an Institution for Technical Education with
regard to Fish and Fisheries, at Grimsby, 494; Fishes in
Ecuador, 502; Tasmanian Fisheries, 233; Fourth Annual
Report of the Fishery Loard for Scotland, 128; Fishery
Board of Scotland and Beam-trawling, 257; Hawaiian
Methods of Fishing, Mrs. E. M. Beckley, 327

Fitzgerald (Prof. G. F.): Experimental Science in Schools and
Universities, 284; on the Thermodynamic Properties of
Substances whose Intrinsic Equation is a Linear Function of
the Pressure and Temperature, 358; Clausius's Characteristic
Equation for Substances applied to Messrs. Ramsay and
Young's Experiments on Alcohol, 574

Flame, Further Experiments on, Dr. Geo. J. Burch, 165
Flat-fish, Acclimatisation of, in American Waters, 473
Fletcher (J. J.), Australian Earthworms, 95

Floods in Southern California, 376

Flora, Hand-book of the British, Geo. Bentham, F.R. S., 341
Flora of Leicestershire, including the Cryptogams, J. G. Baker,


Flora, Alpine, surviving in the Paris District, 431
Flora of Shetland, W. H. Beeby, 474

Florida: Angelo Heilprin on the Geology of, 230; Attempt to
sink an Artesian Well at St. Augustine to obtain Hot Water,

Flowering, Autumnal, Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, II

Fluid Mass, Equilibrium of a, 479

Fluid and Electric Agencies, on a Means of increasing the
Power of, 120

Fluids, Dielectric Constants of, Prof. G. Quincke, 334

Fluor, Moissan's Researches on Isolation of, 71

Fluorescence, Red, of Alumina, 455

Fluviatile Swamps of New England, 524

Fog, Map showing the Distribution of, on Various Parts of the
Earth, 423

Folk-Lore Society established in the Philippines, 134
Folk-Lore of China, J. H. Stewart Lockhart, 281

Folkestone Gault, C. E. De Rance, 296

Fontannes (C. F.), Death of, 254, 263

Fonvielle (W. de), La Mesure du Mètre, 388

Food-Grains of India, A. H. Church, Prof. John Wrightson, 52
Force, Units of Weight, Mass, and, Rev. Edward Geoghegan,
534; Prof. Alf. Lodge, 557; Archd. C. Elliott, 605
Forel (Dr. F. A.): Earthquakes, 8; Earthquake in Switzerland,


Forcrand (M. de), Glycerinate of Potassa, 288
Forms of Clouds, on the, A. F. Osler, F.R.S., 164
Forsyth (Sir Douglas), Death of, 179

Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum, Catalogue of, Richd.
Lydekker, 532

Fossil Meteorite found in Coal, a, Dr. Guret, 36

Fossil Remains of a Chelonian Reptile, Ceratochelys sthenurus,
from Lord Howe's Island, Australia, Preliminary Note on the,
Prof. Thos. H. Huxley, F.R.S., 615

Foster (Prof. G. Carey, F. R.S.), on a Method of measuring the
Coefficient of Mutual Induction of Two Coils, 143
Fowler (Rev. W. W.), Coleoptera of the British Islands, 531
France en Indo-Chine, La, A. Bouinais and A. Paulus, 221
France: Result of New Census of, 281; Madagascar and, 306;
the Depopulation of, 357; French Translation of Preyer's
Physiology of the Embryo, 376; Number of Foreigners in
France, 400; Inauguration of Railways in, 407; Proposal to
sell the Crown Diamonds of, 424; Meeting of the French
Congrès de Chirurgie in Paris, 444; Oyster-Culture in, 495;
Enlargement of the Buildings of the College of France, 517
Frankland (G. C., and Dr. Percy), some New Micro-organisms
obtained from Air, 477

Frankland (Dr. P. F.), a New Method for the Quantitative
Estimation of Micro-organisms in Atmosphere, 188
Franklin Institute, State Weather-Service for Pennyslvania to
be formed at Philadelphia by the, 281

Fraser (Lieut.-Colonel A. T.), Red Sunsets and New Zealand
Eruptions, 224

Fraunhofer (Joseph), Collecting Treatises by, 496

Freezing of Aërated Water, on some Phenomena connected
with the, George Maw, 325

Fresh-water Diatoms in the Bagshot Beds, Rev. A. Irving, IOI
Fresh-water Fishes, Marine and, W. A. Carter, 472
Friction, Tidal, and the Evolution of a Satellite, James Nolan,

Frog, Abnormalities in the Vertebral Column of the Common,
Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan, 53, 344

Frölich (Dr.), Measurements of Solar Heat, 455
Fruit, Blight and Mildew in the United States, 422
Fry (Albert), University College, Bristol, 345

Fuel-Supply in Ships of War, 539

Fungi, British, Text-book of, W. D. Hay, 364

Fungi, Injurious, in California, Prof. W. G. Farlow, 521
Functional Topography of the Brain, Prof. Ferrier, 453

Fungus, Cambridge Cholera, Dr. E. Klein, F.R.S., 171, 295;
Chas. Roy, 223; Walter Gardiner, 271, 319; George Massee,
319; Edgar Crookshank, 344

Fungus on Orchids, 230

Fusion-Points, Pyrometers and, Thos. Andrews, 224
Fusion-Points, Pyrometers, and Seismometers, Sounding a
Crater, Dr. H. J. Johnston-Lavis, 197; W. Worby Beau
mont, 296

Gad (Dr.), Active Oxygen in the Animal Organism, 383
Gadolinium, Oxide of, on Atomic Weight of, A. E. Norden-
skjöld, 47

Gale of October 15-16, 1886, the, C. Harding, 95
Gales, Recent, E. J. Lowe, 150

Galesaurus planiceps, on the Skull and Dentition of, Sir R.
Owen, F. R.S., 94

Galileo: New Edition of the Works of, to be published at the
cost of the State of Italy, 473; Monument to, erected in
Rome, 612

Galloway (W.): on the Recent Explosion at Elemore Pit, 133;
Coal-Dust Theory, 222, 296, 343

Galton (Capt. Douglas, F.R.S.), Sanitary Progress during the
Reign of the Queen, 160

Galton (Francis, F. R.S.), Pedigree Moth-breeding, 453
Galvanometer, Ballistic, R. H. M. Bosanquet, 478

Gambia, Climate of the Colony, 497

Gardiner (Walter): Cambridge Cholera Fungus, 271, 319;
Tamus communis, 454; Aroids, 454

Gardner (Henry Dent), Electricity and Clocks, 198, 231
Gardner (J. Starkie), Wrought Iron, 422

Gas as a Constant Source in Experiments on Radiation, Em-
ployment of, 528

Gas-lighting by Electricity, 569

Gaseous Nitrogen of the Atmosphere, on the Direct Fixation of
the, by Vegetable Soils, M. Berthelot, 335

Gaseous Nitrogen of the Atmosphere, Direct Fixation of the,

Gaseous State of Matter, Continuous Transition from the Liquid
to the, at all Temperatures, 478

Gases, the Electric Conductibility of Vapours and, Prof. Giov.
Luvini, 85

Gases, Kinetic Theory of, Prof. Tait, 311

Gaskell (Dr. Walter H., F. R.S.), Sympathetic Nervous System,

Gault, Folkestone, C. E. De Rance, 296

Gecko, the, moves its Upper Jaw, Edward B. Poulton, 511
Gems, Application of, to the Art of the Goldsmith, Alfred
Phillips, 495

Genetic Affinities and Classification of the Algae, Alfred W.
Bennett, 478

Gentians, Notes and Queries, Prof. Huxley, 623
Geodesy and Geology, Faye, 71

Geodetic Conference, the, 15

Geoghegan (Rev. Edward), Units of Weight, Mass, and Force,

Geography: Similarities in the Physical Geography of the Great
Oceans, J. Y. Buchanan, 33, 76; Geographical Notes, 60,
182, 258, 283, 308, 330, 353, 378, 402, 446, 475, 497, 520,
547, 596, 615; Proposed Exploration of the Moluccas, Prof.
Kar, 182; Return of the Portuguese African Expedition, 182; |
Don Manuel Iradier's Explorations in Africa, 182; Geo-
graphical Results achieved by the Survey Officers on the
Afghan Frontier Commission, 309; Physical Geography of
Japan, Dr. Naumann, 330; on the Field and Methods of

Geography, H. J. Mackinder, 331; Bulletin of the Paris
Geographical Society, 353; Geographical Society of Paris,
354; Statistics of the Various Societies for, 354; Dr. Lenz's
Map of the Congo, 354; Geographical Co-ordinates of
Punta Arenas, M. Cruls, 382; Keith Johnston's Physical
and Descriptive Geography, Abridged, 389; H. M. Stanley
and the Relief of Emin Pasha, 446; Lieut. Baert's
Journey up the Mongalla, 446; M. Chaffaujon's Explora-
tion of the Orinoco, 446; Tinguians of the Philippine
Islands, 446; Italian Possessions on the Red Sea Coast, 446 ;
Relief of the Australian Mediterranean, Dr. Otto Krümmel,
447; Expedition to Emin Pasha, Dr. Junker and H. M.
Stanley and, 475; Dr. Zintgraff's Exploration of the
Cameroon District, 475; A. D. Carey's Journey in Central
Asia, 475; the Alpine Regions of Alaska, Lieut. H. Seton-
Karr, 475; Readership in Geography at Oxford, 475; Geo-
graphy at the Universities, 492; Climate of the Colony of
Gambia, 497; Geographical and Geological Distribution of
Animals, Angelo Heilprin, 510; Dr. O. Lenz, Letters, 520;
Herr Glaser's Journeys in South Arabia, 520; Dr. Wolf's
Exploring Work on the Sankuru, 520; Herr Ferdinand See-
land, on the Rate of Movement of the Pasterz Glacier, 520;
Lieut. Wissmann, Fresh Expedition from Luluaburg, 521; J.
T. Wills, on the Region between the Nile and the Congo,
521; Geo. Grenfell, Ascent of the Quango, 547; Proposal to
cross South-East New Guinea, 547; Central Asia, 547; Dr.
Hans Schinz, on the Lake Ngami Region, 547; Dr. Ochsenius,
on the Age of certain Parts of the South American Andes,
547; News from Herr G. A. Krause, 547; Exploration of
the Watershed of the River Yukon, 593; Death of James
Wild, 594; Geographisches Jahrbuch, 596; Geographical
Exhibition, 613

Geology: Geology of the Lebanon, Prof. Edward Hull, F.R.S.,
10; Erosion of the English Coasts, W. Topley, 37; and
Geodesy, Faye, 71; Geological Society, 94, 167, 190, 382,
406, 502, 526, 550, 623; Medals awarded by the, 349;
Station at Landsort (in Sweden) for Measurement of Shore-
Elevation, 159; on the Drift of the Vale of Clwyd, Prof.
T. McK. Hughes, 167; Discovery of Identity of Sand in
New Zealand Rivers with Oktibehite, Prof. Ulrich, 190; the
Metamorphic Rocks of the Malvern Hills, Frank Rutley,
190; Student's Hand-book of Historical Geology, A. J.
Jukes-Browne, Prof. A. H. Green, 218; Angelo Heilprin
on the Geology of Florida, 230; Observations nouvelles sur
le Tufeau de Ciply et sur le Crétacé supérieur du Hainault,
A. Rutot and E. Van den Broeck, 317; Geological Evolution,
Signor Enrico del Pozzo di Mombello, 350; the Relations
between Geology and the Mineralogical Sciences, Prof. John
W. Judd, F.R.S., 392, 414; Paleontological Researches
near Rheims, 407; Sandstone of Organic Origin, 407; Geo-
logy of Jersey, Le P. Ch. Noury, 412; Mastodonsaurus dis-
covered on Juckatoo Island, Sydney, 445; Geology of Lake
Kelbia District, 455; Geology of Hampstead, Logan. Lobley,
454 Geological Survey of India, Annual Report, 472;
Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals, Angelo
Heilprin, 510

Geometry the Elements of Plane Geometry, 27; a Sequel to
the First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, containing an
Easy Introduction to Modern Geometry, John Casey, 28; the
Elements of Euclid, H. Deighton, 269; Euclid Revised, R.
C. J. Nixon, 269; Geometrical Drawing for Army Candi-
dates, H. T. Lilley, 28; Association for the Improvement of
Geometrical Teaching, 204, 281; Origins of Geometry,
Horace Lamb, F.R. S., 269; First Lessons in Geometry, B.
Hanumanta Rau, 269; Developments of Naval Geometry,
382; Geometrical Construction of the Cell of the Honey-
Bee, Prof. H. Hennessy, F.R.S., 502; the Association's
Geometry," "Prof. George Bruce Halsted, 557

[ocr errors]

German Carp, Consignment of, forwarded to Portugal by the
National Fish-Culture Association, 350

German Fishery Association, Seals destructive to Fisheries, 377
German Lakes, North, Investigation of, by Dr. Otto Zacharias,

[blocks in formation]

Gilded Chrysalides, Edward B. Poulton, 470
Gilman (Dr.), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 399
Ginger-Beer Plant, Prof. Bayley Balfour, 358

Ginnerup, in Denmark, Disco very of a Kitchen-Midden at, 112
Girls, Physical Training of, Dr. Rayner W. Batten, 495
Glacial Action, C. L. Griesbach, 594

Glaciation in the Australian Alps, on some Further Evidence
of, James Stirling, 182

Glaciation, Lunar, S. E. Peal, 100

Glaciation of North America, Great Britain and Ireland, Com-
parative Studies upon, Prof. H. Carvill Lewis, 89
Glacier, the Muir, G. Frederick Wright, 380

Glacier, Rate of Movement of the Pasterz, Herr Ferdinand
Seeland, 520

Gladstone (Dr. J. H., F.R.S.), on the Nature of Solution, 64
Glaisher (Prof. J. W. L., F.R.S.), Mathematical Tripos, 101,
153, 199

Gland, Green, of Fresh-water Crayfish, 455

Glaser (Herr), his Journeys in South Arabia, 520
Glasgow, Botanic Garden, 545

Glass and other Surfaces, on the Intensity of Reflection from,
Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 64

Glass containing Lead, Note on the Manipulation of, H. G.
Madan, 150; Prof. W. A. Shenstone, 223
Glass-blowing, Methods of, W. A. Shenstone, 123

Glass, Spun, Tenacity of, E. Gibson and R. E. Gregory, 406
Glow, Residual, Examination of the, on Radiant-Matter

Spectroscopy, W. Crookes, F. R.S., 425, 447
Glycerinate of Potassa, M. de Forcrand, 288
Glycose in Development of Animal Heat, Action of, A.
Chauveau, 120, 144, 191

Goebel's (Dr. K.) 'Outlines of Classification and Special
Morphology of Plants," on some Observations on Paleonto-
logy in, Prof. W. C. Williamson, F. R.S., 535, 577
Gordon (General), Collection illustrative of the Coco de Mer
(Lodoicea seychellarum) presented to the Museum, Kew
Gardens, 494

Gore (J. E.): Nova Orionis, M. Dunér, Herr Schwab, 85;
Variable near x1 Orionis, Dr. G. Müller, 329; Orbit of the
Binary Star 14 (i) Orionis, 569

Gorgeu (M. Alex.), on the Artificial Production of Zincite and
Willemite, 288

Goss (Herbert), Aporia cratagi, 473.

Gothenburg, Proposed Free University at, 281

Grönland, Berättelse om en Resa til, Nils O. Holst, 340
Grosse (A.), a Wire Tape Rheostat, 334

Grote (Arthur), Death of, 133

Grothe (Dr.), Death of, 423

Guillemard (F. H. H.), Cruise of the Marchesa, 369

Gulf of Genoa, on the Existence of Submerged Valleys in the,

Gulf Stream, Climate of Northern Europe and the, 91
Guppy (Dr. H. B.), Coral Reefs of the Solomon Islands, 77
Gurlt (Dr.), a Fossil Meteorite found in Coal, 36

Gurney (Edmund), Phantasms of the Living, Prof. C. Lloyd
Morgan, 290, 345

Guthrie (Frederick), Obituary Notice of, 8; Guthrie Memorial
Fund, 127, 327

Guthrie (F.), Virtual Velocities, 149

Gymnasial Instruction, Report of the Swiss Commission for the
Reform of, 257

Gymnema sylvestre, an Examination of the Leaves of, David
Hooper, 565; Hooper's Paper on, J. C. Shenstone, 594*
Gymnodinum polyphemus, Pouchet, 48

Gyroscope, New Collimating, 600

Habenicht, on the Morphology of the Kosmos, 35
Hæmatoscopy, Hénocque, 48

Hagen (Dr. H. A.), Abnormal Cats' Paws, 345
Hagenbach (Ed.), Propagation of Electricity in Telegraph-
Wires, 333

Hahn (Prof. F.), Aurora, 8

Hailstones, Top-shaped, C. S. Middlemiss, 413; J. Spencer
Smithson, 438; Alex. Johnstone, 536

Hairiness, Aino, and the Urvolk of Japan, F. V. Dickins, 534
Haldane (Dr. Daniel Rutherford), Death of, 567
Hale (Horatio), on the Origin of Languages, 17
Halibut, Capture of a, in the Lower Potomac, 569

Hall (Prof. Asaph) : Six Inner Satellites of Saturn, 257; Stellar
Parallax, 258

Hall (Maxwell): Temperature and Pressure in Jamaica, 437 ;
West Indian Meteorological Confederation, 485
Halo with Parhelia observed at Fontainebleau, 359
Halo, Solar, J. J. Walker, 272; R. T. Omond, 582
Halos, Lunar, Prof. S. T. Moreland, 414

Halsted (Prof. Geo. Bruce), the Association's "Geometry,"

Gould's (Dr.) Astronomical Journal, 59; New Variables in Hampstead, Geology of, Logan Lobley, 454
Cygnus, 282

Gould Collection of Australian Birds at Philadelphia, 204

Graham's Ideas concerning the Constitution of Matter, on cer-
tain Modern Developments of, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S.,
522, 547

Grande Encyclopédie, 613

Grape-Vine: Treatment of, with Salts of Copper against Mil-
dew, 144; Anti-Phylloxeric Disinfection of, 382
Gray (Thos.), Seismometry, 126, 198

Great Britain and Ireland, North America, Comparative Studies
upon Glaciation of, Prof. H. Carvill Lewis, 89

Great Ice Age, Astronomical Theory of the, W. H. S. Monck,
7; Sir Robert S. Ball, F. R.S., 53; Rev. E. Hill, 101
Great Men, Longevity of Joseph Jastrow, 10

Great Oceans, Similarities in the Physical Geography of the,
J. Y. Buchanan, 76

Greely (Capt. A. W.), appointed Successor to the late Gen.
Hazen, 443

Green (Prof. A. H., F. R.S.): Student's Handbook of Historical
Geology, A. J. Jukes-Browne, 218; Origin of Mountain
Ranges, T. M. Reade, 361, 463

Green Light at Sunset, R. T. Omond, 391

Green Light at Sunrise and Sunset, Prof. A. Riccò, 584
Greenhill (A. G.): History of the Theory of Elasticity, Isaac
Todhunter, F.R.S., 313; Wave-Motion in Hydrodynamics,
477; Units of Weight, Mass, and Force, 486
Greenleaf's Bequest to Harvard College, 229

Greenwich, Solar Eclipse "Invisible" at, A. C. Crommelin, 414
Grenfell (Rev. Geo.): Ascent of the Quango, 547; Exploration of
the Congo, 596

Gresham Lecture Fund, the, 16

Gresham Lectures, 229

Griesbach (C. L.), Glacial Action, 594

Griffen (H. H.), Bicycles and Tricycles for the Year 1886, 52
Grimaux (M. E.) and M. Ch. Cloez, Erythrene, 288

Hand and Foot, Variations in the Nerve-Supply of the Lumbri-
cales Muscles in the, with some Observations on the Perforating
Flexors, 521

Harcourt (A. Vernon, F. R.S.), Lighthouse Illuminants, 41, 60
Harding (Chas.): High Temperature in October, 18; the Gale
of October 15-16, 1886, 95

Harley (Rev. Timothy), Lunar Science, 246

Harmony and Counterpoint, Elements of, F. Davenport, 339
Harrington (M. W.), the Chinook Winds, 568
Harris (T. E.), Hand-book of Acoustics, 270
Hartley (Prof. W. N), on the Nature of Solution, 64
Harvard College: Stellar Photography at, Prof. Pickering, 37;
Mr. Greenleaf's Bequest to, 229; Observatory of, 424, 497
Hatch (Dr. Fred. B.), Petrography, 482

Hawaiian Fishing Implements and Methods of Fishing, Mrs.
E. M. Beckley, 327

Hawaiian Volcano Mauna Loa, Discharge from, 376

Hay (J. S.) and Jos. M. Metzger, Earthquake in Sierra Leone,


Hay (W. D.), Text-book of British Fungi, 364
Hayward (Robert B., F. R.S.): on the Water in the Chalk
beneath the London Clay of the London Basin, 335; Mass,
Weight, and Dynamical Units, 604

Hazen (William Babcock), Obituary Notice of, Prof. Cleveland
Abbe, 541

Health and Disease, Dynamics of, Life-Energy or the, Surgeon-
Major Nathl. Alcock, 366

Hearing, Acuteness of, Dr. König, 480

Hearth, Prehistoric, under the Quaternary Deposits in Western
New York, 476

Heat, Disinfection by, R. Strachan, 7

Heat, Lecture Experiments on the Expansion of Solids by, H.
G. Madan, 89; C. E. Stromeyer, 126

Heat, the Sun's, Sir William Thomson, F.R.S., 297
Heat into Work, on the Conversion of, W. Anderson, 387

Heaton (C. W.), Experimental Chemistry, 74

Heats of Combustion, Calorimetric Bomb and Measurement of,

Heavens, Proposed Photographic Map of the, 35
Hector (Dr. Jas., F.R.S.), Oktibehite or Awaruite, 513
Heilprin (Angelo), Geographical and Geological Distribution of
Animals, 510

Heliography, Prof. Spörer on Sunspots, 72

Helmholtz (Prof. von): the Formation of a Thunderstorm, 24;
Cohesion of an Air-free Column of Water, 456
Hemsley (W. Botting): Botany of the Afghan Delimitation
Commission, 173: Primroses, 561

Hennessy (Prof. H., F.R.S.): Trains of Pulleys and Drums,
452; Geometrical Construction of the Cell of the Honey-Bee,

Hénocque (N.), Hæmatoscopy, 48

Henrici (Prof. O., F.R.S.) Note on Mr. Budden's Proof that
only One Parallel can be drawn from a given Point to a given
Straight Line, 100

Heptene, Action of Heat on, 455

Herbarium, Lamarck's, Removal of, 312

Heredity in Cats, with an Abnormal Number of Toes, Observa-
tions on, Edward B. Poulton, 38; William White, 125
Heredity, Pedigree Moth-breeding as a Means of Verifying
certain Important Constants in the Theory of, Francis Galton,
F.R.S., 453

Heritsch (A.), on Radiophony, 333

Hermes (Dr. Otto), Phosphorescence of Marine Fish, 377
Herring, Puzzling Migratory Habits of the, 567

Hertslet (Reginald H.), Earthquake at Sea, 157

Hesperia, Probable Re-Discovery of, Dr. R. Luther, 614

Hessian Fly, Miss Eleanor A. Ormerod, on the, 256

Heughes (Sir W. W.), Contributions to the Adelaide Univer-
sity, 255

Heurck (Dr. Van), Photo-Micrographs, 359

Hidden (William Earl), Mazapil Meteoric Iron, 572
Higgin (Thos.), Electrical Phenomenon, 173

Hill (Rev. E.), Astronomical Theory of the Great Ice Age,


Hill (S. A.), Vertical Decrement of Temperature and Pressure,

Hinde (Geo. J.), on the Character of the Beds of Chert in the
Carboniferous Limestone of Yorkshire, 582

Hirn (M.), on the Explosion of Meteorites, 303
Hirudo medicinalis, an Abnormal, R. J. Harvey Gibson, 392
Historical Geology, Student's Hand-book of, A. J. Jukes-
Browne, Prof. A. H. Green, 218

Hittite Inscriptions, Capt. Conder's Translation of, 422
Hodd (J. Herbert), Abnormality in Cats' Paws, 53

Hoffman (Dr. W. J.), Aboriginal Art in California and Queen
Charlotte's Island, 285

Holden (Edward S.), Photography the Servant of Astronomy,

Holetschek (Dr. J.), Comet Finlay (1886 e), 207

Holland (Sir Henry), Colonial Conference, 544

Holmes (W. H.), on the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio, 281
Holmesdale Natural History Club, 206

Holmestrand, Brilliant Meteor observed at, 352

Holst (Dr. Nils O.), Berättelse om en Resa til Grönland,

Holub (Dr.), Supposed Murder of, 379

Homeric Astronomy, A. M. Clerke, 585, 607
Hong Kong, the Meteorological Observatory of, 229
Honzo Dsufu, the, Japanese Work on Botany, 204

Hooper (David), an Examination of the Leaves of Gymnema
sylvestre, 565; J. C. Shenstone, 594

Hopkinson (John, F.R.S.), Note on Specific Inductive Capa-
city, 334

Hours with a Three-Inch Telescope, Capt. Wm. Noble, 246
Houzeau (M.), Method for the Determination of the Constant
of Aberration, 377.

Howell (Mr.), Technical Education and the House, 326
Howietoun, the History of, Sir J. Ramsay Gibson Maitland,

Hughes (Prof. T. McK.): on the Drift of the Vale of Clwyd,
167; on Caves, 454

Hulke (J. W., F.R.S.), Note on Polacanthus foxii, 357

Hull (Prof. Edward, F. R.S.), the Geology of the Lebanon, 10
Hungary, Sunspot Observations in, Carl Braun, A. M. Clerke,

Hunt (Thos. Sterry), Mineral Physiology and Physiography,

Hunterian Oration, W. S. Savory, F. R.S., 379

Huntington (O. W.): on the Crystalline Structure of Iron
Meteorites, 16, 93; Coahuila Meteorites, 461
Hutton (Capt. F. W.), Meteorological Conditions at the Time
of the Eruption of Mount Tarawera, New Zealand, 322
Huxley (Prof.): and Prince of Wales on the Imperial Institute,
265; on the True Functions of the Imperial Institute, 305:
Royal Society and Scientific Federation, 289; Organisation
of Industrial Education, 493; Preliminary Note on the Fossil
Remains of a Chelonian Reptile, Ceratochelys sthenurus, from
Lord Howe's Island, Australia, 615; the Gentians-Notes
and Queries, 623

Hydrate of Chloral, Prof. Liebreich, 264

Hydraulic Power and Hydraulic Machinery, H. Robinson,
Major Allan Cunningham, 460

Hydrodynamics, on Jacobi's Figure of Equilibrium for a
Rotating Mass of Fluid, Dr. G. H. Darwin, F.R.S., 188
Hydrodynamics, Wave-Motion in, A. G. Greenhill, 477
Hydrogen and Chlorine Gas, Mixed, Chemical Action of Light
on, Dr. Pringsheim, 552

Hydrophobia, M. Pasteur's Treatment of, 30
Hydrophobia, Society for Prevention of, 57

Hygiene, Proposed School of, at the University of Michigan,

Hygiene, School, Arther Newsholme, 604

Hygrometers: Sensitive, 331; Recording, 331

Hymenomycetes, British Fungi, Rev. John Stevenson, 4
Hyotherium from the Pliocene of India, on a Jaw of, R.
Lydekker, 94

Hysteria Studied in Art Manifestations of the Past, 376

Ice, Thickness of the, in North-Eastern Pennsylvania during
the Glacial Epoch, 141

Ice Age, Astronomical Theory of the Great, W. H. S. Monck,
7; Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R. S., 53; Rev. E. Hill, 101
Ice Cavern in Austria, Discovery of, 17

Ice Period in the Altai Mountains, an, E. Michaelis, 149; A.
Bialoveski, 513

Ice and Brines, J. Y. Buchanan, 608

Iceland, Introduction of New Plants into, 356

Ichthyology, Fishes inhabiting very Deep Waters, M. Léon
Vaillant, 288

Illinois, South-Eastern, Earthquake in, 444

Illuminants, Lighthouse, A. Vernon Harcourt, F. R. S., 41, 60;
T. and D. Stevenson, 63

Imperial Institute, 34, 210; Sir Frederick Abel, elected Organis-
ing Secretary to the, III; Scientific Basis of Proposed, 254;
Prince of Wales and Prof. Huxley on, 265; Possible Results
of the, 280; on the True Functions of the, Prof. Huxley, 305;
Work of the, Sir Fred. Abel, F.R.S., 617
Imperial University of Japan, Calendar of the, 401
Index-Catalogue, Medical, A. T. Myers, 196
Index, Subject, Two Hours with a, 123

India: Food-Grains of, A. H. Church, Prof. John Wrightson,
52; Indian Silk Industry, the Decline of the, 84; on the
Cultivation of the so-called Wild Silks of India, T. F. Peppe,
256; Ipecacuanha Cultivation in, W. T. Thiselton Dyer,
F.R.S., 227; Indian Survey Staff, 281; Queen's Jubilee in,
India, 349; Administration Report of the Meteorological
Department of India, 365; Butterflies of India, Lionel
de Nicéville, H. J. Elwes, 436; Annual Report of the
Geological Survey of, 472; Indian Engineering, Survey of
the Straits Settlements, 472

Indian, West, Meteorological Confederation, Maxwell Hall,

Indian, West, Seal (Monachus tropicalis), Henry A. Ward, 392
Indian Tribes of British Columbia, Dr. Franz Boas, 568
Indiana, South Western, Earthquake in, 444
Indians, Consumption among the, 400

Indo-Chine, La France en, A. Bouinais and A, Paulus, 221
Inductionless Coils, Theory of the, Dr. Aron, 383

Inductive Capacity, Specific Note on, John Hopkinson, F. R.S.,

Industrial Education, Organisation of, Prof. Huxley, 493
Industrial Studentships, Col. J. F. D. Donnelly, 413

Infant Navajos, Notes on Certain Traits of, R. W. Shufeldt,

[blocks in formation]

Institute of France, Change of Professorships in the, 256
Institution of Civil Engineers, 503

Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 355

Institution of Naval Architects, 538

Intensity of Reflection from Glass and other Surfaces, on the,
Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 64

Intermittent Downward Filtration, Ten Years' Experience in
Works of, T. Bailey-Denton, 195

International Committee of Weights and Measures, 203
International Medical Congress at Washington, Ninth Triennial
Meeting of the, 350

International Polar Expeditions, 147

International Statistical Institute, 255

Invertebrates, a New Function of the Otocysts in the, Yves
Delage, 48

Invisible at Greenwich, A. C. Crommelin, 414

Ipecacuanha Cultivation in India, W. T. Thiselton Dyer,
F.R.S., 227

Iradier's (Don Manuel) Explorations in Africa, 182
Ireland, North America, Great Britain and, Comparative
Studies upon Glaciation of, Prof. H. Carvill Lewis, 89
Iridescent Clouds, Jas. C. McConnel, 533; G. H. Stone, 581
Iron, Mazapil Meteoric, William Earl Hidden, 572

Iron in Strong Fields, Magnetisation of, Prof. J. A. Ewing,


Iron Ships, Deviation of the Compass in, considered practically,

W. H. Rosser, 437

Iron, Wrought, J. Starkie Gardner, 422

Irritation in the Throat, Various Effects of, 575

Irving, (Rev. A.): Fresh-water Diatoms in the Bagshot Beds,
101; Physical History of the Bagshot Beds of the London
Basin, 382

Isopyknal Lines, Rotation between the Gaseous and Liquid
States of Matter by, 333

Italy Geographical Society of, 60; Learned Society formed
in Italy for the Study of Eastern Languages and Archæology,
328; Scientific Renaissance in, 350; Italian Emigration, 403;
Italian Possessions on the Red Sea Coast, 446; New Edition
of the Works of Galileo to be published at the Cost of the
State, 473; Earthquake of February 23 in, 479; Stations
established by the Italian Meteorological Society, 612

Jackson (John R.), Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 81, 225
Jade-handled Brushes, on Two, Prof. J. P. O'Reilly, 318
Jamaica: Temperature and Pressure in, Maxwell Hall, 437;
Disease of Colocasia in, 478

Japan: Volcanoes of, Prof. Milne, 19; Seismometry in, Prof.
John Milne, 36; Prof. J. A. Ewing, 75; Seismological
Society of, 518; the Active Volcano Asamayama, 133;
Japanese Mission to inquire into the Norwegian Cod-
Fisheries, 158; the Honzo Dsufu, Work on Botany, 204;
Japan Educational Society, 204; Education of Women in,
229; Magnetic Map of, 330; Physical Geography of, Dr.
Naumann, 330; Earthquake in, 399; Calendar of the
Imperial University of, 401; Aino Hairiness and the Urvolk
of, F. V. Dickins, 534; Important Points in the History of
Earthquake Investigation in, Prof. John Milne, 559
Jastrow (Joseph), Longevity of Great Men, 10
Java, the Disease Beri-beri in, 206

Jaw, the Gecko moves its Upper, Edward B. Poulton, 511
Jeans (W. T.), Lives of the Electricians, 270

Jenner (J. H. A.), Macro-Lepidoptera of East Sussex, 230
Jersey, Geology of, Le P. Ch. Noury, 412
Jevons (W. Stanley), Letters and Journal of, 25

Johns Hopkins University: Marine Laboratory connected with,
329; Dr. Gil nan on, 399

Johnston-Lavis (Dr. H. J.), Sounding a Crater, Fusion-Points,
Pyrometers, and Seismometers, 197

Johnstone (Alex.), Top-shaped Hailstones, 536

Joule (James Prescott, F. R.S.), Joint Scientific Papers of, 461
Journal of Botany, 212, 404

Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, Prof.
John Wrightson, 148

Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, 569
Journal of the Society of Telegraph-Engineers, 569
Jowett (Prof.), on University Colleges, 441

Jubilee, Science and the, 217, 241; the Jubilee in India, 349
Judd (Prof. John W., F.R.S.): the Relations between Geology
and the Mineralogical Sciences, 392, 414; the Relation of
Tabasheer to Mineral Substances, 488; Vitality and its
Definition, 511

Jukes Browne (A.J.), Student's Hand-book of Historical Geology,
Prof. A. H. Green, 218

Junker (Dr.), on the Best Route by which to reach Emin Pasha,
258, 475

Jupiter: Rotation-Time of the Red Spot on, Prof. Young, 181;
Mean Periodicity of the Spots of, 359
Jurassic Mammals, American, 622

Kakke, the Disease, 206

Kalocsa Observatory, Dr. C. Braun, 59

Kan (Prof.) Proposed Geographical and Geological Exploration
of the Moluccas, 182

Karachi Museum, W. D. Cumming at, 593

Kathode, Metal Films arising from the Disruption of a, B.
Dessau, 333

Keane (Prof. A. H.): European Prehistoric Races, 564; the
Eskimo, Dr. H. Rink, 309

Kempe (A. B., F.R.S.), on the Theory of Mathematical Form,


Kennedy (Prof. Alex. B.), on the Use and Equipment of
Engineering Laboratories, 235

Kent (Saville), Report on Tasmanian Fisheries, 233

Kew, Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information issued from the
Royal Gardens, 306

Kew Gardens: Presentation to, of Gen. Gordon's Collection
Illustrative of the Coco de Mer (Lodoicea seychellarum), 494 ;
Thos. Moore's Botanical Collection acquired for the Her-
barium, 495

Kew, a Plant of Manilla Hemp at, 567

Kew Observatory, Report of the Committee, 307
"Khevir," or Great Salt Desert, 232
Kilauea after the Eruption of March 1886, 451
Kilogramme, Standard, 408

Kinetic Theory of Gases, Prof. Tait, 311
King (Dr. Geo.), on the Genus Ficus, 525
Kingsmill (Thos. W.), Earthquakes, 319

Kinship, Algebraic Notation of, Prof. Alex. Macfarlane, 126
Kirchenpauer (Dr. Gustav Heinrich), Death of, 473
Kirkwood (Prof. Daniel), Co nets and Asteroids, 474
Kitchen-Midden discovered at Ginnerup in Denmark, 112
Kiu Sawa, Proposed Investigation of the Fish-bearing Properties
of, 444

Klein (Dr. E., F.R.S.): the Cambridge Cholera Fungus, 171,
295; Etiology of Scarlet Fever, 452

Klein (Dr. L. Martial), Vitality of Seeds, 463

Klein (Sydney T.): the Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera of
Middlesex, 167; Best Method of capturing Lepidoptera,

Klumpke (Miss), Assistantship in the Paris Hospitals, 306
Knife of Curious Workmanship found in the Thick Flesh of a
Cod, 545

Knowledge, Scientific, First Year of, Paul Bert, 221
Koch (Dr. K R.), Aurora Borealis, A. M. Clerke, 433
Kolenko (B von), Pyro-Electricity of Quartz, 333
König (Dr.), Von Kries' Colour-mixing Apparatus, 336
König (Dr.), Acuteness of Hearing and its Estimation by
means of Tuning-Forks, the Sound of which gradually died
away, 480

Kosmos, Habenicht on the Morphology of the, 35

Kötter (Dr.), Mean Rate of Flow of a Fluid from a Small
Aperture, 600

Krause (Herr G. A.), News from, 547

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