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La Pérouse Expedition round the World, Centenary of the,

Laboratories, Engineering, on the Use and Equipment of, Prof.
Alex. B. Kennedy, 235

Laboratories, New Building for the, of the Paris Medical
School, 473

Lacaze-Duthiers (Prof. de), Presentation from his Pupils, 473
Lake, Soundings at Crater, 353

Lake Ngami Region, Dr. Hans Schinz on, 547
Lake Kelbia District, Geology of, 455

Lake-Dwelling recently discovered at Wallishafen on the Lake
of Zurich, 423

Lakes, North German, Dr. Otto Zacharias's Investigation of,

Lamarck's Herbarium, Removal of, 312

Lamb (Horace, F. R.S.): Origins of Geometry, 269; Ellipsoidal
Current Sheets, 574

Lamellary Thomsonite from Bishopton, Renfrewshire, Descrip-
tion of a, 335

Lamp, Herr Linnemann's New, 432

Länderkunde des Erdteils Europa, 473

Langley (Prof. S. P.), Extension of the Corona, 52

Langner (Herr Hugo), Ueber eine Methode zur Messung
kleiner Winkeldifferenzen, 329

Languages, on the Origin of, Horatio Hale, 17

Lapouge (M. de), on the Decline of the Birth-rate in France,

Larva, a Balanoglossus, from the Bahamas, W. F. R. Weldon,

Latent Heats of Vaporisation of some very Volatile Substances,

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Latex," on the Term, in Botany, M. A. Trécul, 600
Laurie (A. P.), Electric Charge on the Atom, 131

Lavas, Acid, Nature and Origin of Lithophysæ and the Lamina-
tion of, J. P. Iddings, 380

Law of Storms in the Eastern Seas, Dr. W. Doberck, 135
Le Conte (Prof. Joh), Lightning Flashes, 342

Lead, Note on the Manipulation of Glass containing, H. G.
Madan, 150; W. A. Shenstone, 223

Leaf-beds, Ardtun, J. Starkie Gardner, 382

Leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, an Examination of the, David
Hooper, 565

Lebanon, Geology of the, Prof. Edward Hull, F.R.S., 10
Lechartier (M. G.), on the Composition of the Ashes of Cider,

Leclanché Battery, Modifications of the, 331

Lecture Experiment on the Expansion of Solids by Heat, H.
G. Madan, 89

Lectures and Essays, W. K. Clifford, F. R. S., 270
Legge (Prof. Di), Researches on the Sun's Diameter, 595
Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, 180
Leicestershire, Flora of, including the Cryptogams, J. G. Baker,


Lemons, Irregularly Developed, 430

Lemström (M. S.), L'Auro e Boréale, A. M. Clerke, 433
Lenses: Magnifying, Flat on both Sides, 331; Value of the
New Apochromatic, 467

Lenz (Dr. Oscar): Exploration of the Upper Congo, 232; his
Arrival at Zanzibar, 283; his Map of the Congo, 354; Re-
turn of, from Zanzibar, 378; Letters from, 402, 520
Lepidoptera, Best Method of capturing, Sydney T. Klein, 282
Lepidoptera-Heterocera, Capt. H. J. Elwes, 503
Lepidosiren paradoxa, Prof. Henry H. Giglioli, 343
Leprosy on the West Coast of Norway, 519
Lesseps (M. de), Artesian Wells in Algeria, 287
Lewis (A. L.), Stone Circles, 503

Lewis (Prof. H. Carvill), Comparative Studies upon Glaciation
of North America, Great Britain, and Ireland, 89

Ley (Rev. W. Clement): the Recent Weather, 54; a Few of
our Weather Terms, 323

Leyden Museum, 181

Leyden Museum, Notes from the, 477

Leyst (Herr), Remarkable Forms of Lightning-Flash, 85
Libraries of the United States, Statistics concerning, 519
Lice, Tree-, at Rodriguez, Ravages of, 179
Lieberkühn (Dr. Nathaniel), Death of, 612

Liebreich (Prof.), Hydrate of Chloral, 264

Life, Herbert Spencer's Definition of, F. Howard Collins, 487
Life-Energy, or the Dynamics of Health and Disease, Surgeon-
Major Nathl. Alcock, 366

Light, Diffraction of, Hermann Struve, 423

Light, on the Absolute Wave-length of, Louis Bell, 524
Light, Peculiar Radiation of, Robert D. Gibney, 536

Light, Chemical Action of, on Mixed Hydrogen and Chlorine
Gas, Dr. Pringsheim, 552

Light, Aberration of, Phenomena connected with, 575
Light, the Zirconia Oxyhydrogen, Lewis Wright, 583
Lighthouse Illuminants, A. Vernon Harcourt, F.R.S., 41, 60;
T. and D. Stevenson, 63

Lightning, Effects of, in Schleswig-Holstein, 360
Lightning-Flash, Remarkable Form of, Herr Leyst, 85
Lightning-Flashes, Prof. John Le Conte, Antoine d'Abbadie,


Lightning-Rods, Radius of the Circle of Protection of, Herr
Schiller, 376

Lilley (H. T.), Geometrical Drawing for Army Candidates, 28
Lime, Silicostannate of, Preparation of a, corresponding to
Sphene, M. L. Bourgeois, 335

Linnæus, Through the Fields with, Mrs. Florence Caddy, 579
Linnean Society, 70, 142, 166, 358, 381, 430, 478, 525, 623
Linnean Society of New South Wales, 95; Annual General
Meeting of, 519

Liquid Surfaces of Revolution, Critical Mean Curvature of,
Prof. A. W. Rücker, F. R.S., 143

Liquid and Gaseous States of Matter, Preliminary Note on the
Continuity of the, William Ramsay and Sydney Young, 262
Lisbon, Earthquake at, 612

Literature, Study of, John Morley, 422

Lithophysæ, Nature and Origin of, and the Lamination of Acid
Lavas, J. P. Iddings, 380

Liverpool Astronomical Society, 402

Liverpool Biological Society, 454

Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, 546

Lives of the Electricians, W. T. Jeans, 270

Living Phantasms of the, Edmund Gurney, Fred. W. H.


Myers, and Frank Podmore, Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan, 290,


Lobley (Logan), Geology of Hampstead, 454

Local Scientific Societies, British Association and, 78

Localisation, Cerebral, Prof. E. A. Schäfer, F.R.S., 438, 464
Loch-buie Observatory, the, 58

Loch-buie Marine Institute, 205

Loch Creran, W. Alexander Smith, 484
Lochleven Trout, Dr. Day, 166

Lockhart (J. H. Stewart), Folk-Lore of China, 281
Lockwood (Samuel), Snowflakes, 414

Lodge (Prof. Alf.), Units of Weight, Mass, and Force, 557
Loewy (M.), New Method for the Determination of the Constant
of Aberration, 263, 282, 407, 424, 431, 454, 479
Logarithms, Values of, Prof. J. C. Adams, F.R.S., 381
London Institution Lectures, the, 84

London, University for, 505

Long Lost Reefs, Capt. W. J. L. Wharton, F.R.S., 347
Longevity of Great Men, Joseph Jastrow, 10
Longitude of Rio, Prof. C. A. Young, 172
Longitudes in Brazil, Admiral E. Mouchez, 100

Loo-Choo Islands, Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from,
the, 431

Lord Howe's Island, Australia, Preliminary Note on the Fossil
Remains of a Chelonian Reptile, Ceratochelys sthenurus,
from, Prof. Thos. H. Huxley, F.R.S., 615

Louisville, University of, Semi-Centennial Anniversary of, 545
Lowe (E. J., F.K.S.): Recent Gales, 150; Snowstorm of
January 7, 1887, 271

Lu River of Tibet, General J. T. Walker, F. R. S., on the, 615
Lubbock (Sir John, F.R.S.): the Forms of Seedlings- the
Causes to which they are due, 235; Lecture on Savages, 255;
Phytobiological Observations, 430; Habits of Ants, 518
Lucas (Felix), Entropy, 455

Lucasite, a New Variety of Vermiculite, 141

Lumbar Curve in Man and Apes, Prof. Cunningham, 46

Lumbricales Muscles in the Hand and Foot, Variations in the
Nerve Supply of the, with some Observations on the Perforating
Flexors, 521

Lunar Glaciation, S. E. Peal, 100

Lunar Halos, Prof. S. T. Moreland, 414

Lunar Science, Rev. Timothy Harley, 246

Lung-Sick, E. J. Dungate, 29; Philip J. Butler, 54; Dr.
Gérard Smets, 76

Lupton (Sydney), Chemical Arithmetic, 74

Luther (Dr. R.), Probable Re-discovery of Hesperia, 614
Lüttich (Dr. Julius, Death of, 307

Luvini (Prof. Giov.), the Electric Conductibility of Vapours and
Gases, 85

Lydekker (Richard): on a Jaw of Hyotherium from the Plio-
cene of India, 94; the Cetacea of the Suffolk Crag, 94 ; Cata-
logue of Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum, 532
Lynn (Mr.), Alleged Ancient Red Colour of Sirius, 378
Lyræ, B, Atmosphere of, O. T. Sherman, 451

Macadam (Prof.), Sample of Talc used in Paper-making, 423
McConnel (James C.): an Error in Maxwell's Electricity and
Magnetism, 172; Magnetic Theory, 344; Iridescent Clouds,

Macfarlane (Prof. Alex.), Algebraic Notation of Kinship, 126
Machinery, Means of Controlling the Irregular Action of, 479
Mackinder (H. J.), on the Field and Methods of Geography,

McLennan (J. Ferguson), Studies in Ancient History, Dr. W.
Robertson Smith, 3

Macro-Lepidoptera of East Sussex, J. H. A. Jenner, 230
Madagascar, Capt. Samuel Pasfield Oliver, 149
Madagascar: the French and, 306; Mr. Sibree on, 497
Madan (H. G.): Lessons in Elementary Dynamics, 51; Lecture
Experiments on the Expansion of Solids by Heat, 89; Note
on the Manipulation of Glass containing Lead, 150; Recently-
discovered Deposit of Celestine, 391; a Method of illustrat-
ing Combinations of Colours, 513; the Production of Newton's
Rings by Plane Soap-Films, 583

Madras Observatory, Mr. Pogson, 282

Madreporian Coral Fungia, Anatomy of the, G. C. Bourne,


Madrid Geographical Society, 182

Magnetism on the Cause of Magnetic Rotatory Polarisation,
141; Magnetic Horizontal Intensity in Northern Siberia, A.
C. von Tillo, 170; Theory of Magnetic Measurements, Francis
E. Nipher, 295; Magnetic Theory, Rev. H. W. Watson,
296; Jas. C. McConnel, 344; Magnetic Map of Japan, 330;
Determination of the Poles in Magnets, 479; Magnetic Effects
of Recent Earthquakes, 479; an Error in Maxwell's "Electricity
and Magnetism," Prof. A. Seydler, 512; Note on Magnetic
Resistance, Profs. W. E. Ayrton and John Perry, 526; Mag-
netisation of Iron in Strong Fields, Prof. J. A. Ewing, 622
Maitland (Sir J. Ramsay Gibson), the History of Howietoun,

Mallock (A.), Note on Instantaneous Shutters, 324

Malvern Hills: the Metamorphic Rocks of the, Frank Rutley,
190, 623; Inquiry into the Genesis of the Crystalline Schists
of the, Dr. C. Callaway, 623

Mammalia, Fossil, in the British Museum, Catalogue of, Richd.
Lydekker, 532

Man and Apes, the Lumbar Curve in, Prof. Cunningham, 46
Man, Palæolithic, in North-West Middlesex, J. A. Brown, 554
Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 527

Manchester, Report of the Public Free Libraries of the City of,

Mandalay, Earthquake Shock, 472

Manganese and Bismuth, Fluorescence of, 144

Manganese Steel, Physical Properties of, Prof. W. F. Barrett,

Manilla Hemp at Kew, 567

Manipulation of Glass containing Lead, Note on the, H. G.
Madan, 150

Manipulation of Glass containing Lead, Prof. W. A. Shenstone,

Manipur District, Dr. G. Watts's Observations in, 308

Map of the World, lent by the Pope, Facsimile of the Famous,

Maps of the River Ogové in West Africa, 353

Maquenne (M.), Preparation, Properties, and Constitution of
Inosite, 335

Marayta (Prof. Miguel), Anthropological Discovery in the Valley
of Rebas, 379

Marche (Alfred), Expedition to the Marianne Islands, 231
Marchesa, Cruise of the, F. H. H. Guillemard, 369
Mares and Foals attacked by Wolves, George Maw, 297
Marey (M.), Mechanism of the Flight of Birds studied by
Chrono-Photography, 335; Movement of a Bird's Wing
represented according to the Three Dimensions of Space, 382
Marianne Islands, Alfred Marche's Expedition to, 231
Marine Biology, Pouchet on Gymnodinium polyphemus, 48
Marine Meteorological Instruments and Apparatus, Exhibition
of, 352, 443, 491

Marine Engineering, Die Schiffsmaschine, ihre Construction
Wirkungsweise und Bedienung, 242

Marine Fish, Phosphorescence of, Dr. Otto Hermes, 377
Marine and Fresh-water Fishes, W. A. Carter, 472

Marine Temperature Observations, Dr. H. R. Mill, 527
Marion's Practical Guide to Photography, 52

Maroni, Journey up the River, 354

Marseilies Observatory, Note on Earthquake of February 23 at,


Marshall (A. Milnes, F.R.S.), a Junior Course of Practical
Zoology, 506

Marsupialia, Embryology of Monotremata and, W. H. Cald-
well, 524

Martin (K.), Westindische Skizzen, Reise-Erinnerungen, Dr. A.
Ernst, 459

Martin (T. C.) and Jos. Wetzler, Electric Motor and its Appli-
cations, Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, 410
Marx (Dr. Walfried), Death of, 400
Mascart (M.), Waterspouts, 431

Mason Science College, Birmingham, 494
Mass, Weight and, 512

Mass, and Force, Units of Weight, Prof. A. G. Greenhill, 486;
Rev. Edward Geoghegan, 534; Prof. Alf. Lodge, 557;
Archd. C. Elliott, 605; Robt. F. Hayward, F.R.S., 604
Massee (George), Cambridge Cholera Fungus, 319
Masters (Dr. Maxwell T.): Autumnal Flowering, II; on the
Peculiar Conformation of the Flowers of Cypripedium, 142
Mastodonsaurus discovered on Juckatoo Island, Sydney, 445
Mathematics: American Journal of, 28; Mathematical Society,
70, 166, 287, 4c6, 503, 599; Music and Mathematics, Prof.
J. J. Sylvester, F.R.S., 132; Mathematical Tripos, Prof. J.
W. L. Glaisher, F.R.S., 101, 153, 199; Acta Mathematica,
123; Elementary Results in Pure, G. S. Carr, 292; on the
Theory of Mathematical Form, A. B. Kempe, F.R.S., 574
Matrix Excluder of Draught and Dust, Permanent, T. J. Porter,

Matter, Preliminary Note on the Continuity of the Liquid and
Gaseous States of, William Ramsay and Sydney Young, 262
Matter, on certain Modern Developments of Graham's Ideas
concerning the Constitution of, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R. S.,
522, 547

Mauna Loa, Eruption of the Volcano of, 423

Maw (George): Narcissus cyclamineus, 166, 381; Wolves,
Mares, and Foals, 297; on some Phenomena connected with
the Freezing of Aerated Water, 325; the Crocus, 348
Maxwell's" Electricity and Magnetism,' an Error in, James C.
McConnel, 172; Rev. Henry W. Watson, 223; Prof. A.
Seydler, 512

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Mazapil Meteoric Iron, William Earl Hidden, 572
Mean Values, on the Determination of, 120
Measurements, Theory of Magnetic, Francis E. Nipher, 295
Measuring-Instruments used in testing Materials, on
New, Prof. W. C. Unwin, F.R.S., 334
Mechanics, Animal, Dr. B. W. Richardson, 57
Mechanism of the Flight of Birds studied by Chrono-Photo-
graphy, M. Marey, 335

Medical Aspects, Alpine Winter and its, A. Tucker Wise, 170
Medical Index-Catalogue, A. T. Myers, 196

Medical Profession, Laws relating to, in the State of New
York, 443

Medical Research, Endowment of, 409

Medical School in connexion with Dundee University College,
proposed, 349

Medical School of Paris, M. Brouardel elected Dean, 422
Medical Students, Female, in Paris, Number of, 306

Medland's Cabinet for Microscope-Slides, 158

Medlicott (H. B.), the Use of the Bengalis in the Geological
Survey of India, 472

Medusa, New Rhizostomatous, J. Walter Fewkes, 451
Medusa, Report on the, J. Walter Fewkes, 377

Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition, 421; First
Meeting of the London Commission, 518

Melinite, the New Gun-powder, Accident with, 472
Melvill (J. C.), on Conus gloria maris, 230
Men, Longevity of Great, Joseph Jastrow, 10

Mendenhall (Prof. T. C.), Report on the Charleston Earth-
quake, 31

Mental Straining in Young Persons, Bad Results of, 495
Mercadier (M.), Death of, 306

Mercer (John, F.R.S.), the Life and Labours of, Edward A.
Parnell, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 145

Mercury, Mass of, Herr Backlund, 85

Mercury, on the Physical Properties of, 120

Merrill (Prof. Geo. P.), Deposits of Volcanic Dust, 174

Metal Films arising from the Disruption of a Kathode, B.
Dessau, 333

Metal Plates, on the Deformation of, by grinding, 333
Metallic Propionates, 551

Metals and Alloys, Colours of, Prof. W. Chandler Roberts-
Austen, F.R.S., 106

Metastasis in Man, Effect of Alcohol on, 383
Meteoric Iron from Augusta County, Virginia, 381
Meteoric Iron, Mazapil, William Earl Hidden, 572
Meteorites, Iron: on the Crystalline Structure of, O. W.
Huntington, 16; a Fossil found in Coal, Dr. Gurlt, 36;
on the Crystalline Structure of Iron Meteorites,O. W. Hunting-
ton, 93; on the Explosion of, M. Hirn, 303; Coahuila,
O. W. Huntington, 451
Meteorology: Algiers Observatory, 16; High Temperature in
October, Chas. Harding, 18; Investigations into Thunder-
storms of July 1884, Prof. Börnstein, 24; Prof. von Helmholtz
on the Formation of a Thunderstorm, 24; Sea-Level and
Ocean Currents, Prof. J. S. Newberry, 35; the Squall that
capsized H. M.S. Eurydice, Hon. R. Abercromby, 36; the
Law of Storms in the Eastern Seas, Dr. Doberck, 36; the
Recent Weather, 198; F. T. Mott, 173; William Ingram,
173; Rev. W. Clement Ley, 54; the Climate of Carlisle,
F. G. Benn, 95; the Gale of October 15-16, 1886, C. Harding,
95; Remarkable Phenomenon in Norway, 159; the Hong
Kong Observatory, 229; Meteorological Conditions at the
Time of the Eruption of Mount Tarawera, New Zealand,
Capt. F. W. Hutton, 322; a Few of our Weather Terms,
Rev. W. Clement Ley, 323; Low Barometric Readings,
Henry F. Blanford, 344; Army Signal Service in the United
States, 349; Comparison of the Daily Forecast issued by the
Meteorological Office for the Midland District with the Actual
Weather experienced in 1886, G. T. Ryves, 350; Exhibition
of Marine Meteorological Instruments and Apparatus, 352;
Exhibition of Marine Meteorological Instruments, 443, 491
Meteorological Society, 384, 504; Scottish Meteorological
Society, 355; Berlin Meteorological Society, 360; Adminis-
tration Report of the Meteorological Department, India, 365;
Atlantic Weather Charts, 469; Blue Hill Meteorological
Observatory, U.S., 472; West Indian Meteorological Con-
federation, Maxwell Hall, 485; Marine Temperature Obser-
vations, Dr. H. R. Mill, 527; Meteorological Stations
established by Italian Meteorological Society, 612; Areas of
High Pressure, Elias Loomis, 621

Meteors, 58, 224; Joseph John Murphy on a, 8; Rev. John
Hoskyns-Abrahall, 29; E. Parry, 29; Meteor, November 17,
1886, P. L. Sclater, F. R. S., 76; W. F. Denning, 101; Meteor
of December 28, 1886, W. F. Denning, 248; Brilliant Meteor
seen on the South-West Coast of Sweden, 112; at Holme-
strand, 352; in Dalcarlia, Central Sweden, 495; in Central
Norway, 443; in Værdalen, Norway, 612; April Meteors,
W. F. Denning, 606; Meteors and Auroras, Dr. M. A.
Veeder, 126

Method of measuring the Mutual Induction of Two Coils, 478
Methyl Alcohol, Thermal Properties of, William Ramsay and
Sydney Young, 358

Methylal, on the Physiological Action of, 336

Metre, the Measure of the, W. de Fonvielle, 388

Metronome, New, 479

Metzger (Jos. M.) and J. S. Hay, Earthquake in Sierra Leone,


Mexican Codices and Graven Inscriptions, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall,
307, 328

Miall (L. C.), the Structure and Life-History of the Cockroach,

Michaelis (E.), an Ice Period in the Altai Mountains, 149
Michigan, University of, Proposed School of Hygiene at, 377
Microbe of Yellow Fever, 528

Microscopy: Medland's Cabinet for Microscope-Slides, 158;
Flagellated Protozoa in Animals' Blood, Dr. Crookshank,
191; Microscope, on a Perspective, G. J. Birch, 358; Size
of Ancient Microscopes, 359: the Value of the New Apo-
chromatic Lenses, 467; the Watson-Draper Microscope, 550;
Studies in Microscopical Science, A. C. Cole, 568
Micro-organisms in Atmosphere, New Method for the Quanti-
tative Estimation of, Dr. P. F. Frankland, 188

Micro-organisms obtained from Air, some New, G. C. Frank-
land and Dr. Percy F. Frankland, 477

Midden, Kitchen, at Ginnerup, Denmark, 112
Middlemiss (C. S.), Top-shaped Hailstones, 413

Middlesex County Natural History Society, 167, 335, 454
Middlesex, North-West, Paleolithic Man in, J. A. Brown,

Migration of Primitive Peoples, 205

Mill (Dr. H. R.), Marine Temperature Observations, 527
Milne (Prof. John), Volcanoes of Japan, 19; Seismometry in
Japan, 36: Sounding a Crater, 152; Important Points in the
History of Earthquake Investigation in Japan, 559
Mineralogy: O. W. Huntington on the Crystalline Structure of
Iron Meteorites, 16; Mineralogical Society, 382; the Rela-
tions between Geology and the Mineralogical Sciences, Prof.
John W. Judd, F.R.S., 392, 414; Mineral Resources of the
United States, 401; Mineralogical Magazine, 423; Catalogue
of Minerals in the Australian Museum, 485; the Relation of
Tabasheer to Mineral Substances, Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S.,
488; Mineralogical Study of the Fort Duncan Meteoric Iron,
528; Constituents of Mineral Naphthas, 552; Mineral
Physiology and Physiography, Thos Sterry Hunt, 578
Mines, Royal School of, and Normal School of Science, Colonel
J. F. D. Donnelly, 271

Minister of Education, Necessity for a, 481

Minor Planets: No. 262, 497; No. 264, 353; No. 265, M.
Bigourdan, 474; New, Prof. C. H. F. Peters, 59, 282; Herr
Palisa, 59, 425; Names of, 207, 569; Observations of, 312
Miocene Vertebrate Fauna, 383

Mitteilungen of the Vienna Geographical Society, 446
Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens, 612
Mittheilungen of the Zurich Antiquarian Society, 423
Modern War-Ships, W. H. White, 306

Modigliani (Dr. E.), Excursion to Island of Nias, 60; Explora-
tion of Nias, Prof. Henry H. Giglioli, 259, 342
Moduli of Alloys, 333

Moissan's Researches on Isolation of Fluor, 71

Moluccas, Proposed Geographical and Geological Exploration
of the, Prof. Kan, 182

Monaco (Prince Albert of), Experiments made to determine
the Direction of the North Atlantic Currents, 288
Monck (W. H. S.): Astronomical Theory of the Great Ice
Age, 7; Brightness and Mass of Binary Stars, 402
Mongalla, Lieut. Baert's Journey up the, 446
Monotremata and Marsupialia, Embryology of, W. H. Cald-
well, 524
Montagne Noire, French Pyrenees, Age of the Upheaval of,

Montgaudier Cave, the, 119

Moon, New Map of the, 58

Moore's (Thos.) Botanical Collections acquired for the Herbarium,
Kew Gardens, 495

Moreland (Prof. S. T.), Lunar Halos, 414

Morgan (Prof. C. Lloyd): the Beetle in Motion, 7; Abnormali-
ties in the Vertebral Column of the Common Frog, 53; Super-
normal Psychology, 290; Abnormality in the Urostyle of the
Common Frog, 344; Scorpion Virus, 534

Morley (Frank), Rule for escaping a Danger, 345
Morley (John), Study of Literature, 422

Metronome, Electrical, established at the Paris Opera House, Morphiomaniacs, Characteristics of the Pulse in, 528


Morphology of Birds, Prof. W. K. Parker, F.R.S., 331

Morphology of the Wings of Birds, 599
Morphology of the Sporophore in Mosses, J. R. Vaizey, 358
Morris (D.): Dispersion of Plants by Birds, 151; Botanical
Federation in the West Indies, 248

Morris's (the late Prof.) Catalogue of British Fossils, 158
Morse (Edward S.), Ancient and Modern Methods of Arrow-
Release, 12

Mosses, Morphology of the Sporophore in, J. R. Vaizey, 358
Moth-breeding, Pedigree, Francis Galton, F.R.S., 453
Mott (F. T.), the Recent Weather, 173

Mouchez (Admiral E.), Longitudes in Brazil, 100

Mount Tarawera: New Zealand, Meteorological Conditions at
the Time of the Eruption of, Capt. F. W. Hutton, 322;
Eruption of, 406, 472

Mountain Ranges, Origin of, T. Mellard Reade, 361, 463;
Prof. A. H. Green, F.R.S., 361, 463

Movements of the Atmosphere, 479

Mueller (Baron Von), on the Acacias (Wattles) of Australia,

Muir Glacier, the, G. Frederick Wright, 380

Müller (Dr. G.), Gore's Variable near x1 Orionis, 329

Müller (Dr. Hugo), Recent Progress of Chemical Science, 536
Müller (Dr. R.), Equinoctial Gales, 612

Mummy Seeds, Vitality of, Geo. Murray, 582

Murdoch (John), some Popular Errors in regard to the Eskimos,

Murphy (Joseph John): Meteor, 8; Origin of Species, 76
Murray (Geo.), Vitality of Mummy Seeds, 582

Murray (John): Scientific Knowledge in Scotland, 305; Total
Rainfall of the Globe, 311

Murray-Aynsley (H. G. M.), Study of Asiatic Symbolism, 327;
the Svastika as both Sun and Fire Symbol, 558

Muscle, Voluntary, Action of Caffein and Theine upon, T.
Lauder Brunton, F. R.S., 599

Muscles in the Hand and Foot, Variations in the Nerve-Supply
of the Lumbricales, 521

Mu-ic and Mathematics, Prof. J. J. Sylvester, F.R.S., 132
Mutual Induction of Two Coils, Method of measuring, 478;
Prof. G. Carey Foster, F.R.S., 143

Myers (A. T.), Medical Index-Catalogue, 196

Nerve-Supply of the Lumbricales Muscles in the Hand and
Foot, Variations in the, with some Observations on the Per-
forating Flexors, 521

Nervous System, Sympathetic, Dr. Walter H. Gaskell, F.R.S.,

Nests and Eggs, Birds', H. Seebohm, 236

New England: Planting of Foreign Trees in, 519; Fluviatile
Swamps of, 524

New Guinea: German Exploration in, 403, 615; Proposal to
cross South-East, 547

New York, Laws relating to the Medical Profession in the
State of, 443; Educational System in, Andrew S. Draper,

New Zealand: Volcanic Dust from, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R. S.,
56; Salmon Ova sent to, 112; Coleoptera of, David Sharp,
177; Red Sunsets and New Zealand Eruptions, Lieut.-
Colonel A. T. Fraser, 224; Signs of Fresh Disturbances in
the Lake District in, 306

Newberry (Prof. J. S.), Sea-Level and Ocean-Currents, 35
Newsholme (Arthur), School Hygiene, 604

Newton's Rings, the Production of, by Plane Soap-Films,
H. G. Madan, 583

Nias: Dr. E. Modigliani's Expeditions to, 60, 259; Prof. Henry
H. Giglioli, 342

Nicaragua, Proposed Canal across, 353

Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Twelve Jade Objects found in, 496
Nice, the Great Refracting Telescope of the Bischoffsheim
Observatory at, 84

Nicéville (Lionel de), Butterflies of India, H. J. Elwes, 436
Nichols (Edward L.), and E. H. S. Bailey, the Sense of Smell,

Nicholson (Prof. Alleyne), Natural History, its Rise and
Progress in Britain, 148

Nicols (Dr. W. W. J.): on the Nature of Solution, 64; Super-
saturation of Salt-Solutions, 527

Niederrheinische Gesellschaft für Naturkunde, 36

Nile Valley North of Khartoum, on the Tribes of the, Sir Chas.
Wilson on, 431

Nile and the Congo, on the Region between the, J. T. Wills,

Myers (Fred. W. H.), Phantasms of the Living, Prof. C. Lloyd Nipher (Francis E.), Theory of Magnetic Measurements, 295
Morgan, 290

Myriapods, Respiration in, M. J. Chalande, 288

Mythical Zoology of the Far East, 591

Myzostoma Cysts in Antedon rosacea, the Supposed, Dr. P.
Herbert Carpenter, F.R.S., 535

Naphtha Fountain, Outburst of Natural, at Baku, 352
Naphtha, on the Constituents of Mineral, 552
Narcissus cyclamineus, G. Maw, 166, 381
Nasal Index of the Living Subject, 357
Natal Observatory, Mr. Neison, 85

National Fish-Culture Association, 112, 350; Consignment of
Whitefish Ova to the, 519

National Science Collections, 252, 272
National Union of Elementary Teachers, 567
Nationalities of Bohemia, 518

Natterer (Johann), his Ornithological Collection at the Vienna
Natural History Museum, 204

Natural History Museum, 15; Additions to, 593

Nitrate of Silver, Action of some Metals on Weak Solutions of,

Nitric Acid, Action of, on Sugar, 432

Nitrogen and Oxygen, Critical Temperatures of, 331
Nitrogenous Organic Matter of Soils, on the Condition of the,
R. Warington, F.R.S., 403

Niua-Fu Friendly I-lands, Volcanic Eruption in, Prof. T. G.
Bonney, F.R.S., 127

Nixon (R. C. J.), Euclid Revised, 269

Noble (Capt. Wm.), Hours with a Three-Inch Telescope, 246
Nolan (James), Tidal Friction and the Evolution of a Satellite,

Nordenskjöld (A. E.), on Atomic Weight of Oxide of Gado-
linium, 47

Nordheinsund, West Coast of Norway, Earthquake at, 158
Norites of the Cortlandt Series, 524; G. H. Williams, 452
Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines, III;
Col. J. F. D. Donnelly, 271

Norse Naval Architecture, G. K. Boehmer. 445

North America, Great Britain, and Ireland, Comparative
Studies upon Glaciation of, Prof. H. Carvill Lewis, 89

Natural History, its Rise and Progress in Britain, Prof. Alleyne North Atlantic Currents, Experiments made to determine the
Nicholson, 148

Natural History, the Handy, J. G. Wood, 341

Natural Philosophy, Mr. Maclean, 350

Natural Science at Oxford, 229

Naturalist in South America, Notes of a, John Ball, F. R.S.,
529, 553

Naturalist, Field, in Eastern Bengal, 388

Naumann (Dr.), Physical Geography of Japan, 330

Navajos, Notes on Certain Traits of Infant, R. W. Shufeldt,

Naval Architects, Institution of, 538

Naval Geometry, Developments of, 382

Naval Observatory, United States, 595

Nebula at Arcetri, Observations of, Wilhelm Tempel, 198
Neison (Mr.), Natal Observatory, 85

Nematodes of Beetroot, Destruction of, 455

Direction of the, Prince Albert of Monaco, 288
North Sea, Exploration of the, 73

Norway Science in, 122; New Journal of Science, 356; Re-
markable Meteor in, 159; Proposal for fixing a Standard
Time for, 280; Brilliant Meteor seen in, 443; Earthquakes
in, Dr. Hans Reuch, 517; Leprosy on the West Coast of, 519
Notation of Kinship, Algebraic, Prof. Alex. Macfarlane, 126
Nott (J. Fortuné), Wild Animals Photographed and Described,


Noury (Le P. Ch.), Geology of Jersey, 412

Nova Orionis, Gore's, M. Dunér, Herr Schwab, 85
Number, Theory of, 477

Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano, 212, 405

Nuttall (Zelia), Mexican Codices and Graven Inscri tions, 307,

Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, 356

Obernetter (Herr J. B.), Death of, 612

Observatories: the Algiers, 16; Ben Nevis, 517; Amount of
the Rainfall at, 257; A. Rankin, 588; Blue Hill Meteoro-
logical, U.S., 472; Baron D'Engelhardt's, 546; Harvard
College, 497; Prof. Pickering, 424: Kalocsa, Dr. C. Braun,
59; Report of the Leander McCormick, 35; Madras, Mr.
Pogson, 282; Note on Earthquake of February 23, at Mar-
seilles, 455; Report of the Natal, 85; Observatory of Rio
de Janeiro, transferred to Santa Cruz, 593; Report of the
Rousdon, 353; Sonnblick, 519; Temple, Mr. Seabroke, 401;
U.S. Naval, 595; Washington, 308, 614; Captain R. L.
Phythian, 569; for Women in America, 229

Ocean, the, Otto Krümmel, 6

Ocean Air, Purity of, 595

Oceans, Similarities in the Physical Geography of the Great,
J. Y. Buchanan, 33, 76

Ochsenius (Dr.), on the Age of certain Parts of the South
American Andes, 547

October, High Temperature in, Charles Harding, 18

Odell (W.), Industrial and High Art Education in the United
States, J. Edwards Clarke, 97

Ogorodnikoff (M.), Tin-Mines near Meshed, 376
Ogové, Maps of the River, in West Africa, 353
Ohio, Great Serpent Mound in, W. H. Holmes, 281

Oil, the Use of, in lessening the Effect of Dangerous Seas, 63,

Oktibehite or Awaruite, Dr. Jas. Hector, F.R.S., 513
Oldham (R. D.), Supposed Suicide of the Cobra, 560
Oldhamia, on, 515; Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 581
Olive Oils, Characteristic Properties of, 383

Oliver (Capt. Samuel Pasfield), Madagascar, 149
Olszewski (M.): Critical Temperatures of Nitrogen and Oxygen,
331; his Experiments, 592

Omond (R. T.): Green Light at Sunset, 391; Solar Halos,

Onisin, Rev. Thos. Brydges on the Curious Subdivision of
Labour among the People of, 283

Oppenheim (Dr. H.): Comet Barnard (1886 ƒ), 85; Comet
1887 (Barnard, January 23), 424
Oppermann (M), Earthquakes, 600

Oppolzer (Theodor von): on Astronomical Refractions, 17;
Obituary Notice of, 224

Orbit of the Binary Star 14 (i) Orionis, J. E. Gore, 569
Orchids, Fungus on, 230

Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom, Lieut.-Colonel T.
Pilkington White, 170

O'Reilly (Prof. J. P.): the Recent Earthquakes, 197; on Two
Jade handled Brushes, 318

Organic Analysis, Commercial, Alfred H. Allen, Dr. C. R.
Alder Wright, 293

Organic Evolution, Factors of, Herbert Spencer, Dr. Geo. J.
Romanes, F. R.S., 362

Organism, Demonstration of Active Oxygen in the Living,

Origin of Mountain Ranges, T. Mellard Reade, Prof. A. H.
Green, F.R.S., 361, 463

[ocr errors]

Origin of Species, Joseph J. Murphy, 76; Edmund Catchpool,
76; Dr. Geo. J. Romanes, F. R.S., 124
Orinoco, Exploration of the, M. Chaffaujon, 446
Orionis, Orbit of the Binary Star 14 (i), J. E. Gore, 569
Orionis, x1, Gore's Variable near, Dr. G. Müller, 329
Ormerod (Eleanor A.), on the Hessian Fly and Barley, 256
Ornithology H. Seebohm's Specimens of Siberian Birds, 15;
the Birds of Central Asia, 204; the Auk, 204; the Birds of
Tasmania, 204; Types of Birds in the Vienna Natural
History Museum, 204; Arctic Species of Birds, Henry
Seebohm on, 256; Ornithological Observations in Belgium,
423; Additions to the Natural History Museum, 593
Osler (A. F., F. R.S.), on the Forms of Clouds, 164
Otago University Museum, Notes from the, Prof. T. Jeffery
Parker, 258

Otaria hookeri at the Zoological Gardens, 327

Otocysts in Invertebrates, a New Function of the, Yves Delage,

Owen (Sir Richard, F. R.S.), on the Skull and Dentition of
Galesaurus planiceps, 94; Thylacoleo carnifex, 111; Thylacoleo,
Fossil, Lower Jaw of, 142

Owen (T. C.), Tea Planter's Manual, 268
Owens College, the, Joseph Thompson, 385


Ox-Warble, Enormous Loss from, John Walker, 7; Dr. John
Wrightson, 29

Oxford: Natural Science at, 229; General Pitt-Rivers' Anthro-
pological Collection at Oxford University Museum, 349;
Readership in Geography at, 475

Oxidation, Atmospheric, Note on the Development of Voltaic
Electricity by, Ċ. R. Alder Wright, F. R. S., 598

Oxide of Lead, Action of the, on some Dissolved Chlorides, 382
Oxygen, Active, in the Animal Organism, Dr. Gad, Dr.
Wurster, 383

Oxyhydrogen Light, the Zirconia, Lewis Wright, 583
Oyster-Culture in France, 400, 495
Oyster-Culture in Germany, 400
Oyster-Fisheries of Isle of Wight, 57
Oyster-Fisheries of Tasmania, 233
Ozone, Dr. A. Tucker Wise, 584
Ozone, Production of, 248

Ozone Papers in Towns, Dr. W. J. Black, 76

Palæobotany in Goebel's "Outlines of Classification and Special
Morphology of Plants," on some Observations on, Prof. W. C.
Williamson, F.R.S., 535

Palæolithic Man in North-West Middlesex, J. Allen Brown, 554
Palæolithic Workshop Floor of Drift Period near Ealing, Dis-
covery of, J. Allen Brown, 189

Palæontology: on the Skull and Dentition of a Triassic Saurian,
Galesaurus planiceps, Sir R. Owen, F. R.S., 94; the Cetacea
of the Suffolk Crag, R. Lydekker, 94; on a Jaw of Hyo-
therium from the Pliocene of India, R. Lydekker, 94; Dis-
covery of Rare Fossils at Sydney, 159; Discovery of Skull
of Ceratodus in Austria, 181; Fossil Chilostomatous Bryozoa
from New Zealand, A. W. Waters, 190; Purchase of the
Hillock of Sansan by the French Government, 328;
Paleontological Researches near Rheims, 407

Palisa (Herr), New Minor Planet, 59, 425

Palissy, the, of Calico Printing, the Life and Labours of John
Mercer, F.R.S., Edward A. Parnell, Prof. T. E. Thorpe,
F.R.S., 145

Papers, Ozone, in Towns, Dr. W. J. Black, 76

Parallel, to prove that only One, can be drawn from a given
Point to a given Straight Line, Dr. E. Budden, 92
Parallax, Stellar, Prof. Asaph Hall, 258

Parallax of the Sun, New Method of determining the, 455
Parallax of 1516, the, M. O. Struve, 546

Paris Academy of Sciences, 23, 47, 71, 96, 119, 144, 167,
191, 263, 287, 312, 335, 359, 382, 407, 431, 454, 479, 503,
527, 551, 575, 599, 624; Astronomical Prizes of the, 258;
Paris Geographical Society, 60, 180, 182, 354; Bulletin of
the, 353; Proposed Telephonic Line between Paris and
Brussels, 133; Number of Female Medical Students in, 306;
New Medical Paper to be published in, 376; Alpine Flora
Surviving in the Paris District, 431; Meeting of the French
Congrès de Chirurgie in, 444; New Building for the Labora-
tories of the Paris Medical School, 473; Bad Results of
Mental Straining in Young Persons at Paris Academy of
Medicine, 495; Alteration in the Mode of Competition for
Fellowships of Paris Medical Faculty, 517; Proposed Tele-
phone Line from Paris to London, 544; Statistics in Paris,
568; Astronomical Congress, 584

Parker (Prof. T. Jeffery), Notes from the Otago University
Museum, 208

Parker (Prof. W. K., F.R S.), Morphology of Bird, 331
Parker (W. Newton), Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates,
Robert Wiedersheim, 121

Parnell (Edward A.), the Life and Labours of John Mercer,
F.R.S., Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 145
Parry (E.), Meteors, 29

Pasterz Glacier, Rate of Movement of the, Herr Ferdinand
Seeland, 520

Pasteur, Institute, the, 83; Statistics of Persons treated at the,
335; Treatment of Rabies, 30

Pathological Anatomy and Pathogenesis, a Text-book of, E.
Ziegler, 246

Pathology, an Introduction to General, J. B. Sutton, 26
Paulus (A.) and A. Bouinais, La France en Indo-Chine, 221
Paws, Cats', Abnormality in, J. Herbert Hodd, 53; E. W.
Claypole, 345; Dr. H. A. Hagen, 345

Peach (C. W.), Memorial Fund, 83

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