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ABBADIE (Antoine d'), Lightning-Flashes, 342


Abbe (Prof. Cleveland): Influence of Wind on Barometric
Readings, 29; Corrections to Refraction-Tables,
Obituary Notice of William Babcock Hazen, 541
Abel, the Mathematician, Statue in Honour of, 352
Abel (Sir Fred., F.R.S.), Work of the Imperial Institute, 617
Abercromby (Hon. R.): on the Peculiar Sunrise Shadows of
Adam's Peak, 94; on the Relation between Tropical and
Extra-Tropical Cyclones, 430; an Equatorial Zone of almost
Perpetual Electrical Discharge, 487; Modern Developments
of Cloud Knowledge, 575

Aberdeen, Stone Circles near, 503

Aberration, New Method of determining the Constants of, M.
Lowy, 263, 282, 407, 424, 431, 454, 479; M. Houzeau, 377
Aberration of Light, Phenomena connected with, 575
Abney (Capt. W. de W., F. R. S.), Sunlight Colours, 498
Abnormal-Toed Cats, Heredity in, William White, 125; E.
W. Claypole, 345; Dr. H. A. Hagen, 345; J. Herbert
Hodd, 53

Abnormal Hirudo medicinalis, an, R. J. Harvey Gibson, 392
Abnormalities in the Vertebral Column of the Common Frog,
Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan, 53

Abnormality in the Urostyle of the Common Frog, Prof. C..
Lloyd Morgan, 344

Aboriginal Art in California and Queen Charlotte's Island, Dr.
W. J. Hoffman, 285

Abrahall (Rev. John Hoskyns-), Meteors, 29
Acclimatisation of Flat-fish in American Waters, 473

Afghan Delimitation Commission: Botany of the, W. Botting
Hemsley, 173; Geographical Results achieved by the Survey
Officers in the, 309; Fauna and Flora of the, J. E. T. Aitchi-
son, 381

Africa: Don Manuel Iradier's Explorations in Africa, 182;
Return of the Portuguese African Expedition, 182; Botany
of South, 158; Study of the Coasts of North, Dr. Theobald
Fischer, 353; Dr. Lenz's Map of the Congo, 354; Pygmy
Tribes in, 497; My African Home, Eliza Whigham Feilden,


Aino Hairiness and the Urvolk of Japan, F. V. Dickins, 534
Air, the Coefficient of Viscosity of, Herbert Tomlinson, 165
Air, Compressed, Transmission of Power by, 272
Air, Resistance of, Dr. Thiesen, 408

Air, Movements of the, M. Ch. Weyher, 431

Air, some New Micro-organisms obtained from, G. C. Frank-
land and Dr. Percy F. Frankland, 477

Air-free Column of Water, Cohesion of an, Prof. Helmholtz,

Airy (Sir G. B., F. R.S.): on the Earlier Tripos of the University
of Cambridge, 397; on the Establishment of the Roman
Dominion in South-East Britain, 562

Aitchison (J. E. T.), Fauna and Flora of the Afghan Boundary,

Alaska and the Seal Islands, an Arctic Province, Henry W.
Elliott, 243

Alaska, Alpine Region of, Lieut. H. Seton-Karr, 475
Albumen-precipitate with Salt, 455

Accumulators, Complete Hand-book on the Management of, Sir Albumen, Serous, Prof. Kronecker on, 504

David Salomons, 603

Acetonuria in Children, 551

Albuminous Substances, Alimentary Values of Various, Prof.
Zuntz, 480

Acland (Dr., F. R.S.), Address to the General Medical Council, Alcock (Surgeon-Major Nathl.), Life-Energy, or the Dynamics

Acoustics, Hand-book of, T. E. Harris, 270

Actinometric Observations, 263

Action, Instinctive, 392

[blocks in formation]

of Health and Disease, 366

Alcohol, How to make Colourless Specimens of Plants to be
preserved in, Prof. Hugo de Vries, 149; Selmer Schönland,

Alcohol, Effect of, on Metastasis in Man, 383

Alcohol, Clausius's Characteristic Equation for Substances
applied to Messrs. Ramsay and Young's Experiments on, Prof.
Fitzgerald, 574

Alcyonaria and Pennatulæ at the Arago Laboratory, 431
Alexander (Prof. W. D.), Kilauea after the Eruption of March
1886, 451

Algæ, Classification of the, and Genetic Affinities, Alfred W.
Bennett, 478

Algebraic Forms with p Variables, on the Theory, M. R. Perrin,

Algebraic Notation of Kinship, Prof. Alex. Macfarlane, 126
Algeria, Artesian Wells in, M. de Lesseps, 287, 336
Algiers Observatory, the, 16


Algol-Type Variable, the New, Mr. Chandler, 329
Alimentary Values of Various Albuminous Substances, Prof.
Zuntz, 480

Alkaline Solutions, Electrolysis of, M. Duter, 382
Alkaline Vanadates, Study of the, M. A. Ditte, 600

Allen (Alfred H.), Commercial Organic Analysis, Dr. C. R.
Alder Wright, 293

Alloys, Moduli of, 333

Alloys, Colours of Metals and, Prof. W. Chandler Roberts-
Austen, F.R.S., 106

Alpine Flora surviving in the Paris District, 431

Alpine Region of Alaska, Lieut. H. Seton-Karr, 475

Alpine Winter and its Medical Aspects, A. Tucker Wise, 170
Alps, Australian, on some Further Evidence of Glaciation in
the, James Stirling, 182

Altai Mountains, an Ice Period in the, E. Michaelis, 149; A.
Bialoveski, 513

Alumina, Red Fluorescence of, 455, 527; Crimson Line of
Phosphorescent, William Crookes, F. R.S., 310
Amateurs, Practical Dynamo-Building for, Fred. W. Walker,

America American Journal of Science, 16, 93, 141, 237, 380,
451, 524, 621; American Journal of Mathematics, 28, 99,
477; Early Chinese Intercourse with America, Dr. W. H.
Dall, 58; Industrial and High Art Education in the United
States, J. Edwards Clarke, W. Odell, 97; Education of
Women in, 229; American Society for Psychical Research,
281; Present Position of Science in the Secondary Schools
of America, Pres. Eliot, 375; American Meteorological
Journal, 376, 568; American Journal of Psychology, 400;
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 444;
Acclimatisation of Flat-fish in American Waters, 473;
Prehistoric Remains in America, 476; American Geographi-
cal Society, 497; American Naturalist, 518; American
Whitefish (Coregonus albus) at Burghley Park, 546;
Restocking Streams in America, 546; American Exhibition,
612. See also United States.
Amides, Decomposition of, by Water and the Diluted Acids,

Ammonia, Caseine-like Substance obtained by the Addition of
Hydrogen Peroxide to White of Eggs, heated with, 576
Ammoniacal Decomposition of Urine, Dr. W. R. Smith, 404
Ammoniaco-Magnesian Phosphate, M. Berthelot, 119
Anatomical Society of Berlin, 517

Anatomy, Comparative, of Vertebrates, Robert Wiedersheim,
W. Newton Parker, 121

Anatomy of the Madreporian Coral Fungia, G. C. Bourne, 404
Anatomy, a Work on, in Chinese, 568

Ancient History, Studies in, comprising a Reprint of "Primi-
tive Marriage," J. Ferguson McLennan, Dr. W. Robertson
Smith, 3

Ancient Monuments Act, 518

Anderson (W.), on the Conversion of Heat into Work, 387
Andree (Herr Richard), Cannibalism and its Prevalence in
Ancient and Modern Times, 350

Andrews (Thos.), Pyrometers and Fusion-Points, 224
Andromedes, the, November 27, 1886, P. F. Denza, 231
Ångström (Knut), Sur une nouvelle Méthode de faire des
Mesures absolues de la Chaleur rayonnante, 580

Anhydrous Oxides, on the Action of the Chloride of Carbon on
the, M. Eug. Demarçay, 288

Animal Heat, Action of Glycose in Development of, A.
Chauveau, 291

Animal Life, Apparatus for studying the Influence of Pressure

[blocks in formation]

Antedon rosacea, the Supposed Myzostoma-Cysts in, Dr. P.
Herbert Carpenter, F. R. S., 535

Anthropoid Apes, 383; Embryogeny of the, J. Deniker, 509
Anthropology: Horatio Hale on the Origin of Language and
the Antiquity of Speaking Man, 17; Dr. Colin on the Popu-
lation of Bambouk, 22; M. Topinard on the Simian Cha-
racters of the Naulette Jaw, 22; M. de Quatrefages on Pre-
historic Man, 23; M. Cartailhac, on the Human Bones found
in France in Quaternary Caverns, 23; Anthropological Insti-
tute, 95, 143, 358, 431, 453, 503; Journal of the, 422; Les Ages
Préhistoriques de l'Espagne et du Portugal, Emile Cartailhac,
244; Anthropological Society of Bombay, 328; General Pitt-
Rivers's Anthropological Collection at Oxford University
Museum, 349; Observations in Anthropology, by Dr. Ten Kate,
357; Revue d'Anthropologie, 357; Sociology of the Australian
Races, 357; Anthropological Discovery in the Valley of
Rebas, Prof. Miguel Marazta, 379; Histoire Générale des
Races Humaines, A. de Quatrefages, 389; Anthropological
Find in Belgium, 405; Ethnological Collection presented by
Lieut. Quedenfeldt to the Anthropological Society of Berlin,
423; French Translation of Cæsar Lumbroso's "Uomo Delin-
quanti," 423

Antifebrine, Dr. Weill, 445

Antimony, Tartrate of, M. Guntz, 528

Anti-Phylloxeric Disinfection of the Grape Vine, 382
Antiquities of Spain and Portugal, M. Emile Cartailhac, 244
Antituberculous Vaccination, 144

Ants, Habits of, Sir John Lubbock, 518
Apes: an Anthropoid Ape, 383; Embryogeny of the, J.
Deniker, 509; the Lumbar Curve in Man and Apes, Prof.
Cunningham, 46; Domestication of Apes, 495

Aphides, Notes on the Recent Swarming of, G. B. Buckton,
F.R.S., 15

Apochromatic Lenses, the Value of the New, 467
Appalachia, 354

April Meteors, W. F. Denning, 606

Aquarium constructed for the Fisheries Exhibition, Sale of, 306
Aquila, Lower Italy, Earthquake Shock in, 350, 376
Arabia, South, Herr Glaser's Journeys in, 520
Arago (François), Proposed Statue of, 84

Arago Laboratory, Flourishing Condition of the Alcyonaria and
Pennatulæ at, 431

Arcetri, Observations of Nebulæ at, Wilhelm Tempel, 198
Architects, Naval, Institution of, 538

Arctic Province, an, Alaska and the Seal Islands, Henry W.
Elliott, 243

Arctic Species of Birds, Henry Seebohm on, 256
Ardtun Leaf-beds, J. Starkie Gardner, 382
Argentine General Catalogue of Stars, 113
Arithmetic, Chemical, Sydney Lupton, 74

Armagh Catalogue of 3300 Stars, Second, 159

Armstrong (Prof. Henry E., F. R. S.): on the Nature of Solution,
64; Benzenoid Compounds, 407; Valency and Residual
Affinity, 570, 596

Army Candidates, Geometrical Drawing for, H. T. Lilley, 28
Aroids, Walter Gardiner on, 454

Aroko or Symbolic Letters, Specimens of, 422

Aro.natic Bodies, Preliminary Communication on the Action of
certain, T. Lauder Brunton, M.D., F. R.S., and J. Theodore
Cash, 599

Aron (Dr.), Theory of the Inductionless Coils, 383
Arrow-Release, Ancient and Modern Methods of, Edward S.
Morse, 12

Art and Science in a New Light, 250

Artesian Well, Attempt to sink an, to obtain Hot Water at
St. Augustine, Florida, 376

Artesian Wells in Algeria, M. de Lesseps, 287

Artesian Wells and New Oases created in the Wed Rir', South
Algeria, 336

Asamayama, the Active Volcano in Japan, 133

Ashes of Cider, on the Composition of the, 382

Asia, Central: Central Asian Commercial Company Koudrine
in, 258; A. D. Carey's Journey in, 475; Journeys and Dis-
coveries in, 547

Asia, Russian Central, Proposed Administrative Changes in, 258
Asiatic Society of Bengal, 474

Asiatic Society, Calcutta, Annual Address to, 375

Asiatic Symbolism, Study of, H. G. M. Murray-Aynsley, 327
Aspects of Clouds, Robert James Reilly, 391

Assam, History of the Province of, during the last Fifty Years,

Association's "Geometry," the, Prof. Geo. Bruce Halsted, 557
Asteroids, Comets and, Prof. Daniel Kirkwood, 474
Astigmatism in the Eye, Influence of, on Astronomical Observa-
tions, Prof. Seeliger, 59

Astronomy: Astronomical Theory of the Great Ice Age, W.
H. S. Monck, 7; Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R.S., 53; Rev. E.
Hill, 101; Astronomical Refractions, Herr Oppolzer's, 17;
Binary Star Coronæ Australis, H. C. Wilson, 17; Binary
Star & Equulei, 401; Temple Observatory, 401; Brightness
and Mass of Binary Stars, W. H. S. Monck, 402; Astro-
nomical Column, 17, 37, 59, 85, 113, 134, 159, 181, 206, 231,
257, 282, 307, 329, 352, 377, 401, 424, 445, 474, 496, 546,
569, 595, 614; Astronomical Phenomena for the Week, 18,
37, 59, 86, 113, 135, 160, 181, 207, 232, 258, 283, 308, 330,
353, 378, 402, 425, 446, 474, 497, 520, 546, 595, 614;
Habenicht on the Morphology of the Kosmos, 35; the
Leander McCormick Observatory, 35; New Map of the
Moon, 58; Influence of Astigmatism in the Eye on Astro-
nomical Observations, Prof. Seeliger, 59; Gould's Astro-
nomical Journal, 59; Ten Years' Progress in Astronomy,
Prof. C. A. Young, 67, 86, 117; Spectroscopic Method of
Determining the Distance of a Double Star, A. A. Rambaut,
206; Comet Barnard (1886 f), 207; T. W. Backhouse,
224; Prof. A. Riccò, 296; Discovery of a New Comet
(Barnard 2), 402; Comet Barnard (1887 c), Prof. S. Weiss,
352; Dr. H. Oppenheim, 424; Comet 1887 d (Barnard,
February 15), Prof. Boss, 424,'446; Names of Minor Planets,
207, 402; New Minor Planet, Prof. C. H. F. Peters, 282;
Observations of the Minor Planets, 312; Minor Planet No.
264, 353; Minor Planet No. 265, M. Bigourdan, 474; New
Minor Planet, Herr Palisa, 425; Comet Finlay (1886 e), Dr.
J. Holetschek, 207; Meteor, 224; Meteor of December 28,
1886, W. F. Denning, 248; the Andromedes, November 27,
1886, P. F. Denza, 231; Reduction of the Positions of Close
Polar Stars from one Epoch to another, Prof. W. A. Rogers
and Miss Anna Winlock, 231; Six Inner Satellites of Saturn,
Prof. Asaph Hall, 257; Stellar Parallax, Prof. Asaph Hall,
258; Bright Lines in Stellar Spectra, O. T. Sherman, 378;
Astronomical Prizes of the Paris Academy of Sciences, 258;
Madras Observatory, Mr. Pogson, 282; New Method for the
Determination of the Constant of Aberration, M. Loewy, 282,
424, 431; M. Houzeau, 377; New Variables in Cygnus, Dr.
Gould, 282; New Variables, S. C. Chandler, 307; the New
Algol-Type Variable, Mr. Chandler, 329; Gore's Variable near
x1 Orionis, Dr. G. Müller, 329; Probable New Variable, 402;
Three New Comets, 307; Washington Observatory, 308;
Revue Mensuelle d'Astronomie populaire de Météorologie, et
de Physique du Globe, 310; Photography the Servant of Astro-
nomy, Edward S. Holden, 317; Progress of Astronomical
Photography, 321; the Southern Comet, 329, 438; a Short
Method for Computing Refractions, M. Schaeberle, 329;
Celestial Motions, W. T. Lynn, 350; Comet Brooks (1887 6),
Dr. Rud. Spitaler, 352, 424, 496 ; Minor Planet No. 262, 497;
Harvard College Observatory, 497; Mr. Peek's Report on
Rousdon Observatory, 353: Application of Photography to
the Determination of Stellar Parallax, Prof. Pritchard, 377;
Alleged Ancient Red Colour of Sirius, Mr. Lynn, 378;
Observations of Variable Stars in 1885, Edward Sawyer,
378; Note on the Origin of Comets, 381; Harvard College
Observatory, Prof. Pickering, 424; Solar Activity in 1886,
Prof. Tacchini, 445; Warner Observatory, Lewis Swift, 446 ;
Tails of the Comets of 1886, Prof. Th. Bredichin, 474;
Comets and Asteroids, Prof. Daniel Kirkwood, 474; Paris
Astronomical Congress, 584; Homeric Astronomy, A. M.
Clerke, 585, 607; U.S. Naval Observatory, 595; Researches
on the Sun's Diameter, Prof. Di Legge, 595; Liverpool
Astronomical Society, 402; Telegraphic Determination of
Australian Longitudes, 474; Researches on the Diameter of
the Sun, Herr Auwers, 496; the Parallax of 1516, M. O.
Struve, 546; Baron D'Engelhardt's Observatory, 546; New
Red Star, 546; Orbit of the Binary Star 14 (i) Orionis, J. E.
Gore, 569; Washington Observatory, Capt. R. L. Phythian,
569; Names of Minor Planets, 569; Barnard's First and
Second Comets 1887, 614; Probable Re-discovery of Hesperia,
614; Ellipticity of Uranus, 614; Washington Observatory,
614; Paris Conference, 614

Atkinson (W. N. and J. B.), Explosions in Coal-Mines, Prof.
T. E. Thorpe, F.R.S., I

Atlantic Weather Charts, 469
Atlantic, Purity of the Air of, 595
Atlantica, Spolia, 603

Atom, Electric Charge on the, A. P. Laurie, 131
Atomic Weights of Elements, 612

Atmosphäre, Grundzüge einer Theorie der kosmischen Atmo-
sphären mit Berücksichtigung der irdischen, 389
Atmosphere, New Method for Quantitative Estimation of
Micro-organisms in, Dr. P. F. Frankland, 188

Atmosphere, on the Direct Fixation of the Gaseous Nitrogen of
the, by Vegetable Soils, M. Berthelot, 335
Atmosphere, Direct Fixation of the Gaseous Nitrogen of the,

Atmosphere of 8 Lyra, O. T. Sherman, 451
Atmosphere, Movements of the, 479; M. Faye, 455
Atmospheric Movements in Connection with Colladon and
Lasne's Cyclonic Theories, 527

Atmospheric Oxidation, Note on the Development of Voltaic
Electricity by, C. R. Alder Wright, F.R.S., 598
Atmospheric Temperature in Germany, 504
Auk, the, 204

Aurora, Prof. F. Hahn, 8; Dr. M. A. Veeder, 54, 126, 272
Aurora Borealis : Display of, at Throndhjem in Norway, 112;
M. S. Lemström, A. M. Clerke, 433; in Northern Sweden,
Australia Australian Earthworms, J. J. Fletcher, 95; on some
Further Evidence of Glaciation in the Australian Alps, James
Stirling, 182; the Gould Collection of Australian Birds at
Philadelphia, 204; Native Plants of Australia, 205; Baron
von Mueller, on the Acacias (Wattles) of, 282; Sociology of
the Australian Races, 357; Manual of Physical Geography of
Australia, H. Beresford de la Poer Wall, 389; Bee-hives dis-
covered in a Gigantic Eucalyptus-Tree in, 423; Relief of the
Australian Mediterranean, Dr. Otto Krümmel, 447; Tele-
graphic Determinations of Australian Longitudes, 474; Cata-
logue of Minerals in the Australian Museum, 485; Australian
Rabbit, 569

Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 228
Austria, Ice Cavern in, Discovery of, 17
Autographometer, Floran de Villepigne, 444
Autumnal Flowering, Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, II

Avifauna of the Western Spur of the Pamir Plateau, V. Bianchi,
Awaruite, Oktibehite or, Dr. Jas. Hector, F.R.S.,
Axolotl, the, in sicco, 16

Ayrton (Prof. W. E.) and Prof. John Perry, Experiment to show
that Capacity varies inversely as a Thickness of the Dielectric,
526; Note on Magnetic Resistance, 526; Practical Electricity,

Azines, New Method of producing, 384

Babington (Dr. Churchill), Birds of Suffolk, 193
Bacillus, Luminous, 383

Bacillus, Swamp Fever and, 405
Backhouse (T. W.), Barnard's Comet, 54, 224
Backlund (Herr), Mass of Mercury, 85
Bacteria, on Staining, 404

Baert (Lieut.), Journey up the Mongalla, 446
Baginski (Dr. A.), Acetonuria in Children, 551

Bagshot Beds of the London Basin, Physical History of, Rev.
A. Irving, 382

Bahamas, a Balanoglossus Larva from the, W. F. R. Weldon,

Bailey (E. H. S.), and Edward L. Nichols, the Sense of Smell,

Bailey-Denton (T.), Ten Years' Experience in Works of Inter-
mittent Downward Filtration, 195

Baird's (Prof.) Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution,

Baker (J. G.), Flora of Leicestershire including the Cryptogams,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Ball (Sir Robert S., F.R.S.), Astronomical Theory of the Great
Ice Age, 53

Ballistic Galvanometer and Earth Inductor, Determination of
Coefficients of Mutual Induction by means of the, R. H. M.
Bosanquet, 478

Ballooning, War and, Eric S. Bruce, 259
Banbury, Remarkable Meteor near, 58
Bareggi (Dr.), Experiment on Rabies, 422

Barley, Examination of Specimens of Injured, Miss Ormerod's
Observations on, 256

Barnaby (Sir Nathaniel), on the Connexion between the Royal
Navy and the Merchant Service, 538
Barnard, Comets, 59; T. W. Backhouse, 54, 224; Prof.
Cacciatore, 181; Dr. Wentworth Erck, 198; at Perihelion,
Prof. A. Riccò, 296; Comet (1886 ƒ), 207; Dr. Oppenheim,
85; Dr. Aug. Svedstrup, 134; Comet (1887 c), Prof. E.
Weiss, 352; Dr. H. Oppenheim, 424; Comet (1887 d), Prof.
Boss, 424, 446; (Barnard 2), Discovery of a New Comet,
402; Second Comet, John I. Plummer on, 583; Barnard's
First and Second Comets 1887, 614

Barnard and Finlay, Comets, 17

Barograph, Dr. Sprung, 456

Berlin: Academy of Sciences, Grants for Zoological Research,
473; Proceedings of Anthropological Society, 496: Chemical
Society of, 552; Opening of Ethnological Society, 180;
Geographical Society, 60; Verhandlungen of the, 520;
Meteorological Society of, 24, 71, 360, 455; Physical Society
of, 24, 72, 264, 336, 408, 432, 456, 552, 600; Physiological
Society, 264, 383, 455, 480, 504, 551, 576

Bert (Paul): Obituary Notice of, 54; Proposed Memorial of, 84;
First Year of Scientific Knowledge, 221; One of his Last
Letters, 255

Berthelot (M.): on Ammoniaco-Magnesian Phosphate, 119; on
the Direct Fixation of the Gaseous Nitrogen of the Atmosphere
by Vegetable Soils, 335

Berthelot and André, the Decomposition of Bicarbonate of Am-
monia by Water, and Diffusion of its Components through
Atmosphere, 23

Bialoveski (A.), Ice-Period on the Altai Range, 513

Bianchi (V.), the Avifauna of the Western Spurs of the Pamir
Plateau, 328

Bicarbonate of Soda, Production of, 624

Bichloride of Copper, Combination of Orthotoluidine and, 383
Bichromate of Soda Cell, 381

Barometer, on the Determination of the Air in the Vacuum of Bicycles and Tricycles for the Year 1886, H. H. Griffen, 52
the, Dr. Pernet, 72

Barometer free of Air, New Method of Filling, 432

Barometers, Comparison of, Dr. Pernet, 600

Barometric Readings, Low, Henry F. Blanford, 344

Barometric Readings, Influence of Wind on, Prof. Cleveland
Abbe, 29; G. J. Symonds, F.R.S., 53

Barrett (Prof. W. F.), Physical Properties of Manganese Steel,

Batavia, Zoological Station at, 376

Bateson (Anna) and Prof. Francis Darwin, F.R.S., on the
Effect of certain Stimuli on Vegetable Tissues, 429
Bathy-orographical Chart of the Clyde Sea-Area, 334
Batten (Dr. Rayner W.), Physical Training of Girls, 495
Battery, Water, Henry A. Rowland, 452

Bauxite Deposits in the South-East of France, on the Age of
the, 383; M. L. Collot, 288

Beam-Trawling, Fishery Board of Scotland and, 257
Beaumont (W. Worby), Sounding a Crater, Fusion-Points,
Pyrometers, and Seismometers, 296

Beaver stated to be extinct in Northern Norway, 112

Beckley (Mrs. E. M.), Hawaiian Fishing-Implements and
Methods of Fishing, 327

Béclard (Prof.), Statistics of the Number of Female Medical
Students in Paris, 306; Death of, 375

Becquerel (Edmond), Action of Manganese on Phosphorescent
Quality of Carbonate of Lime, 168

Beds of Chert in the Carboniferous Limestone of Yorkshire, on
the Character of the, Geo. J. Hinde, 582

Bee, Cell of the Honey-, Geometrical Construction, Prof. H.
Hennessy, F. R. S., 502

Bee-hives discovered in a Gigantic Eucalyptus-Tree in Australia,

Beeby (W. H.), Flora of Shetland, 474

Beetle in Motion, the, 29; Prof. C. Lloyd Morgan, 7; A.
Wilkins, 414

Beetroot, on the Destruction of Nematodes, 455
Beetroot-Sugar, Production of, in the U.S., 351

Begonia Veitchii, Abnormal, 430

Beira Alta, Earthquake in District of, 59

Belgium, Ornithological Observations in, 423

Bell (Louis), on the Absolute Wave-length of Light, 524

Belladonna and Opium, Action of, in a Case of Acute Diabetes,

Bengal, Eastern, Letters on Sport in, Frank B. Simson, 388

Bengalis, Use of, in the Geological Survey of India, H. B.
Medlicott, 472

Ben Nevis Observatory, 517; Amount of the Rainfall at, 257;
Rainband Observations at the, A. Rankin, 588

Benn (T. G.), the Climate of Carlisle, 95

Bennett (Alfred W.), Genetic Affinities and Classification of the
Algæ, 478

Bentham (Geo., F. R.S.), Hand-book of the British Flora, 341
Bentley (Prof.), Manual of Botany, 350

Benzenoid Compounds, Henry Armstrong, F.R.S., 407

Bérésofsky (M.), MM. Potanin, Skassy, and, Return of, from
their Expedition to China and Mongolia, 309

Beri-beri, the Disease, 206

Bidwell (Shelford): Electrical Resistance of Suspended Copper
and Iron Wires, 526; Lecture Experiment in Self-Induction,

Bigourdan (M.), Minor Planet No. 265, 474
Bilobites, Striated, 407

Binary Stars: Coronæ Australis, H. C. Wilson, 17; 8 Equulei,
401; Orbit of the Binary Star 14 (i) Orionis, J. E. Gore,
569; Brightness and Mass of Binary Stars, W. H. S. Monck,

Biology: Proposed Biological Societies for London and Liver-
pool, 180; W. Baldwin Spencer appointed to the Melbourne
University Chair of, 280; General Biology, W. T. Sedgwick
and Edmund B. Wilson, 413; Injurious Fungi in California,
521; Fertilisation of Cassia marilandica, 521; Variations in
the Nerve-Supply of the Lumbricales Muscles in the Hand
and Foot, with some Observations on the Perforating Flexors,
521; Biological Notes, 521; Elementary Practical Biology-
Vegetable, Thos. W. Shore, 556

Birch (G. J.), on a Perspective Microscope, 358

Bird (Charles), Lecture Notes and Problems on Sound, Light,
and Heat, 52

Birds: Siberian, presented by Mr. Seebohm to Natural History
Museum, 15: Dispersion of Plants by Birds, D. Morris, 151;
Birds of Suffolk, Dr. Churchill Babington, 193; the Gould
Collection of Australian Birds at Philadelphia, 204; the Birds
of Central Asia, 204; Types of Birds in the Vienna Natural
History Museum, 204; Arctic Species of, Henry Seebohm
on, 256; Morphology of, Prof. W. K. Parker, F.R.S., 331;
Mechanism of the Flight of Birds, studied by Chrono-
photography, M. Marey, 335; Morphology of the Wings of,
599; Movement of a Bird's Wing, represented according
to the Three Dimensions of Space, M. Marey, 382; Birds'
Nests and Eggs, H. Seebohm, 236
Birmingham, Mason Science College, 494
Birnbaum (Dr.), Death of, 444

Birth-rate, on the Decline of, in France, 357

Bischoffsheim Observatory, the Great Refracting Telescope of
the, 84

Bishop's Ring in Colorado, Disappearance of, G. H. Stone,

Black (Dr. W. J.), Ozone Papers in Towns, 76

Blake (Dr. James), on the Connexion between Chemical Con-
stitution and Physiological Action, 6

Blanford (Henry F.), Low Barometric Readings, 344
Blaschko (Dr.), Structure of the Epidermis, 551

Blastoidea, the, Robert Etheridge and P. Herbert Carpenter,

Blight and Mildew on Fruit in the U.S., 422
Blomefield (L.), Vitality of Seeds, 463

Blood, Influence of Extremes of Temperature on the Colour of
the, 576

Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, U.S., 472

Boas (Dr. Franz), Indian Tribes of British Columbia, 568
Boehmer (G. H.), Norse Naval Architecture, 445

Bohemia, Nationalities of, 518

Boileau (Major-Gen. J. T., F.R.S.), Death of, 57, 84; Proposed
Memorial to, 84

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