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My state lit. 9-923-35




T the conclufion of a fecond volume, the publisher is happy to announce to his readers the progrets of the miffionary fpirit, and the extenfion of the benevolent plans which it has produced.

Among thofe in whom it was firft awakened, he' obferves no abatement of the union, the zeal, and liberality which it infpired. Many who formerly were indifferent to their plans, have warmly engaged in the fupport of them; and not a few who had condemned the whole work, as premature and enthusiastic, have fince acknowledged the divine agency in it.

It must be confeffed that many difficulties, which were not foreseen, have occurred; fome of the most promifing plans have been difconcerted, and the moft flattering hopes disappointed. By thefe events fuperficial obfervers of the divine dealings have been difcouraged, and the faith, as well as patience, of the strongest believers tried. But of what importance is the capture of a ship, the alarm and flight of a few miffionaries, or the fruitless expense of a whole voyage, compared with the "trial of faith; being much more precious than of gold that perifheth?"

If the Duff has been captured, in that event God hath discovered to the miffionaries, and to all who have read the history of their treatment, his faithfulness to his promises, and his power to protect his people and to controul the hearts of their enemies. If the flattering prospect in the South Seas has not been realized, ftill a beginning has been made, the good feed has been fown, a few remain to cultivate it, and the disappointment, if fuch it may be called, has iffued in a more extenfive decla ration of the gofpel in New-Holland. If one miffion to the interior of Africa has failed, another in the fouth of it promises great fuccefs; and a new fociety has been eftablished in London, for " miffions to Africa and the


eaft," by members of the established church of England. Although it had long been fuppofed that the caft of the Hindoos oppofed an infeparable bar to their converfion; yet, from the Baptift miffionaries who labour among them, very pleafing intelligence has lately been received. Through their united labours, the New Teftament has been tranflated into the prevailing language of that country, and a part, perhaps by this time the whole of it, is printed. Provifion is alfo now making for a tranflation of the fcriptures into the Chinefe language, which will give them accefs to millions who are perifhing for lack of knowledge.

The cultivation of the miffionary fpirit in Britain has contributed to its origin or revival in other parts of Europe and America. On the very theatre of war, and amidst all the horrors of political diftraction, in Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, compaffion for the perishing heathen has, in an unusual degree, manifefted itfelf. Befides four focieties inftituted with the exprefs defign of carrying the gofpel to the Indians, almoft every religious denomination in this country has made fome efforts for their converfion, as well as for the inftruction of our frontier fettlements.

In tracing the progrefs of the miffionary fpirit, the extenfive, the perfevering and fuccefsful labours of the United Brethren fhould not be forgotten. Taking the lead of all other denominations fince the reformation, in this important work, they have not in the least remitted their exertions, but derived new vigour from the activity of others. On the whole, it is manifeft, that a compaffion for the poor heathen is increasing, and the plans prompted by it daily becoming more extenfive and fuccefsful; the cloud which a few years ago was but as a man's hand, is rapidly overspreading the heavens.

The attention of the chriftian church, in every part of the world, to this fubject, instead of diminishing, is remarkably kept up. The number of periodical publications, to which the revival of the miffionary spirit gave rife, has greatly increased. Befides thofe which are

printed in Germany and the Netherlands, upwards of 30,000 numbers are circulated every month in GreatBritain. Since the commencement of this magazine, another, conducted in a very able manner, has obtained a very extenfive circulation in this country, and except what arifes from the very nature of periodical publications, there has been little diminution of that fupport which the publisher of this work has heretofore acknowledged to an indulgent public.

As earneftly as ever engaged to merit the countenance of his readers, he folicits the aid of their communications as well as of their punctual contributions, and engages, while they continue their fupport, to carry on the work as far as poffible, in conformity with the conditions under which it commenced, except in the period of publication, which will be the commencement of each month, instead of every two months. To this he has been induced by the counfel of his friends, and the defire of making more frequent communications of religious intelligence, which becomes daily more interesting.

The friends of this work are again urged to communicate fuch materials and articles of intelligence as Short elucidations of may be suitable for infertion. fundamental doctrines, facred criticifin, reviews of religious publications, every thing that may have a tendency to counteract the pernicious influence of error; anecdotes, remarkable providences, experience of dying christians, well authenticated biography of faithful minifters and eminent faints, incidents refpecting the ordination and fettlement of minifters, the organization of congregations, and accounts of the revival of religion in particular congregations or districts: with the information upon thefe fubjects which many have it in their power to afford, it is hoped that this work will contribute both to the entertainment and inftruction of chriftians, while it cannot but offer to them continual inducements to keep the unity of the fpirit in the bond of peace.

New-York, Nov. 1, 1801.

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