By Dr. JOHN BLOW, Organist, Compofer, and Master of the Children of the Chapel Royal to K. Charles II. K. James II. K. William and Q. Anne, and Organift of St. Peter's Westminster. I. PSAL. CXIV. Four Twa OHEN Ifrael came out of E- ple, Contra 2. Juda was his Sanctuary: and Ifrael his tenor. dominion. 3. The fea faw that and fled: Jordan was 4. The mountains skipped like rams; and 6. Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams: of Jacob. Hallelujah, Four Voices. 10. Two Baffes, Tenor, Contra tenor. I Was in REV. I. the Spirit on the Lord's day, 2, 3. For true and righteous are his judg- 6. And I heard, as it were, the voice of a 7. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give PSAL. : 4. PSAL. LXVIII. 9 Three Sing unto God, and fing praises Voices. Tenor, rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon Contra. an horse, praise him in his Name, yea, tenor. and rejoice before him. 17. The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of Angels: and the LORD is among them, as in the holy place of Sinai. 18. Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for men: even for thine enemies, that the LORD GOD might dwell among them. 4. O fing unto, &c. 19. Praised be the LORD daily: even the GOD who helpeth us, and poureth his benefits upon us. 19. Praised be the Lord daily. 20. He is our God, even the God of whom cometh salvation: GOD is the LORD, by whom we escape death. 19. Praised be the Lord daily. 9. Beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which Voices. no man could number, of all nations, Tawa Baffes, Tenor, and kindreds, and people, which stood be- and palms were in their hands. 9. I tenor. Twe Voices. 9. I beheld, and lo, &e. 10. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Hallelujah; falvation to our God, which fitteth on the throne, and unto the Lamb. 13. And I heard a voice, saying, What are these, which are arrayed in white robes ? and whence came they? 14. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. : 15. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple. 11. And all the Angels who stood round the throne, and the elders, with the four a beafts, fell down before the throne, and worshipped God saying, Hallelujah : 12. Bleffing, and glory, and wifdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and, power, and might be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. Hallelujah. 1. PSAL. CXXΧΧΙΧ. LORD, thou haft fearched me out, and known me: thou knowest my down-fitting, and mine up-rifing, thou understandeft my thoughts long before. Two Baffes, 2. Thou 2. Thou art about my path, and about my bed: and spiest out all my ways. 3. For lo, there is not a word in my tongue : but thou, O LORD, knowest it altoge ther. 4. Thou haft fashioned me behind and be fore: and laid thine hand upon me. 5. Such knowledge is too wonderful and excellent for me: I cannot attain unto it. 6. Whither shall I go then from thy Spi rit: or whither shall I go then from thy prefence ? : 7. If I climb up into heaven, thou art there : if I go down to hell, thou art there alfo. 8. If I take the wings of the morning: and remain in the uttermoft parts of the fea; 9. Even there also shall thy hand lead me : and thy right hand shall hold me. 10. If I say, Peradventure the darkness shall cover me; then shall my night be turned to day. 1. O LORD, &c. 13. I will give thanks unto thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works, and that my foul knoweth right well. By |