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RAISE the LORD, O my foul: and all that is within me praise his

holy Name.

Psalm civ. 1. O LORD MY GOD, thou art become exceeding glorious, thou'rt clothed with majesty and honour.

2. Thou deck'st thy felf with light as
'twere with a garment: and fpread'st out
the heav'ns like a curtain.

5. Thou hast laid the foundation of the
earth: that it never fhou'd be mov'd.
24. O LORD, how manifold are thy works:
in wisdom haft thou made them all, the
earth is full of thy riches.
14. Thou bringest forth grass for the cattle:
: and herb for the fervice of men.




13. Thou wat'reft the hills from above : 10. And sendest the springs into the rivers : 32. The earth shall tremble at thy countenance : the hills shall smoke at thy prefence.

31. And the glorious majesty of the LORD shall endure for ever.



33. I will fing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will praise my God while I have my being.

By Mr. JOHN CHURCH, one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal to K. William and Q. Mary, Q. Anne, K. George I. and to his present Majesty; Master of the Children, and one of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster.


Sing unto the LORD a new
fong: for he hath done már-
vellous things.

2. With his own right
hand, and with his holy arm : hath he
gotten himself the victory.

3. The LORD declared his salvation: his
righteousness hath he openly shewed in
the fight of the heathen.

6. Praise the Lord upon the harp: fing to
the harp with a pfalm of thanksgiving.
7. With trumpets also and shawms : O shew
your selves joyful before the LORD the


10. With righteousness shall he judge the - world: and the people with equity.





PSAL. CXIX. The eighth Part.


HOU art my portion, O LORD: I have promised to keep thy law. I made my humble petition in thy prefence with my whole heart: O be merciful unto me according to thy word. I called my ways to remembrance: and turned my feet unto thy teftimonies. I made haste, and prolonged not the time : to keep thy commandments. The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy : O teach me thy statutes.



By Dr. WILLIAM CROFT, Organist,
Composer, and Master of the Children
of the Chapel Royal to Q. Anne, and
to his late Majesty, and Organist of St.
Peter's, Westminster.

Composed for the Thanksgiving upon the
Victory at Blenheim.

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2. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: yea, my songs will I make of thy Name, O thou most Highest.

3. While mine enemies are driven back: they shall fall and perish at thy prefence.

4. For thou hast maintained my right and my cause : thou art set in the throne that judgest right.

5. Thou


Twe Voices.



5. Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and
destroyed the ungodly : thou hast put
out their name for ever and ever.
11. O praise the LORD which dwelleth
in Sion: shew the people of his doings.




EAR my prayer, Ó God: and let my crying come unto thee. 2. Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble: incline thine ear unto me when I call; O hear me, and that right foon.

4. My heart is smitten down, and withered like grass: so that I forget to eat my bread.

10. And that because of thine indignation and wrath: for thou hast taken me up, and cast me down.

11. My days are gone like a shadow: and I am withered like grass.

12. But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever: and thy remembrance throughout all generations.


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