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7. He shall dwell before God for ever: O
prepare thy loving mercy and faithful-
ness, that they may preserve him.
PSAL. Xxxii. 19. As for his enemies,
clothe them with shame: but upon him-
self let his crown flourish. Amen.
PSAL. Ixxxix. 29. Let thy mercy, O LORD,
continue upon him for evermore: and
thy counsel stand fast with him.

30. Let his feed endure for ever: and his
throne as the days of heaven.

PSAL. C. 1. Q be joyful in the LORD, all

ye lands



PSAL. xcviii. 5. Sing, rejoice, and give


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MHOU, O GOD, art praised in
Sion: unto thee shall the vow be

performed in Jerufalem.

2, 3. Thou that heareft the prayer: be merciful unto our fins.

4. Bleffed is the man whom thou choosest, and receivest unto thee: he shall dwell in thy court, and shall be fatisfied with the pleasures of thy house, even of thy holy temple.


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5. Thou

5. Thou shalt shew us wonderful things, O God of our falvation: thou art the hope of all the ends of the earth.

7. Thou stillest the raging of the fea: the noise of his waves, and the madness of the people,

9. Thou visiteft the earth, and blessest it : 12. and crowneft the year with thy good

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2. My foul is a-thirst for God, yea, even
for the living GoD: when shall I come
to appear before the prefence of GOD?
8. My God, my foul is vexed within me :
therefore will I remember thee.

II. I will say unto the God of my strength,
why hast thou forgotten me ?

PSAL. xliii. 3. O send out thy light, and thy truth, that they may lead me: and bring me to thy holy hill, and to thy dwelling,


4. Even unto the altar of God, the GOD of my joy and gladness.


5. Why

5. Why art thou so vexed, O my foul: and
why art thou so disquieted within me?
6. O put thy trust in God: which is the
help of my countenance, and my GOD.

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I. GOD of my righteousness, hear me when I call: thou hast fet me at

liberty when I was in trouble, have mer

cy upon me, and hearken unto my pray


2. O ye fons of men, how long will ye blafpheme mine honour: and have pleafure in vanity ?

3. Know this, the LORD hath chosen to himself the man that is godly.

9. I will lay me down in peace, and take
my rest: for it is thou, O LORD, that
makest me to dwell in safety.

5. Offer the facrifice of righteousness.
4, 5. Stand in awe, and fin not: and put
your truft in the LORD.


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EAR, O LORD, and confider my
complaint: give ear unto my

prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips.

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5. O hold up my goings in thy paths: and 8, 9. hide me from the ungodly that trouble me to take away my foul.

16. As for me, I will behold thy presence in righteousness: and when I awake up after thy likeness, I shall be fatisfied with it.

9. Mine enemies compass me round about to take away my foul.

13. Up, LORD, disappoint them, and cast him down.



Sing unto the LORD with thankfgiving: fing praises upon the harp

unto our GOD.

5. Great is our Lord, and great is his pow-
er: yea, and his wisdom is infinite.
6. The Lord setteth up the meek: and
bringeth the ungodly down to the ground.
11. The Lord delighteth in them that
fear him: and put their trust in his mer-

12. Praise the LORD, O Jerufalem: praife
thy GOD, O Sion.







my shepherd: there

Towo Voices.

Twe Contra

fore can I want nothing.
2. He shall feed me in green pastures: andteners.
lead me forth beside the waters of com-

3. He shall convert my foul: and bring me
in the paths of righteousness for his
Name's fake.

4. Though I walk through the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil :
for thou art with me.

PSAL. cxlv. 14. The Lord upholdeth all
such as fall: and lifteth up all those that
are down.

15. The eyes of all wait upon thee: O
LORD: and thou givest them their meat
in due season.

16. Thou openest thine hand: and fillest
all things living with plenteousness.
21. My mouth shall speak the praise of the
LORD: and let all flesh give thanks unto
his holy Name, for ever and ever.

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